Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
This has been my exact experience as well. Everyone I see online always talks about how great agile is and how their particular project couldn't be completed without it. It makes me feel like there's just this zealous religious cult of people surrounding the whole agile community because I've yet to see it work more effectively or what I would consider better had the project been run via waterfall. Granted, every organization I've gone through agile transformations with have not implemented it as its defined. They cherry pick the parts of agile they like (user stories) and leave out the parts they either aren't interested in or willing to commit to (retros).
Retros are literally the most important part of agile

Deleted member 19844

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
United States
This. As others have said, not all projects are good fits for agile. The companies that are reorganizing the whole entire organization around agile are mis-managed and likely just following buzz words/management trends.
This triggers another question for me: I manage a project team where the people engaged in several different projects for different clients. Some of the projects are multi-year efforts with predictable standards and desired outcomes, some are smaller efforts that only use a couple of my resources, and some of the projects are actually ongoing, predictable, repeatable support processes.

So my question is, if not all projects are suited to a particular method, then how do you manage a team that's engaged in such a variety of projects?


Oct 25, 2017
How does this work in non project based departments, like Client Services? Where you're constantly just reacting?

Penny Royal

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
QLD, Australia
Here's a questionnaire I made that the internet can now quote forever when it comes to the big dev methodologies (agile, waterfall, kanban, scrum, lean):

Q1. How big is that deliverable your project intends to deliver?
Answer-A. "I dunno. Just needs to be a proof of concept. Nothing fancy" (go to Result 1)
Answer-B. "We need to deliver Moby Dick, essentially" (go to Q2)

Q2. How tight of a timeline are we talking about here?
Answer-A. "That whip's going to be cracked, and it's going to be cracked HARD" (go to Q3)
Answer-B. "We've got time to work on this, no biggie" (go to Q4)

Q3. Can you get away with delivering something that's initially shitty, with the intention that it's going to keep getting better over the course of the project?
Answer-A. "My ass would be grass if we delivered something like that" (go to Result 2)
Answer-B. "Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will this deliverable :) " (go to Result 3)

Q4. How much expertise you got on that team there?
Answer-A. "We're new at this. We can figure what needs doing, but lol are we in for a ride" (go to Result 4)
Answer-B. "I have experts who, if I approach what they're doing, will hiss at me and tell me to not touch their shit" (go to Result 5)

Result 1: Congrats! Use lean, because you can make a Minimum Viable Product, and that's good 'nuff
Result 2: Congrats! You're using old sturdy waterfall. Make sure those checkpoints get checked along the way.
Result 3: Congrats! You're using Agile, where the Minimum Viable Product will be your best frenemy
Result 4: Congrats! You're using a Kanban, where everyone wants to cherry-pick the easy steps first to make it look like they're contributing
Result 5: Congrats! You're using scrum. Just make sure your team is delivering. Remember, a task will usually take as long as the amount of time you allocate to it :D

This is going up on the wall at work, if you don't mind.
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know why you would use anything other than waterfall for most engineering projects. Traditionally you want to have clearly defined scope of work, requirements, budget and timeline. Agile and other methods seem like a compromise to accommodate clients who don't know what they want. When the customer doesn't know what they want you are guaranteed to waste a lot of time and resources.

In web development where trends change as the project is being developed or A/B testing is part of the process you can't do waterfall.


Nov 27, 2017
User stories are good. Failing fast is good. Security and quality left are good. Using PIPs as an excuse for not doing anything else but what is precisely what has been written down or kanban sizing as a passive aggressive blocker is fucking bullshit. Answer my question, Steve. I don't need to go through your goddam scrum master. I know the people who set up payroll. Oh, NOW you got time for me, Steve? This looks like 3 units for you now, Steve? Just magically fits in with the epic? You're a miracle worker, Steve.


Oct 28, 2017
Can someone explain the point of user stories to me? It's probably just that my PMs suck, but it just seems like it's just adding cognitive load onto your requirements. Instead of having a nice list of bullet points, you're parsing paragraphs of text, half of which is just filler connective tissue. "As a User I can" is almost always superfluous.

Also, (and again, this might just be because of my bad PMs), agile seems like it's terrible at dealing with dependencies. Oh, this ticket depends on this other one being done? I guess maybe we'll deal with it in 2 weeks in the next sprint. If that first ticket is even done then. Critical path is even taught in CS 101!


Oct 30, 2017
I work as Product Owner - although in Software development, but for a historically-grown legacy software, which means you still have to make room for critical stuff.

