
Oct 27, 2017
It's like you're not comprehending institutional racism is a thing.

It isn't about not understanding that it isn't a thing.It's about protecting white justice and the man in blue who enforces it.

People that are so hard to defend cops want the institution to keep on going as it is because they benefit from it.

GoldenEye 007

Roll Tide, Y'all!
Oct 25, 2017
It isn't about not understanding that it isn't a thing.It's about protecting white justice and the man in blue who enforces it.

People that are so hard to defend cops want the institution to keep on going as it is because they benefit from it.
That's probably true too. They very well know it exists. And they're fighting tooth and nail to keep it up.

Deleted member 225

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Again... calling out every single cop is NOT right
Yes it is. Every cop is at fault for this as it is happening constantly and consistently. Time and time again we have situations like this that occur. Where are the officers that are standing up and speaking out against this behavior? Where are the officers who are taking responsibility for the countless, pointless murders committed by their fellow officers? Where are the officers who are actively trying to fight this? They are not holding themselves accountable for their actions. I believe being a police officer is one of the most important jobs. To be a competent officer, you must hold yourself, and your peers to a higher standard, or else the entire structure falls apart. It's obvious the majority of our police force do not hold themselves to these standards. Until all the officers of America decide to take responsibility, they will continue to get blamed, and deservedly so.


Nov 1, 2017
It blows my mind that people think they can hop into a topic about police executing a man and yell "not all cops are bad!" And expect people NOT to assume they're here to make a bunch or bad faith arguments. Srsly, take a fuckin step back and look at what youre doing.


Oct 27, 2017
Because you know every cop right? I'm bailing out of this conversation.

You were never a part of the conversation on what this thread is about. You just wanted to use it as a podium to air your grievances about how it's not nice for people to say bad things about cops.

You know where that would really go over well and get you some attention is if you go to funerals of innocent people who have been murdered by cops.

I'm sure that would help get you off more than shitting up this thread.

It blows my mind that people think they can hop into a topic about police executing a man and yell "not all cops are bad!" And expect people NOT to assume they're here to make a bunch or bad faith arguments. Srsly, take a fuckin step back and look at what youre doing.

They know exactly what they're doing.


Oct 26, 2017
Seems like there are quite a few different ways this could have been handled better rather than surrounding him and doing nothing until he wakes up. After watching the video I can't seem to find a angle where any body cam has a clear view to show that he was or wasn't reaching for his gun. Could someone timestamp or gif where it's 100 percent clear he didn't reach for his gun?
Oct 27, 2017
Because you know every cop right? I'm bailing out of this conversation.

The main issue is that you will never and if there is very few out of the million of cops that will go against another cop for a mistake or action because they look at themselves as a force so if one cop does it they uphold it as there duty to defend the rest of them that's what the system is and that's what it's always been until there's drastic changes


Sep 21, 2018
The fact this is even discussed is telling of the absolute shitshow that is police training in the us (on top of every other problem).
Had it happen anywhere in the civilised world ( western europe for instance), those idiots would be awaiting their trial for homicide and that would not be discussed.
You don't stand around a dude sleeping, suspected of having a weapon, pointing your weapons at him like in ok corral, what the fuck, this is not how it's done, this is not how any decently trained cop with half a brain would handle the situation.
You stay the fuck away, you let him sleep, you block the vehicule, strap the bullet vest on, secure the perimeter (important part), once it is done then you shout from 30 meters to wake the guy up, de-escalate and ask him to drop the weapon and lay on the floor. and you wait, ho and by the way you only shoot then if he first starts shooting at you.
That is almost comical every time some shit like this happen to hear the chefs or whatever they are called say "hu ho they followed the procedure and shit", like, pretending they did a good job, no they did not, you told them they were ready, you told them they knew how to do their jobs, you lied, they don't, they don't have a clue (but they think they do).
Like that time two idiots cops rushed a poor (black) kid with their car in a park that was playing with a toy and killed him instead of having the most basic common sense of de-escalation procedures.
The average training for an european cop is in the 2/3 years range, in the us it"s 23 fucking weeks, they are not cops, they don't know what a cop is or how a cop should behave, they are dumbasses with an uniform and a gun. it's not even entirely their fault, they are tutored by cops that think they know the job when in fact they are as badly trained as the rookies, dunning kruger like , perpetuating the insane wrong ways to approach situations, while thinking they know what they are doing.
See the typical "good cop" that always end up popping his head in the discussion, defending the cops, oblivious to the fact that in no dimension of time and space the way they acted was even remotely the right thing to do, he just do not get it.
it's crazy.
Mar 9, 2019


Oct 25, 2017
None of them will be charged. I am sure that has been the case with people shot that had literally no weapons.

What he reached for his phone?
Oh well! Add them to the statistics.

You could say cops need better training, but considering we have more guns than people, the protocol to shoot first if "threatened", won't ever change. The consequence of being a nation drowning in guns.


