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Dec 18, 2017
See after the debate it's not whatever to me.
I need to hear this shit with my ears. Was it said with confidence was it said with annoyance was it said with confusion.

That's where my mind is going after those first 15 minutes of the debate.

He has an interview on ABC on Friday which I presume will clear all this up.


Shinra Employee
Sep 13, 2022
This is so complicated, you got people whose careers are tied to this man staying in and winning. You got people generally concerned, you have a mad man that won't get challenged by the sitting President cause he can't be on his A game against him. Democracy hangs in the balance and our best hope is a guy we love but isn't in fighting shape for the next 4 years let alone the next 4 months.

Books will one day be written about what could have been done differently.


Jun 13, 2018
It's primarily the media but yes I do feel If anyone is seriously entertaining swapping out Biden at this stage of the game, they're off their rocker. Shit is too serious for me to pretend to respect daft opinions at this stage. I won't even debate it further because my mind isn't changing and I have no nice way to say what I think of many of these people and their opinions. Trump rambles like a manic idiot and we know what he's about but THIS is what the convo is focused on? Fuck that.

Trump has been a manic idiot who rambles constantly for 8 years. Yet he won one election and was 37,000 votes from winning another. He's now consistently polling ahead of Biden in most major polls and in swing states he's killing him. Yes, there's time for that to turn around, but things are bad at the moment. Focusing on Trump doesn't work. We've spent the last 10 years telling anyone who would listen that Trump is a literally insane person who is going to destroy our country. There are years of evidence of him being President and doing his best to destroy our country. All it seems to do is make him stronger. We've tried reporting on his insanity, ignoring his insanity, telling people how insane he is. None of it has worked. At best he's still right there, a small misstep from winning the whole thing.

Maybe in the end enough of the undecided voters break Biden's way and just can't deal with 4 more years of Trump. That's the upside. But that's a big maybe and frankly, if that was enough of a motivating factor to be confident it would break that way, they'd probably have already made up their minds just a few months from election day.

It's pretty clear that just convincing people of how scary Trump is isn't a strong winning play. At best its a win on a razor's edge. Joe struggling this publicly in a way that is getting this level of press just a few months before the election is a disaster. That doesn't mean there's necessarily a better option, but its a disaster. It's the sort of thing that could absolutely tip us the wrong way off that edge. Why would you possibly think focusing more on Trump's insanity will work now when it hasn't for the last 8 years?


Oct 25, 2017
Truly immature behavior.

If you don't want people replying to you when you rudely dismiss their opinions, don't do it in the first place.
I'll continue to post as I like. You're going to need to move on and get over it. I won't be engaging with you further.

Trump has been a manic idiot who rambles constantly for 8 years. Yet he won one election and was 37,000 votes from winning another. He's now consistently polling ahead of Biden in most major polls and in swing states he's killing him. Yes, there's time for that to turn around, but things are bad at the moment. Focusing on Trump doesn't work. We've spent the last 10 years telling anyone who would listen that Trump is a literally insane person who is going to destroy our country. There are years of evidence of him being President and doing his best to destroy our country. All it seems to do is make him stronger. We've tried reporting on his insanity, ignoring his insanity, telling people how insane he is. None of it has worked. At best he's still right there, a small misstep from winning the whole thing.

Maybe in the end enough of the undecided voters break Biden's way and just can't deal with 4 more years of Trump. That's the upside. But that's a big maybe and frankly, if that was enough of a motivating factor to be confident it would break that way, they'd probably have already made up their minds just a few months from election day.

It's pretty clear that just convincing people of how scary Trump is isn't a strong winning play. At best its a win on a razor's edge. Joe struggling this publicly in a way that is getting this level of press just a few months before the election is a disaster. That doesn't mean there's necessarily a better option, but its a disaster. It's the sort of thing that could absolutely tip us the wrong way off that edge. Why would you possibly think focusing more on Trump's insanity will work now when it hasn't for the last 8 years?

You're talking like I'm giving campaign advice or some blueprint when my mention of trump's behavior was a single sentence. Of course what you're saying applies on a national level and I don't really disagree with it but I wasn't really trying to make that point on that scale. Folks here should generally know better than the general public but it is what it is. Deciding to change your primary candidate this close to the election after a single debate does seem like an out there suggestion to me though. If we weren't this close time wise, I'd be much more reasonable, I'm sure.
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Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Being confident and loud is basically the same as knowing what you are talking about to a lot of people. That's the problem.
The quality of education in the US continues to fail its citizens. Something that'll only get worse with a Trump presidency mind you considering that they want to basically erase the last 100 years of progress.