You should see the framework as that - a framework within you make the best of it. If you follow every "rule" to its absolute core, you won't get anything done.
That doesn't mean you should only apply the things that you find beneficial, but the frameworks are written very open for a reason, and I think many people starting to follow it, follow it too strictly. There are many real-world structures that aren't even covered, so you have to try to fit them in as best as you can. Consistency is key tho. Whatever you do, do it consistently.

As for how to approach user stories and the like, the most important aspect is the problem vs solution domain.
The stakeholder should only focus on the problem domain.
...should be the end result
...are the feature requirements
...is the accomplished benefit

The Engineering / software team is responsible for the solution domain.
...should that end result be accomplished
...should that feature be designed and implemented

The worst thing that can happen is the project lead or stakeholder micro-manages how something should be specifically done without listening to the input of the engendering team. Trust is essential. The team trust that the requirements and priorities are what is needed and the PO trusts the team that they know how to implement the best solution.


Oct 26, 2017
I am so sorry to hear the software industry is infecting other industries with its ideas.
People should not learn from us.
Been doing agile for about 6-7 years. I'm not sure I'm convinced it's better than waterfall. I agree that early prototypes and early testing/validation is extremely important, but that can be planned via waterfall too. I'm not seeing the benefits of it.
I think agile has a couple of good ideas, but because consultants need to sell books and conference tickets, it can be turned by people who love rules and process into this dumb ass time wasting thing, which is what usually seem to happen once your company/organization gets big enough.
Though I ain't lie, I saw 10 people startups who had full time "scrum master" with no other responsibilities. So that stupidity can start small.


Oct 26, 2017
Devops isn't a development model. You still have to decide if you want to follow scrum or agile or whatever.
Devops is unpaid overtime.
I mean yeah, I know the slides of the people who go around suggesting companies do that talk about other stuff, but in my experience what it means in practice is fire all your ops people and make your devs do the same job.


Oct 25, 2017
Also, (and again, this might just be because of my bad PMs), agile seems like it's terrible at dealing with dependencies. Oh, this ticket depends on this other one being done? I guess maybe we'll deal with it in 2 weeks in the next sprint. If that first ticket is even done then. Critical path is even taught in CS 101!

you should be identifying dependencies when your team grooms your backlog (or during any other context in which you may be exploring/investigating/researching the work). Then the product/project manager (whomever queues up the work) should schedule and prioritize it accordingly.

Technical dependencies are one thing, but one could even consider the front end UI design as a "dependency" and the last place I worked, we tried to stay ahead of development by 2-3 sprints.
Oct 27, 2017
Threads like these are fun to jump into as a total and complete ignoramus and try to figure out what the hell you guys are talking about.
Oct 25, 2017

Except in the waterfall method, the rocket failed testing so it went back into development. The majority of the designers were let go because their job was done and they were mostly contractors. Hiring was done but no one can figure out how the rocket is supposed to work.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
I work with IT side from business. I would say about 20% of my job is trying to solve business application errors and problems, and creating tickets/JIRAs for bugs. Then I get on biweekly calls to prioritize these bugs against feature release. The IT side I work with follows agile/kanban thought of fixing problems. Lot of times what happens is that I report a bug which a user reported to me. For example, when they create a new record in the application, the system created a dupe dwkey in the data warehouse. When I run the reports, the wrong record is being fetched. I created a ticket for the IT team to resolve this, and it got lost in a sea of other tickets. 6 months from now, my ticket is still pending and the user found a workaround in the application (killed his own record, created a new one, migrated previous dependencies etc).

In short my business users are finding workaround because IT cannot solve their issues.

Then, during devops/cross functional meetings, they show that the application has an uptime of "99.6%" in the past two weeks, hurrah. Me and my peers just laugh about those horseshit numbers every time. Sometimes we take bets on what the new number is. The application itself is so bugridden, why show it's availability kpi? To show us how great they are doing? It doesn't make sense.

Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
This triggers another question for me: I manage a project team where the people engaged in several different projects for different clients. Some of the projects are multi-year efforts with predictable standards and desired outcomes, some are smaller efforts that only use a couple of my resources, and some of the projects are actually ongoing, predictable, repeatable support processes.

So my question is, if not all projects are suited to a particular method, then how do you manage a team that's engaged in such a variety of projects?
You can use scrum to queue up and protect their workloads in each sprint. Every planning, you can reprioritize things.

How does this work in non project based departments, like Client Services? Where you're constantly just reacting?
You can use something like kanban and just track how many tasks your department can finish to get a predictable flow.