Oct 25, 2017
You could say cops need better training, but considering we have more guns than people, the protocol to shoot first if "threatened", won't ever change. The consequence of being a nation drowning in guns.
I wonder how the people defending the indefensible feel about stringent gun control.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm always amazed by these videos by how much the officers always shoot and then the way they act like the victim could have possibly survived that and still be responsive. Sure it's protocol but when you've just unloaded two dozen shots in him he's never going to respond.


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder how the people defending the indefensible feel about stringent gun control.
I don't pin the blame fully on cops when you live in a country with more guns then cops, where its legal to walk around with fucking assault rifles in some states. No shit they are going to be jumpy and that is shit that shouldn't be allowed period. That is about the extend I'll give cops.

But the not all cops is a bunch of bullshit, because we know what happens when a cop rocks the boat. They get removed. Till cops start holding other cops responsible for their shit action, all cops apply. When the department comes out and says, these "cops" need to be removed from the force, never to be cops again, and treated as criminals who exploited the public's goodwill, who executed a man, who then attempted to cover it up. All cops apply.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't pin the blame fully on cops when you live in a country with more guns then cops, where its legal to walk around with fucking assault rifles in some states. No shit they are going to be jumpy and that is shit that shouldn't be allowed period. That is about the extend I'll give cops.

But the not all cops is a bunch of bullshit, because we know what happens when a cop rocks the boat. They get removed. Till cops start holding other cops responsible for their shit action, all cops apply. When the department comes out and says, these "cops" need to be removed from the force, never to be cops again, and treated as criminals who exploited the public's goodwill, who executed a man, who then attempted to cover it up. All cops apply.
Its funny how all cops seemed to be terrified that every little thing a person has in their hand is a weapon but will be the first to join NRA whose whole business is to push as many guns as possible into people's hands. You would think if cops were that scared they'd be pro gun control.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
I don't pin the blame fully on cops when you live in a country with more guns then cops, where its legal to walk around with fucking assault rifles in some states. No shit they are going to be jumpy and that is shit that shouldn't be allowed period. That is about the extend I'll give cops.

But the not all cops is a bunch of bullshit, because we know what happens when a cop rocks the boat. They get removed. Till cops start holding other cops responsible for their shit action, all cops apply. When the department comes out and says, these "cops" need to be removed from the force, never to be cops again, and treated as criminals who exploited the public's goodwill, who executed a man, who then attempted to cover it up. All cops apply.
It ain't just guns, it's flat out racism. No way in hell is a White dude dying under these circumstances. Seriously fuck all these cops involved and their families.
Oct 27, 2017
Didn't even give him a chance to comply. What happened to using a loudspeaker to issue commands? Why not set up officers behind cover with scoped rifles who could see clearly what was going on and fire if need be? Why not open the door and yank him out? These assholes murdered him.


Oct 31, 2017
UK here.... I cannot comprehend why a police officer would approach this situation point a gun at the suspect... Like from the very beginning...

It does not compute here...... WTF America

Deleted member 50374

alt account
Dec 4, 2018
All cops are complicit imo.
If cops weren't complicit you'd see mass protests against criminals in the police force, but all they do is whine that they're treated unfairly

Unfortunately many police forces in the world just use mafia style methods to dispose of their deeds, they silence their internal opposition (who wants change) and crimes go unnoticed. Also unsurprisingly they side with fascist regimes just about every time


Oct 27, 2017
Didn't even give him a chance to comply. What happened to using a loudspeaker to issue commands? Why not set up officers behind cover with scoped rifles who could see clearly what was going on and fire if need be? Why not open the door and yank him out? These assholes murdered him.
Didn't have to do all that. One officer could have made contact, while another officer stood away as a cover officer. Knock on the window, wake him up, and go from there. Give the guy a chance to at least know what the heck is even going on, and he can just follow the directions given, and everyone lives.

I've deescalated over a dozen armed confrontations without ever having to discharge any weapons (lethal/non-lethal).


Oct 29, 2017
A lot of american police seem goddamn incompetent.
They're so fearful of their own life, they'd rather kill than try de-escalate the situation.

it's so ironic that they're meant to be the "protectors"

Deleted member 12352

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I'm shocked they'd let this video get out... psychos straight up murdered the guy in cold blood.

All cops are fucking scum.
Nov 30, 2018
I remember when I posted the original thread everybody was like "misleading title wasn't sleep"

Now now now eat that crow


Oct 29, 2017
You gotta be a shit-brained asshole to feel the need to come into a thread about the extrajudicious execution of a Black man while sleeping, and "uhhh, actually" everyone to death just because you got pigs in your family.
Oct 27, 2017
Policing in the US is broken. They're drilled to do this shit. So afraid they "won't make it home at night" they shoot as a reflex to anything knowing that nothing will happen to them.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
He didn't even have a second to react before they lit him up with bullet after bullet. AND THEN TELL HIM TO PUT HIS HANDS UP????? This was an execution.



Oct 27, 2017
I'm not trying to justify it, he was murdered, but I'm just speculating on why someone would pass out at a Taco Bell drive thru

I'm not trying to justify, just asking questions. Cause you know.

There is no reason to speculate why someone fell asleep in a thread about how he was executed by cops.

The only thing that does is water down the actual discussion. It doesn't matter why he was asleep period.