Oct 25, 2017
I really think running Kamala is the play. She's a prosecutor and Trump's a convicted felon. If there's any time that the "Copmala" moniker could be spun positively it's now.

law and order optics aren't a strong winner for Democrats, and the party is trying to avoid overt references to them politically influencing Trump's criminal cases.


Aug 1, 2018
The quality of education in the US continues to fail its citizens. Something that'll only get worse with a Trump presidency mind you considering that they want to basically erase the last 100 years of progress.

This works everywhere. This isn't just an American thing. It's a human thing.

Folks like confident folks.


Oct 25, 2017
Biden has to stick around cause there's no way to jump easily to anyone else. Harris will just be viewed as Biden 2.0.

That said, boy did they fuck up waiting this long to say they're sticking to the original plan.


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't watch the debate but saw a bunch of clips. I think it would be best for him to basically just ignore Trump. Seems like he got really flustered/upset when Trump was talking/lying and it threw him off big time.

Just stick to positivity and what your admin has accomplished. God help us if he has another cold.

It really was a disaster. His body language made him seem totally out of it. Cold or not he has to stand tall and confident. He was at his best when he got angry at Trump and spoke confidently and authoritatively. Hope he gets good coaching for the next round.

Giant Panda

Oct 25, 2017
Biden is going to fuck over America because he never should have been running again. But it's hard to say if replacing him at this point would be better.


Oct 27, 2017
Jupiter, FL
Now can the news finally focus on what Trump said at the debate.
That would require the news media to be honest, but they'd rather go with the sky-is-falling horseshit. And it's bumming me out. Even my aunt, who's usually glass-half-full on everything, is wondering if Biden should drop out.

It sucks that this is the narrative instead of Trump being close to becoming a dictator, and aside from tuning out the news media I don't know what to do.
Oct 27, 2017
To everyone who is worried, get out there and help then. You can assist the campaign by door knocking and making calls. There's things we can do to help bolster the effort. Dooming won't solve anything.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean I get it, the best thing that can be done is keeping him on because there's literally no contingency plans for anything else.....but holy fuck I'm praying he even makes it at this point.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean I get it, the best thing that can be done is keeping him on because there's literally no contingency plans for anything else.....but holy fuck I'm praying he even makes it at this point.

I really hate that we're once again depending on the health of an octogenarian with only a few months to go.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
He shouldn't be the guy, but he is, and it's already July. It's too late to switch lanes now, they'd tank their chances and optics to an unsalvageable degree.

I'm not going to feign comfort, much less enthusiasm, about Biden, but he's what you got. It sucks, and an election like this should never be allowed to happen again, but this is the fucked up Saw trap we've all found ourselves in and the timer's already ticking. Time to start cutting if we want to get the key.


The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
I mean I think this is the right (and really only) option at this point but this whole thing shouldn't have been an issue from the jump. Biden just should not have run again.

We were never changing this far into a campaign - the time for that has long since past. These conversations were tried to be had at the start of the year and even before that.


Oct 27, 2017
That would require the news media to be honest, but they'd rather go with the sky-is-falling horseshit. And it's bumming me out. Even my aunt, who's usually glass-half-full on everything, is wondering if Biden should drop out.

It sucks that this is the narrative instead of Trump being close to becoming a dictator, and aside from tuning out the news media I don't know what to do.

The next time your aunt says something like that then kindly reminder her of what the Biden Harris ticket stands for versus the wannabe dictator who has openly said things like he wants to dismantle the constitution and that there won't be a vote in 2028.

Get behind the ticket. IF Harris had to step in then there is a long list of accomplishments, many in the last four years, where she helped advance policies and Dem could get behind.



Oct 27, 2017
People are far more critical of Biden than Trump nowadays - it seems almost by design.

It's not that people are less critical of Trump, it's people saw Joe Biden, standing and speaking without a teleprompter for 90 minutes and are concerned he doesn't have what it takes to beat Trump any longer since you're never going to convince Trump voters he isn't Jesus 2.0 or something.

