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Nov 1, 2017
Now that it's clear Holly was actively finding the next victims of that pedo and helping him cover it up, I understand why he would leave a cutie like his ex wife for that other repugnant woman. Makes perfect sense.


Oct 25, 2017
At 869k subscribers (and still going down), he's now at the sub number he was at in early-mid January 2017. Anymore and he's going to start dipping into 2016 sub numbers.
Dec 2, 2017
This has really shaken me. I wouldn't say I get emotionally attached to youtubers. But when you have seemingly constan access to someone through videos and social media, you feel like you have a feeling for them, if that makes sense? A feeling for what kind of person they are. And I had no idea Jared was such a creepy paedo fuck, never twigged it. And i shouldn't be making this about me, it's about the victims he groomed and abused. I severely misjudged this guy, and I will be more cautious about feelings about internet celebs In the future. Rot in prison Jared.

Kyle Cross

Oct 25, 2017
It's a shame we don't see other youtubers go down this hard when they're exposed as shit-bags. But many of those other youtubers have strong alt-right followings that defend them, but it's my understanding that Jirad did not.

Please let whatever powers that be ensure that Markiplier and the Grumps are not secretly assholes, racists, and/or pedophiles.
Markiplier is friends with PewdiePie who supports and defends him to this day.


Nov 15, 2017
Where is the source on Holly defending him currently and that she was involved in the minors?
Not doubting, i can't find and being at work limits the amount of sites I can visit like reddit
Oct 27, 2017
This has really shaken me. I wouldn't say I get emotionally attached to youtubers. But when you have seemingly constan access to someone through videos and social media, you feel like you have a feeling for them, if that makes sense? A feeling for what kind of person they are. And I had no idea Jared was such a creepy paedo fuck, never twigged it. And i shouldn't be making this about me, it's about the victims he groomed and abused. I severely misjudged this guy, and I will be more cautious about feelings about internet celebs In the future. Rot in prison Jared.

I get what you're saying, I've felt the same. I never seen a Projared video, but a few years I watched a lot of Rooster Teeth content and it felt like you knew the people producing the content, but in reality you never do. People are really good at hiding what they are, we only see them making videos, never how they act in real life.

So it's a good thing to have a more distanced approach to stuff like this, that we may enjoy some peoples videos, but we have no idea what they think or do in their private life.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
I'm skeptical he will go to prison. He wouldn't be the first internet personality to fuck around with underage people and get off (relatively) scott free.


Dec 10, 2018
Where is the source on Holly defending him currently and that she was involved in the minors?
Not doubting, i can't find and being at work limits the amount of sites I can visit like reddit

I don't think she was involved with the minors, but hooked up with Jared at some cons and she posted something to the extent of "I will be there for you if you need me" to Jared when he announced his divorce from his wife. That's what I remember anyway.
Dec 2, 2017
I get what you're saying, I've felt the same. I never seen a Projared video, but a few years I watched a lot of Rooster Teeth content and it felt like you knew the people producing the content, but in reality you never do. People are really good at hiding what they are, we only see them making videos, never how they act in real life.

So it's a good thing to have a more distanced approach to stuff like this, that we may enjoy some peoples videos, but we have no idea what they think or do in their private life.
I absolutely agree. Internet celebrities are just normal people with their own deep flaws.


Apr 9, 2019


Oct 28, 2017
I don't think she was involved with the minors, but hooked up with Jared at some cons and she posted something to the extent of "I will be there for you if you need me" to Jared when he announced his divorce from his wife. That's what I remember anyway.

check through here again or hit up the big Twitter threads: its much more than that. Holly and Jared were actively cheating and according to Heidi's allegations/receipts, SHE was an aggressor in perpetuating their relationship. according to some of the minor accusers who are providing their stories, there's speculation (with good evidence) that she at best had at least fed information to Jared without consent about who was voicing their stories and at worst (not sure what the evidence level for this is) actively helped to cover up his abuse.


Apr 4, 2018
16 to 18 is the age of consent, depends on the states. However, some states that do have an age consent of 16 have other laws in place to prevent adults from having sex with them until they reach the legal definition of adult.

ProJared is located in Washington, I believe. The law says 16 years old is legal, but there's certain conditions, and I believe one of them is that the older partner can't be 60 months or over older than the younger one. ProJared is 33 years old, so yeah, he was grooming and soliciting underage kids according to the law.
The more pressing concern are pornography laws, which as far as I'm aware universally say that the subjects/actors must be 18 years or older. If he possessed nude photos of anyone younger than that and circulated them in his tumblr blog he's in deep shit.


