
Oct 27, 2017
Omaha, NE
It is a huge pain to have to manually upload/download save files on the PS4 when I move between consoles. While on Xbox, I just launch the game and Xbox handles all the syncing of saves for me. Make it part of PS Plus if you want. But it's frustrating to launch the game, realize the newest save isn't on the console, have to CLOSE THE GAME, to get into save management, download the newest save files, and re-launch the game. I realize it is unlikely most user will have multiple PS5 consoles near launch, but there is no reason this feature cannot be added to their feature set.
Oct 27, 2017
I could've sworn it already did that. I started TLOU Remaster disc on launch PS4 and continued where I left off years later with a digital copy on PS4 Pro.

Edit: I just realized that I backed up my files when I migrated, yeah, the process should be more streamlined/seamless.


Animation Programmer
Oct 30, 2017
User warned: Drive-by
This was a stupid low effort drive-by remark that I shouldn't have made. Apologies.
Last edited:

Stowaway Silfer

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
But it's frustrating to launch the game, realize the newest save isn't on the console, have to CLOSE THE GAME, to get into save management, download the newest save files, and re-launch the game.
Especially when it syncs the new blank save file to the cloud, overwriting your previous cloud one, which is what happened to me when I first played Gravity Rush and Naruto Storm 4 after switching to PS4 Pro.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah no lie PSNs implementation feels half baked in comparison. Its automatic on Xbox so you don't even know its happening. I can jump from a PC gamepass game to xbox and carry my save over without doing a a thing as well. Now not all games can do that but still, they're save data managment is like a a gen ahead of the competition.


Jan 10, 2018
I thought it automatically updated with PS+? I straight up can't remember how this crap works, but man a lot of people are gonna be bummed if it doesn't work flawlessly going from PS4 to PS5.


Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
Or Steam. Or any place with a proper cloud save solution.

That shit of locking cloud saves behind PS+ needs to end, too.


Oct 27, 2017
Sony has had since 2006 to match Xbox Live's feature set and still haven't. I wouldn't expect this any time soon. Sony wants you stuck on their console.


Nov 4, 2017
First Sony has ta give "cloud" space to all non-paid users. Second, the auto sync option needs to be something that can be disabled cause save file sizes have started to get outta control an my up speed blows.

Pancakes R Us

Oct 27, 2017
Nintendo needs to do this also.

Whenever I switch between my OG Switch and my Switch Lite, I need to manually go to the saves section and download the latest save. I'm probably in a minority of users that owns and switches between systems but that is no excuse for Nintendo not having such a basic feature. No need to force it upon anyone either, just allow us to turn on an automatic save download option.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Especially frustrating of your away from your console.

I have an Xbox in different homes, it's nice to be able to never worry about saves when playing between them, or visiting my brother (if I stay at his over the week).


Oct 25, 2017
I thought it automatically updated with PS+? I straight up can't remember how this crap works, but man a lot of people are gonna be bummed if it doesn't work flawlessly going from PS4 to PS5.

The issue is that it only automatically uploads for your "primary PS4", so in multiple console households you still need to go through all the saves and manually download/upload after every session, whereas the way the Xbox One handles it, is it automatically uploads/downloads upon starting or exiting a game, irregardless if it's your only console or the 4th console you're using that day


Oct 25, 2017
The PS4 syncs the saves to the cloud. The thing is that you have to have certain conditions:
1. You must have PS+
2. It must be your primary PS4

If your PS4 isn't primary, then you need to do it manually.


Dec 8, 2017
Save syncing trophy syncing and Xbox can now also download games and updates from one system in you house to another saving data for those with caps!


Nov 18, 2017
I turned on my non-pro PS4 after a while and forgot how manual and janky some of this is. I also realize I have made progress on two different machines on the same game, it's a choice between overwrite one or the other now. People have solved this problem a long time ago, you can do it Sony!


Jul 13, 2019
The way sony handles data management in general is perplexing.

I bought and platinumed spider-man. The dlc was never cheap enough for me to justify buying but eventually the GOTY edition was on sale so I bought it, traded my old copy in and came out ahead.

