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One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Please stop doing this. It is factually wrong. A lie.

It is completely understandable to believe that he should stay in the race. And to think the media coverage has been unfair/unbalanced.

But stop gaslighting people about the debate. It helps no one and we would be calling it out as the blatant propaganda that it is if Republicans were doing it with their candidate.
He lost his train of thought literally once. It was a bad performance but the many people reading into it as anything other than a bad day for a candidate whose strengths and weaknesses have been known for years is a major stretch.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
and she'd make Republicans so mad.
cuz she's Black and a woman!!!
wouldn't that be an awesome thing to put on a person who doesn't want the job and doesn't deserve the level of ire she got just by being First Lady

it actually pisses me off when people who have only thought about it for 5 minutes act like it's the greatest idea in modern politics.

pulling her out like a damn pokemon
Ngl I can already see people blaming her for not running if Trump wins. Agreed it's weird to keep bringing her up

I think it's been like almost a decade from the point where we all should have learned that whatever Trump says does not matter to his voters. They are voting the lolz
True but I was talking more about the media and their insistence to focus on the optics


Oct 25, 2017
I really think running Kamala is the play. She's a prosecutor and Trump's a convicted felon. If there's any time that the "Copmala" moniker could be spun positively it's now.


Oct 25, 2017
Sure, this is something that would have been better to do months ago. Of course there were a small but significant number of people calling for a different candidate, which didn't prevail. The only reason it's so topical now is because all of America is now questioning whether Biden is fit or not. Polls are reflecting it now, not months ago. Dems failed to address the issue before, and now it's rearing its ugly head. I don't think it's fair to act like Biden's fitness was as big of a concern months ago for the average American compared to the issue now. I'm not disagreeing with your point about whether it's viable or not. Just that there are clearly valid concerns that are affecting Biden's polling and that outright dismissing the concerns will only exacerbate their effect on Biden's campaign. I see far more comments saying that replacing Biden is either impractical or that those discussions are only helping Trump, which does nothing to alleviate the root concern of those voters.
But I think the best way to assure voters that Biden is fit for the job he's doing right now is to simply get him out in front of voters and show that he does have what it takes - whether that takes the form of rallies, TV interviews, and whatnot. Because valid or not, people have those concerns and those concerns need to be alleviated before the election. But the party itself playing along with notions of a replacement play into those fears and give them more credence than they might otherwise if the party itself would give its candidate a better showing of solidarity from the start.


Aug 1, 2018
He lost his train of thought literally once. It was a bad performance but the many people reading into it as anything other than a bad day for a candidate whose strengths and weaknesses have been known for years is a major stretch.

It was multiple times. The "we beat Medicare" thing and him going from abortion access switching to a racist talking point about immigrants are the ones that come to mind first.


Shinra Employee
Sep 13, 2022
I don't like that this is coming from another voice but whatever.
See after the debate it's not whatever to me.
I need to hear this shit with my ears. Was it said with confidence was it said with annoyance was it said with confusion.

That's where my mind is going after those first 15 minutes of the debate.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
He lost his train of thought literally once.

There is a reason why multiple people are replying to you right now and not just me. Your description of Biden's performance is disingenuous.

He sounded confused at multiple points during the night. Yes, there was one moment that stood out above all else -- the moment when he was answering a question about abortion and turned it into a truly shocking xenophobic answer about immigrants killing women.

But that was not the only moment where he was noticeably confused. And I'm sorry, but you and I both know that if it were a Republican candidate who did that same exact thing, you would use that as an example as to why they are not fit for office.

And you would be right.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
See after the debate it's not whatever to me.
I need to hear this shit with my ears. Was it said with confidence was it said with annoyance was it said with confusion.
Here are multiple instances of Biden publicly within the last week including 24 hours ago

Biden making his rounds over the last week.

June 28 at a Waffle House


June 28 campaign rally in NC


June 29th opening of Stonewall Visitor Center


July 1 comments on SCOTUS immunity ruling


July 2 remarks on extreme weather

- YouTube

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


Oct 25, 2017
Good, anyone entertaining that shit seriously wants dems to lose, imo. Too damn late in the game, get your asses out and vote.


Oct 25, 2017
He lost his train of thought literally once. It was a bad performance but the many people reading into it as anything other than a bad day for a candidate whose strengths and weaknesses have been known for years is a major stretch.
nah, I don't know how you can spin it that way. Its painfully obvious he is too old for this; he should have stepped down 2 years ago (from running second term).

But it's wayyy too late at this point. You got to keep him on, worry about the election and deal with him afterwards.

I'd definitely keep him out of any debates until the election.
Jan 18, 2018
I mean I knew what I was gettin into when the best thing folks could think of was vote blue no matter who and anybody but Trump. I'll vote for a bowl of soup over Trump so I'll definitely vote for the lesser evil old white man who I gotta tell " awe good job buddy you kept a good pace walking just now". It's too late to drop out.
But man it's a shit show watching people try to convince folks this shit ain't wild.