Oct 27, 2017
It's the same with all celebrities, they're just people, and a fair procent of people are assholes and so on haha.
People seem to forget this and it is easy to forget. Too many people put celebrities on different tier and levels which both enables and excuses awful behaviour. Jared may have had these tendencies, but the power dynamic of minor internet fame allowed him to act on it.

Current internet "stan culture" is fucking abhorrent.

Celebrities are human, they're flawed, they do and say awful things, they can change, they can become worse.


Oct 25, 2017
Wow. Just woke up and saw this mess got more messy. I dont even know what to say at this point. He should flee the country to one with no extradition and start a new life. Not that i want to give him advice or anything.


Oct 29, 2017
People seem to forget this and it is easy to forget. Too many people put celebrities on different tier and levels which both enables and excuses awful behaviour. Jared may have had these tendencies, but the power dynamic of minor internet fame allowed him to act on it.

Current internet "stan culture" is fucking abhorrent.

Celebrities are human, they're flawed, they do and say awful things, they can change, they can become worse.
I actually recently watched Surviving R.Kelly and Leaving Neverland and thanked the stars that I've never been the type of person to go all in for any celebrity. People truly get fucking dangerously delusional when they wrap up their self worth and attention in celebrities of all walks. I loved JonTron's vidoes as well as ProJared's but after both revelations about them, I have and had no problem unsubscribing and never looking back. And it's disturbing how many thousands on thousands of people just for YTubers like them alone aren't willing to even allow critique toward their "stars" let alone drop them all together.


Dec 10, 2018
check through here again or hit up the big Twitter threads: its much more than that. Holly and Jared were actively cheating and according to Heidi's allegations/receipts, SHE was an aggressor in perpetuating their relationship. according to some of the minor accusers who are providing their stories, there's speculation (with good evidence) that she at best had at least fed information to Jared without consent about who was voicing their stories and at worst (not sure what the evidence level for this is) actively helped to cover up his abuse.

Oooh, wow. That I did not know. Thanks for the heads up.


Oct 25, 2017
Its crazy thinking about this. I mean, i used to follow and be subscribed to him for years cause i enjoyed his content. Never once did i ever get the indication he was doing some horrid shit. I mean, once in a while on stream he would make some stupid lewd joke or something. But i always thought he was just trying to be funny or some shit. Turns out...that was probably his real personality breaking through. I was also wondering why he stopped mentioning Heidi in his streams. He used to do it all the time. But for the past few months it was like she didnt exist. Now we know why.


Apr 14, 2019
Wait, what? Kim Justice is right-wing?
Fuck, i was going by what a Reddit thread said about reasons why Kim Justice wasn't popular but i can't find any examples of her saying the Neogaf stuff and her Twitter doesn't mention politics all that much, mostly games, drinks or music, also she is mocking ProJared.

So yeah, it seems so far i was really quick to judge and just randomly believed someone's word on the internet, maybe someone has some examples of Kim Justice actually being crappy, but aside from that one Reddit commentor there is nothing, even Neogaf who she supposedly mocked has threads about her videos saying they like her.

...Thank God, though, because i really like Kim Justice, i didn't even grow up with the ZX Spectrum or the Commodore computers, i think i have barely played any of the games, but she does such a detailed job about their games and history that i find quite interesting, particularly because it's a part of gaming history i know little about and have less experience with.
In the case of Guru Larry, I recall him defending GamerGate for a very long ass time. Like, numerous years long ass time. Not some smuck that was roped in by the lies but then left when they found out. He, like, stuck with their shit as it continued to stink. He even went so far as to say it was never about misogyny and even wrote an article about it and how pure and good the GG movement was. He even said you aren't a real gamer if you think GG is about misogyny. And he rallied on the dumb anti-journalist shit. He's also very happy to have KotakuInAction's support. He also still makes videos as recently as a few months ago crying about "video game censorship" , something GGers also often soiled their pants over. And etc. etc. etc.
But then again, it now seems Guru Larry is the one i shouldn't be watching or isn't as great as i thought he was, Goddamn it.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
This is far worse shit than I could have imagined it to be. If he actually used his fame to have access to minors...whew. He goin' bye bye. I admit I didn't really follow him, but I did watch a video or two, including one where apparently their home suffered some pretty bad water damage and alot of their belongings, specifically his wifes cosplay stuff, got ruined in the aftermath.


