Doomguy Fieri

Nov 3, 2017
The big brain no voters are so frustrating. Go on, don't vote. It is going to get so much worse. Hold onto that little baby take that not enough good things happened, why should I vote? This is a pitched battle. There will never be a total victory over the American Conservative movement. The best we can do is push back, take the wins when we can, and try to make the losses as painless as possible. They will strip you of every right, every entitlement, as much as they can. The only realistic bulwark is the Democratic party. It sucks, but that's all we got! We have a stupid legislative system where the guy with 50.1 percent of the vote has 100% of the power. There's no realistic alternative, so it's get out there and vote for the shitty Dem or do your best to be happy in the Theocratic Libertarian Dystopia.


Aug 1, 2018
Which I expect will happen. Even if this is the final decision, this draft opinion is nakedly political in ways that I don't think certain conservative judges would approve of.

I'm inclined to believe that it'll be the Majority opinion and other Justices will have concurrences that expound their personal beliefs that are different than Alito's.

Saying voting is useless when it's the exact thing that got us into this situation….

Voting has been made harder and less powerful since then though. This is not to say voting doesn't matter but there's nothing wrong with acknowledging that voting is not as powerful as it once was.

There may come a point where voting is actually useless.


Oct 25, 2017
Use petition process to change redistricting (gerrymandering) laws in each state constitution.

Get better state electeds.

Amend the us constitution to protect the rights of its peoples.

It's the only way.


Oct 25, 2017
What are you under the impression they should have done? They made it an electoral issue; voters didn't care.
Obama and the dems could have challeneged it in the courts. They declined because they were just so sure hillary would win anyway. It's clear McConnell was overstepping legally, but Obama did his classic thing and let GOP shit all over him for the sake of decorum.


Oct 25, 2017

The fucking gall, burn it all down people, they are using O's instead of 0's. We can't let this stand.
Is this a serious post?

You can't actually think this?

My point, which may rightly be overlooked because of the other form of hyperbole in the thread, is that people like Sean and the organization he reps are not enough to help us. His is a literally "just vote lol" message, the most ineffective fucking solution to America's current problems. People have done that significantly in the last two elections, and when the answer is "well you prevented something worse from happening" that's not a solution to anything.

How is voting a solution when the whole problem is that fewer numbers matter than larger numbers? This is the whole institutional rub: we're seeing how voting doesn't matter because things have been rigged against the public, and over time this divide is growing, not retracting, despite more and more people actually voting. To hammer this point clearly, we're about to see, all over the country, an imposition of ideas that not even 30% of people in any state in the country are for.

I'm not even saying don't vote. But we keep saying voting is the solution. In my lifetime, I've not seen it solve anything, I've only see it be used to justify further minority rule.

Greg NYC3

Oct 26, 2017
I'm really interested in hearing ideas about what could have been done to force McConnell to seat Dem judges during Obama's term.

Do folks understand that the reason McConnell, who represents one the poorest states in the Union, was majority leader in the first place? It's because the GOP trusted his strategy to get them to this point. He was willing to burn every established norm and institution to the ground to get this kind of extreme conservative majority seated. He would have cut off his own foot before allowing a liberal SC justice to be seated under his watch.
Oct 27, 2017
Saying voting is useless when it's the exact thing that got us into this situation….
Yeah, i don't get this idea that it's useless when Republicans do this shit because they literally vote in droves

They organize, and they show up.

Then again, they aren't restricted. They're incentivized.
Everyone is "incentivized" to vote if the vote not going your way can impact your life or the people/things you care about


Oct 25, 2017
Voting, takes an hour maybe two: Can't be bothered!

Organizing, weaponizing, and risking your life for a violent uprising: You can count on me for that!

Saying voting is useless when it's the exact thing that got us into this situation….

Do you really think people saying this don't vote? The GOP has endless strategies to make sure that the illusion of "democracy" exists, but that they can never lose power where they have it. Mass closing of voting places, making it so you can only vote when most working class people can't take time off, all of my friends with non-white names mysteriously having their voter registration deleted every single year...The reality of our oppression by a malicious, minority ruling class exists, and blaming ourselves for that because the insanely complicated and opaque system that is supposed to reflect our will consistently does the opposite is EXACTLY what the enemy wants from us! Stop playing into their hands! You're harming me, you're harming yourself, and you're empowering the enemy! This is a war with insanely high stakes being waged by every single person every single second of our lives, so start acting like it!


Oct 25, 2017
I'd add in voting suppression to tilt thin margin states.

Yeah, hell the House is skewed too, I can't believe there hasn't been any sort of update to how the House size is determined since...what, the 1929 act?

