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Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (3 Days): Do not compare Jews to Nazis. Many analogies are available to you, but not that one
Holy shit the Nazi comparisons are bit far guys i mean, really uncalled for.

On a completely unrelated note:


This looks like a duck, its behaves like a duck and says the same things a duck does.


Apr 4, 2018
This sounds very much like Nazi Germany. But there is some truth to this. Specially since many powerful people in history that understand this also practice it. I hope Israel's neighbors get powerful one day. The Israeli regime is one of the most dangerous in the world. Palestine is facing the Israeli problem right now. Jordan, Syria and Lebanon will face it in the future.

Hey mods, nowhere in this post do I see someone comparing "Jews" to Nazis. What I do see is someone referencing that the current leaders of the State of Israel are saying things that are eerily similar to things that the leaders of Nazi Germany said.

I understand that we all make mistakes, please correct yours and unban him.

Double 0

Nov 5, 2017
History is not gonna look kindly on all of this.

I hope the people of Israel fight for the government to do better than this. If they don't, eventually someone will stop this the hard way.

Praying for the former.

Surface of Me

Oct 25, 2017
Why are some posters on the first page banned for rightfully comparing the genocide Israel is currently commiting against Palestinians to the genocide the Nazis committed in WW2 while others doing the same aren't?


Oct 26, 2017
Jesus Christ that quote is psychopathic.

Given his government is currently attempting a slow-motion genocide i suppose it should be less surprising, though.


Oct 25, 2017
Norn Iron
Hey mods, nowhere in this post do I see someone comparing "Jews" to Nazis. What I do see is someone referencing that the current leaders of the State of Israel are saying things that are eerily similar to things that the leaders of Nazi Germany said.

I understand that we all make mistakes, please correct yours and unban him.
Falls under the current international definition of antisemitism though:
Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.


Nov 22, 2017
Fucking disgusting. Anyone left of MAGA that supports this shit show in 2018 and beyond isn't actually left of MAGA.


Oct 26, 2017
Why are some posters on the first page banned for rightfully comparing the genocide Israel is currently commiting against Palestinians to the genocide the Nazis committed in WW2 while others doing the same aren't?

Because the mods have been very clear on this and it falls under a widely accepted definition of antisemitism. You would think a board like Era would understand racist dog whistles. Be critical all you want, but stay away from the fucking Nazi shit. It's not hard. There is plenty of other shit you can say.


Apr 4, 2018
Israel is one step away from full on Ottoman "they can live in the desert and nowhere else" treatment of eliminating those pesky ethnic minorities. With their open air prisons that they blockade and prevent food, water, and medical supplies from entering.

Is that comparison somehow ok?


Oct 25, 2017
So can someone explain to me what's the deal with banning people making the obvious comparison here? And selective bans at that.


Apr 13, 2018
I really hate to use WWII/Nazi comparisons in debate, since it's such a lazy argument. But at this point, what else can you say?

the goosestepping is soon to follow

This sounds very much like Nazi Germany. But there is some truth to this. Specially since many powerful people in history that understand this also practice it. I hope Israel's neighbors get powerful one day. The Israeli regime is one of the most dangerous in the world. Palestine is facing the Israeli problem right now. Jordan, Syria and Lebanon will face it in the future.
Really brave of the era administration.
Oh yes, there are many analogies. But the one everyone is thinking about is not allowed?!

Good look, era, good fucking look.


But hey! It's because of reasons*

*citation needed
So can someone explain to me what's the deal with banning people making the obvious comparison here? And selective bans at that.
Nobody knows.
It's the elephant in the room here; whale size


Nov 13, 2017
Holy shit the Nazi comparisons are bit far guys i mean, really uncalled for.

On a completely unrelated note:


This looks like a duck, its behaves like a duck and says the same things a duck does.
A duck is a duck, except when it's Israel. And when the Palestinians are no more, we'll be given friendly reminders that the Palestinians had no one to blame except themselves, because they would still exist had they just gotten along with the civilized west, who wanted nothing more than to peacefully coexist.
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Kabuki Waq

Oct 26, 2017
really dissapointed in Era mod team right now. can someone from the mod team justify this with more than just a blanket statement?


Oct 29, 2017
The one guy that said you can't blame the Israeli PM for his stance has no warning... What a joke Era.


Oct 27, 2017
Are mods trying to tell us that all jews = Israel government because that's kinda how it reads

Also "no place for the weak" is really a worrisome thought in our modern society


Nov 4, 2017
Last time the mods locked a thread on the heinous actions of Israel due to comparisons being made between those actions and the actions of Nazis, despite multiple posters pointing out flaws with a policy of said comparisons not being permitted by the moderation team.

We were told that the policy in question would be reviewed.

Any developments on that front yet???


Nov 2, 2017
Are mods trying to tell us that all jews = Israel government because that's kinda how it reads

Also "no place for the weak" is really a worrisome thought in our modern society
He is saying there is no place for weak governments or countries in the Middle East, which is true, look what happened to Syria, Libya, or even what they tried to do to Israel decades ago


Oct 27, 2017
The Netherlands
User Banned (1 Month) Rationalising anti-semitism and violence against civilians.
Talk like this makes me go meh when a bunch of Israelis bite the dust, you kinda have it coming with this kind of rhetoric.


The Fallen
Thats a pretty scary thing to say. Erasing a people from history is something the worst comic book and video game villains threaten to do.

I dont understand how people can listen to this and say "Yeah, thats a great guy, just standing up for his people, I'm glad to support them."


One Winged Slayer
Mar 14, 2018
"Something, something, do not compare them to Nazi's" -Era Moderation team

To all who are saying " is he wrong?", the big deal isn't that he's right or wrong, it's the fact that the world has given him their full support to do what ever he wants with a population of human beings and this is his mentality.

The strongest country in the world is actively giving him billions+miltary support and just about every politican in the world is lining up to kiss his ass.

The country he runs is actively committing atrocities but the political ass kissing towards him increases, not falters.

There are no ramifacations in his actions, he's committed atrocities, but he wont face sanctions, if anything his poll numbers will go up, he benefits from oppressing the weak.

This time, there are no allied forces coming to the rescue.

Deleted member 4783

Oct 25, 2017
Last time the mods locked a thread on the heinous actions of Israel due to comparisons being made between those actions and the actions of Nazis, despite multiple posters pointing out flaws with a policy of said comparisons not being permitted by the moderation team.

We were told that the policy in question would be reviewed.

Any developments on that front yet???
The decision seems to be doubling down on banning users who made obvious comparison.


Oct 27, 2017
Do all the people saying "he's right" realize the irony of his comments as they continue to wipe the Palestinians off the face of the earth?

I don't care who you compare it to but they are committing a fucking genocide of the Palenstinians

Sibersk Esto

Changed the hierarchy of thread titles
Oct 25, 2017
Gee this sort of thing sure does sound like the sort of talk that popped up for the ARMENIAN Genocide.

Is that an ok comparison mod team?


Alt Account
Jul 29, 2018
Yeah it's hyperbole to compare it to Nazi Germany, but the same mods have no problem when people do it in reaction to Trump's antics...and his outbursts are nowhere this direct.

Is this the hill you guys want? Seriously?
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