Imagine my surprise when the GOTY edition (which, keep in mind, consists of the base game and all of the dlc as download codes.) requires me to reinstall. On the xbox, whether your game is on disc, games with gold, gamepass or whatever, it is all treated as the same game. I have tomb raider on disk but the game was GWG for awhile and I didn't have to redownload it. But whatever. Probably some leftover form the original concept of the xbox one.

So I finish downloading Spider-Man, only to find that there are now two identical installations for the same game. Nothing to tell them apart except one of them has my saves....which cannot be transferred to the other game. Furthermore, the dlc will only work with the new install so I need to start over again.

I don't get why/how anyone would design a system like this. I can't be the first person to have run into this.


Oct 28, 2017
They should really get this sorted soon. When PS5 launches lots of folk will shove PS4 in another room and for first time be moving between consoles.


Oct 27, 2017
I disagree. To an extent. If the option is there to turn auto-sync off, then sure I'll support it.

I'll upload saves right before the end of a game to get certain trophies, and that saves me time from doing separate playthroughs. On Xbox I can't do that unless I go completely offline, which sucks.

Murdy Plops

Dec 21, 2018
Completely agree. Game saves and profiles aren't something you should have to babysit when switching consoles and Xcloud. It's brilliant switching between them and reinstalling old games.

Between this and gamespass it's the reason I'm sticking with them next gen.


Oct 28, 2017
If it means losing access to managing your saves, no thank you. Being able to make sure you have a specific save and back it up to a USB drive is way more valuable than taking control away completely to remedy a minor inconvenience.

Ser Ignatius

Chicken Chaser
Apr 15, 2020
The way sony handles data management in general is perplexing.

I bought and platinumed spider-man. The dlc was never cheap enough for me to justify buying but eventually the GOTY edition was on sale so I bought it, traded my old copy in and came out ahead.

Imagine my surprise when the GOTY edition (which, keep in mind, consists of the base game and all of the dlc as download codes.) requires me to reinstall. On the xbox, whether your game is on disc, games with gold, gamepass or whatever, it is all treated as the same game. I have tomb raider on disk but the game was GWG for awhile and I didn't have to redownload it. But whatever. Probably some leftover form the original concept of the xbox one.

So I finish downloading Spider-Man, only to find that there are now two identical installations for the same game. Nothing to tell them apart except one of them has my saves....which cannot be transferred to the other game. Furthermore, the dlc will only work with the new install so I need to start over again.

I don't get why/how anyone would design a system like this. I can't be the first person to have run into this.

I was going to say it wasn't that bad until I read this. It's a minor inconvenience to have to do it manually, but when it straight up effects the user like this it needs to be addressed. It would absolutely kill my desire to play that game.

Garrett 2U

Oct 25, 2017
It blows my mind that they don't. I remember upgrading from a PS4 to a PS4 Pro and my saves weren't there, and my original console was at my brother's house halfway across the country. It was a terrible experience.


Mar 30, 2018
Cloud saves should also not be behind a paywall, too. I have two PS4's(Pro and base) for two different rooms, and the save thing is so cumbersome that I don't even bother to game on the base machine anymore, it's been demoted to a straight Netflix/YouTube/etc machine.


Jul 13, 2019
I was going to say it wasn't that bad until I read this. It's a minor inconvenience to have to do it manually, but when it straight up effects the user like this it needs to be addressed. It would absolutely kill my desire to play that game.

It almost did. I skipped straight through to the dlc....which is a weird experience because said dlc is balanced for a level 50 character. Plus side, I level up super fast. Down side, random mooks can 2 shot me.


Oct 27, 2017
Xbox does it right. I play on console A, turn it off and move to console B, and my save syncs. And vice versa. I've fired up Horizon on my PS4 and once the save loaded I thought "havent I payed this bit already?". Then I remembered the PS crap save management and go play something else because I can't start a PS in a different room just to manually upload a save state.


Oct 27, 2017
First Sony has ta give "cloud" space to all non-paid users. Second, the auto sync option needs to be something that can be disabled cause save file sizes have started to get outta control an my up speed blows.
This too.

A better sync options and saves not locked behind Plus.