Oct 26, 2017
even if he did drop out, you know red states would pull some ratfucking shit and make sure the next nominee isn't on their ballot


Feb 20, 2021
One thing about these polls for other candidates vs Trump is that none of them have had a media build up to boost their national profile so yeah it's expected they're polling less. Michelle is kinda proof of that as she's the most well known and you can see the results. If Newsom or Whitmer were chosen and were given a couple months of massive media spotlight I bet you anything they wouldn't be down the 3 and 5%.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Good, anyone entertaining that shit seriously wants dems to lose, imo.

This is wrong. And it's another take that needs to end, as it really shows zero respect for differing opinions on very tricky topic that there is no "correct" answer to.

And I'm not talking about media like The New York Times, who obviously do have an agenda against Biden. That's undeniable. But when it comes to the actual voters who consider themselves democrats, liberals, leftists, whatever? They believe that Biden staying in the race helps Trump and that the best chance at beating him is having another candidate.

Obviously, that could be wrong. But it is complete nonsense that anyone on the left the idea simply "wants dems to lose." Biden was already in a bad spot before the debate, when he should be crushing Trump in the polls.

There is no right answer here. This is completely uncharted territory in modern American politics and it comes down to everyone on the left being scared of another Trump presidency but disagreeing on how to prevent it.


Oct 27, 2017
It was multiple times. The "we beat Medicare" thing and him going from abortion access switching to a racist talking point about immigrants are the ones that come to mind first.
And it's not just about what he did say (though I think the abortion answer was actually logical if poorly delivered). It's about what he failed to say. He never mentioned Project 2025. Barely mentioned Trump's unrepentant criminality or his disastrous economic plans. We need a candidate who can aggressively and consistently hammer home a message, and Biden couldn't do it.
Here are multiple instances of Biden publicly within the last week including 24 hours ago

Biden making his rounds over the last week.

June 28 at a Waffle House


June 28 campaign rally in NC


June 29th opening of Stonewall Visitor Center


July 1 comments on SCOTUS immunity ruling


July 2 remarks on extreme weather

- YouTube

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

You've posted this in multiple threads. What does it show? Four scripted speeches and some low-stakes gladhanding. This does not address the concerns that he's only fully functional and engaged for ~6 hours a day (per his own team) and prone to listlessness, confusion, and fatigue in high-pressure or unscripted situations, which a general election campaign is an absolute marathon of.


Oct 30, 2017
Here are multiple instances of Biden publicly within the last week including 24 hours ago

Biden making his rounds over the last week.

June 28 at a Waffle House


June 28 campaign rally in NC


June 29th opening of Stonewall Visitor Center


July 1 comments on SCOTUS immunity ruling


July 2 remarks on extreme weather

- YouTube

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Most of those are him reading from a prompter. That's not going to convince anyone.

Right now the impression of Biden is that when you take the prompter away and force him to rely on his own wits, he can't do it. He's got a taped interview coming up on Friday but that isn't enough either.

He needs to be doing live Q and As where there is a high risk of him embarrassing himself again. Not hiding behind podiums and prerecorded interviews.


Oct 27, 2017
Most of those are him reading from a prompter. That's not going to convince anyone.

Right now the impression of Biden is that when you take the prompter away and force him to rely on his own wits, he can't do it. He's got a taped interview coming up on Friday but that isn't enough either.

He needs to be doing live Q and As where there is a high risk of him embarrassing himself again. Not hiding behind podiums and prerecorded interviews.
tbh I don't he has it in him to do live QA at this point and it will only get worse

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Most of those are him reading from a prompter. That's not going to convince anyone.

Right now the impression of Biden is that when you take the prompter away and force him to rely on his own wits, he can't do it. He's got a taped interview coming up on Friday but that isn't enough either.

He needs to be doing live Q and As where there is a high risk of him embarrassing himself again. Not hiding behind podiums and prerecorded interviews.
I feel like there will be an endlessly moving goalpost as it pertains to what "counts" for people who are like:

"I was previously convinced but am now convinced Biden is ok to run."

Especially in comparison to the other candidate who is genuinely insane and incoherent 100% of the time.

Hence me wanting people to move on and instead focus on genuine game plans for the campaign trail. Like which key areas he should be visiting. Because as far as i'm concerned, even if I was concerned about him not surviving over the next four years, that's not what i'm voting for in the first place.


