
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
There are a lot of people who get pissed at others for how they play single player games. That's stupid. They paid for it and they can play that however they want on whatever difficulty they want.


This does not apply to multiplayer. It DOES NOT MATTER that you paid for it, you're interacting with other people and you need to do your best to abide by common sense etiquette in multiplayer. You don't pay to join an amateur football league and then throw the ball in a ditch every time you get it just because you paid money. Fuck off. You paid to be part of a TEAM.

This isn't limited to shit griefing behavior either. A lot of people use this as justification for using hacks in an online game. I could care less if you use hacks or cheat codes in a single player game. Do whatever, plug in that gameshark, have fun. Paying for the game does not mean you get to use hacks online. The fuck do you think is gonna happen when you cheat your way to the top? Cool, you made it to platinum tier and all eyes are on you. What do you do? BLAME IT ON CLARA?!

Practice proper multiplayer etiquette, remember that you aren't the only person in the room.
Jan 27, 2020
Washington, DC
This reminds me of a line of argument you hear about bad fan behavior at soccer games. "He paid his ticket, he can shout whatever he wants!!" No the fuck he can't.


Visited by Knack - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
There are a lot of people who get pissed at others for how they play single player games. That's stupid. They paid for it and they can play that however they want on whatever difficulty they want.


This does not apply to multiplayer. It DOES NOT MATTER that you paid for it, you're interacting with other people and you need to do your best to abide by common sense etiquette in multiplayer. You don't pay to join an amateur football league and then throw the ball in a ditch every time you get it just because you paid money. Fuck off. You paid to be part of a TEAM.

This isn't limited to shit griefing behavior either. A lot of people use this as justification for using hacks in an online game. I could care less if you use hacks or cheat codes in a single player game. Do whatever, plug in that gameshark, have fun. Paying for the game does not mean you get to use hacks online. The fuck do you think is gonna happen when you cheat your way to the top? Cool, you made it to platinum tier and all eyes are on you. What do you do? BLAME IT ON CLARA?!

Practice proper multiplayer etiquette, remember that you aren't the only person in the room.
If this about Fall Guys, I'm still gonna push you off the course in Slime Climb. I will win and you lose.


Oct 10, 2018
"you don't pay for my sub". but that only applies to subscription models. I haven't actually experienced someone say it to me, but people sure like to meme about it.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and foreverā„¢
Sep 24, 2019
Congrats on making your post #23,456. I love speedometer milestones, and I look forward to when you hit #34,567. Anyways, it's kind of tough to police behavior in multiplayer games, honestly. Other than having a ranked mode with mitigation efforts (harsh penalties for quitting, reports taken more seriously, big drops for losing a ranked match), I don't know what to say? Playing with randoms in online games has had this since the dawn of time. I can't remember the last time I've ever played with randoms, because if my friends aren't available / online, I simply play something else. It's such a tough thing to deal with that I just avoid it altogether.

Edit: As for cheating & hacks ... yeah, that's ridiculous. Those folks need hard, permanent bans.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
If this about Fall Guys, I'm still gonna push you off the course in Slime Climb. I will win and you lose.
As dickish as that is, it's within the acceptable realm. It's a free for all course and as long as you didn't hack to get there. The Fall Guys equivalent for me would be not helping to push the ball with the rest of your team or using a hack that allows you to never fall over, then getting salty when you get reported because you paid for the game.


Oct 27, 2017
I am sorry I jumped to the wrong tile and you followed me. You should have jumped to the right one at the last second, like I did.

Deleted member 9584

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I held onto someone near the finish line in Fall Guys so they couldn't get first place and I let someone else take it. Is this my ticket to hell?


Oct 25, 2017
Some people just get their rocks off by being an asshole. I take pity on them since if you have to go that far to enjoy a game more often then not their life is ass.

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Garrett 2U

Oct 25, 2017
I used to be super negative in multiplayer games when I was younger. Not being verbally abusive or racist, but I would grief and troll. It was a means to get a laugh from friends because I didn't have good social skills.

