
Oct 27, 2017
United States
If there is no recording, his base won't believe this.
If there is a recording, his base won't believe this.
If he says it live on tv, his base will agree with him.

Strong Island

May 11, 2020
I love the strategy of going in against Trump on this. Duckworth is such a compelling figure and Trump has no good way to criticize her without being a fool. I still love Khizr Khan for his courage in 2016. Lamb is going to be a PA Senator soon. Bottom line this is how you go hard after Trump in what I believe will solidify further the gains amongst conservative Democrats and independents. Keep pushing until November 3rd


Oct 27, 2017
I don't even have the words any more.

He literally doesn't even understand the concept of believing in something greater than yourself, because to him, there is nothing greater than himself.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
He literally doesn't even understand the concept of believing in something greater than yourself, because to him, there is nothing greater than himself.
Succinctly put.

It gets back to the general philosophy Trump has about the world and everyone in it: "How can this benefit me?". It's why everything is transactional for him, loyalty is more important than empathy.


No Fear, Only Math
Oct 25, 2017
People say this but it feels like it has been effectively locked at a solid 42% for ages. It wavers now and then but then just settles right back at 42% like water finding its level.

42 percent is pretty good news if that's what the election results are nationwide. even if the third-party vote is 6% like last time, that's a 10 point loss against biden. it would be the biggest win in the popular vote percentage since the 80s.


Oct 27, 2017
If there is no recording, his base won't believe this.
If there is a recording, his base won't believe this.
If he says it live on tv, his base will agree with him.

I've seen Trump supporters who responded to this story with "he's still done more for the military than any president ever." They bend over backwards to defend him no matter what happens.


Oct 25, 2017
His base will just think it's fake news. But people are correct. He can't win with that percentage alone.


Oct 27, 2017
Considering, generally how people in America love the military and such and the GOP is the party of military and "law and order".. blows my mind people still want to vote for them and Trump when he says shit like this.

Like even why? What is it that Trump does in the eyes of these ppl that is worth throwing everything else under the bus?
A huge portion of the American electorate only cares about one thing in choosing who they are going to vote for: whether that person has a D or an R next to their name. It's really that simple. Trump was absolutely correct when he said he could shoot someone in the middle of Times Square and people would still vote for him. There are just some people who are not going to vote Democrat in any situation, ever. Nothing will change their minds.

Strong Island

May 11, 2020
It's worthless to think about what the MAGA base thinks about anything. The base is not rational and won't respond rationally to anything. No matter how many NYTimes stories they do about a Trump supporter bar in Pennsylvania his base is not growing. Focus on what his actions have on independents and moderates.


Jan 15, 2019
A huge portion of the American electorate only cares about one thing in choosing who they are going to vote for: whether that person has a D or an R next to their name. It's really that simple. Trump was absolutely correct when he said he could shoot someone in the middle of Times Square and people would still vote for him. There are just some people who are not going to vote Democrat in any situation, ever. Nothing will change their minds.

But why tho? In my country I have voted for like 3-4 different parties lol. Why be so ingrained and 'tribal'


Oct 26, 2017
in before cdc messaging vets and troops will be the first receiving the vaccine beginning November. thanks to your favourite president who always supported the vets/troops.


Oct 27, 2017
It's so telling of Trump's zero-accountability, IIWII "leadership" style that of course he'd blame the troops for being captured/killed rather than blame the commander giving them shitty orders.


Dec 8, 2017
I guarantee you that everyone I know who supports trump will simply say that he never said those things and move on. There's absolutely nothing they won't defend/deflect.


Oct 31, 2017
I hope we get a story like this every week till elections.]

I'm sure some people have them lined up and ready to go.


Oct 27, 2017
remember all Trump and Pence's performative outrage over kneeling football players disrespecting the troops? It would great if finally their hypocrisy sunk them.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
It's so telling of Trump's zero-accountability, IIWII "leadership" style that of course he'd blame the troops for being captured/killed rather than blame the commander giving them shitty orders.
He's the product of a system that allowed someone like him to simply be at a rank in life where he never understood what it took to get there and how to effectively lead. I'm only talking about his business bullshit. He was never, ever qualified to run a gas station, let alone giant companies. So accountability and understanding were never and will never be a part of his toolset. Lacking empathy and morals are just a bonus. Also the whole being white thing.