Can someone explain the point of user stories to me? It's probably just that my PMs suck, but it just seems like it's just adding cognitive load onto your requirements. Instead of having a nice list of bullet points, you're parsing paragraphs of text, half of which is just filler connective tissue. "As a User I can" is almost always superfluous.

Also, (and again, this might just be because of my bad PMs), agile seems like it's terrible at dealing with dependencies. Oh, this ticket depends on this other one being done? I guess maybe we'll deal with it in 2 weeks in the next sprint. If that first ticket is even done then. Critical path is even taught in CS 101!
I think the idea is for the ticket writer to conceptualize his asks as a user. The format just helps with that, but I personally think it flies in the face of agile philosophy to force people to use that format.


Nov 13, 2017
Does anyone have an easy to digest reference on these project management styles? I work in healthcare IT and occasionally hear terms like agile, scrum, kanban etc. around the office but I've never had any formal training in the subject as my background is clinical.

I've found myself taking on a bit of project management out f necessity lately and I'm just sort of making it up as I go along. Apparently I created something very close to a kanban board, but I'm guessing the software I used was geared towards that already.

Prophet Steve

Oct 26, 2017
User stories are good. Failing fast is good. Security and quality left are good. Using PIPs as an excuse for not doing anything else but what is precisely what has been written down or kanban sizing as a passive aggressive blocker is fucking bullshit. Answer my question, Steve. I don't need to go through your goddam scrum master. I know the people who set up payroll. Oh, NOW you got time for me, Steve? This looks like 3 units for you now, Steve? Just magically fits in with the epic? You're a miracle worker, Steve.

Jeez sorry! :(

Can someone explain the point of user stories to me? It's probably just that my PMs suck, but it just seems like it's just adding cognitive load onto your requirements. Instead of having a nice list of bullet points, you're parsing paragraphs of text, half of which is just filler connective tissue. "As a User I can" is almost always superfluous.

Also, (and again, this might just be because of my bad PMs), agile seems like it's terrible at dealing with dependencies. Oh, this ticket depends on this other one being done? I guess maybe we'll deal with it in 2 weeks in the next sprint. If that first ticket is even done then. Critical path is even taught in CS 101!

I've mentioned it earlier but it is basically forcing you into a format that lets you consider a number of thing such as who benefits from a feature and for developers provides context for who they are making it. Also what to make, but that's always done anyway. And how those users benefit from it.

It can also easily be done without user stories. But way too often I see tickets that don't provide that info and I am confused at why to do something and for who I am doing so. And then it is also often that even who made those things did not really consider that and people are just creating things that seemed like a good idea but barely benefit anyone.

Does anyone have an easy to digest reference on these project management styles? I work in healthcare IT and occasionally hear terms like agile, scrum, kanban etc. around the office but I've never had any formal training in the subject as my background is clinical.

I've found myself taking on a bit of project management out f necessity lately and I'm just sort of making it up as I go along. Apparently I created something very close to a kanban board, but I'm guessing the software I used was geared towards that already.

A simple overview is easy enough to find with Google it with everything you can dive a lot deeper. I think this works for at least the basics. Look up the agile manifesto for agile, the Scrum guide for Scrum and Kanban is kind of the board.

They are used as umbrella terms for so many things though so all are associated with a lot of extra stuff. Kanban is closely related to Lean and it may be worth it to start searching for that too.


Dec 25, 2017
The simple way I understand it is if you have a project that can change many times along the way then agile is a good method to use. If not, then waterfall will work just fine.

My company is trying to use agile service managment for oporations after putting scrum in place for projects,but for them agile service management is just a way to micro manage. They also want to work in the ITIL framework but don't really seem to want to invest the time to learn what that really is.

Scrum has been benefitual since its been keeping people on task for once. ITIL has been a waste since they won't backup up the problem managers (my job) and change management is still a mess after 9 years. Plus they have us doing 2nd/3rd level app support along with problem management.


Oct 27, 2017
yes i implemented a kanban board and scrum within a project (aerospace company/non software) but did not use any buzzwords, like scrum, sprints, user stories, daily stand ups and people actually just accepted it and didnt complain.
This so much.
I told my project team we won't be doing agile anymore, changed some minor stuff and adapted scrum a bit, and suddenly they stopped complaining and started actually working.


Feb 16, 2018
I've worked in dev companies that have tried to move to agile through scrum several times, they've all messed up and found their way back to something like waterfall.

As a developer it's mostly felt like busy work for the managers to keep on busy working. The rest of us just kept on going as we would have no matter the system


Oct 28, 2017
My company has been doing "Agile" for 7 years.