Oct 25, 2017
Fuck, i was going by what a Reddit thread said about reasons why Kim Justice wasn't popular but i can't find any examples of her saying the Neogaf stuff and her Twitter doesn't mention politics all that much, mostly games, drinks or music, also she is mocking ProJared.

So yeah, it seems so far i was really quick to judge and just randomly believed someone's word on the internet, maybe someone has some examples of Kim Justice actually being crappy, but aside from that one Reddit commentor there is nothing, even Neogaf who she supposedly mocked has threads about her videos saying they like her.

...Thank God, though, because i really like Kim Justice, i didn't even grow up with the ZX Spectrum or the Commodore computers, i think i have barely played any of the games, but she does such a detailed job about their games and history that i find quite interesting, particularly because it's a part of gaming history i know little about and have less experience with.
I distinctly remember her gloating about the old place burning down because we were a bunch of virtue signalers and SJWs or something. I don't know if she's right wing or anything though.


Oct 26, 2017
Atlanta, GA
You don't have to have been in a 10 year marriage. You don't however understand how complicated marriages can get as you just demonstrated. Cheating is being treated so black and white here. It is almost comical.
No excuse. One of my parents cheated on the other, and it tore our family apart, and the one cheated on never really recovered. I have no tolerance for this shit.

That said, that's hardly the worst part of this whole situation.


Apr 14, 2019
I distinctly remember her gloating about the old place burning down because we were a bunch of virtue signalers and SJWs or something. I don't know if she's right wing or anything though.

God damn it, now i have to look a bit harder but i hope she has apologized sometime, she is really the best content creator regarding british gaming history i found so far and it's something not that many people focus on sadly.


Dec 10, 2018
DrDisrespect cheated on his wife and is in general kind of a piece of shit, but he still gains followers. So I guess people don't really care about that, even though it is an extremely shitty act.

When children get sexually exploited however, the internet jumps on that. If it was just the cheating, PedoJared would have made more followers and just glorified his cheating.

Edit- Because people are misinterpreting what I am getting at I will try to be clearer. I am aware this is a false equivalency, but that is the point. The internet disregards cheating on partners or married couples, it will generally be ignored or make the person who cheated more popular. "They're consenting adults, yarda yarda". Well aware. I am establishing that IF PedoJared had only cheated on his partner it would be ignored or make him more popular, because other Youtubers Like The Terminator and DrDisrespect got away with it. PedoJared, can't get away with it because of the more sinister stuff involving underaged kids. Next to murder, this is one of the few things people aren't forgiven for.

Basically cheat away. Just don't touch kids.

Double Edit: I still can't believe people aren't getting this so I am going to simplify it completely.

Things the internet forgives Youtubers for that makes them more popular or doesn't affect them much : Theft, exploiting kids for money ( CS:Go gambling), cheating on people/spouses, racism and Naziism. Many Youtubers have done this and have still kept their channels. I personally think all of these things are shitty.

Things the internet doesn't forgive or destroys YouTubers: Pedophiles or child exploitation, murder, torture, animal abuse/killing.

If ProJared just stuck with cheating, he would be forgiven or more popular according to how the internet have reacted in the past. If the title was just "ProJared cheats on wife". That would be all., hell he would probably be more popular than ever if BY EXAMPLE he just cheated like DrDisrespect or The Terminator.

Pedophilia got him in trouble, the cheating is just a triviality in comparison.

I hope I don't have to explain this a 3rd time because it is tiring.
Last edited:


Nov 15, 2017
DrDisrespect cheated on his wife and is in general kind of a piece of shit, but he still gains followers. So I guess people don't really care about that, even though it is an extremely shitty act.

When children get sexually exploited however, the internet jumps on that. If it was just the cheating, PedoJared would have made more followers and just glorified his cheating.
Well to be fair, not to derail but him and his wife did work it out. At that point people were just like
"Die Hard Fans"
"None of our business, they worked it out" and just moved on


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
PewDiePie is about as bad as JonTron at this point and he is also still extremely successful. I think once you get big enough it's really difficult to bring you down even if you are a racist/misogynist asshole.

It's because of the entire structure around the "internet celebrity" culture. Any other form of "fame" comes with a level of accountability attached to it since you have to work for and with others. Papa John being a perfect example of someone who wasnt aware that even as the face of a company they're accountable to others within the company.