Very cool and normal he got to be my prez.

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
Considering, generally how people in America love the military and such and the GOP is the party of military and "law and order".. blows my mind people still want to vote for them and Trump when he says shit like this.

Like even why? What is it that Trump does in the eyes of these ppl that is worth throwing everything else under the bus?
He's really good at the racism.


Nov 15, 2017
But why tho? In my country I have voted for like 3-4 different parties lol. Why be so ingrained and 'tribal'
The US uses a first-past-the-post electoral system (at least for the presidential elections), which means that someone can only win if they reach 270 electoral votes. That means, if the vote is split along three or more parties and no one hits that threshold, nobody wins and the Speaker of the House becomes president, IIRC. Because of this, it's really only viable to have two parties in play at a time. Otherwise you risk no one hitting that 270. That's why it's commonly said that voting third party is a waste of a vote here.

It's a bad system and it should be changed, but it's ingrained into the constitution, so it's very difficult to change, especially in today's divided climate.


Oct 27, 2017
Succinctly put.

It gets back to the general philosophy Trump has about the world and everyone in it: "How can this benefit me?". It's why everything is transactional for him, loyalty is more important than empathy.
To him, everything is a zero-sum game. That's why a compromise in which everyone gets something (but not everything they wanted) is impossible with him, as to him that means you're a "loser", "not powerful", "not dominating".

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
What over the last four years has made you think his cult would ever turn their back on him? That includes the military.
The military is way more varied politically then you give it credit for.

Also I imagine all the big generals very much think he's not worth starting a coup against the constitution for.


Oct 27, 2017
If I don't believe this, his base will never believe this.
This is too good to be true. Waiting for proof.


Oct 25, 2017
Considering, generally how people in America love the military and such and the GOP is the party of military and "law and order".. blows my mind people still want to vote for them and Trump when he says shit like this.

Like even why? What is it that Trump does in the eyes of these ppl that is worth throwing everything else under the bus?

They already bought into Trump's big lie, none of the other lies matter. Renegade Cut did a great video on it, that has a topic on this forum.


Feb 25, 2018
If there is no recording, his base won't believe this.
If there is a recording, his base won't believe this.
If he says it live on tv, his base will agree with him.

I came in to say this exact thing but you worded it perfectly.

He could stand on stage and say 'Dead american troops don't deserve respect' and his followers would simply nod and scream that america is all about winning or some shit to justify themselves, all to 'own the libs'


Oct 27, 2017
If they have evidence of this, please spill it as big as you can. This is stuff that can actually hurt Trump a bit.


Nov 13, 2017
Miami, FL
The military is way more varied politically then you give it credit for.

Also I imagine all the big generals very much think he's not worth starting a coup against the constitution for.
That's right.

I see this train of thought on here all the time. Military skews GOP so therefore they will follow Trump no matter what. That isn't the case. Skewing Republican doesn't mean they are overwhelmingly Trumpists. It doesn't mean they throw away the Constitution or their vows to follow one man. And there has been a lot of reporting that says the top military brass don't care for Trump at all.

Here is an article from The Military Times written around the last midterm elections.

The Military Times said:
But who troops will vote for is less clear. Almost half of those who responded to the poll said they do not affiliate with either major political party, continuing a trend in Military Times polls from recent years away from close ties to either Republicans or Democrats.

Despite that, roughly 45 percent of troops polled said they intend to back Republican candidates, even though less than a third say they are registered with the party.


Troops surveyed had a 44 percent favorable view of Trump against a 43 percent unfavorable view. Women, minorities and officers had significantly lower opinions of his tenure, and men and enlisted service members offered more support.

The survey showed broader approval of Trump's handling of military issues — 60 percent say that the military is in better shape now than when President Barack Obama was in office — but most think the military as a whole has weakened during their careers.


Troops see rising political tension in the ranks, poll shows

In the latest Military Times poll, 77 percent of active-duty readers say the armed forces are becoming more politically polarized.

This doesn't translate into the military being a cult that will put loyalty to Trump over everything else.