But as I've aged, I've realized how impactful that type of behavior can be towards other people. And I like to think I've completely reversed those traits. I don't have very much tolerance for that type of behavior and discourage it when I see it.

Toxic behavior not only is detrimental towards the players in that session, but it can kill entire communities over the long term. But being a positive example can help discourage this type of behavior. When you are being an asshole, and someone responds with kindness, you really do feel stupid.

So I encourage everyone to try and just continue being positive examples in gaming!


Oct 25, 2017
Equipment and refs cost money. Also you can make a prize pool. Is this surprising?

Buying Equipment does not get you in a league. If I buy equipment I can get in the NFL?

Buying a console/pc and a subscriptions get you to play multiplayer. The analogy is just weird.

Maybe I am missing something. Oh well.....carry on.


Oct 27, 2017
This was the big problem with the Overwatch playerbase for years, and it's a sentiment I see repeated frequently by fucking ding dongs on ERA.

I don't care that you managed to open your wallet and buy a thing like an adult, it doesn't entitle you to do whatever you want and ruin the experience for everyone else.


Oct 25, 2017
Conversely paying for a product doesn't mean you have to be nice, so people won't. Thems the breaks unfortunately :(
Oct 25, 2017
Osaka, Osaka
Buying Equipment does not get you in a league. If I buy equipment I can get in the NFL?

Buying a console/pc and a subscriptions get you to play multiplayer. The analogy is just weird.

Maybe I am missing something. Oh well.....carry on.

That's not what you said originally.You just asked if people payed to do "amateur" sports. I responded with an affirmation, including a broad answer of where the money goes to.

Not sure where the NFL comes into this.


Not changing this tag
May 1, 2019
Very rarely on Friday the 13th, I will go Team Jason with my Councilor.
Grabbing parts and dropping them off at Jason's Cabin, planting bear traps next to the car and / or phone box that Jason forgot to rig.
I like to think of myself as the guy who's using the legend of Jason to get away with my dastardly deeds.
Just like that guy, Jason usually ends up killing me anyway.

Iori Fuyusaka

Oct 26, 2017
If this is about someone harassing you via voice chat or something, then you're right.

If this is about Fall Guys, sorry, but you're wrong.

Man God

Oct 25, 2017
As a corollary just because you paid for the game doesn't mean you get to be the boss of what other people do online in it. If I want to play a certain role in a game I'm going to do it. This mainly applies to hero/squad games.


Oct 25, 2017
If someone is griefing in the confines of the game's mechanics... it sucks, but whatever... If someone is using cheats or hacks or exploits outside of the game's mechanics, fuck them and everything about them.

Deleted member 3183

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I don't disagree in principle, but I am still going to try and catch people in my helicopter blades in Warzone.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 30, 2017
Unless your hacking/cheating/abusing exploits, it's all fair. Multiplayer player games are just that, games. People need to stop taking silly multiplayer games so goddamn seriously.


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry OP, but I'm not gonna stop pushing people to their deaths in Fall Guys. If you want to avoid being a target for aggro players, don't stand near edges.


Jan 20, 2019
Reading the title and op brought back flashbacks of the early days of FFXI. It was fairly common to meet some asshole that would just be miserable to be around and say "well its my $11.95 so I can do what I want". Even worse when you were forced to group up with these people and they just refuse to cooperate.


Oct 25, 2017
Strong Island NY
Man i remember the Socom days.

Some asshole in your team TK on purpose maybe 2-3 times in a row. If you retaliated back, the whole team would try to then kill you and finally kick you out.

Glad that shit is dead for good. Toxic community.


Oct 27, 2017
People are responding like OP was talking about policing fair competitive behavior. But this wasn't a thread complaining about keepaway characters in fighting games or pushing people to their death in fall guys. OP was talking about things like fucking over your teammates in a team game.


Oct 27, 2017
I paid to do whatever I want, same as you.

If I'm drunk with the homies don't get mad that we all rush with shotties and ignore the objective.