
Oct 25, 2017
This story is not another attempt to chronicle the activities of racist and misogynist men who harass women and people of color on social media and in multiplayer games.

Nor is it an existential inquiry into their particular niche in the video game community. Rather, this story asks: Where do they come from? Why they are here? And what allows them to stay?

What follows are interviews — under a variety of rubrics — with 11 writers and academics who have studied and published useful work on the problem of misogyny and racism in gaming and in popular entertainment. Most have experienced harassment and abuse from toxic gamers.


Oct 27, 2017
Very interesting but that title. Sounds like i'm being explained a comic book character or that end credits stinger from a Marvel film.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Thats a long article and it really hits the nail on the head. Gaming has been a nerds/boys thing for ages, and finally its starting to change into something everyone can enjoy, but men think that this will somehow make their experiences worse which is pretty dumb.


Oct 28, 2017
Raleigh, NC
This is fantastic, exhaustive and diverse. Bravo to Polygon.

I think Thom Avella's words ring the most true and are probably the simplest 'explanation' to why young men feel the way they do.

There's a ton to unpack here but I'm surprised there is zero mention of the proliferation of pornography and that intersecting with young men who also play games and shaping how they view women. It's not too much to assume there is a huge overlap. It's pretty apparent to me that the ease of access to porn has irreparably shaped society in a big way the last decade or so. Carolyn Petit touches on it briefly what the expectations some of these people have for women in general when they come in to their 'space'.

A lot of the things mentioned (anger especially) is just people who have traditionally been in charge coming to the realization that the world and the United States is changing, becoming more inclusive and not going to be the status quo. It is shitty getting to the point we will inevitably end up at, but it will be worth it.

"I know you've taken it in the teeth out there, but the first guy through the wall. It always gets bloody, always. It's the threat of not just the way of doing business, but in their minds it's threatening the game. But really what it's threatening is their livelihoods, it's threatening their jobs, it's threatening the way that they do things. And every time that happens, whether it's the government or a way of doing business or whatever it is, the people are holding the reins, have their hands on the switch. They go bat shit crazy."
- Moneyball


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Will dig in later to judge my own feelings on it, but at a glance seems like it could be a pretty interesting read, and will hopefully get people to consider this kind of academic work more.


Nov 9, 2017
Plenty of men view porn and aren't shitbags because of it. I don't think there's any real basis for the connection you're trying to make.

I agree with the rest though - formerly underachieving white men either had a leg up over or at least could look down on women and minorities. That's slowly beginning to change and now those kinds of men are upset.


Oct 28, 2017
Raleigh, NC
Kishonna Gray:
I hate it when people say, "Oh it's just some fat kids in their mama's basement." No. These are college students; these are people in the office. These are regular dudes that I would see at Applebee's and Starbucks. I hate whenever we try to profile and label them so we can other them.

They are regular-assed average white dudes. I wish people would stop saying it's just children. These are co-workers, these are people who make our coffee, people we go bowling with.
This is so on point and I've been banging this drum for years. Using descriptors to hand wave the people doing this stuff does more harm than good. It's why every time I sarcastically highlight toxic gamer culture I always get my notifications lighting up with people saying "its just some, not all!1" or "just stupid kids".

Kahlief Adams:
Hate speech is a thing. YouTube, Twitch and Twitter have to deal with this.

A lot of folks in those spaces have been harassed, and are asking for action. If social media companies want to offer a space that is welcoming to everyone, they can't stand by while people are being being harassed and hurt.

They can be doing a lot more to squash that stuff, so hateful bastards are no longer being verified or being given a platform. It needs to happen way sooner than later.
Yep. These companies have gotten away far too long with inaction. YouTube is absolutely vile. Some of the most innocuous videos will have racist or misogyny displayed in the comments and they have stayed prominently there for years.

Also, I'm embarrassed I didn't know of Thom Avella before this.


Alt Account
Apr 16, 2018
*chef's kiss*


The silence of the games companies when women have been abused and attacked is another message that women don't matter. They see what's happening and all they do is put out these stupid, meaningless statements.

They don't answer any of the real questions. How many women have you hired? How many women have you kept and promoted up? How many women have you not relegated to making games for girls? Tell me about characters of women that you make? Are they actually real or do they have huge tits?

Gaming culture and games companies have been complicit in the abuse. There's no way that GamerGate could have had the power that it did have without that historical practice of diminishing women. The game industry weaponized GamerGate.

A lot of people said, "Well, we're not doxing women, so we're not complicit." Fuck that. Yes, you are.


Oct 27, 2017
Plenty of men view porn and aren't shitbags because of it. I don't think there's any real basis for the connection you're trying to make.

