PS4 Switch or PS5?

  • PS4 Switch

    Votes: 68 18.8%
  • PS5

    Votes: 294 81.2%

  • Total voters
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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
Sony's been very successful with the approach they took with the PS4, and their last handheld was distinctly unsuccessful.

There's no reason at all for them to take the Switch angle.


Nov 15, 2017
PS5. Portability is overrated imo. I rather have a powerful machine (4K@60fps) and game on a big screen with 5.1 surround sound.


Oct 25, 2017
PS5. It would be silly for Sony to chase after Switch when PS4 is even more successful than it.


Oct 25, 2017
That's kind of my point, though. God of War, RDR2, etc. are extremely impressive from a technical perspective and in my opinion aren't showing signs of nuts and bolts popping the way tech showcase type games did with the PS3 five years into its lifespan. Just compare Battlefield 3 on PS3 to Battlefield 5 on PS4. PS4 is keeping up better than any console ever has this far into its life, and I don't see any game or genre that's begging for more power the way FPS and open world games were towards the end of the PS3. Fallout 3, Skyrim, Far Cry 3, Crysis 2, GTA5, BF3... the list of games that were struggling in a major way during that time period is never ending, and in my opinion it's not comparable to what we're seeing with the PS4.

Power is great and I'll be there day one for a PS5, but the portability of the Switch is exciting and forward-thinking in a more meaningful way to me.

People said this last generation. There's always more to do as technology advances. This idea that things will stagnate, or that top developers will run out of things to do with more advance technology, is pure myth.


Oct 26, 2017
Forward might not be as cut and dry as you're assuming. I think we've reached a point with diminishing returns in terms of tech and image quality where the hybrid nature of the Switch is more of a forward move than simply making a more powerful console.

Not really when the Pro can't still run native 4K, and there's new tech like ray-tracing (although not sure if PS5 is too soon for that?).

"Diminishing returns" is something that always appears in conversations when a gen is about to end, but ends up being nothing when the next arrives.


Oct 28, 2017
I want a PS5. But as the years progress, and games become more time consuming, you'll see the Switch form factor will have a leg up on the competition as tech moves forward. Personally, it's hard sometimes to find the necessary time for sitting in front of the TV playing games like RDR2 when I have to work. By the time I'm finished with work I want to watch TV in in some capacity. Find myself just saying, "forget it, I'll just play Smash" because it's simply more convenient and requires less dedication. Just pick it up out of the dock and play.

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
Here we go again.

Sony specializes in powerful home consoles and consumers like that approach.
Personal preference -> Nintendo is the one that should make a non-portable powerful console if you ask me, not the other way around. Just saying.
(edited to clarify)
It was called the Gamecube. No one bought it.


Oct 27, 2017
People said this last generation. There's always more to do as technology advances. This idea that things will stagnate, or that top developers will run out of things to do with more advance technology, is pure myth.
Who was heralding BF3 as a technical showpiece last generation? I was there, I lived it, and I completely disagree with you. I envied PC gamers daily back then, now it's not even a concern. If you don't think diminishing returns is a reality then there's probably no point carrying on this discussion.

Find me the PS4 experience that's the equivalent of playing Far Cry 3 at sub-HD resolutions and a choppy 25 fps...


Oct 26, 2017
Portable PS5 launches simultaneously with PS5 console and new wireless VR set.


Oct 25, 2017
People said this last generation. There's always more to do as technology advances. This idea that things will stagnate, or that top developers will run out of things to do with more advance technology, is pure myth.
It's not entirely myth.

You can definitely see diminishing returns in cell phones. The tech and power keeps advancing at an incredible rate, but most people can't see a different on their phones.

Not that I am saying the PS5 won't be a jump from the 4, but I don't think it is outrageous to say that the jumps are going to get smaller outside of something big coming along. I could be wrong and Sony could come out with some i7 and 20 TF monster of a console but I wouldn't put money on it.

One thing I think will remain true is that clever devs will continue to find ways to keep pushing things forward even if the rate or speed of hardware advancement slows down.