Most projects i've worked on were just "pretend" agile. Basically, we do daily meetings to say what we've worked on yesterday and what we'll do today, we have a board with tickets in different stages and that's about it. The rest is basic Waterfall way, we just call it "agile" for contract reasons.

But i'm currently working on a project full agile for a change : We're one year late on the MVP delivery. So either we're exceptionnally shit at it or there's something clearly flawed in this process.

Anyway, i'm definitely not sold on it. For any type of work. (and fuck the retros, this is always a boring slog to go through that never changes anything)


Oct 28, 2017
So my work is going through an Agile transformation (we've been a formal waterfall shop for years) and I'm wondering if anyone else has been in a place that's adopted Agile but NOT in a software development environment. Has it gone well? Does it not make sense?

I'd rather not describe specifically what we do, but I'm interested in the challenges and shortfalls that anyone has found when trying to adopt Agile outside of software development.
I'm actually programme consulting right now for a company that has "gone Agile" and I'm basically trying to build a waterfall structure around them and they're loving the changes (I think).

Tbh I don't really see the point in agile outside of software development because the whole point is providing iterations on requirements so that the devs and business are on the same page. There are good things, like having a 15 minute stand up 3 times a week is good for keeping up to date on what's happening in the short term. But right now I've come in and the programme team have no idea what they're doing outside of a month in front of them and I'm now trying to map it out for them.


Self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Waterfall is garbage for a anything that isn't a medical device or airplane or rocket. Which is like 99% of useless CRUD software.


Oct 27, 2017
In my experience, it does not work for every team.

In my previous job I was part of a small team responsible for solution design and implementation/deployment for specific network appliances, but also responsible for changes and solving outages related to those appliances. Any (extra) work we received from the latter had impact on the former.
With this, together with unengaged management only concerned with delivery results on the former, you could imagine I was not a fan. This method of working does not fit well in an operational department, in my opinion, especially if your team is a one stop shop responsible for everything. And of course it doesn't help it was forced upon us with the only argument that other teams in the IT department do it as well. Perhaps it does work well with larger teams that only have key areas of responsibility.


Oct 28, 2017
Look, all you need to do are plot out your key milestones ahead of time as possible, and then try a hybrid of Agile and Waterfall philosophies until you hit something that works for the team.

Make sure you're tracking your Actions, Risks and Issues, and you're golden.

I feel in IT Agile can be really beneficial because of the need to build and test all the time (and realising the design isn't what was asked), but I just cannot understand why you would go full agile in a non-IT environment.


Oct 25, 2017
London, United Kingdom

Agile is a change in how everyone at a business THINKS ABOUT THEIR JOB.

Individuals and interactions are more important than process and tools.
Working software (getting shit done) is more important than comprehensive documentation (work that only makes sense when getting shit done is not at risk)
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan.

Agile is about keeping things small and talking a lot.

Any "agile transformation" that does not force people to change their own working habits to follow the manifesto principle is a waste of time.


Oct 27, 2017
I run a solo law practice with a couple interns and an assistant. I do put things into Trello for a Kanban board view. Is there anything from Agile that could apply to my situation?


Oct 31, 2017
I run a solo law practice with a couple interns and an assistant. I do put things into Trello for a Kanban board view. Is there anything from Agile that could apply to my situation?

We use kanban for our workload and do a standup 3x a week to discuss what we're doing/have Done.
(Work in gov, legislation analist, we handle new legislation and questions/issues regarding existing leg)

Use what works for you. Dont overthink it. Try it for a month or two. If it doesnt ADD value, dont do it.

Penny Royal

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
QLD, Australia
One thing I've encountered among people on the business side, especially product managers, is that they assume agile means 'I've got a problem, you need to drop everything now to work on it.' and of you don't they wander off muttering about not being very agile.

I'm about to embark on my Agile foundation training (I'm a PRINCE2 trained PM) and I'm looking forward to it.


