Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
I posted it earlier in the thread, but they're based on a Japanese urban legend.


Eight Feet Tall

Ms. Eight Feet Tall (八尺様, Hachishaku-sama, also informally called Hasshakusama) is a type of main Japanese spirit (Yokai) that takes the form of an impossibly tall female specter often said to have a deep, masculine or feminine voice in which she repeats the interjection "Po" [ぽ] repeatedly, and...

00oo now that puts things into perspective. Thank you!


Nov 4, 2017
As a gay man, you are correct, I do not know what its like to be a woman in this site. No argument there. I am not dismissing the fact that sexualization of female characters is a plague and you'd be a fool to think otherwise. My perspective is coming from what the goal is when entering a thread such as this, stating your opinion, explaining your discomfort, and then being surprised when the discourse continues.

Another boys locker room comment strikes me however. Are there other threads of this nature here? A thread as suggested objectifying breasts?
Quite a few, some of them eventually get locked but not until quite a few posters show themselves up making pretty gross remarks they think are funny. There was a Breast Milk one that I think had something to do with Covid that was particularly bad


Oct 27, 2017
User banned (2 Weeks): Dismissive and insensitive commentary regarding sexism and asexual people over a series of posts
Not all of them. There's literally an ace poster in this thread.

Right. But the vast majority of humans are (otherwise we wouldn't be here). So the issue is... do we curtail all display and comment of sexual nature so that the ace feels welcome, or does the ace acknowledge that the rest of humanity is different and allow things to simply be as they are?

All these issues stem from the fact that some people think certain things are uncomfortable, or unacceptable, and others think they are fine. I err on the side of making this place as welcoming as possible for all people, but I also think that will inevitably lead to banning and locking all threads such as this, and I'm not sure that's a great idea either, but maybe I am wrong.

I still think the solution is more representation and fewer double-standards. A little bit of objectification is okay, I think, if it's applied to both men and women equally. I also think we still need more examples of non-sexualized female characters to balance out the ratio. In any case, this thread is hardly an example of egregious behavior. The creativity with the header alone almost entirely justifies it.

Lady Bow

Nov 30, 2017
I posted it earlier in the thread, but they're based on a Japanese urban legend.


Eight Feet Tall

Ms. Eight Feet Tall (八尺様, Hachishaku-sama, also informally called Hasshakusama) is a type of main Japanese spirit (Yokai) that takes the form of an impossibly tall female specter often said to have a deep, masculine or feminine voice in which she repeats the interjection "Po" [ぽ] repeatedly, and...

Oh crazy, this urban legened came before Slender Man. Always thought it was the other way around.


Jan 27, 2018
Why... do people think she is very tall? I haven't seen any shots confirming that. It's either viewing her from a low perspective , where anyone would appear tall, or closer than other people in the shot which has the same effect.

Grant you she MIGHT be a very tall lady but we really don't know.
I'm not sure you know this but the majority of this game's plot, characters, and some of their descriptions were leaked in that ransomware attack. It's kind of a weird situation cause you can throw out a genuinely good question about the character itself and receive an answer from someone that seems like some good guesswork and analysis. When in fact it's someone that made a quick trip into the leak thread and back.
Oct 28, 2017
I'm not sure you know this but the majority of this game's plot, characters, and some of their descriptions were leaked in that ransomware attack. It's kind of a weird situation cause you can throw out a genuinely good question about the character itself and receive an answer from someone that seems like some good guesswork and analysis. When in fact it's someone that made a quick trip into the leak thread and back.
Hate this.


Oct 25, 2017
TLOU fans:


Oct 26, 2017
leak or no leak (I havent read any), she is literally squatting under a doorway to pass. You either assume shes giant in a game series full of giant monsters, or you assume its for whatever inane reason, a tiny door she's walking under... come on.
Nov 1, 2017
Right. But the vast majority of humans are (otherwise we wouldn't be here). So the issue is... do we curtail all display and comment of sexual nature so that the ace feels welcome, or does the ace acknowledge that the rest of humanity is different and allow things to simply be as they are?