Add in a sprinkle of voting suppression (such as refusing to make voting day a holiday, and/or limiting poll access and denying mail-in option) and ruthless gerrymandering, and it's quite easy to see how Rs maintain control in ostensibly purple states, then use a combination of hateful legislation and stomping down any opposing sentiment to create the 'aimless/my vote will never matter' atmosphere that lets them thrive.

....But the Senate, even if it was designed to be a 'safety valve' for preventing demagoguery with the 'commoners', is absolutely anti-democratic.

Especially with the evolution of the Filibuster to a simple 'I filibuster' denial-card.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
John Roberts publicly announcing an investigation into the leak of the decision is so on brand for current SCOTUS.


Dec 13, 2017
The big brain no voters are so frustrating. Go on, don't vote. It is going to get so much worse. Hold onto that little baby take that not enough good things happened, why should I vote? This is a pitched battle. There will never be a total victory over the American Conservative movement. The best we can do is push back, take the wins when we can, and try to make the losses as painless as possible. They will strip you of every right, every entitlement, as much as they can. The only realistic bulwark is the Democratic party. It sucks, but that's all we got! We have a stupid legislative system where the guy with 50.1 percent of the vote has 100% of the power. There's no realistic alternative, so it's get out there and vote for the shitty Dem or do your best to be happy in the Theocratic Libertarian Dystopia.

I generally agree with you but I empathize with people who feel like voting is useless when voting has seemingly done nothing in the case of Biden. He ran on fairly reasonable promises and hasn't really accomplished anything of note. I think it is reasonable to be discouraged from voting and I think that is a goal of the GOP (if they can't take the right away, they need to at least tear down the institution).

Garrett 2U

Oct 25, 2017
Do you really think people saying this don't vote? The GOP has endless strategies to make sure that the illusion of "democracy" exists, but that they can never lose power where they have it. Mass closing of voting places, making it so you can only vote when most working class people can't take time off, all of my friends with non-white names mysteriously having their voter registration deleted every single year...The reality of our oppression by a malicious, minority ruling class exists, and blaming ourselves for that because the insanely complicated and opaque system that is supposed to reflect our will consistently does the opposite is EXACTLY what the enemy wants from us! Stop playing into their hands! You're harming me, you're harming yourself, and you're empowering the enemy! This is a war with insanely high stakes being waged by every single person every single second of our lives, so start acting like it!

This post is brought to you by: "Voting is useless. There will need to be an uprising eventually."


Oct 28, 2017
That's not how it works. If the Supreme Court's view is that abortion isn't a reserved power, then it's saying that congress does not have a constitutional right to legislate one. Congress can pass laws, and does so all the time, that the court has overturned. The language of this ruling makes it absolutely crystal clear that they would do so because they do not view a constituonal basis for legalising abortion at the federal level. It is a matter for the states.
It's exactly how it works. The Supreme Court isn't saying abortion isn't a reserved power (that doesn't make sense). The Supreme Court is saying that abortion isn't an explicit right given by the Constitution, so states are free to regulate it. Congress could absolutely mandate abortion access via federal legislation, and states would have no choice but to obey or be in violation of the supremacy clause. The court is simply throwing the matter to into the realm of a political question.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
Do you really think people saying this don't vote? The GOP has endless strategies to make sure that the illusion of "democracy" exists, but that they can never lose power where they have it. Mass closing of voting places, making it so you can only vote when most working class people can't take time off, all of my friends with non-white names mysteriously having their voter registration deleted every single year...The reality of our oppression by a malicious, minority ruling class exists, and blaming ourselves for that because the insanely complicated and opaque system that is supposed to reflect our will consistently does the opposite is EXACTLY what the enemy wants from us! Stop playing into their hands! You're harming me, you're harming yourself, and you're empowering the enemy! This is a war with insanely high stakes being waged by every single person every single second of our lives, so start acting like it!

I want to be clear: that post was not me attacking people who don't vote. I have smoke for that group, but that wasn't the point.

The point of that post that was quoted was this: If you can't be bothered to vote, when you KNOW the stakes!? Then spare me all your posturing about violent revolution. You can't even get off your ass to do the bare minimum. I don't buy it. I don't believe it. I don't respect it. Spare me the 🧢.

Trying to convince me you're about this life. Spare. ME.

Deleted member 22750

Oct 28, 2017
who is to blame
1.Rich people. Let's cut the shit. They want you to die. They want your money.
2. Media that builds this brick by brick with the help of the Gov.
3. Evangelicals and republicans who carry out the govt/media plan. The unchecked aggression and nationalism comes straight from the top. They do and say what they're told.
4. Democrats. Wolves in sheeps clothing. Always there to tell us how things could have gone. Always there to complain after. Never there to actually set the path. Never there when you need real answers. When you need actual outrage. When you need rich democrats who wear a badge of courage but spend nothing on change. Always there to drone strike civilians. Always there to do nothing about how inside their own cities the poor and black population is ENCOURAGED to just fucking die already.

