
Oct 26, 2017
This is an odd move. I personally think that the big guns for Sony, Last of Us 2, Ghost and Death Stranding are going to be pushed into the launch window time frame for the PS5. The games will come out as PS4/PS5 games because I doubt Sony would want to loose by that time close to 95million PS4/Pro owners. This gives the PS5 some incredible launch titles or launch time frame titles. I can see it Ghost or Last of Us 2 launching with the PS5, with the other game about a month or so out and Death Stranding early 2021. That would be pretty amazing. Those games would be marketed for both the PS4/PS5.


Oct 25, 2017
They are all PS4 .so there is no drought for ps4 as he suggested .plus all the 3rd party games like kh3 ,re2, anthem,etc...

I agree ps4 is in no drought, what i take issue with is pretending that all those games will come out in 2019 when more than half of them dont have release date and some of them dont give signs of coming anytime soon.


Oct 25, 2017
It's odd - never mind new game announcements. They can have a shorter conference. Celebrate the 25th anniversary with some highlights. Show more on GoT and dreams etc. Third parties will miss the marketing opportunity of stage time

And aside from the conference you have the booth stuff

Just seems weird


Dec 16, 2017
Putting aside all the other factors, I just find it utterly bizarre that they release this information on the day of the PS4 anniversary, whatever the rationale you've taken a day where we should be celebrating the console and instead the focus will be that they don't have anything big enough to warrant a presser coming up.

I assume they had no choice if the game press/Rosti found this?


Oct 26, 2017
Compared to being disappointed by whatever other show replaces it?

Your expectations are the problem. Not the show.
Nah, the shows are just not good. Usually too long, with not enough to justify it. Because it's E3 and you need to have a boring conference for E3. If they do a show when they actually have stuff worth showing, it could be great.

Sony E3 2016 definitely spoiled me though, absolutely great show.


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
Wow! That's crazy news. E3 is instantly going to be less relevant. I have a feeling PlayStation will merge everything into a PlayStation Experience type event like Blizzcon but since they scrapped the latest one, I don't even know about that. Is Microsoft's thing still officially part of E3 or that a separate thing like the EA Pre-E3 event thing every year? I honestly am not getting good vibes from Sony, and I'm worried their turning into arrogant Sony again. All the people who made the PS4 successful aren't there anymore. Best case scenario is that they actually have teams working on PS5 games and can't show anything because it's so far from launch. Still, I thought we'd see a PS5 reveal at E3 2019 and launch in 2020.
I think they're more confident than arrogant, in that they can skip E3 without detriment.


Oct 26, 2017
Lol I told people this back in the Sony First Party thread and got shouted down to hell and back. Sony is coasting by on their titles and was hoping no one would notice, until even they realized they have nothing left to show or even announce. I'm not going to say Arrogant Sony, but no information at all is incredibly short sighted.

That's a really interesting definition of coasting. Other companies would kill to have such a first party line up next year.


Oct 30, 2017
This is clearly the consequence of years of Sony announcing their games years before they're ready to release in order to "win" E3. Like, it worked for the most part because they did "win" in the minds of many, but now they've blown their load and will have nothing ready in 2019's show to reveal yet.
Or they are already deep in production of os5 games and can't show yet cause ps5 will launch in 2020 .so it's too soon to show in e3 of 2019


Oct 28, 2017
If it's 2020 then they I guess they could make a big thing about it being the 10th anniversary of the PS2, maybe playing into nostalgia a bit by taking some cues from the hardware design and lining up the launch date with it.


Nov 10, 2017
If the rumor is true,then that means that their big hitters are getting release dates before E3 and are going to be released in 2019.

I think Death Stranding will be released first,with Last of Us together with Ghost of Tsushima sometime after

Deleted member 46641

User requested account closure
Aug 12, 2018
"Now that we have 'Spiderman' out the door, we're looking down in 2019 to games like 'Dreams' and 'Days Gone' but we wouldn't have enough to bring people altogether in some location in North America to have that event," Layden said."We don't want to set expectations really high and then not deliver on it." - Shawn Layden via the article.
Dreams and days gone being the 2019 examples makes me worried about when Ghost of Tsushima and Death Stranding are


Oct 28, 2017
Between their weird conference this year + cancelling PSX and E3 2019, hard not to see it as a side effect of them announcing stuff way too early this gen.
Oct 28, 2017
They do seem to have showed all their cards for ps4, I'm sure they have something big down in the line that they've decided to keep for the next gen system.