I agree with the rest though - formerly underachieving white men either had a leg up over or at least could look down on women and minorities. That's slowly beginning to change and now those kinds of men are upset.

White men?


Oct 25, 2017
This is so on point and I've been banging this drum for years. Using descriptors to hand wave the people doing this stuff does more harm than good. It's why every time I sarcastically highlight toxic gamer culture I always get my notifications lighting up with people saying "its just some, not all!1" or "just stupid kids".
It happens here whenever anyone says "gamers suck". Someone then comes in to make a thread all about them and about how THEY -don't- suck and stop labelling them. If we could get through a discusson on Era without people trying to talk over the women in the thread about how they're A Good Guy and then tone policing, we'd already be one major step ahead.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Gonna make sure to dig into this later when I have the time, because I've been wanting a more in-depth look into this angle for a while.

Plenty of men view porn and aren't shitbags because of it. I don't think there's any real basis for the connection you're trying to make.
Again, I haven't sunk into the article yet. However, even taking into account what you say, much of the perceptions porn cultivates typically creates a lot of obliviousness amongst young men in regards to key social cues and standards. They may not have any malintent, but it can nevertheless still harm someone in one way or another.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 1, 2017
The way a lot of people talk about Straight White Males nowadays is like they are trying to understand this odd evil alien species. It's so odd.
Oct 25, 2017
It happens here whenever anyone says "gamers suck". Someone then comes in to make a thread all about them and about how THEY -don't- suck and stop labelling them. If we could get through a discusson on Era without people trying to talk over the women in the thread about how they're A Good Guy and then tone policing, we'd already be one major step ahead.

If I had a nickel for every damn time someone makes a thread about how they aren't a shit bag on this site......


Oct 25, 2017
Great work by Polygon. I just wanted to highlight this surgically precise and wonderfully concise history of the internet:

Soraya Chemaly said:
We know that the dynamics of women's visibility online, particularly in what are perceived as competitive situations, can often result in lower-status men feeling threatened, and then dogpiling on women who have more prominence, status and visibility.


Alt Account
Apr 16, 2018
The way a lot of people talk about Straight White Males nowadays is like they are trying to understand this odd evil alien species. It's so odd.

It's because straight white dudes are invisible and in power so drawing their position into the spotlight reveals the inequalities our societies reproduce


Oct 25, 2017
The way a lot of people talk about Straight White Males nowadays is like they are trying to understand this odd evil alien species. It's so odd.

Straight White Males are the demographic doing the overwhelming majority of harassment on the internet, soooooo...

If you're not contributing to the culture of harassment, then you have no reason to feel defensive.

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
Again, I haven't sunk into the article yet. However, even taking into account what you say, much of the perceptions porn cultivates typically creates a lot of obliviousness amongst young men in regards to key social cues and standards. They may not have any malintent, but it can nevertheless still harm someone in one way or another.
I don't know how accurate this is. Annecdotal, but the people I know most open about being into some fucked up porn are also some of the most privately and actively progressive folks I know.

I have no doubt that the nature and proliferation of pornographic material contributes in some way, but I have to imagine there are other factors catalyzing with it.

I would posit the presence of a strong belief in traditional gender roles existing even in the absence of that material blending with the perception of women conveyed in most, and especially most mainstream, porn in a stronger indicator than porn consumption/content in isolation.


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
Great read so far. The Persecution Complex section is very illustrative of a lot issues many people seem to have when it comes to recognizing they have privilege and reconciling that with the fact that their life may still suck and understanding how that can exist when people from so called marginalized groups are still finding equal or greater success around you.


Oct 27, 2017
Thats a long article and it really hits the nail on the head. Gaming has been a nerds/boys thing for ages, and finally its starting to change into something everyone can enjoy, but men think that this will somehow make their experiences worse which is pretty dumb.

Starting to change? I thought it already had changed in 2006 and has only been gaining steam since. The mass casualization of games did actually affect some who have been gaming since long before that too. It doesn't justify any reactionary or manbaby attitudes, but it still had an effect.


Oct 27, 2017
Starting to change? I thought it already had changed in 2006 and has only been gaining steam since. The mass casualization of games did actually affect some who have been gaming since long before that too. It doesn't justify any reactionary or manbaby attitudes, but it still had an effect.
Yeah - farmville and the wii were over a decade ago now. It's not really a new thing.

Though I've not seen any recent data about gaming demographics and the type of games they play and how many hours they spend playing them. It probably exists somewhere though given how much telemetry is in games now-a-days.

