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Alt account
May 26, 2018
Era's ultimately just a gaming forum. There isn't a whole lot more keeping bad actors out than in, say, 4chan. The only major difference is that the moderation here is stricter here.

In the extreme case, there were some straight up Neo-Nazis posting here when the forum started up, although they were trying not to get caught.

there still are, but they have subtle dogwhistles, a lot of them showed up on the sri lanka easter attack thread, I reported them but mods did nothing; but they did ban me for calling game of thrones fans salty; priorities


Oct 27, 2017
Lima, Peru
there still are, but they have subtle dogwhistles, a lot of them showed up on the sri lanka easter attack thread, I reported them but mods did nothing; but they did ban me for calling game of thrones fans salty; priorities
I remember a guy got banned 3 days for saying something horrific, the same amount i got for making a dumb joke about AOC not being in the senate


Jan 15, 2019
It's not really suprising honestly, ERA has some bad dust under the rug.

-The whole PDP situation had a lot of people playing goalie for him.

People having empathy and realizing they dont need to crucify someone for having a knee jerk reaction to defend their friend, especially after he recanted and apologized afterwards, makes them "bad dust under the rug"?

Edit: Nevermind i cant read and am talking out of my ass. Feel free to mock and ridicule accordingly
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Alt account
May 26, 2018
Plenty of people get banned for bigoted statements and some are better at being clever about it. Not sure why y'all getting banned for doing something banworthy is now a testament to the poor moderation on the site.

you're right, both sides are the same; but this is off topic so let's shelve this


Nov 3, 2017
People having empathy and realizing they dont need to crucify someone for having a knee jerk reaction to defend their friend, especially after he recanted and apologized afterwards, makes them "bad dust under the rug"?
Are you confusing Pewdiepie with PeanutButter Gamer?

Deleted member 50374

alt account
Dec 4, 2018
You know what,

It's nice to see a Youtube celebrity actually face consequences for their actions for once. Seeing everyone drop support for him, seeing his fanbase immediately turn against him (look at /r/projared if you want a laugh), seeing his sub count evaporating, everything.
Honestly, having been a fan, I suspect his fanbase was better than the average YouTuber's (and 100 times better than him), and that's why it turned on him immediately

I mean


Krauser Kat

Oct 27, 2017
Why does everyone need "help" when they do something shitty?
Not shitting on you, just dont get the logic, just a view point i've seen multiple times before
Punishing people does nothing, jail does nothing to stop reoffending. all forms of punishment should be rehabilitation. If someone is a lost cause why not just wish they are dead?
Nov 4, 2017
YouTube stardom is a new frontier that has suddenly bestowed relative levels of fame and influence on people who would otherwise just be nobodies sitting around playing video games. I'm not surprised so many of them are shitty or make shitty mistakes.
Exactly, Yes he's destroyed his own reputation but there's a deeper issue. The cult of celebrity. ProJared isn't exactly a sex symbol, and let's face it, The majority of people he's solicited and engaged with sexually on these platforms wouldn't give him the time of day he wasn't famous.

If a stranger (especially one who looks like Jared) adds you, an attractive person, on Snapchat and starts propositioning you sexually, you'll likely dismiss him immediately as a creep and a weirdo if he's lucky and you don't report him. But the variable here? Oh he's a successful YouTuber... He's "somebody" now.

Still equally a stranger yet, it's allowed to escalate further because of his status simply. Why does this happen, do people feel it heightens their own statuses if they engage with someone famous? It doesn't actually change your life yet people think there's something to accomplish, like it's some sort of victory or you've sexually interacted with a higher being or something.

Obviously with minors and even in my opinion, young adults (despite being of legal age) this isn't even a discussion and is especially immoral as they don't have the mature mental capacity to comprehend the gravity of what they're getting involved in which usually explains why as they mature they're able to reflect and recognize that this wasn't right.

But to go to my earlier point, what is it about fame, The idea of becoming famous, celebrity culture and wanting to have sex with someone on the basis they are famous that prompt's people to throw their integrity to the wind and abandon their dignity?

Deleted member 2793

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, having been a fan, I suspect his fanbase was better than the average YouTuber's (and 100 times better than him), and that's why it turned on him immediately

I mean
There are two things to it, I guess. The whole "serious" and "insightful" personality he had in the videos attracted a crowd older and expecting more from him.