May 31, 2024
But I think the best way to assure voters that Biden is fit for the job he's doing right now is to simply get him out in front of voters and show that he does have what it takes - whether that takes the form of rallies, TV interviews, and whatnot. Because valid or not, people have those concerns and those concerns need to be alleviated before the election. But the party itself playing along with notions of a replacement play into those fears and give them more credence than they might otherwise if the party itself would give its candidate a better showing of solidarity from the start.
I wouldn't say the party itself is "playing along." Yes, a handful of public officials have voiced concerns, but the party overwhelmingly has maintained its support behind Biden. They even pulled out Obama, so I don't think the party is showing signs of faltering.

I totally agree that rallies, TV interviews, and other widely public appearances are the only way (I can think of) to reassure voters. That hasn't happened yet though. I know he's doing a TV interview soon, which is pre-recorded. Not that pre-recording interviews like that isn't standard or is an admission of unfitness, but I also get how voters wouldn't feel reassured. Biden has largely spent the past week in private meetings with donors and officials trying to reassure them. While it's far from clear, media reports of those meetings haven't even been positive. Biden can still turn that around, but I do think the clock is ticking on leaving a permanent impression on voters.

I agree with what you said, those things just haven't happened yet and won't reassure voters until they do. When and if they do, that's a better response to concerned voters. Clearly it's an issue now and acting like it's not an issue at all will only exacerbate its effect.


Jan 6, 2021
Most of those are him reading from a prompter. That's not going to convince anyone.

Right now the impression of Biden is that when you take the prompter away and force him to rely on his own wits, he can't do it. He's got a taped interview coming up on Friday but that isn't enough either.

He needs to be doing live Q and As where there is a high risk of him embarrassing himself again. Not hiding behind podiums and prerecorded interviews.
His next interview with Stephanopoulos will be pre-recordered. For now it's best to not have him live so they can edit out anything weird.


Oct 30, 2017
I feel like there will be an endlessly moving goalpost as it pertains to what "counts" as "I'm convinced Biden is ok to run." Hence me wanting people to move on and instead focus on genuine game plans for the campaign trail. Like which key areas he should be visiting.

There is no winning game plan that doesn't involve him persuading the public that he is mentally competent. People will not vote for someone they think is senile.

Bill Clinton said that "strong and wrong is better than weak and right" and that is absolutely true in politics. A frail zombie is not going to win, even against a disgusting freak like Trump.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
There is no winning game plan that doesn't involve him persuading the public that he is mentally competent. People will not vote for someone they think is senile.

Bill Clinton said that "strong and wrong is better than weak and right" and that is absolutely true in politics. A frail zombie is not going to win, even against a disgusting freak like Trump.
Trump looks senile.


Oct 25, 2017
This is wrong. And it's another take that needs to end, as it really shows zero respect for differing opinions on very tricky topic that there is no "correct" answer to.

And I'm not talking about media like The New York Times, who obviously do have an agenda against Biden. That's undeniable. But when it comes to the actual voters who consider themselves democrats, liberals, leftists, whatever? They believe that Biden staying in the race helps Trump and that the best chance at beating him is having another candidate.

Obviously, that could be wrong. But it is complete nonsense that anyone on the left the idea simply "wants dems to lose." Biden was already in a bad spot before the debate, when he should be crushing Trump in the polls.

There is no right answer here. This is completely uncharted territory in modern American politics and it comes down to everyone on the left being scared of another Trump presidency but disagreeing on how to prevent it.
It's primarily the media but yes I do feel If anyone is seriously entertaining swapping out Biden at this stage of the game, they're off their rocker. Shit is too serious for me to pretend to respect daft opinions at this stage. I won't even debate it further because my mind isn't changing and I have no nice way to say what I think of many of these people and their opinions. Trump rambles like a manic idiot and we know what he's about but THIS is what the convo is focused on? Fuck that.
Last edited:


Oct 31, 2017
Most of those are him reading from a prompter. That's not going to convince anyone.

Right now the impression of Biden is that when you take the prompter away and force him to rely on his own wits, he can't do it. He's got a taped interview coming up on Friday but that isn't enough either.

He needs to be doing live Q and As where there is a high risk of him embarrassing himself again. Not hiding behind podiums and prerecorded interviews.

That's not true.

President Joe Biden on the Howard Stern Show (FULL INTERVIEW)

Howard Stern talks to President Joe Biden in a live, exclusive interview on SiriusXM.0:00 – Howard Stern Welcomes President Biden0:52 – New Rules for Airline...


Oct 8, 2018
Anything less than a long series of really strong, totally gaffe-less, high profile public appearances and that can change real fast.

Why do people keep saying it was one bad night when people have been talking about Biden's decline for like 5 years? There is reporting on this now. People are speaking up.

People are rightfully unhappy with the wildly uneven and often malicious media coverage Biden's been getting, as well as the the blind eye being turned to Trump's petty, deranged statements about what he intends to do once back in office.

But I think they're letting these legitimate grievances blind them to a simple fact: a substantial number of voters think Joe Biden is not mentally present and might not survive his second term—and they have a hard time voting for someone like that.