I'll vote. But I have a problem giving my vote of confidence.


Oct 25, 2017
Do you really think people saying this don't vote? The GOP has endless strategies to make sure that the illusion of "democracy" exists, but that they can never lose power where they have it. Mass closing of voting places, making it so you can only vote when most working class people can't take time off, all of my friends with non-white names mysteriously having their voter registration deleted every single year...The reality of our oppression by a malicious, minority ruling class exists, and blaming ourselves for that because the insanely complicated and opaque system that is supposed to reflect our will consistently does the opposite is EXACTLY what the enemy wants from us! Stop playing into their hands! You're harming me, you're harming yourself, and you're empowering the enemy! This is a war with insanely high stakes being waged by every single person every single second of our lives, so start acting like it!
This is allowed due to how unfair states are allowed to determine voting districts. It incentivizes division and only empowers candidates to go further to the extreme.

Change redistricting and you save this country. And we can do this through each state's constitutional petition process. We can fix this. We just have to together and absolute in our goals.

Voting helps. But we can do so much more. But we have to start at the beginning. At the root of the issue. And that's who and how we select our candidates for office.


Oct 25, 2017
Many voters are not 100% all in on the party platforms. Many pick and choose what they consider to be most important issues to them, election to election, and it doesn't matter to them if they look are moderate or centrist. Many don't even identify with a party label.

There are really two problems.

1. People who don't vote at all.
2. People who vote selectively and inconsistently.

We live in a fickle electorate that can be heavily influenced by emotion and gaslighting, more than common sense.

The supreme court overturning a decades old ruling is symbolic of that.


Oct 25, 2017
I want to be clear: that post was not me attacking people who don't vote. I have smoke for that group, but that wasn't the point.

The point of that post that was quoted was this: If you can't be bothered to vote, when you KNOW the stakes!? Then spare me all your posturing about violent revolution. You can't even get off your ass to do the bare minimum. I don't buy it. I don't believe it. I don't respect it. Spare me the 🧢.

Trying to convince me you're about this life. Spare. ME.
To be fair they didn't include themselves in that revolution. It's just going to happen I guess, somehow.
Then stop victim blaming the oppressed! We do not consent to our oppression! Stop contributing to myth that we all deserve our oppression because bureaucratic bullshit designed to be impenetrable by the masses!
I'm not trying to say that we allowed this, I thought. I'm saying we don't have what it takes to stop it. I'm sorry if I implied that


Oct 25, 2017

makes me sick to my fucking stomach. really no use with the circular firing squad in here when so much of the future of our lives is tied up in the decisions (or non-decisions) of those up on that hill who don't give a shit about any of us.


Oct 27, 2017
Imagine being a Conservative, having everything going your way, and still never being happy.


Oct 25, 2017
You're not actually giving them money. You're doing it so they can buy ads from FB, who will then in turn use THAT money to line their own pockets or fight against your interests.
Yes. I know. I ran campaigns for a living before I became a lobbyist.

I'm still asking, so what? You have to use these services to get elected. Campaigns are very difficult dances and it takes professionals to run them successfully. That takes money and services.
Oct 27, 2017
I cannot imagine a future where the US is still united in any sense of the phrase. The next attacks are coming for marriage rights, then civil rights.
Oct 27, 2017
Marriage is purely a state issue, not a federal one.

On that front, at least, the filibuster will prevent anything from happening (as long as McConnell is around, anyway).
McConnell will kill the filibuster the second he can get what he wants by doing it. The republicans absolutely intend on saying they will keep it, while planning what evil things to do after they eliminate the rule.


Oct 29, 2017
This is allowed due to how unfair states are allowed to determine voting districts. It incentivizes division and only empowers candidates to go further to the extreme.

Change redistricting and you save this country. And we can do this through each state's constitutional petition process. We can fix this. We just have to together and absolute in our goals.

Voting helps. But we can do so much more. But we have to start at the beginning. At the root of the issue. And that's who and how we select our candidates for office.
Good luck when a majority of states are Republican dominated and see the redistricting process as one of their strongest tools in solidifying power on their behalf.
Obama and the dems could have challeneged it in the courts. They declined because they were just so sure hillary would win anyway. It's clear McConnell was overstepping legally, but Obama did his classic thing and let GOP shit all over him for the sake of decorum.
Uh, no, they could not have challenged it in court, nor was McConnell outside his powers. The Constitution expressly gives both houses of Congress control of their own affairs, they aren't required to take action on a presidential nominee. The constitutional remedy for such obstruction is replacing the obstructionist senators via election.


