
Oct 29, 2017
Update, abduction victim released by captors:

Hope to god she's safe and un-injured which it sounds like at least from that tweet's tone. The type of people who would do this would likely also not be against privately threatening her or using physical or mental abuse. We already know the institution has an issue with its officers using position and power to sexually abuse. It's not a big step to see how these types of officers can use this type of "arresting" for their own ends.

Pyramid Head

Oct 27, 2017
I don't get it. Aren't those 2nd amendment people preparing to fight the goverment for behaviour like this?
It's always been clear that lunatic gun loving 2nd amendment types in the US were destined to be comfortably aligned with any sort of lunatic tyrannical ruling force even before one came to power.
The real and intended target of guns in America is not, and never has been, tyranny.


Nov 1, 2017
The angry part of me says to shoot first ask questions later if a van rolled up and tried to snatch me up. Then watch these assholes quickly identify as police as they gun me down.

Honestly, shooting these unmarked vans and the ""feds"" who flood from them could very easily happen in the future. And I think it would either put an end to this bullshit, or throw us into an even worse authoritarian nightmare.

I mean since we know this sort of thing is illegal, and if a Fed did get shot trying to stuff a person in a van, would self defense on the part of the victim In this scenario be legal?
Oct 27, 2017
One more year asshole. Stop being surprised about bill, he ain't even go after them considering the shit with his daughter.


Oct 25, 2017
One more year asshole. Stop being surprised about bill, he ain't even go after them considering the shit with his daughter.

Straight up.

De Blasio is a coward who abdicated his responsibility to the city to try to "run" for President. He let the cops beat up and dox his own daughter with no repercussions, so you can't expect he'd give a shit about regular civilians getting hemmed up, lol.


Oct 29, 2017

Hell he didn't even denounce the tactic like the tweet says. By saying "wrong time, wrong place" & not WRONG METHODS he basically implicitly is saying that police are completely within their rights to remain unidentified and quickly spirit away whomever they want but that it should be done at night and away from the eyes of any potential witnesses that might demand ID or ultimate accountability. That's basically his pathetic fucking contribution. Hope his daughter despises him.

Also funny to hear about officers wanting retribution for damaged cameras when they actively seem uninterested in using cameras to actually document their behavior.
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When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
So what the fuck even is the Warrant Squad? Sounds like a fucking klan tag on Call of Duty.


Oct 25, 2017
Who actually likes De Blasio?

Cops hate him. The left hates him. Who is his base? Why is he so mealy mouthed? Pick a side.


Feb 12, 2018
Have the leaders of this country forgotten about the whole "violence begets violence" situation? The more aggressive the police act, the more aggressive the protesters will respond, and vice versa. "She damaged police cameras" Oh boo hoo, deal with it. You want to make the arrest? Get her name, her address, and arrest her. Or at least do it with a goddamn police car and not a minivan that could belong to literally anyone.

This is ridiculous.
Oct 27, 2017
Have the leaders of this country forgotten about the whole "violence begets violence" situation? The more aggressive the police act, the more aggressive the protesters will respond, and vice versa. "She damaged police cameras" Oh boo hoo, deal with it. You want to make the arrest? Get her name, her address, and arrest her. Or at least do it with a goddamn police car and not a minivan that could belong to literally anyone.

This is ridiculous.
It's by design.

if protests remain largely peaceful they're allowed to stand behind the thinly veiled smoke screen of they're just responding to rioters and agitators while maintaining their power and authority by giving off the visual message of "this can happen to you" Grade A intimidation tactics.

if the violence intensifies on the side of the protesters well then so does the police and at that point the smokescreen won't even be necessary.

given the protests and the defund the police concept floating around, the cops are just in their feelings. They want every excuse to gaslight people just to justify trying to exert the dominance they have left hoping people will just cowtow and fall back in line.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
Lmao I have never seen a politician piss everyone off like Bill DeBlasio has.
That shit is scary. Like how would you know they were cops with the way they were dragging her in plain clothes in an unmarked car. Could have been rapists. Wait cops and rapists are the same. I have heard many stories of them raping women with no repercussions like sex workers.
Sex workers are raped by cops often. Even here NYPD officers get slaps on the wrist when caught raping. In the past decade they got off with raping an arrested teen in a van, in another incident two cops got a whole year in prison for faking 911 calls to repeatedly return to an apartment to rape an intoxicated woman in the East Village. They had been initially called to assist her home.


Jan 14, 2019
Have the leaders of this country forgotten about the whole "violence begets violence" situation? The more aggressive the police act, the more aggressive the protesters will respond, and vice versa. "She damaged police cameras" Oh boo hoo, deal with it. You want to make the arrest? Get her name, her address, and arrest her. Or at least do it with a goddamn police car and not a minivan that could belong to literally anyone.

This is ridiculous.

The police and Trump want to escalate this to the point where they can use live ammo against them.


Oct 25, 2017
The fact that they can do this in broad daylight while being recorded and confronted by multiple people and will likely face no repercussions for a long time, if at all, is extremely terrifying and concerning.

if we don't course correct this November...