Iron Eddie

Nov 25, 2019
I just wish Jim Ryan would step down. I have owned every PlayStation console and handheld ever since PS1, and seeing Sony return to their arrogance with a Don Mattrick clone at the helm is frustrating. Hell, I could be wrong and Ryan could turn things around, but based on past remarks of his, I simply do not have any faith in his leadership abilities. Game Pass, backwards compatibility and the XSX receiving far more game updates (Rocket League, COD Warzone, etc.) makes me wish that I got the XSX at launch and waited on the PS5 until Sony got their shit straight. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my PS5, but let's be real here, the big innovation thus far in the new generation is definitely being done by Microsoft, and as a Sony fan, I'm really disappointed that the guy running the brand doesn't have the same excitement for innovation, gaming and such as Tretton, House and Layden. At least those three made PS4 an incredibly fun time to game since they took risks and innovated, but I just don't see us going that route this time around under Ryan.
Do you really think Sony is doing a much worse job or is it just because Microsoft is doing a better job? Those are two completely different things.

The reason I ask is because it appears some people are just not comfortable seeing an aggressive Microsoft, almost like they just expect or assume Sony should remain King.


Sep 21, 2019
You're entitled to your opinion but I totally disagree.

He's the President and CEO of PlayStation and has been for 2 years. Even if this decision had been made over 2 years ago, he could override it at any point. He's 100% accountable for this as the person leading the company. He for sure signed off on this decision as the CEO.

There are two reasons I think this is an unforced error for Sony:
  1. It's just an awful message to send at a time when they are cannot meet PS5 demand and we're still in a pandemic. At the least they should delay this a year; a smarter move would be to delay it 2 or more years when they can fulfill PS5 demand and all new development switches to PS5. If I'm a new customer looking to buy a console and I can't find a PS5 anywhere and then hear about them shutting down these servers, that is a bad look. On top of that, Jim Ryan's foot-in-mouth comments bashing previous generations color this in a worse light and reflect poorly on Sony.
  2. Shutting down servers this early is shitty from both a consumer and game preservation standpoint. They are killing server functionality on hardware released less than 10 years ago. There are many games that will no longer be available in any form from this move. They also seemingly announced this without realizing the backlash it would have. They didn't consider all the negative implications, and while they'll probably save a little money in the short term it comes at the price of eroding their brand.
TL;DR: I think the timing of this is terrible and Jim Ryan could have reversed the decision at any point in the last 2 years. Sony can do whatever they want to further their business and cut costs, but they would be much better suited to push this out a few years.
Thank you for saying this 🙏


Sep 21, 2019
I'm still paying off the credit card I used to buy games for my ps3 and vita collection... This is a hurtful move and I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way.


Oct 27, 2017
Been out of the loop with this somewhat. So, you will have to download all your games by the summer shut down as well, as there will not be a way to redownload what was purchased after the stores are taken down? Really hope I'm not understanding correctly. No way my PS3 could fit everything on it, and my Vita memory cards keep dropping like flies.


Oct 29, 2017
Been out of the loop with this somewhat. So, you will have to download all your games by the summer shut down as well, as there will not be a way to redownload what was purchased after the stores are taken down? Really hope I'm not understanding correctly.
You'll still be able to download your games for the foreseeable future, as long as it works properly haha.


Mambo Number PS5
Oct 26, 2017
Do you really think Sony is doing a much worse job or is it just because Microsoft is doing a better job? Those are two completely different things.

The reason I ask is because it appears some people are just not comfortable seeing an aggressive Microsoft, almost like they just expect or assume Sony should remain King.

My problem is that Sony was ran so well by leaders who put the PlayStation brand on the right path, and now that Sony is in the front due to how well PS4 did, they are on cruise control while having a guy who is just as incompetent as Don Mattrick at the helm. PS5 hasn't started off well (IMO) in comparison to the competition, and I feel Ryan is out-of-touch with what gamers want. Yes, the launch lineup was great, but the features of the console just aren't good right now. We can't even upgrade the SSD, while you already can on the XSX/XSS, game updates on PS5 versions of multiplatform games are awful (Warzone runs at 120FPS on XSX, vs. 60FPS on PS5/Rocket League on XSX is 60FPS at 4K or 120fps at 1512p, while PS5 doesn't get the 120fps option). Last time I checked, this was due to Sony's side and not the developer side. I expect more games to run into similar issues down the line. Once again, I love my PS5, but I just feel Sony didn't start the PS5 off well when compared to the competition (excluding launch titles). Sure, the PS5 will outsell the XSX for quite some time, but with Game Pass, VRR, access to 1440p, BC, upgradeable SSD, more modern updates for last gen titles, etc., I just feel PS5 Sony has dropped the ball in comparison to PS4 Sony.