Rayman not Ray

Self-requested ban
Feb 27, 2018
It's because straight white dudes are invisible and in power so drawing their position into the spotlight reveals the inequalities our societies reproduce

You nailed it. People talk about "young black men" and "gay people" and "black women" all the time in the exact same tone. But when you start describing the dominant group, the white fragility kicks in hard.
Nov 3, 2017
So are there any communities with similar demographic makeups that successfully addressed their toxicity problem? If so what can we learn from them?


Oct 25, 2017
Jen Golbeck:

[Harassers] see themselves as the persecuted group. But when you challenge anyone who feels like that persecution is part of their identity, it just makes them angrier. They're like people who believe in conspiracies.

They pull out all kinds of facts and figures about why white men are the most persecuted in Western society. They really believe it, and will jump on anything that allows them to embrace that persecuted identity more fully.

Psychologically, I understand that. It's easier than saying, 'Oh, I'm part of a privileged group and still things suck for me.' Because that makes you more of a loser. 'I can't get anything I want and also I've got it better off than anyone else'? That's not a comfortable thing to have to accept.

Literally seeing this in the first page of this thread.

EDIT: In the post above this one, even!


Oct 27, 2017
I expected the article to mansplain gaming's toxic men, but it was actually much more than that. Well worth a read.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
This is fantastic, exhaustive and diverse. Bravo to Polygon.

I think Thom Avella's words ring the most true and are probably the simplest 'explanation' to why young men feel the way they do.

There's a ton to unpack here but I'm surprised there is zero mention of the proliferation of pornography and that intersecting with young men who also play games and shaping how they view women. It's not too much to assume there is a huge overlap. It's pretty apparent to me that the ease of access to porn has irreparably shaped society in a big way the last decade or so.
Carolyn Petit touches on it briefly what the expectations some of these people have for women in general when they come in to their 'space'.

A lot of the things mentioned (anger especially) is just people who have traditionally been in charge coming to the realization that the world and the United States is changing, becoming more inclusive and not going to be the status quo. It is shitty getting to the point we will inevitably end up at, but it will be worth it.

"I know you've taken it in the teeth out there, but the first guy through the wall. It always gets bloody, always. It's the threat of not just the way of doing business, but in their minds it's threatening the game. But really what it's threatening is their livelihoods, it's threatening their jobs, it's threatening the way that they do things. And every time that happens, whether it's the government or a way of doing business or whatever it is, the people are holding the reins, have their hands on the switch. They go bat shit crazy."
- Moneyball
I would agree with this wholeheartedly. People have no idea how damaging porn truly is, especially given both how extreme and how ubiquitous it has become.


Oct 25, 2017
Fantastic article!

Also sadly not surprised to see the "Us Straight White Males are the real victims here!" type posts pop up here.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I don't know how accurate this is. Annecdotal, but the people I know most open about being into some fucked up porn are also some of the most privately and actively progressive folks I know.

I have no doubt that the nature and proliferation of pornographic material contributes in some way, but I have to imagine there are other factors catalyzing with it.

I would posit the presence of a strong belief in traditional gender roles existing even in the absence of that material blending with the perception of women conveyed in most, and especially most mainstream, porn in a stronger indicator than porn consumption/content in isolation.
I mean, if most of us on this board can agree that sexist or misogynistic depictions of women in a game contribute to a greater problem of misogyny in the gaming community, then it should be clear that pornography, which on the whole is far more misogynistic and sexist than any video game, would also contribute to that same problem.

Watching porn doesnt turn you into a misogynist or force you to demean women, but it absolutely reinforces those mindsets in people who are already inclined that way, or subconsciously cultivates such mindsets, especially in the developing mind of a teenager. Most people can distinguish between fiction and reality, but at some level that consumption is still affecting you.

I want to make it clear that I'm not being holier than thou when saying this; I'm a recovering porn addict. Maybe that makes me biased, but I also know that for some people porn can be extremely damaging.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017

People who find straight white male insulting.

It's quite interesting that's what people have taken from this article.

You know what's worse than straight white male? Slurs.


Oct 27, 2017
Some of the reactions in this thread make me embarrassed about being white and male. People really never check their privileges, right?


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, if most of us on this board can agree that sexist or misogynistic depictions of women in a game contribute to a greater problem of misogyny in the gaming community, then it should be clear that pornography, which on the whole is far more misogynistic and sexist than any video game, would also contribute to that same problem.

Watching porn doesnt turn you into a misogynist or force you to demean women, but it absolutely reinforces those mindsets in people who are already inclined that way, or subconsciously cultivates such mindsets, especially in the developing mind of a teenager. Most people can distinguish between fiction and reality, but at some level that consumption is still affecting you.

I want to make it clear that I'm not being holier than thou when saying this; I'm a recovering porn addict. Maybe that makes me biased, but I also know that for some people porn can be extremely damaging.
Well said, Hector. Well said.