And second is that sadly, cheating isn't as "political" as most other dramas Youtubers involve themselves with, so people don't care about defending him like they do with other awful personalities.

Stone Ocean

Oct 25, 2017
I don't think anyone should cut holly some slack. She is as bad as Jared is. Coming from someone who had witnessed a similar situation to this around my circle of friends(Yes, married and getting cheated on a close friend), it's a damn tough time and a hard watch for a third party. I am 100% on Heidi's side on this no matter how public she wants it to be. Holly went along with it, knowing full well they were married, Jared knew he can't control his urges and probably controlled some of heidi's life. No forgiveness there and I hope Heidi gets all the support she needs.

Not to dig too much into their past, they were all clearly very close friends and Heidi looked very comfortable around holly. It's kinda scary and gave me goosebumps just thinking about it:

Holly gets no sympathy from me.


Nov 1, 2017
You can sort of tell if someone is arguing in bad faith if they say like "give him the benefit of the doubt" or "we dont know the whole story" on what is just the latest bit of info on what is becoming a very large list of infractions


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
You know, I could've gone my entire life without having seen ProJared's rookie member, but here we are. God damn the internet.


Apr 25, 2019
I'm getting really sick of this continuous disappointment from gaming youtubers. It always seems like every 3 to 6 months, something awful comes to light about a beloved creator, and it makes all the times I've watched their videos, checked out games due to their coverage or quoted them feel tainted.

I'm honestly at the point where I don't feel like following anyone anymore, especially in gaming. I've already been let down by the likes of Jon Tron, Jew Wario, Doug Walker and Pewdiepie. I wonder how long it will be until something despicable comes out about the Arin or Dan, PBG, LGR, James Rolfe or anyone else I have ever watched and loved.

And just tired of having my heart broken.


Oct 25, 2017
All the usual idiots are loving this whole thing. I have no clue why YouTube still puts people like the quartering dude in gaming. They should make a special bigot section.

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
Shit, I just remembered his MH3U beginner guides helped push me to buy a Wii U for that game like 6 years ago. One of the best mechanics tutorials on the internet and I ended up playing both the 3DS and Wii U game combined for hundreds of hours.

Meanwhile this shit was going on...


Nov 10, 2017
I've been following this guy since the early days and even supported him after the mold problem that had ruined some of his collection... I absolutely can't believe that he's another sick piece of shit on the internet and that it involves underaged kids. This is a fucking outrage.

Bottom line, this man got kids to send him naked pictures of themselves and he sent them naked pictures. He should be in jail. Absolutely disgusting.


Alt Account
Oct 27, 2017
What he did was pretty shitty but I hope none of the users here that condemn him for cheating have cheated themselves because some threads in off topic makes it seems lots of people on this site are okay with it or at least is okay when they do it.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017

When even DSP getting in the roast, you know you fucked up big time


Apr 14, 2019
Damn, can't find a search function for just a thread, but apparently Jared was telling his friends that his wife would be saying he was an asshole and tell lies about him, leading to some like PBG defending him.

And i don't know if this has been posted here but he has apologized to Heidi, i know we have said that everyone has left ProJared right now, but it's nice to see this:

It's always nice seeing someone admit they were wrong, and i specifically like that he admits he would understand why she would not accept his apology, though she did.

God, i hope PeanutButterGamer doesn't get revealed to be a jerk or a criminal too, i liked ProJared and watched his videos, so that's another Youtuber gone, please be good PBG!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
But how will we ever learn which Pokemon Evolution line is the best?!?

Charizard got roooooooooobbbbbed
Oct 27, 2017
What he did was pretty shitty but I hope none of the users here that condemn him for cheating have cheated themselves because some threads in off topic makes it seems lots of people on this site are okay with it or at least is okay when they do it.
I'm pretty sure people who are okay with cheating are the ones who are disregarding such topic here.


Shin Megami TC - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
What he did was pretty shitty but I hope none of the users here that condemn him for cheating have cheated themselves because some threads in off topic makes it seems lots of people on this site are okay with it or at least is okay when they do it.
I was actually considering making a topic about that in OT, but I can't see how it wouldn't crash and burn almost immediately. It was basically going to be a "Do you consider cheating to be wrong?" or something like that.
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