I know not everyone may agree with my beliefs, and that is fine, but as a Sony fan, Jim Ryan is not impressing me (and quite frankly, never has). The PS5 has so much potential, and I feel it is being held back by corporate execs like Jim Ryan who just do not want to spend the money needed to give us the features we want.


Oct 27, 2017
My problem is that Sony was ran so well by leaders who put the PlayStation brand on the right path, and now that Sony is in the front due to how well PS4 did, they are on cruise control while having a guy who is just as incompetent as Don Mattrick at the helm. PS5 hasn't started off well (IMO) in comparison to the competition, and I feel Ryan is out-of-touch with what gamers want. Yes, the launch lineup was great, but the features of the console just aren't good right now. We can't even upgrade the SSD, while you already can on the XSX/XSS, game updates on PS5 versions of multiplatform games are awful (Warzone runs at 120FPS on XSX, vs. 60FPS on PS5/Rocket League on XSX is 60FPS at 4K or 120fps at 1512p, while PS5 doesn't get the 120fps option). Last time I checked, this was due to Sony's side and not the developer side. I expect more games to run into similar issues down the line. Once again, I love my PS5, but I just feel Sony didn't start the PS5 off well when compared to the competition (excluding launch titles). Sure, the PS5 will outsell the XSX for quite some time, but with Game Pass, VRR, access to 1440p, BC, upgradeable SSD, more modern updates for last gen titles, etc., I just feel PS5 Sony has dropped the ball in comparison to PS4 Sony.

I know not everyone may agree with my beliefs, and that is fine, but as a Sony fan, Jim Ryan is not impressing me (and quite frankly, never has). The PS5 has so much potential, and I feel it is being held back by corporate execs like Jim Ryan who just do not want to spend the money needed to give us the features we want.
100% agree with you. PS5 now reminds me X360 launch. Great launch and games (Oblivion, GoW) but after plenty of bad moves from MS mainly because of corporate decisions (different than here of course) it lead them to XB1 failure. PS5 to PS6 could have a similar trajectory.

Iron Eddie

Nov 25, 2019
My problem is that Sony was ran so well by leaders who put the PlayStation brand on the right path, and now that Sony is in the front due to how well PS4 did, they are on cruise control while having a guy who is just as incompetent as Don Mattrick at the helm. PS5 hasn't started off well (IMO) in comparison to the competition, and I feel Ryan is out-of-touch with what gamers want. Yes, the launch lineup was great, but the features of the console just aren't good right now. We can't even upgrade the SSD, while you already can on the XSX/XSS, game updates on PS5 versions of multiplatform games are awful (Warzone runs at 120FPS on XSX, vs. 60FPS on PS5/Rocket League on XSX is 60FPS at 4K or 120fps at 1512p, while PS5 doesn't get the 120fps option). Last time I checked, this was due to Sony's side and not the developer side. I expect more games to run into similar issues down the line. Once again, I love my PS5, but I just feel Sony didn't start the PS5 off well when compared to the competition (excluding launch titles). Sure, the PS5 will outsell the XSX for quite some time, but with Game Pass, VRR, access to 1440p, BC, upgradeable SSD, more modern updates for last gen titles, etc., I just feel PS5 Sony has dropped the ball in comparison to PS4 Sony.

I know not everyone may agree with my beliefs, and that is fine, but as a Sony fan, Jim Ryan is not impressing me (and quite frankly, never has). The PS5 has so much potential, and I feel it is being held back by corporate execs like Jim Ryan who just do not want to spend the money needed to give us the features we want.
I don't think what you re saying is fair. Sony is still moving forward with PSVR 2, still going to make amazing exclusives. Don Mattrick really didn't seem to care about the core gaming aspect of Xbox. More into Kinect and getting a TV box. It's output of exclusives also showed a lack of commitment. Sony is still pouring tons of money into their own studios so I'm not sure why we are going down the Mattrick path.

Sony has also always been slow in some areas. Remember the whole PSN shutdown? Remember the whole slow adoption for developer tools on the PS3 and how many games performed worse on more expensive hardware?