All these issues stem from the fact that some people think certain things are uncomfortable, or unacceptable, and others think they are fine. I err on the side of making this place as welcoming as possible for all people, but I also think that will inevitably lead to banning and locking all threads such as this, and I'm not sure that's a great idea either, but maybe I am wrong.

I still think the solution is more representation and fewer double-standards. A little bit of objectification is okay, I think, if it's applied to both men and women equally. I also think we still need more examples of non-sexualized female characters to balance out the ratio. In any case, this thread is hardly an example of egregious behavior. The creativity with the header alone almost entirely justifies it.

There's no one size fits all. What some people find objectional others might think of as harmless fun, bearing in mind we're people from all over the world where cultural attitudes can vary massively. Ultimately that line is up to the people in charge of Resetera and posters here need to abide by that. I also think sweeping generalisations aren't really helpful, the idea that this thread is "boys locker room" fodder and that women would be put off or alienated suggests that all women are some hive mind that think the same. I'm sure there are plenty of either straight women who've laughed along with the "boys" in the spirit of fun in which this thread was created, or maybe some horny lesbians/bi women joined in with some enthusiastic thirst comments of their own.

We're never going to have full equalisation between the sexes. It isn't possible. All we can do is try to get as close to that as we can. I'm all for addressing the balance by making men the butt of the jokes as well, hell if Resident Evil 9 has some stupidly muscled Chris Redfield style thirst-bait with biceps bigger than his head i await the resulting thread mocking/thirsting it with giddy anticipation.

I would like to think that anyone could come to Resetera, regardless of gender/sexual identity/whatever and feel happy and able to express themselves without feeling ostracised and if there are threads that go too far that threaten that then by all means, lock away, i just don't think this thread is one of them.
Nov 8, 2017
Stockholm, Sweden
This may be surprising to posters in this thread with all the boy's locker talk, but there are quite a few female posters on Resetera and these kind of threads aren't exactly very welcoming when there's a lot of posters just going waaaay over the line into creepy territory.

I am a bixexual girl and i love this thread and the tall vampire lady.

I think she has a great and unusual design, and of course people are thirsty for her, tall confident women are hot as hell.

Also i am pretty sure most of the posts in this thread are kinda playing it up for effect, it's just a fun thread.
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Oct 27, 2017
There's no one size fits all. What some people find objectional others might think of as harmless fun, bearing in mind we're people from all over the world where cultural attitudes can vary massively. Ultimately that line is up to the people in charge of Resetera and posters here need to abide by that. I also think sweeping generalisations aren't really helpful, the idea that this thread is "boys locker room" fodder and that women would be put off or alienated suggests that all women are some hive mind that think the same. I'm sure there are plenty of either straight women who've laughed along with the "boys" in the spirit of fun in which this thread was created, or maybe some horny lesbians/bi women joined in with some enthusiastic thirst comments of their own.

We're never going to have full equalisation between the sexes. It isn't possible. All we can do is try to get as close to that as we can. I'm all for addressing the balance by making men the butt of the jokes as well, hell if Resident Evil 9 has some stupidly muscled Chris Redfield style thirst-bait with biceps bigger than his head i await the resulting thread mocking/thirsting it with giddy anticipation.

I would like to think that anyone could come to Resetera, regardless of gender/sexual identity/whatever and feel happy and able to express themselves without feeling ostracised and if there are threads that go too far that threaten that then by all means, lock away, i just don't think this thread is one of them.

Perfect reply.