Oct 25, 2017
Who was heralding BF3 as a technical showpiece last generation? I was there, I lived it, and I completely disagree with you. I envied PC gamers daily back then, now it's not even a concern. If you don't think diminishing returns is a reality then there's probably no point carrying on this discussion.

Find me the PS4 experience that's the equivalent of playing Far Cry 3 at sub-HD resolutions and a choppy 25 fps...

I think people exaggerate "diminishing returns" as we get closer to the end of a generation. I also think the use of better technology isn't just limited to pure visuals.


Oct 27, 2017
Selling a portable based on PS4 is a great way to circumvent Vita's biggest problem (software). It would launch with thousands of games.

It would also extend the base PS4's lifespan. Think of all of the obscure ass Japanese games PS4 would be getting in like 2030.

It's a great way to phase out the PS4 while everyone switches gears to the PS5.


Jan 11, 2018
PS4 Switch because it means I can just ignore it while developers continue to make games for PS4. I just don't want to buy a new console any time soon.


Oct 27, 2017
AC: Unity (sub full-HD, sub 25 fps). CPU bottlenecked the hell ouf of that game.
Yet the more ambitious Origins and Odyssey run fine. Unity's problem wasn't the tech it was running on. Far Cry 3 and countless other games could barely function on the PS3 and everyone knew the tech was the biggest culprit.

Deleted member 31333

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Nov 6, 2017
I don't care too much, but what I would love is for PSVR2 to be standalone and portable even if it meant having the same power as the current PSVR. I'm thinking something similar to what the Oculus Quest will be Buy better. VR anywhere and without cables is the way to go.

At the very least (and more realistically), I know Sony won't do the anywhere part but if PSVR2 is wireless to the PS5, it will be a major improvement.

Razor Mom

Jan 2, 2018
United Kingdom
I think people exaggerate "diminishing returns" as we get closer to the end of a generation. I also think the use of better technology isn't just limited to pure visuals.
Putting visuals to the side, curious as to which mechanics or systems you think have only been possible on more powerful hardware, which are driving the industry forward. I'd argue that the "best" or certainly most influential experiences this generation have seldom taken advantage of technology for anything other than better visuals or richer detail.

Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018

Doctor Strange can find no possibilities that Sony will make a Hybrid console.

Neither can I.


Oct 27, 2017
The path forward for portable Sony gaming is streaming. They simply don't have the expertise or available hardware to develop at PS4 Portable System. Would consumers entertain a hypothetical PS4 Portable with a lower performance profil, but full compatibility with the PS4 library? Sure, but that isn't possible with a x86 based system at this time. Sony should look into marketing PS Now (or rebrand) along side their main home console to pick up some of that marketshare in the future. Still, bandwidth capacity is trash in most households for this purpose, so it's not happening for awhile in the mainstream.

Microsoft could actually rebrand one of their Surface devices as a Xbox portable system, but they are aiming to double down on game streaming as well as they have in house infrastructure already built out in another sector that can facilitate the technology better than anyone else in the industry (Azure).


Oct 26, 2017
Sony won't do a full hybrid but I do think PS5 will have some integrated handheld component. Maybe more Wii U or PocketStation than Switch though, either a weaker breakaway unit or a dedicated streaming tablet, or maybe both in one. Maybe integrated with PSVR2 too.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Washington, DC
Unless shit gets crazy in the next two years, there's very little possibility of a "hybrid PS4 Pro" that doesn't have some major ergonomic compromises.


Oct 26, 2017
As someone who has played more games in the past couple years thanks to the Switch (and as someone who uses it in portable mode 99% of the time) when compared to the years 2010-2016, a PS4 Switch would appeal to me a lot more.

Still haven't picked up a PS4, probably just going to wait for the PS5 to come out before I get another Playstation system.


Oct 26, 2017
Lake Titicaca
If Sony followed up the PS4 with a hybrid console, that would be unbelievably dense on their part. Ignore the fact that PlayStation is always at its worst when it copies Nintendo anyway, doing so would be handing over a huge advantage to Microsoft and the Xbox brand. Phil & Co. would have the most powerful console on the market by far and all the slogans and mindshare that comes with that. Xbox would dictate the direction all the huge franchises would go in and have all the definitive (console) versions. Meanwhile, Sony's lagging behind and nipping at the heels of Nintendo when it doesn't even need to.