It's very early into the generation and so far it looks like PS5 is doing better. I just think some people expect Sony to always be the best and just take it for granted.


Oct 27, 2017
I am so glad this gen XBOX is firing on all cylinders and I am not even including gsmepass. Can you imagine what other stuff sony would be doing if this gen was like last and Xbox was trailing as badly? I am a PlayStation only gamer (outside of minor pc gaming) and I thank the lord for the competition Xbox is providing.


Mambo Number PS5
Oct 26, 2017
I don't think what you re saying is fair.

I respect your opinion and am glad you took the time to explain your side, but it does not change how I view PlayStation under the leadership of Jim Ryan. Yes, PSVR 2 is great (and I am mad excited about it), but I need more features with my PS5. I do not expect them to be better all of the time, but I do expect them to be competent. PS5 is doing well sales-wise, yes (and that is most important), but the console is lacking in features compared to the competition right now.

Ethical Hedonism

Permanent ban for creating alt account to troll.
Oct 25, 2017
(...) PS5 now reminds me X360 launch. (...) plenty of bad moves (...) mainly because of corporate decisions (...). PS5 to PS6 could have a similar trajectory.
Yeah I've been thinking along the same lines recently
As a PS5 owner, the product leaves much to be desired and it really is not the experience I was looking for, coming from the PS4.


Oct 25, 2017
Hm. Kinda forgot this what happening, I guess maybe I should get a PS3 to re-download my stuff? I dunno. Can't imagine a scenario where I would ever go back and play sub-720p shit but I do have a large digital library there that I haven't thought about in years.


Oct 25, 2017
Multi-billion dollar companies should be legally required to support the servers and infrastructure to allow customers to play their digital licenses, even if those digital licenses are over ten years old. The fact that Nintendo shut down the Wii servers is still not acceptable, and PlayStation continuing this trend is a good reminder that these companies are thieves. Preservation needs to be a higher priority in this industry, not because it will continue to make money but because it is their responsibility as the provider of these services to eat the costs of maintaining the infrastructure. If PlayStation is going to continue to shut down their servers after it is no longer monetarily feasible, then I am going to continue to never buy digital licenses from their ecosystem. It's very disappointing!

Iron Eddie

Nov 25, 2019
I respect your opinion and am glad you took the time to explain your side, but it does not change how I view PlayStation under the leadership of Jim Ryan. Yes, PSVR 2 is great (and I am mad excited about it), but I need more features with my PS5. I do not expect them to be better all of the time, but I do expect them to be competent. PS5 is doing well sales-wise, yes (and that is most important), but the console is lacking in features compared to the competition right now.
Again this sounds like you want Sony to be better at all times than everyone else. It's almost as if some can't deal with Microsoft getting the better of Sony is some situations.

Why can't Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo have their own strenghts? Obviously the Xbox Series Xbox is going to differ by design to the PS5, same with Switch. Some think Series S was a mistake, we can poke holes in every one, which as you can see on the forums many do.


Oct 29, 2017
My problem is that Sony was ran so well by leaders who put the PlayStation brand on the right path, and now that Sony is in the front due to how well PS4 did, they are on cruise control while having a guy who is just as incompetent as Don Mattrick at the helm. PS5 hasn't started off well (IMO) in comparison to the competition, and I feel Ryan is out-of-touch with what gamers want. Yes, the launch lineup was great, but the features of the console just aren't good right now. We can't even upgrade the SSD, while you already can on the XSX/XSS, game updates on PS5 versions of multiplatform games are awful (Warzone runs at 120FPS on XSX, vs. 60FPS on PS5/Rocket League on XSX is 60FPS at 4K or 120fps at 1512p, while PS5 doesn't get the 120fps option). Last time I checked, this was due to Sony's side and not the developer side. I expect more games to run into similar issues down the line. Once again, I love my PS5, but I just feel Sony didn't start the PS5 off well when compared to the competition (excluding launch titles). Sure, the PS5 will outsell the XSX for quite some time, but with Game Pass, VRR, access to 1440p, BC, upgradeable SSD, more modern updates for last gen titles, etc., I just feel PS5 Sony has dropped the ball in comparison to PS4 Sony.

I know not everyone may agree with my beliefs, and that is fine, but as a Sony fan, Jim Ryan is not impressing me (and quite frankly, never has). The PS5 has so much potential, and I feel it is being held back by corporate execs like Jim Ryan who just do not want to spend the money needed to give us the features we want.