Oct 25, 2017
Everyone's threshold for what is considered sex positive and what is objectifying will be different. There are definitely a few posts that cross the line into the latter, but for the most part, it seems to be more wholesome or empowering (and coming from people across genders and sexualities). On Twitter, at least. But again, that's subjective, and no one's wrong for taking issue with it or finding it gross.
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Oct 27, 2017
Well, if I contributed to anyone feeling annoyed or skeeved out by this thread, I apologize. I wish the common social/cultural/power dynamics weren't what they are


Oct 20, 2019
The appeal for me isn't sexual, it's just the classy look for what seems to be a villain in a place where there's a strange cult.
Nov 1, 2017
At last we know why Chris Redfield switched to the dark side.
Chris knew that he would never be able to find the same kind of love he had with Piers Nivans with another man so he decided to lay off the steroids and mix things up a bit for RE7 and RE8. That explains his new appearance and his sudden appreciation for tall vampire ladies. This is now my official headcanon.


Oct 28, 2017
You want to shoot zombies forever?

That's like asking a Zelda fan do they want to keep doing dungeons and puzzles forever, or Final Fantasy fan do they want to keep seeing summons and Molboro's; With most long time fans that enjoy and were drawn into those games because of those types of staples, you'll get a resounding yes and it's no different for me with Resident Evil.

RE didn't become my favorite game series back then because of over the top action, vampires or werewolfs; I fell in love with it because of it's bio-horror/science gone wrong themes, foreboding atmospheres/locations, and fun plots involving conspiracies/evil corporations, and I'm sure it's the same for lots of classic RE fans. New things/experimenting isn't the problem, since every classic entry after the original (up to 4) added new stuff that kept it fresh, but still kept the heart of the original (And the recent RE2 remake proved that formula is still viable with modern updates).

But the problem with RE is that it's gradually been losing it's original identity since RE4, and it's a problem that's has gone from a snowball to an avalanche, now with RE8. If I saw the RE8 trailer with no knowledge and didn't see Chris Redfield (and maybe the 1/2 second flash of an Umbrella symbol), I'd honestly have thought it was just a completely unrelated game, and that sums up the problem in and of itself.

So, in the most long-winded way possible, yes, if it meant moving in this direction, I'd rather take shooting zombies forever and beyond.


Prophet of Truth
Dec 8, 2017
There's nothing sexualised about her design ??
If you have a fetish for 8 feet tall women well, eye of the beholder and all that I guess but the design is perfectly sober.
I'd say people are finding her attractive for her style and elegance and not because of revealing clothes for once.
She's..bewitching, unusual, has a lot of personality and class.

Amazing character design, and I'm sure she can be very very scary in the game.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh ok, if this was in the leaks then this is new to me, I've tried my best to steer clear of plot details.
You should be really careful then cause the leaks are everywhere.

Also.. Pretty damn funny thread.

That's like asking a Zelda fan do they want to keep doing dungeons and puzzles forever, or Final Fantasy fan do they want to keep seeing summons and Molboro's; With most long time fans that enjoy and were drawn into those games because of those types of staples, you'll get a resounding yes and it's no different for me with Resident Evil.

RE didn't become my favorite game series back then because of over the top action, vampires or werewolfs; I fell in love with it because of it's bio-horror/science gone wrong themes, foreboding atmospheres/locations, and fun plots involving conspiracies/evil corporations, and I'm sure it's the same for lots of classic RE fans. New things/experimenting isn't the problem, since every classic entry after the original (up to 4) added new stuff that kept it fresh, but still kept the heart of the original (And the recent RE2 remake proved that formula is still viable with modern updates).

But the problem with RE is that it's gradually been losing it's original identity since RE4, and it's a problem that's has gone from a snowball to an avalanche, now with RE8. If I saw the RE8 trailer with no knowledge and didn't see Chris Redfield (and maybe the 1/2 second flash of an Umbrella symbol), I'd honestly have thought it was just a completely unrelated game, and that sums up the problem in and of itself.

So, in the most long-winded way possible, yes, if it meant moving in this direction, I'd rather take shooting zombies forever and beyond.

Kinda the reason I really disliked RE7 which was a mold infested fest.

I've come to embrace that RE is not only zombies now, and RE8 enemies certainly look exciting, but i get you.