You can be critical of Trump all you want, it doesn't change his voter's minds. They're like a cult. They'll lemming themselves off a cliff after him if you let them…

It's the independents that SOMEHOW despite everything don't/can't see Trump as an existential threat to democracy you have to worry about seeing Joe Biden, determining both men are too old/crazy/narcissistic to do this job and stay home in protest…

And if there's a reason to dump Joe, that's why. Trump has his vote locked in. Any democrat has the democrat vote locked in… it's the independents that are going to decide this, and it doesn't matter if you can see the existential threat Trump represents, there's some non-DNC, non-RNC voters that don't. They want a choice that doesn't look like he belongs in a nursing home when off prompter. A choice that doesn't look like a raving lunatic. You want to give these people a choice that keeps the raving lunatic out of the White House rather than let them sit this vote out.
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Oct 27, 2017
Also why is everyone taking this at face value? What is Biden supposed to say? Saying you'll drop out is tantamount to dropping out.


Oct 27, 2017
Jupiter, FL
The next time your aunt says something like that then kindly reminder her of what the Biden Harris ticket stands for versus the wannabe dictator who has openly said things like he wants to dismantle the constitution and that there won't be a vote in 2028.

Get behind the ticket. IF Harris had to step in then there is a long list of accomplishments, many in the last four years, where she helped advance policies and Dem could get behind.


I think she's aware of that and is still voting Democratic regardless, but with all the negative news coverage and those in the far left with their "I told you so" attitudes, sometimes it's hard to keep positive. Sometimes I wanna cry, sometimes I just wanna go and play some Forza, and I couldn't do the latter because of an Xbox Live outage.

Relentless negativity can get to you, and it's overwhelming.


Oct 25, 2017
If anything, all of the media panic about "oh shit Trump has this in the bag" hopefully lights a fire under the asses of the voters who lean left but tend to be apathetic about voting over the course of the next 4 months. Kind of the same effect as when Rowe v Wade was overturned?

This is just hopium probably but come on ya'll. Tell me it's going to work out.


Oct 30, 2017
He's going to have to be flawless in every single public appearance from now until election day. He's also going to have to do a hell of a lot more of them. I don't think either of those things are going to happen.


One bad night and people screaming it's the end of the world.

That's because if he loses it might damn well be the end of the world. And it wasn't just a 'bad' night, it was catastrophic.

Yes, we know to still vote for Biden even if he was in a damn coma, but how many undecideds are you counting on to vote for someone who is clearly going senile? That is the question.

Regardless… replacing him presents possibly an even bigger challenge. As unlikely as it is that he's going to pull a flawless performance out of his high hat every time he appears in public from now till November, it is equally unlikely that a new candidate would garner enough support to win the presidency this late in the game.

It truly is a damned if you do damned if you don't kind of situation. So yes, people are rightfully extremely fucking worried.

This argument needs to stop.

Everybody knows Trump. Everyone know his deal, and everyone with any semblance of a moral compass knows he deserves to rot six feet under and they don't want him to win.

You know who's our current president though? Biden. And because he's our current president, and because he's still actively enabling a genocide, and because he's constantly softening on his abortion and immigration policies in a stupid bid to appeal to moderates and conservatives, and because he's clearly not in great shape, and because he's an 81 year old man running for the highest office in the country for another four years, he rightfully gets criticism.

This whole "please don't criticize Biden, it's agist/ableist/pro-Trump, he's just a little birthday boy" shit is fucking exhausting. It's not campaigning for the right to say Biden isn't fit for office and he's a ghoul in his own right — it's an objective statement about the fucked up state of our country that that guy is somehow our best bet against literal fascism.

Agreed 100% btw ⬇️
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Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
People are far more critical of Biden than Trump nowadays - it seems almost by design.
This argument needs to stop.

Everybody knows Trump. Everyone know his deal, and everyone with any semblance of a moral compass knows he deserves to rot six feet under and they don't want him to win.

You know who's our current president though? Biden. And because he's our current president, and because he's still actively enabling a genocide, and because he's constantly softening on his abortion and immigration policies in a stupid bid to appeal to moderates and conservatives, and because he's clearly not in great shape, and because he's an 81 year old man running for the highest office in the country for another four years, he rightfully gets criticism.

This whole "please don't criticize Biden, it's agist/ableist/pro-Trump, he's just a little birthday boy" shit is fucking exhausting. It's not campaigning for the right to say Biden isn't fit for office and he's a ghoul in his own right — it's an objective statement about the fucked up state of our country that that guy is somehow our best bet against literal fascism.