Nah, Sony should just stay the course and do with the PS5 what they did when moving on to the PS4 from the PS3. They ought to worry less about gaming on the go and start giving a fuck about their legacy by including a wealth of backwards compatibility features to prove to their audience that they aren't content with selling you the same game over and over. The PS5 SHOULD at the very least be able to play PS1, PS2 and PS4 games.


Oct 27, 2017
It would be a tough choice. I think I might say PS4 Switch just because I have such a huge backlog of PS4 games. That would also be a dream console (and probably impossible as you described it at that price point in 2019.)

But Nintendo already operates in this space so I'm not sure I really need another portable handheld.

I've said this before, but I'm actually interested in what Xbox does. To me, they have a far more compelling rationale to go hybrid. They lost the head to head console battle with Sony pretty bad this generation. The lessons they have to be taking from this are that they need more games and some better way to differentiate themselves from Sony, particularly since Sony has a built-in advantage of Japanese game support. They are clearly taking steps to address the lack of exclusive games issue for next gen. I think as a company they seem pretty committed to having the most powerful hardware, so it would be improbable, but they have a better reason to differentiate next gen with something outside the box than Sony does.

Deleted member 25108

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Oct 29, 2017
This "PS Switch" thing you speak of will never, ever happen.

Why this is a continuous question on this site is flat beyond my comprehension.

In its two handhelds Sony couldn't even match Nintendo's output on the original Gameboy, much less anything else.

There is not a provable market for Sony's exclusives on the go.

The switch is the culmination of decades of Nintendo development and know how.

Just buy a switch.


Oct 26, 2017
Yet the more ambitious Origins and Odyssey run fine. Unity's problem wasn't the tech it was running on. Far Cry 3 and countless other games could barely function on the PS3 and everyone knew the tech was the biggest culprit.

wouldn't say they are more ambitious, they offer bigger open worlds yet way less NPCs and interiors.

Anyways, I don't think having better running games on this gen means that we reached diminishing returns, just that devs are better on developing games on these platforms (be because of the tools, engines, the easier structure of these consoles unlike the PS3...).

Deleted member 36622

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Dec 21, 2017
EDIT: misunderstood the thread, i thought this was a decision between buying PS5 day one or PS4 and Switch now. lol

I don't think Sony will do a PS4 Switch, they will make an handheld eventually (cause Switch is growing without a direct competition, and because PSVR as a secondary platform is not as lucrative as a successful handheld would be) but that's not PS5.


Oct 27, 2017
Why this is a continuous question on this site is flat beyond my comprehension.

In its two handhelds Sony couldn't even match Nintendo's out of the original Gameboy, much less anything else.

There is not a provable market for Sony's exclusives on the go.

The switch is the culmination of decades of Nintendo development and know how.

Just buy a switch.
I have a Switch and I love it. Thing is I can't play PS4 games on it...

A hypothetical PS4 Switch isn't another PSP/Vita. Hybrid vs. handheld, the distinction is huge.


Oct 31, 2017
I love my Switch, perfect format for Nintendo, now let sony do their PS5 which is their perfect format.


self-requested temp ban
Oct 27, 2017
PS5 and it's not even close. My switch hardly ever comes out of the house and I always want a cutting edge platform to explore new technologies in game development.

If they could somehow manage both? Sure but I want a powerful box underneath the Tv
Oct 27, 2017
Not gonna lie, I would probably buy a portable PS4, but of course PS5 is an absolute priority.
I also think the Switch would be just as or even more succesful if they'd released a portable and a home console that can play the same games. I wouldn't pay 300€ for that hybrid bs just to play some Nintendo games. A 150€ TV-only console? I'm in.


Nov 16, 2017
I wonder how many of those saying Portable Playstation would in fact buy one.
At this point this discussion don't belong anymore to PS users, since they already stated on the others dozens of threads about it that they do want a PS5.
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