
May 20, 2019
It's the beginning of the end for the Union in general. Yeah, people wax on and on about the "Cold Civil War" since Trump, but that wasn't really the case. Even with Trump he basically was all in regarding a strong federal government because he just wanted power. But this decision essentially says that unless a law is in the Constitution, it's meaningless and states can do whatever they want. This will lead to an even greater difference between red and blue states - they're going to look like separate countries. In the end there will be such limited social interaction and legal commonalities between these two geographic regions that the Union will essentially dissolve.


Jun 13, 2018
So why don't we start talking about implementing new systems that let parties and candidates get done the popular things that they promise? What we have now is useless and clearly doesn't protect the hard-won rights that we all need and rely on.

Because getting rid of a two-party system means amending the constitution, which requires 2/3s or congress and 3/4ths of states. Even getting ranked choice voting or jungle primaries is hard to do when one party has solid control in a state. You have to convince the American people to understand the importance of something like this and most don't even know how a bill gets passed or how the supreme court works.


Nov 4, 2021
European democracies have gone through several revisions but the US has this insane cult of the constitution. It's sacred, it's an extremist cult...Everything is the same since forever

Expect this not true. Our constitution has gone through several revisions throughout its 200+ years that does looking much like we had 18th century. The amendment process exist for that point. Only conservatives view it that way.

Regardless this has little to do with what is happening and I am tired of some people bring it up. The current situation is result of vote apathy and infighting among liberals & left that caused losses of 2014 & 2016. Because of that McConnell gained to the power to block Obama's SC pick and Trump got to pick 2-3.

Liberals and the left need actually start viewing the court with importance that minorities have. They need not just show up for Presidential elections and then go home, we need to come from mid-terms too. Otherwise we just lose power every two which snowballs into Rs either winning or gumming our agendas. We aren't persistent as conservatives and that is problem.
Jun 10, 2018
Facts, but you know the make up of a gaming forum.
It's just maddening seeing all this finger pointing by white and white leaning individuals when it's ultimately their passivity towards their neighbors that has led us down this road.

The slap on the wrist that was Reconstruction era America set the precedent a long time ago. We've just been sliding down a grease slicked path ever since.


Oct 25, 2017
Because getting rid of a two-party system means amending the constitution, which requires 2/3s or congress and 3/4ths of states. Even getting ranked choice voting or jungle primaries is hard to do when one party has solid control in a state. You have to convince the American people to understand the importance of something like this and most don't even know how a bill gets passed or how the supreme court works.
Nothing in the Constitution has anything to do with political parties and states are free to implement voting systems other than first past the post.


Oct 25, 2017
Try telling lgbtq people they can't marry or now their marriages are invalid and see what happens.


Oct 25, 2017
So why don't we start talking about implementing new systems that let parties and candidates get done the popular things that they promise? What we have now is useless and clearly doesn't protect the hard-won rights that we all need and rely on.
Agreed, but those reforms are hard to come by via the usual process of constitutional conventions and whatnot, so I don't blame politicians for not promising that (after all, then we'd be angry when they don't deliver). It seems inevitable at this point that we're heading towards an unraveling of society that will naturally eliminate some institutions, and hopefully we'll end up somewhere better. It's going to get worse before it gets better, though.

Like, for the supreme court -- I think it's under 10 years now until they lose most of their legitimacy and it becomes totally normal for states or other entities to simply ignore their rulings (even more so than they've already done so -- as a STATED policy, I mean).


Mar 11, 2019
The Susan reaction is so precious. I cannot in good faith believe she didn't already know this was going to happen.

Thanks for fucking up women's rights. And possibly so much more.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
Try telling lgbtq people they can't marry or now their marriages are invalid and see what happens.
What will happen? My guess is nothing except some protests in cities that last a bit. The Left has become increasingly toothless. The Right will literally go bankrupt, severe debt, die, etc for their causes.


Oct 25, 2017
It seems to me yes but also I guess there's no requirement for the court to be consistent.

That's the worry, especially with (what looks to be/supposedly is) Alito's wording, is that this court absolutely won't be consistent, and will instead trend down the kangaroo-court of partisan hacking away at precedent, no matter the cost.

Mentioning Obergefell and Loving and the like, then saying 'Roe is an exception, those other ones are okay, we swear' also implies that.


Apr 30, 2020

That's the worry, especially with (what looks to be/supposedly is) Alito's wording, is that this court absolutely won't be consistent, and will instead trend down the kangaroo-court of partisan hacking away at precedent, no matter the cost.

Mentioning Obergefell and Loving and the like, then saying 'Roe is an exception, those other ones are okay, we swear' also implies that.
"Originalism means whatever I want it to mean in this particular case and then I work backwards from there" is basically how it is going to go.


Jun 13, 2018
The argument a public speech to Planned Parenthood isn't campaigning is not particularly credulous to me sorry.

It's a fact that it wasn't in the top priorities of his platform. It'd be like someone asking Bernie about an assault weapons ban at March for Our Lives. Of course he's going to give the Dem position answer, but it's not going to be a priority especially if it's not something congress will pass. I'm tired of purity tests like this.


Oct 27, 2017
Because getting rid of a two-party system means amending the constitution, which requires 2/3s or congress and 3/4ths of states. Even getting ranked choice voting or jungle primaries is hard to do when one party has solid control in a state. You have to convince the American people to understand the importance of something like this and most don't even know how a bill gets passed or how the supreme court works.
There's more than one Constitution in the country! There's more than one way to go about promoting alternatives! You're rushing to give a civics lesson like I don't know what the amendment process is when that's beyond the point.