Oct 27, 2017
with these things I usually find that if it has a name then it's something made to sell books and training seminars. The problem I have with these ideologies is that it's like hey look let's analyze how good teams work together and then package that as a project management methodology. But you never stopped to consider if it's the actual people making up the team that made it successful. I have a massive distrust for any packaged solutions that's fueled by buzzwords and marketing. To me it makes more sense to put together really good teams and have them figure out the process. Yes that's hard, all great things are hard to do. Modern software is generally complete shit.
Last edited:
Oct 27, 2017
with these things I usually find that if if it has a name then it's something made to sell books and training seminars. The problem I have with these ideologies is that it's like hey look let's analyze how good teams work together and then package that as a project management methodology. But you never stopped to consider if it's the actual people making up the team that made it successful. I have a massive distrust for any packaged solutions that's fueled by buzzwords and marketing. To me it makes more sense to put together really good teams and have them figure out the process. Yes that's hard, all great things are hard to do. Modern software is generally complete shit.
I feel the same is true. Apply this to anything. Useless analysts come in and try to understand successful things and only copy attributes not getting that it took someone special creating them. People aren't cogs. The secret to success is to have good people, treated well, and trusted. This formula also includes a lot of failure prior to success, but capitalism is always looking for a cheat code.
Oct 25, 2017
One thing I've encountered among people on the business side, especially product managers, is that they assume agile means 'I've got a problem, you need to drop everything now to work on it.' and of you don't they wander off muttering about not being very agile.

I'm about to embark on my Agile foundation training (I'm a PRINCE2 trained PM) and I'm looking forward to it.

yep, people take agile to just mean "I use jira and we ship fast"

when in reality you use jira wrong and you're still overwrought with terrible middle management and awful micro managing of every minutia of a feature.


Oct 27, 2017
We use kanban for our workload and do a standup 3x a week to discuss what we're doing/have Done.
(Work in gov, legislation analist, we handle new legislation and questions/issues regarding existing leg)

Use what works for you. Dont overthink it. Try it for a month or two. If it doesnt ADD value, dont do it.
I'll look into it, thanks!
Oct 27, 2017
The best thing is to analyze what your team does and then find a hybrid of different methods that makes everything transparent and efficient.

And don't use a single buzz word. Then everyone will think you're evangelizing some method you fell in love with.

I dont really understand what Agile is. Ive tried reading about it but it just looks like buzz words in a sentence. We have a new mechanical supervisor and he wants to implement Agile in our work area. (We perform maintenance and do repairs to hundreds of pumps, gearboxes, augers, chains, screens) we are a waste water treatment plant.
Nobody really understands what he wants, but numbers that don't
mean anything are very important to him. As well he is incredibly mad at us that we cant plan for emergency repairs 3-4 weeks in advance.
But he has reduced our stock and inventory to almost nothing which makes repairing and replacing equipment... Difficult.

I just work in the Water Quality side but Operations people told me the biggest issue in an emergency situation is not having replacement parts or personnel on site when something goes down.


Oct 28, 2017
I just work in the Water Quality side but Operations people told me the biggest issue in an emergency situation is not having replacement parts or personnel on site when something goes down.
Our biggest problem is management doesnt want to carry any inventory and most of the parts we need has a 18 week or more delivery time. We end up stripping the broken equipment down, glueing it together and limp it along. Then every temporary fix becomes a permanent fix.

Sorry side question how does your approvement process work to buy parts? They took away everyones company credit card so when i need some small parts. I have to get a P.O. then it has to be approved through 3 layers of management and the company im buying from has to have all ready been pre approved for purchasing from.


Oct 25, 2017
I work in construction and I use Trello to keep myself organized and looking ahead on all my projects. Its incredibly useful.

I don't know much about any of these methodologies because they seem like such buzzword word-salad whenever I try and read about them.


Oct 27, 2017
I've been to a bank which just had implemented agile structures, I dont think it was that useful for them. I believe it is often about senior management attempting to appear "modern".
Oct 27, 2017
Our biggest problem is management doesnt want to carry any inventory and most of the parts we need has a 18 week or more delivery time. We end up stripping the broken equipment down, glueing it together and limp it along. Then every temporary fix becomes a permanent fix.

Sorry side question how does your approvement process work to buy parts? They took away everyones company credit card so when i need some small parts. I have to get a P.O. then it has to be approved through 3 layers of management and the company im buying from has to have all ready been pre approved for purchasing from.

Yep it's almost exactly the same process with approvals and POs. And getting a vendor approved is challenging too, they have to have the right paperwork, insurance, and NSF certification even for things that don't contact the water. It feels like the performance/price of their product is the last thing we look at.


Oct 25, 2017
Our biggest problem is management doesnt want to carry any inventory and most of the parts we need has a 18 week or more delivery time. We end up stripping the broken equipment down, glueing it together and limp it along. Then every temporary fix becomes a permanent fix.

Sorry side question how does your approvement process work to buy parts? They took away everyones company credit card so when i need some small parts. I have to get a P.O. then it has to be approved through 3 layers of management and the company im buying from has to have all ready been pre approved for purchasing from.

It sounds like that the supervisor/management is trying to implement JIT without understanding how JIT is supposed to work.