
Oct 25, 2017
They got me, I was genuinely thinking that was Xenoblade 2-2 at first. Rex NOT getting in but still getting a XC2 rep is the best. And always happy to see more Nintendo characters getting in over 3rd parties.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like the most iconic new Nintendo characters missing now are Pearl and Marina. With Pyra and Mythra being a new take on the Zelda/Sheik stance change, Pearl and Marina could be a new take on the Ice Climbers duo concept, perhaps with the twist of changing which character is at the front, which would alter how their teamup tactics play out.


Apr 18, 2018
Sleep Deprivation Zone


Oct 25, 2017

Yeah this is horrible.
I thought at the very least they'd make one of the avatar characters (squid kid or villager) could have easily been an easy default form... but it really doesn't help that Nintendo's lacking representation in this area in general.

I have no doubt Nintendo will...but it just won't feel fast enough.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
I feel like the most iconic new Nintendo characters missing now are Pearl and Marina. With Pyra and Mythra being a new take on the Zelda/Sheik stance change, Pearl and Marina could be a new take on the Ice Climbers duo concept, perhaps with the twist of changing which character is at the front, which would alter how their teamup tactics play out.
That would be pretty sweet.


Oct 28, 2017
Please ignore those misoginyst comments, they have never play the game and they think those characters are sexual dolls becouse of the looks. They are the worse kind of misginyst ppl like a white knight in disguise.

We really out here using "white knights" and shit unironically?

We really pretending Xenoblade 2 isn't sexualized to hell and back?

I played 300 hours of Xenoblade 2 and 50 hours of the Golden Country. I rate this announcement but lets not do this shit.

And yes people can shut the fuck up about characters boob sizes if the only comments they have are "big tiddy anime girls"


Nov 18, 2017
Yeah this is horrible.
I thought at the very least they'd make one of the avatar characters (squid kid or villager) could have easily been an easy default form... but it really doesn't help that Nintendo's lacking representation in this area in general.

I have no doubt Nintendo will...but it just won't feel fast enough.

They definitely don't have anywhere near enough, but Little Mac is both black and human.

EDIT: Realised "Little Mac is black" is far from a universally-accepted thing, so I guess that's not necessarily true.
Last edited:


Dec 30, 2020
Please ignore those misoginyst comments, they have never play the game and they think those characters are sexual dolls becouse of the looks. They are the worse kind of misginyst ppl like a white knight in disguise.
Gotta say, this reads like you're using someone's personal offense as a springboard for your own petty crusade as a man against people who hate sexist outfit design. Not cool.


Oct 28, 2017
Instead of us all hoping minor characters get in Nintendo could actually make a game with major black characters and then pick one for smash. What they are doing now is garbage and we shouldn't have to dumpster dive to find anything black in 35 years of a company's history. It's wack as fuck and they should fix it like yesterday.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
This post from the Smash discussion thread fucking nails it.
Sure, Nintendo and the gaming industry in general has a LOT of work to do when it comes to better representation in their games, and I do think that implying Sakurai is racist or has any malice on his part is a step too far when it comes to these discussions. If anything, he's just the product of Japanese society which is obviously much less diverse culturally and racially than places like the US, so at most he just doesn't care or isn't aware of the importance of those subjects. This point shouldn't even matter because this isn't the 90's anymore and Nintendo clearly positions itself as a global brand rather than something niche and Japan-focused, so this shouldn't be an excuse.

But there are viable choices, and the Smash community giving a bunch of excuses everytime the discussion comes up honestly rubs me in the wrong way. If you suggested Claude as the Three Houses character, in a minute someone would reply, "b-b-b-but Byleth better represents Three Houses as a game, since he's a playable avatar in all of the routes, while Claude only represents one!". Now tell me, in what world should that matter more than Claude being a PoC rep and representing Arabic people, that at best currently are being represented by a caricature of their culture that is literally The King of Evil? While Byleth is the eighth light-skinned Fire Emblem lord in the game.

And that is just one example, but you will find something similar with countless PoC characters. Twintelle shouldn't get in because she "poorly represents the core concept of ARMS, since her ARMS are actually her hair". Elma can't get in because her game sold poorly. Marina can't get in because she isn't more important than Pearl and it would make no sense to include one but not the other.

See where I'm coming from? It's like some people in the community are averse of the concept of dumb fan rules like "spirits can't be upgraded" or "no two characters from the same third party series", yet they create a bunch of their own reasons and "rules" on why PoC characters shouldn't be in Smash. Funny how that works, huh?

No one is asking to cut Mario and Link from the roster to add Unnamed Black NPC from random game, we're asking for some character choices (at least more than zero in the case of black characters) that happen because of some interest in the ideaof representation and diversity, not because it's the thing that make the most sense. Break the fucking mold, Sakurai is already doing it with Min-Min instead of Spring Man and Pyra/Mythra instead of Rex.