Oct 27, 2017

makes me sick to my fucking stomach. really no use with the circular firing squad in here when so much of the future of our lives is tied up in the decisions (or non-decisions) of those up on that hill who don't give a shit about any of us.

I was just reading an article in the local paper (I live in Maine) where she's basically saying he lied to her. Yeah, no shit.


Nov 4, 2021
This is pretty misinformed. As someone who works in nonprofit fundraising that crosses over in political spheres, this isn't the majority at all. It is some, but it isn't "most."

What do you expect from the "both sides are the same", "why aren't Dem pulling magic tricks out of their hats" and "voting s useless" crowd? They can't see why got where we are because cause of their dumb petty BS and expect Dems clean up everything regardless of whether they have power to do so. Democracy requires constant engagement, that true regardless of where you are. Its for that reason that parties only have as much power as they have in the government. Even that assuming enough members are aligned on specific issues. That's what bare majority is no gonna cut here. R voters are successful because thy at least understand that then and don't act its over when they lose.

BTW Ohio and Indiana is currently holding elections today. If anyone cares at all about effects of the recent news and anything beyond its good day to start voting.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
People need to start boycotting corporations who backed politicians that helped further this. Maybe some financial blowback will cause these companies to reconsider donating to Republicans.


Nov 25, 2017
You're not actually giving them money. You're doing it so they can buy ads from FB, who will then in turn use THAT money to line their own pockets or fight against your interests.
Do you even understand how campaigns work? That's the point of campaigning, using money to spread your name and get votes. WTF should they be doing?
Oct 27, 2017
I see a lot of migration in the future. Why would Democrats stay in red states at this point?

We'll just become more polarized.
100%. People that do not want to live in oppressive states will leave to more progressive and bountiful ones.

Creating two de facto nations that are held together in name alone. A humane prosperous one. And a violent, parasitic, oppressive one.


Jun 13, 2018
I generally agree with you but I empathize with people who feel like voting is useless when voting has seemingly done nothing in the case of Biden. He ran on fairly reasonable promises and hasn't really accomplished anything of note. I think it is reasonable to be discouraged from voting and I think that is a goal of the GOP (if they can't take the right away, they need to at least tear down the institution).

I'm sorry but you are exemplifying the post you responded to. Either you're not paying attention to politics or you have the mentality that if it doesn't help you directly, nothing has been accomplished. There have been multi-trillion dollar bills passed that have resulted in the greatest reduction in childhood poverty in history and will lead to huge investments in infrastructure and clean energy. He reversed the ban on trans people serving in the military. Biden has appointed more judges in his first year than any other president.

Garrett 2U

Oct 25, 2017
who is to blame
1.Rich people. Let's cut the shit. They want you to die. They want your money.
2. Media that builds this brick by brick with the help of the Gov.
3. Evangelicals and republicans who carry out the govt/media plan. The unchecked aggression and nationalism comes straight from the top. They do and say what they're told.
4. Democrats. Wolves in sheeps clothing. Always there to tell us how things could have gone. Always there to complain after. Never there to actually set the path. Never there when you need real answers. When you need actual outrage. When you need rich democrats who wear a badge of courage but spend nothing on change. Always there to drone strike civilians. Always there to do nothing about how inside their own cities the poor and black population is ENCOURAGED to just fucking die already.

I'll vote. But I have a problem giving my vote of confidence.
I believe the rich in the US cause of a lot of issues, but abortion ain't one of them. According to every study I've ever seen: the higher your income, the more likely you are to be pro-choice; the lower your income, the more likely you are to be pro-life.

Evangelicals is #1.

Also 80% of democrats support abortion in most/all cases, so probably take them off your list. If democrats won the presidency in 2016 this would not have happened. It is the direct result of the evangelical backed Trump appointing 3 justices.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Reading shit like "vOtInG Is uSeLeSs" is so comical at this point, when it was literally being outvoted by thin margins in 3 states that lead to this. I bet you those few thousands of apathetic Michiganders and Wisconsinites who didn't go vote or voted for Jill Stein also said "voting is useless" and that's exactly how you got there.

Voting, takes an hour maybe two: Can't be bothered!

Organizing, weaponizing, and risking your life for a violent uprising: You can count on me for that!

ok to be fair if you are black in Georgia it might take like 9 hours..... >_>

I believe the rich in the US cause of a lot of issues, but abortion ain't one of them. According to every study I've ever seen: the higher your income, the more likely you are to be pro-choice; the lower your income, the more likely you are to be pro-life.
You don't have to be pro-life to fuck with other people's rights, you only need to care more about your taxes and your money than about civil rights. Lots of "pro-choice" rich fucks vote for conservatives because of low taxes and don't care if that threatens the rights of women or minorities.