Oct 29, 2017
It's a fact that it wasn't in the top priorities of his platform. It'd be like someone asking Bernie about an assault weapons ban at March for Our Lives. Of course he's going to give the Dem position answer, but it's not going to be a priority especially if it's not something congress will pass. I'm tired of purity tests like this.

Yes it is a fact it wasn't a top priority of his platform which is why he shouldn't have said it'd be his first act as President.

Not openly lying isn't really a purity test it's just a…test.


Oct 25, 2017
Is this a criminal matter? Don't really understand what law was broken here tbh

The courts perceived legitimacy isn't a statute is it

Yeah, idk how you justify bringing the FBI into this.....maybe if the memo was actually stolen, or there are privacy laws that were broken, I guess?

It also just so happens to throw the red base more meat about how 'egregious' the leak is to throw attention away from the vote itself.


Jun 13, 2018
There's more than one Constitution in the country! There's more than one way to go about promoting alternatives! You're rushing to give a civics lesson like I don't know what the amendment process is when that's beyond the point.

Then how do you propose changes be made? Of course some people want changes, but making structural changes like that is harder than getting voting rights done in the existing system. You said it as if something that can just be willed into existence.


Oct 25, 2017
Chesire, UK
Try telling lgbtq people they can't marry or now their marriages are invalid and see what happens.

What are people gonna do? Get mad? Protest? Vote?

Who cares about any of that? Certainly not a Supreme Court Justice with a job for life.

The fight already happened. The bad guys won.

Worse, the bad guys won and their opponents aren't willing to do what it takes (abolish the filibuster and stack the courts) to even fight them.
Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017
Republicans want only married straight women actively trying to conceive to be allowed to have sex. That's literally it. That's the quiet part out loud


Jun 13, 2018
Yes it is a fact it wasn't a top priority of his platform which is why he shouldn't have said it'd be his first act as President.

Not openly lying isn't really a purity test it's just a…test.

Under those standards any campaign promise that isn't achieved is a lie then. M4A is a lie.


Oct 27, 2017
Then how do you propose changes be made? Of course some people want changes, but making structural changes like that is harder than getting voting rights done in the existing system. You said it as if something that can just be willed into existence.
State-by-state, slowly breaking each 2 party structure and providing new political landscapes that people can see and then advocate for federally.

Will that weaken federal Democratic power in the short term? Probably.


Oct 25, 2017

Susan "Trump learned his lesson" Collins everyone.

Evidence that even if he voted with the minority he is still the enemy. Changing the talking point to be about the leak and how it hurts the court is a clear distraction.
Yup. Pretending the court had a "legacy" to protect is indication of his moral and cognitive deficiency to begin with.


Oct 27, 2017
Athens, GA



Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017

Chuck Schumer Says Senate Will Vote On Bill To Codify Roe v. Wade

The Senate majority leader intends to put senators on the record about abortion rights.

Is there any legitimate possibility that the Democrats will finally wake up and get rid of filibustering? Cause I couldn't give two shits about "putting them on the record" when we already know where everyone stands. As long as the filibuster is in place nothing progressive will ever pass in the Senate.


Oct 29, 2017
Yeah, idk how you justify bringing the FBI into this.....maybe if the memo was actually stolen, or there are privacy laws that were broken, I guess?

It also just so happens to throw the red base more meat about how 'egregious' the leak is to throw attention away from the vote itself.

Yeah I assume it's the court lashing out in embarrassment. The deliberations of the court are so secretive and arcane it's hard to fall back on some sort of procedure being violated the FBI could even investigate.


Oct 29, 2017
If you make progressives leave or stay away from the right states and make voting difficult for the ones who remain or have no choice, you can control the entire country through the electoral college.


Oct 26, 2017
Republicans want only married straight women actively trying to conceive to be allowed to have sex. That's literally it. That's the quiet part out loud

Republicans want everyone to be allowed to have sex, but know that unwanted kids are more likely to be pushed into that school ---> prison pipeline that allows them to utilize legal slavery. If they die they die, if they suffer, who cares; some other unwanted kid will ideally be there to take their place.

To them, women are factories and kids are the products.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
I would not be shocked if in red states they get rid of child support because women cannot get abortions. They'll justify it as the man didn't want to conceive a baby and he has a choice too.


Jun 13, 2018
Nothing in the Constitution has anything to do with political parties and states are free to implement voting systems other than first past the post.

How contingent elections are resolved in the constitution entrenches the two-party system. State systems trickle down from that since national power gives you advantages in organizing in states. States where one party is in solid control tend not to want to implement jungle/ranked choice because it tends to help moderates.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
It's just maddening seeing all this finger pointing by white and white leaning individuals when it's ultimately their passivity towards their neighbors that has led us down this road.

The slap on the wrist that was Reconstruction era America set the precedent a long time ago. We've just been sliding down a grease slicked path ever since.

Because its too much of an existential crisis to have a 'Are we the baddies?' moment. Easier to attack politicians for not inspiring their personal social circle not to be evil, activists for not activisting enough, and decisions before they were born/little kids as proof this generation of White Americana will get it right!

But will say that perhaps we need to temper our language ("defund too strong" "you can't call them deplorables, thats my moms"). Bail reform is nice but crime has shot up 4% and omg, inflation and foxnews told me they closed down a CVS in the hood☹️This has nothing to do with a worldwide pandemic where the world literally shut down for two years, its simply an inevitable byproduct of meager surface level minority gains and walking away from Christ like my grandmother said.


Oct 26, 2017
Republicans want only married straight women actively trying to conceive to be allowed to have sex. That's literally it. That's the quiet part out loud

Nah, they're ok with with everyone else having sex. They just want to prevent those people from having access to birth control so they get stuck with lots of kids they can't afford which continues the cycle of poverty and power in this country. Increased access to birth control and abortion opens up to doors and opportunities to people, and they know it.