Oct 26, 2017
I feel like the most iconic new Nintendo characters missing now are Pearl and Marina. With Pyra and Mythra being a new take on the Zelda/Sheik stance change, Pearl and Marina could be a new take on the Ice Climbers duo concept, perhaps with the twist of changing which character is at the front, which would alter how their teamup tactics play out.
I think Octoling would be the next Splatoon rep, with dark skin by default. Inkling only really reps Splatoon 1 weapons and you could make a completely new character using Splatoon 2 weapons.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Please ignore those misoginyst comments, they have never play the game and they think those characters are sexual dolls becouse of the looks. They are the worse kind of misginyst ppl like a white knight in disguise.
Sounds like you haven't had to deal with real misogynists before. People are well within their right to criticize the character designs themselves. The body shaming/boob comments can fuck right off though.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Please ignore those misoginyst comments, they have never play the game and they think those characters are sexual dolls becouse of the looks. They are the worse kind of misginyst ppl like a white knight in disguise.
This is so ridiculous. People who have a problem with the designs aren't the "actual misogynists" or however you are trying to spin this.


Oct 25, 2017
Gotta say, this reads like you're using someone's personal offense as a springboard for your own petty crusade as a man against people who hate sexist outfit design. Not cool.
Yea was gonna say something like this. Them using someone that was actually bodyshamed irl, to try to attack other people is not good.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly just goes to show that a new Smash Bros wouldn't really entice me. When the majority of the DLC has left me feeling like "okay" instead of hyped. Just my personal opinion of course.


Oct 25, 2017
Im ready to fight you losers over their amiibo in the coming months omg

The trailer is incredible btw, just perfect.


Dec 10, 2017
Your thoughts, particularly the bolded, speak volumes to how you view representation, not others. *Most* people who want black characters aren't interested in just "checking a list". They want cool and positive representation of black people in games.

Black folks have wanted a black character in Smash bros for years. At least over a decade. Requests have been around since Brawl discussions and have only gotten louder in recent years. An when the opportunity of a popular and cool black character was missed, folks were met with "oh we already have a minority character."

And that feels like a fucking checklist. "The minority box was checked, so stop complaining, black people."

Look, I don't have any issue with Min Min, as a character or as minority representation, and if people feel they are represented through her, I think that's great. However, I have never seen such discussion of her ethnicity as representation until Twintelle appeared to be a viable choice as a fighter. People were suddenly talking about her Chinese background when others expressed any sort of disappointment about the most likely chance of having a black character in Smash being lost. The discussion felt like a cudgel to shut black people up. And that's not what representation in media is about. It's not about cancelling one minority group out with another. It ain't a minority checklist. It's about listening to groups when they speak up.

Black and brown Smash players have been speaking up for years. They haven't been heard.

Last I check, you don't speak up for POC either. And unless you have a survey, who are 'most people', people posting on the internet?

As for Min Min, people talked about her being Chinese because people called her 'white' when she was announced because the vast interest doesn't know crap about ARMS. It was never to 'shut up' Blacks, it was there are more minorities than darker shin people. Which is again, part of the shallowness on the Internet.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account.
Oct 31, 2017
I really want to see the venn diagram of resetera people who simultaneously throw the "real women have large breasts" argument and the restera people who use the "small framed girls exist and aren't loli" argument.

I've seen both here and every time it exists entirely to discount the very real frustration by the women in this forum that they are told to shut up and be okay with shit character design.

Maybe this conversation isn't really... constructive as to whether they were good inclusions into smash, since they clearly exist and were made for another game.

But, the fact that we're all constantly told "oh this popular switch game is incredible and if being represented as a sex object is a deal breaker that's YOUR fault for not having a more wholesome idea of real world body types and not enjoying all the positive aspects". its REALLY troubling.

That and the Japanese names for Poppi being puns that represent the different school ages she is designed after while also being jokingly a sex object for her "master"


Dec 10, 2017
This post from the Smash discussion thread fucking nails it.

Most named people in this post aren't POC, unless we say anyone with dark skin is Black even if one is an cat alien and the other is really a squid. And most Three House fans, at least the one on the Internet, wanted Edgard. I was one of the few people here that wanted Clad.


Apr 1, 2019
It's very embarrassing seeing these type of threads, especially the breast size comments. I used to have a similar size to Pyra's and these type of arguments on the internet about how ridiculous is to have them big and it's unrealistic and stuff like that made me get very uncomfortable with my body to the point I almost killed myself a few years ago

Hope things are going better for you. Some people here can be really judgmental over body shape, and these kind of threads seem to attract it. Small? "Child" Large? "Porn actress." It's pretty fucking gross.

I agree. People need to grow up & stop it with the BS.

Deleted member 4461

User Requested Account Deletion
Oct 25, 2017
This really isn't true. Japan isn't some backwater isolated from all outside media. And even if they were they have a fairly robust Nigerian migrant population. Shit, they had BLM protests over issues in their own country with how they tteat black folks. Stop acting like Japan is some island filled with ignorant Pollyannas.

My understanding is that their BLM movement fizzled, but I may be misinformed.

But black people are still WILD rare out there, which is my whole point. They're not going to put us in a game at random because it's not their daily life. It's also not representative of the population in a way that it would be in an American-made game.

2% of the population is "non-Japanese," and black people are a small portion of that.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
At first I saw xb2 and was sad it's not elma.
Then I was terrified it was rex.
Now I'm just relieved it's not, and the character switching does look cooler than any kit I could've thought up for elma, so I'm ambivalent/mildly positive I suppose.

I finished xb2 and still have no idea what the deal with them is or why exactly they share a body 🤔