The problem with Twitch and YT people etc is they're in no way accountable. There is no structure within YT or Twitch to deter them from being shitty. Twitch has maybe a slightly more moderated approach but even then it's just a matter of not triggering a ban.

As long as their audience is largely made up of impressionable kids they will continue to behave like they can do no wrong. Because nobody will step in to tell them. It's on both the companies and the audiences for taking people with no real marketable talent outside of streaming games and building them up to believe they're of some importance in the world so can feel no repercussions.

Just look at how any of them behave when they get called out on their bullshit. It's always everyone else fault. The biased media or other people spreading misinformation. It's the approach of a spoilt kid because they were never taught to be anything else and have escaped having to be more than that for over a decade now.


Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
DrDisrespect cheated on his wife and is in general kind of a piece of shit, but he still gains followers. So I guess people don't really care about that, even though it is an extremely shitty act.

When children get sexually exploited however, the internet jumps on that. If it was just the cheating, PedoJared would have made more followers and just glorified his cheating.
I'm not defendng DrDisrespect but there is a big difference between general infidelity and what Jared did


Dec 10, 2018
I'm not defendng DrDisrespect but there is a big difference between general infidelity and what Jared did

Was more highlighting that even if people do something bad, most of the time the internet forgives or makes them more popular. I know there is a false equivalency , just demonstrating when people are forgiven. PedoJared won't recover from this and so am glad, because this case is an exceptional case of shitbaggery.


Oct 25, 2017

God damn it, now i have to look a bit harder but i hope she has apologized sometime, she is really the best content creator regarding british gaming history i found so far and it's something not that many people focus on sadly.
Tbh, I just checked and can't find anything. Maybe she deleted her tweets, idk. Iirc, she disliked the old place because we were too mean to Guru Larry, Jim Sterling and because we tend to act like a mob. Can't say if it has anything to do with politics, it was a long Time ago.


Oct 28, 2017
No excuse. One of my parents cheated on the other, and it tore our family apart, and the one cheated on never really recovered. I have no tolerance for this shit.

That said, that's hardly the worst part of this whole situation.

this x1000. lets be real, the biggest issue here is 100% ProJared's sexual predation of minors and not only shouldn't be forgotten about but should be what hes castigated and held accountable for.

BUT, as an aside: not just here, but deep in the Twitter threads too, is this weird of waving away of or normalizing infidelity, with a hint of monogamy shaming and its fuckin' odd.

cheating may not be "black and white", but its certainly REALLY dark grey and REALLY light grey. and quite frankly, it doesn't really matter what your worldview is when it comes to interpersonal/romantic/sexual relationships -
im a bi dude who has experienced open or semi-open relationships, purely sexual couplings, and was involved in my local kink scene. one thing i NEVER did or even felt a slight desire to do? step out of line and cheat. even if your relationship is "non traditional" there are still rules and boundaries that you dont cross, and even in open relationships the concept of infidelity exists.

also, its come up before and has since been disproven, so for the record: the idea that ProJared and Heidi were in an open relationship and was okay with his NSFW interactions with fans via tumblr and snapchat is FALSE according to her and was likely the story he spun to justify his behavior and make it seem okay to that small section of the public that associated with him in that capacity.


Apr 14, 2019
Tbh, I just checked and can't find anything. Maybe she deleted her tweets, idk. Iirc, she disliked the old place because we were too mean to Guru Larry, Jim Sterling and because we tend to act like a mob. Can't say if it has anything to do with politics, it was a long Time ago.
Oh so that's why i couldn't find anything, still not perfect but she does seem to be quite friendly with Guru Larry, then again, that guy just seems to be friends will all british Youtubers who focus on gaming videos.

Top Hat Gaming Man, DJ Slopes, Octav1us, Kim Justice and what not all seem to know Guru Larry.

Oh yeah, DJ Slopes seems quite alright and he has even managed to talk with LGR and have him make an appearance in his stuff, Top Hat Gaming Man is the kind of Youtuber that just focuses on a lot of platforms and seems nice, he does a lot of stuff on obscure systems and games, mostly because he says he doesn't want to be someone else talking about the SNES, ZX Spectrum or what have you, and the bootleg systems also have their youtubers, so he decided to go for less known stuff:

Though he does his Nintendo and Sega stuff as well, even clone systems:
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