May 9, 2020
Weird coming in here and seeing many react to this as a positive thing. He should step down and let someone that can function for more than 6 hours a day to take over.

Two very old candidates with one senile and another almost certainly going to be senile too. Yeah, great for democracy that.

This argument needs to stop.

Everybody knows Trump. Everyone know his deal, and everyone with any semblance of a moral compass knows he deserves to rot six feet under and they don't want him to win.

You know who's our current president though? Biden. And because he's our current president, and because he's still actively enabling a genocide, and because he's constantly softening on his abortion and immigration policies in a stupid bid to appeal to moderates and conservatives, and because he's clearly not in great shape, and because he's an 81 year old man running for the highest office in the country for another four years, he rightfully gets criticism.

This whole "please don't criticize Biden, it's agist/ableist/pro-Trump, he's just a little birthday boy" shit is fucking exhausting. It's not campaigning for the right to say Biden isn't fit for office and he's a ghoul in his own right — it's an objective statement about the fucked up state of our country that that guy is somehow our best bet against literal fascism.

Exactly. Biden is a fucking psycho but because he comes along as this grandfather figure who pretends to care about progressive values people fall for it. Nevermind at the drop of a hat that he is willing to give up on them whilst abetting a genocide.


Oct 27, 2017
It's not that people are less critical of Trump, it's people saw Joe Biden, standing and speaking without a teleprompter for 90 minutes and are concerned he doesn't have what it takes to beat Trump any longer since you're never going to convince Trump voters he isn't Jesus 2.0 or something.

You can be critical of Trump all you want, it doesn't change his voter's minds. They're like a cult. They'll lemming themselves off a cliff after him if you let them…

It's the independents that SOMEHOW despite everything don't/can't see Trump as an existential threat to democracy you have to worry about seeing Joe Biden, determining both men are too old/crazy/narcissistic to do this job and stay home in protest…

And if there's a reason to dump Joe, that's why. Trump has his vote locked in. Any democrat has vote locked in… it's the independents that are going to decide this, and it doesn't matter if you can see the existential threat Trump represents, there's some non-DNC, non-RNC voters that don't. They want a choice that doesn't look like he belongs in a nursing home when off prompter.

And the most important thing a Dem could do is stop whining, focusing on instilling confidence in the ticket and draw strong contrast in policies.

It's literally democracy versus an authoritarian. It doesn't get simpler than this.

Don't feed the FUD. Giving the FUD energy, in person or online, is the absolute worst thing a Dem who is interested in winning this November could do.


Oct 27, 2017
This argument needs to stop.

Everybody knows Trump. Everyone know his deal, and everyone with any semblance of a moral compass knows he deserves to rot six feet under and they don't want him to win.

You know who's our current president though? Biden. And because he's our current president, and because he's still actively enabling a genocide, and because he's constantly softening on his abortion and immigration policies in a stupid bid to appeal to moderates and conservatives, and because he's clearly not in great shape, and because he's an 81 year old man running for the highest office in the country for another four years, he rightfully gets criticism.

This whole "please don't criticize Biden, it's agist/ableist/pro-Trump, he's just a little birthday boy" shit is fucking exhausting. It's not campaigning for the right to say Biden isn't fit for office and he's a ghoul in his own right — it's an objective statement about the fucked up state of our country that that guy is somehow our best bet against literal fascism.

All of this.

And the most important thing a Dem could do is stop whining, focusing on instilling confidence in the ticket and draw strong contrast in policies.

It's literally democracy versus an authoritarian. It doesn't get simpler than this.

Don't feed the FUD. Giving the FUD energy, in person or online, is the absolute worst thing a Dem who is interested in winning this November could do.

FUD like this only gets traction if there's legitimacy to it. And it's because there's legitimacy to it that we need to be actively concerned.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
This is a country where even in an unpopular war we are like 'Well, we can't switch presidents while killing people, can we?'.

Going to say any momentum lost is important against Trump, that there's a bevy less imperialistic neo liberal B teams who would be a better President, but the odds of the debate moving the needle in a way that would tank his campaign in a meaningful way hasn't panned out in wide polls. We've been voting for old white men for centuries, thinking we are going to change now because he looked foolish overestimates the avg American. It looks bad on us and our political system, but it is business as usual.


Oct 25, 2017
This argument needs to stop.

Everybody knows Trump. Everyone know his deal, and everyone with any semblance of a moral compass knows he deserves to rot six feet under and they don't want him to win.