Oct 25, 2017
THe ESA right now

IXI FalcoN

Oct 27, 2017
Well that was a big wtf moment. E3 is gonna feel really empty next year.

I wonder if MS is gonna double down and have a huge showing. If third parties want to show off their games that's gonna be the place to do it.

Mark H

Oct 27, 2017
They're obviously saving stuff for PS5 reveal, and that most of the notable games for PS4 are already known.
It's weird that they won't even have any booth for 2019 games though.
They could just do a quick "direct" type video showcasing what's to come and setup a smaller booth for people to try those games.


Oct 25, 2017
Well it's my opinion, obviously. And not one completely without merit or agreement clearly,
I'm yet to see a lot of people complaining about PS4 lineup of games for 2019. Q1 alone is probably gonna have 4-5 great games in it at least. What more do you expect? unless you think PS4 lineup every year until now has been weak how can 2019 look disappointing?


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
Wow...I am...what? Okay.
So they even flatout admitted they don't have enough games to show. I guess that means Ghost of Tsushima, The Last of Us 2 and Death Stranding are definitely not coming in 2019? Disappointing. I guess they will turn out to be cross gen games in 2020.


Nov 27, 2017
I mean I get them not doing a conference, but are they really not going to have booth space? Are they just... not gonna give the public hands on with Ghosts of Tsushima or TLoU Part II?


Oct 25, 2017
I don't see them debuting the PS5 at (a theoretical) PSX in 2019, why would they risk deflating Christmas sales by doing something like that?

Their approach with the PS4 worked well: announce, show and launch all in the same calendar year. Don't see why they'd do anything different for PS5
Oct 31, 2017
Well, good luck to them :P

Hopefully, they know what they're doing. I'm expecting several PSX events next year.
Last edited:


Dec 27, 2017
This is a huge mistake for Sony. Gamers look forward to E3 as a huge seasonal event. Sony not participating will come off as a weakness than anything positive. And the fans are going to resent them not showing up.

Phil Spencer just has to walk out at the microsoft conference and say "We are here and we're here for the gamers" and all of the Xbox One launch nonsense will be truly wiped away. They will prove they are the real "gamers" company.


Oct 30, 2017
I don't get it. MS talked about Scorpio (X) a year in advance. This year MS announced that they're hard at work on their next-Gen console even though we have zero idea of when it's coming out.

Sony canceling E3 2019 doesn't make much sense if the reason is PS5 is coming in 2020. They could still have a show and mention they're working on something to build hype. Unless they really truly had something planned for 2019 and plans changed for some reason.


Oct 27, 2017
And then PSX comes back in fall 2019 with the PS5 reveal announcement. Sony will then return to E3 in 2020 to show off the launch lineup for that November.

Wouldn't announcing the PS5 at a 2019 PSX be too early, a year before it releases? And possibly damage the PS4's last xmas sales?

But I'd be surprised if they skip E3, and then PSX again, so no idea how they will time it.


Oct 25, 2017
This is nuts, has to be a mistake. Theres no damn way they are sitting out E3 next year, imminent PS5 or not


Oct 25, 2017
Not having a conference is one thing, but no booth or show floor presence is genuinely surprising. Are TLOU2, Ghost of Tsushima, and Death Stranding still not at a point where they can have a playable demo or something?


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
This is a huge mistake for Sony. Gamers look forward to E3 as a huge seasonal event. Sony not participating will come off as a weakness than anything positive. And the fans are going to resent them not showing up.

Phil Spencer just has to walk out at the microsoft conference and say "We are here and we're here for the gamers" and all of the Xbox One launch nonsense will be truly wiped away.

It will give Microsoft a nice boost, especially if they reveal a new console.

But it is not a "mistake" for Sony. PS5 simply won't be ready in time. PS5 will be revealed in the second half of 2019 and the launch lineup will be at E3 in 2020.

Count on it.


self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
I'm yet to see a lot of people complaining about PS4 lineup of games for 2019. Q1 alone is probably gonna have 4-5 great games in it at least. What more do you expect? unless you think PS4 lineup every year until now has been weak how can 2019 look disappointing?

In case I wasn't clear I'm talking about exciting new announcements. I'm really looking forward to The Last of Us 2 and Remake 2 for example but I've know those games were a thing for literally years and years.

That's where it'll be very thin on the ground, which sucks.

And FWIW I'm generally not interested in the vast majority of 'AAA' games.