PS4 Sony had a lot of issues. The OS was missing a lot of features like folders, BC, and other features. Sony was way behind on hard drives last gen too. It was over 3 years before they offered external drive support.

I don't think the issue is that Sony is doing so much worse, I think the issue is they are doing mostly the same, and MS is doing leaps and bounds better than they were last gen.


Mambo Number PS5
Oct 26, 2017
Again this sounds like you want Sony to be better at all times than everyone else. It's almost as if some can't deal with Microsoft getting the better of Sony is some situations.

Why can't Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo have their own strenghts? Obviously the Xbox Series Xbox is going to differ by design to the PS5, same with Switch. Some think Series S was a mistake, we can poke holes in every one, which as you can see on the forums many do.

Yeah, you misunderstood that greatly. I WANT all three to succeed, but I feel Sony is lazy under Ryan. Shit, I'm buying a Series X the moment they are back in-stock, and I play the fuck out of my Switch, so no, I'm not the picture you attempted to paint.

I expect all three companies to keep competing and innovate, but I feel Jim Ryan isn't giving two fucks about what gamers want. His past interviews already confirm that. If anything, I am through the roof in excitement over Microsoft's aggressive push and Nintendo's success with Switch, as they are what push this industry forward, so please don't make false accusations about how I view things.


Nov 4, 2017
There is no doubt that Sony will 'win' ( in terms of sold hardware) this gen but I'm really glad Microsoft has all their ducks in a row now. Sony quite clearly needs to be held accountable by some real competition and MS is much better poised to provide it this time around.


Graphics Engineer
Oct 27, 2017
I am so glad this gen XBOX is firing on all cylinders and I am not even including gsmepass. Can you imagine what other stuff sony would be doing if this gen was like last and Xbox was trailing as badly? I am a PlayStation only gamer (outside of minor pc gaming) and I thank the lord for the competition Xbox is providing.
This is how everyone should view competition and not just gaming either. Competition brings innovation and highlights how bad or good their competing product is and that encourages change.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account.
Oct 31, 2017
People in this thread are acting like Jim Ryan appeared out of nowhere, like he hadn't been the president of Sony Europe and global sales and marketing to MASSIVE success for years
Oct 25, 2017
Do you really think Sony is doing a much worse job or is it just because Microsoft is doing a better job? Those are two completely different things.

The reason I ask is because it appears some people are just not comfortable seeing an aggressive Microsoft, almost like they just expect or assume Sony should remain King.
YEAH , and its not like he is doing nothing, Japan studios is gone and now Playstation is run from the US west coast. They are doubling down on the style of games that works for them (3rd person over the shoulder cinematic games) and so far it doesnt seem that it has affected sales of people interest in their products in any negative way.
Nov 1, 2017
FL, United States
They announced that they wouldn't be implementing the new security guidelines for paying on them. You need to add funds through pc.
I thought that you could download the games even after the store shuts down though? Can't everyone just buy what they want now and download it later when the servers aren't being hammered?

(not excusing the issue, just wondering if this would work)

Delistings will likely occur after the fact, which can affect us in more ways than simply being unable to buy the game. In some cases when a game is taken off the network's server you can't download them anymore if you need to. I found that out the hard way when I accidentally deleted my original crash trilogy on the vita without realizing it was taken off the vita shop due to a security exploit.
Same thing with PT, and the same thing with revoked titles like Afro Samurai II.
What I fear more than the offline store is a lack of download support years down the road. I can't store all of my PSP backups on my PS3 as well as all the games I own. The worst thing I can think of is having to choose what games I purchased are worth saving and which ones are worth losing forever.


Oct 28, 2017
Question for those who can't download games, for me the problem started with a crash that happened immediately after a purchase, right on the screen where the download button appears for your shiny new game, the store crashed before I could even try to press download. Someone else said this is how the error started to him too so I'm just wondering if it's the same for everybody.


May 10, 2018
Santiago, Chile
Question for those who can't download games, for me the problem started with a crash that happened immediately after a purchase, right on the screen where the download button appears for your shiny new game, the store crashed before I could even try to press download. Someone else said this is how the error started to him too so I'm just wondering if it's the same for everybody.
Nope, no crashes here. There's speculation that you need to activate 2FA to fix the errors, and if nothing else happens I'll try on my JP account, as my CL account doesn't have the errors anymore.