These people have a fundamentally different understanding of politics than I do, but they exist and Joe Biden desperately needs their votes.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Biden's team didn't put him out to debate if they didn't think he was capable. That's why I believe it was a one-off. He really does have to be perfect from here on out, though.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
It's primarily the media but yes I do feel If anyone is seriously entertaining swapping out Biden at this stage of the game, they're off their rocker. Shit is too serious for me to pretend to respect daft opinions at this stage. I won't even debate it further because my mind isn't changing and I have no nice way to say what I think of many of these people. Trump rambles like a manic idiot and we know what he's about but THIS is what the convo is focused on? Fuck that.

It isn't a daft opinion and you completely missed the point in my reply to you.


Oct 27, 2017
If it's not going to happen it's not going to happen. It's now important for the party to show a united front and For Biden to not have more slip ups

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
But he looks better than Biden. That's the problem.
He couldn't string a single coherent thought together. Incoherently ranting loudly does not=strong and it's so stupid to believe otherwise but yay Americans...

"I'm not gonna vote and just let the fascist take over because the old guy is old" is one of the most ridiculous justifications to not vote. Moreso, than "but her emails." Especially when it comes to what's at stake. So far be it from me to hyperfocus on that type of voter, which by my knowledge does not comprise the majority of Americans, especially if we break down demographics.

Biden's team didn't put him out to debate if they didn't think he was capable.


Aug 1, 2018
He couldn't string a single coherent thought together. Incoherently ranting loudly does not=strong and it's so stupid to believe otherwise but yay Americans...

"I'm not gonna vote and just let the fascist take over because the old guy is old" is one of the most ridiculous justifications to not vote. Moreso, than "but her emails." Especially when it comes to what's at stake.

It does because appear strong and confident means everything even if what you say makes no sense.

Having coherent thoughts and sounding meek then incomprehensible doesn't make one look good. Stupid? Sure but you can't really change that.

I think there are very few folks who are not voting simply because Biden looks old. There are far more saying they will withhold their votes for his support of Palestinian genocide.

Biden's team didn't put him out to debate if they didn't think he was capable. That's why I believe it was a one-off. He really does have to be perfect from here on out, though.

Unless he thought he was capable and decided to do it regardless of what his team said.


Oct 25, 2017
Can't go off one poll, but Kamala polling better than Joe is tempting given the potential increase via the VP selection.

the way to read that poll is she's 1 percentage point worse than Biden. her two percent favorability is dwarfed by the 3 percent she gives away to Trump.

and same with Obama, sexism and racism are extremely powerful tools for Republicans to use, especially in such a short amount of time.


Oct 25, 2017
He lost his train of thought literally once. It was a bad performance but the many people reading into it as anything other than a bad day for a candidate whose strengths and weaknesses have been known for years is a major stretch.
If this is their explanation. They will have even less credibility than they already have. This is precisely why the current situation is a bit untenable. It is going to take some big lies to put Biden over long enough. I don't know what their best chance to win is, because I no longer think that lie works anymore. The veil has been raised and the media is no longer holding back on calling out Biden.

Reasonably keeping Biden in place would be the less risky move, but as each day passes, the actions and comments of others makes this strategy less sensible. He exposed himself to 50m people. It was worse than how you saw it.


Oct 28, 2017
The people that are going to vote are probably already locked in. But that debate performance from both candidates is not going to convinced people that don't usually vote to show up to vote at all. The biggest lost will be on people that just decide not to vote. Who will that help, we'll find out.


Oct 26, 2017
Someone tell him to keep his mouth closed when he's not talking next time. Everything in the next debate needs to be flawless.

I didn't watch the debate but saw a bunch of clips. I think it would be best for him to basically just ignore Trump. Seems like he got really flustered/upset when Trump was talking/lying and it threw him off big time.

Just stick to positivity and what your admin has accomplished. God help us if he has another cold.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm not in camp biden needs, to go but after that debate team fucking up or choking on democracy ain't something I vibe with.

Better bring this heat for next debate. Better get real about dealing with scotus or making bigger middle class changes, hey I'm huffin on copium.

for the non voters

If you enjoy overtime and don't vote biden kiss it goodbye project 2025 plans on gutting that really quick, tell your friends too.


Oct 25, 2017
He couldn't string a single coherent thought together. Incoherently ranting loudly does not=strong and it's so stupid to believe otherwise but yay Americans...

"I'm not gonna vote and just let the fascist take over because the old guy is old" is one of the most ridiculous justifications to not vote. Moreso, than "but her emails." Especially when it comes to what's at stake. So far be it from me to hyperfocus on that type of voter, which by my knowledge does not comprise the majority of Americans, especially if we break down demographics.
Being confident and loud is basically the same as knowing what you are talking about to a lot of people. That's the problem.
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