You know who's our current president though? Biden. And because he's our current president, and because he's still actively enabling a genocide, and because he's constantly softening on his abortion and immigration policies in a stupid bid to appeal to moderates and conservatives, and because he's clearly not in great shape, and because he's an 81 year old man running for the highest office in the country for another four years, he rightfully gets criticism.

This whole "please don't criticize Biden, it's agist/ableist/pro-Trump, he's just a little birthday boy" shit is fucking exhausting. It's not campaigning for the right to say Biden isn't fit for office and he's a ghoul in his own right — it's an objective statement about the fucked up state of our country that that guy is somehow our best bet against literal fascism.

Well said.


Nov 9, 2017
I hope I'm completely wrong and just scared as shit of Trump II and Project 2025, but I can't stop to think we're fucking fucked.


Oct 27, 2017
This argument needs to stop.

Everybody knows Trump. Everyone know his deal, and everyone with any semblance of a moral compass knows he deserves to rot six feet under and they don't want him to win.

You know who's our current president though? Biden. And because he's our current president, and because he's still actively enabling a genocide, and because he's constantly softening on his abortion and immigration policies in a stupid bid to appeal to moderates and conservatives, and because he's clearly not in great shape, and because he's an 81 year old man running for the highest office in the country for another four years, he rightfully gets criticism.

This whole "please don't criticize Biden, it's agist/ableist/pro-Trump, he's just a little birthday boy" shit is fucking exhausting. It's not campaigning for the right to say Biden isn't fit for office and he's a ghoul in his own right — it's an objective statement about the fucked up state of our country that that guy is somehow our best bet against literal fascism.
Fucking thank you.

Some of the gaslighting in this thread is absolutely fucking ridiculous. I love that people who think he should step down are treated as ridiculous and unserious while people who think he should stay in are rational strategists even though they have zero evidence aligned with their position while I can point to numerous polls that scream from the rafters that he should not be the nominee.

How is this the most important election of our life time and also we are doomers and bedwetters? It has to be one or the other, it can't be both.


Nov 8, 2017
Also why is everyone taking this at face value? What is Biden supposed to say? Saying you'll drop out is tantamount to dropping out.

He doesn't have to say anything at all. If he was dropping out any time soon I'd expect more silence on this specific topic for a bit before the announcement comes.
Nov 12, 2017
This argument needs to stop.

Everybody knows Trump. Everyone know his deal, and everyone with any semblance of a moral compass knows he deserves to rot six feet under and they don't want him to win.

You know who's our current president though? Biden. And because he's our current president, and because he's still actively enabling a genocide, and because he's constantly softening on his abortion and immigration policies in a stupid bid to appeal to moderates and conservatives, and because he's clearly not in great shape, and because he's an 81 year old man running for the highest office in the country for another four years, he rightfully gets criticism.

This whole "please don't criticize Biden, it's agist/ableist/pro-Trump, he's just a little birthday boy" shit is fucking exhausting. It's not campaigning for the right to say Biden isn't fit for office and he's a ghoul in his own right — it's an objective statement about the fucked up state of our country that that guy is somehow our best bet against literal fascism.
omg thank you. he sucks. i will vote for whoever is the democrat in november (downballot too!) but cant pretend like this aint a shitty predicament. it'd be one thing if the numbers looked good but they havent pre and post debate. its just not looking good. why pretend otherwise?


Oct 27, 2017
All of this.

FUD like this only gets traction if there's legitimacy to it. And it's because there's legitimacy to it that we need to be actively concerned.

If Biden hadn't bounced back less than 24 hours later for the NC rally, where he was clear and fired up (all without a teleprompter I think someone said), then you might have something. That's not reality. Right now it's one bad night.

If an actual pattern forms then let's talk. For the moment, casting doubt is a waste of energy and time, helping absolutely nobody.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm fucking terrified. But it's definitely too late to switch. He's the guy.


Oct 27, 2017
If Biden hadn't bounced back less than 24 hours later for the NC rally, where he was clear and fired up (all without a teleprompter I think someone said), then you might have something. That's not reality. Right now it's one bad night.

If an actual pattern forms then let's talk. For the moment, casting doubt is a waste of energy and time, helping absolutely nobody.

All that "bounce back" did is further fuel the conspiracy theory that Biden's "good performances" are because he's on uppers. That didn't help shit.
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