Iron Eddie

Nov 25, 2019
YEAH , and its not like he is doing nothing, Japan studios is gone and now Playstation is run from the US west coast. They are doubling down on the style of games that works for them (3rd person over the shoulder cinematic games) and so far it doesnt seem that it has affected sales of people interest in their products in any negative way.
What could happen though is those looking for niche games will move elsehwhere, which would be a good opportunity for Nintendo and the PC platform.


Nov 14, 2017
Sad times for preserving content.

This thread is filled with PS console adoration rhetoric and it proves some people don't give a shit about maintaining access to content:

VGC: 2,200 digital-only games will disappear when PlayStation closes its PSP, Vita and PS3 stores this summer (some will become Xbox exclusives)

Analysis: 2,000 digital-only games will disappear when PlayStation closes its stores. Many titles will be lost for good and others will become Xbox exclusives, VGC analysis shows. More here


Oct 27, 2017
Truly for the players.

Thankfully I've been able to download my PS3 stuff without much issue so far, though it reminds me of how long PS3 stuff takes to download.


Oct 25, 2017
Sony appears to be doing a terrible job providing customer support, too, as a large proportion of its staff are trained to deal with PS5 and PS4 problems – and not necessarily PS3 ones.
That's pretty much Sony's MO. Doesn't matter if the platform is new or old, their customer service just sucks and I hate dealing with them.
Nov 1, 2017
FL, United States
It took me 2 days to finally be able to purchase Peace Walker on the Vita. Before that it kept saying my payment method wasn't available even though I was reactivating my vita while buying things successfully on the PS3/4/5. Let's hope they change their minds or drag this out a little longer. The store is currently a mess. Hell, I only had half the pages load entirely in the PS3 shop.


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
Do you really think Sony is doing a much worse job or is it just because Microsoft is doing a better job? Those are two completely different things.

The reason I ask is because it appears some people are just not comfortable seeing an aggressive Microsoft, almost like they just expect or assume Sony should remain King.
I do agree Jim Ryan is bad. I smelled his bullshit with the whole "We believe in generations" fiasco.

He's just not Don Mattrick bad.


Oct 30, 2017
Sony can't keep getting away with it.
As long as people keep buying their stuff, what lesson could they possibly learn?

Gamers are stuck here. If they don't buy the digeit PS3 games, they'll never have a chance to do so. If they do buy PS3 downloads, they're giving Sony money for a service they're killing off. It's like people buying Mario 3D All Stars even though they hate NCL is limiting sales of it.

The way to hit them iis not give them money. But of course we won't do that.


Sep 23, 2018
100% agree with you. PS5 now reminds me X360 launch. Great launch and games (Oblivion, GoW) but after plenty of bad moves from MS mainly because of corporate decisions (different than here of course) it lead them to XB1 failure. PS5 to PS6 could have a similar trajectory.

ehh, I wouldn't really compare the two, the 360 was a success in it's early years of 05-09 was due to the incompetence of Sony/PS3 there wasn't really anything dodgy with the 360 in practice, the introduction of Kinect in 09 was a taste of the downward trajectory that would hit the brand in the coming years and even then they were still fine doing what they usually done. What we're seeing with Sony is a culmination of anti consumer practices that imo started with not being able to transfer PS1/PS2 game purchases from the PS3 to the PS4.

they shut down sony japan.
shutting down ps stores for legacy consoles.
charging 70 for 1st party games.
ps+ price increase despite offering fewer monthly games.

just off the top of my head

I'm completely lost for words, does that mean no Bloodborne 2 ?
Oct 27, 2017
I'm completely lost for words, does that mean no Bloodborne 2 ?

They didn't shut down Sony Japan. Had they done that it would've made headlines :p They essentially shut down Japan Studio, most likely because they hadn't made a hit game in 10+ years, and was mostly just a support studio that occasionally made their own games. Completely understandable, and personally I'm surprised they let Japan Studio live as long as it did.

As for Bloodborne 2... I mean, it's a From game that had support from Japan Studio, so... Make of that what you want.


Oct 28, 2017
Just a quick update, I tried downloading the games again and just like that one of them worked, I mean I tried it, couldn't download, tried other games with no success, went back to the first one and worked, all in the span of maybe 30 seconds.. yeah I guess the "store is getting hammered" theory makes more sense now