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Oct 30, 2017
I see what you're saying, I guess there's always Valhalla if you wanted to experiment with all of that, but that is also DLC released way after you might have already been done with the game.
Honestly, real talk, Valhalla did make me appreciate the wider moveset more than Ragnarok's core game did. I think the DLC really shined in that sense.

So 1000% agree with you there. Funny cause I literally said that to someone the other day. I think it is because Ragnarok differently, being narrative focused, whereas Valhalla puts combat front and center.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm mostly a lurker, but I guess sometimes this thread feels less like a PlayStation fan discussion thread and more like a PlayStation investor and ad thread at times. Not saying that the business side isn't important, especially depending on what the subject is, but I think it sometimes becomes the focus more than it should. And also sometimes that it feels like brand cheerleading at times to validate a positive outlook for the brand. I'm trying to think of an example, but I think there can be a middle ground. Like people can be disappointed at the number of remakes, while also understanding why it makes complete business sense for them to exist. My opinion has probably changed over time, but I'm actually fine with remakes. Or there's things like FF7 time-exclusivity where I really don't care at all for the exclusivity because I would have got it anyways. I understand why PS as a business makes time-exclusive deals, but I don't really care as a gamer, not feeling like it's a benefit to me. I think it's a weird thing to balance because you do want the business you play on to be doing well, but also want to be openly discuss your opinions.
For sure. I try and ignore these posts (same with the Xbox threads). It honestly feels weird... I dont have any investment (as in, actual money) in the brand and while I do want games to continue to be made, I dont really like the almost astroturfing posts we sometimes get where any disagreement it met with abrasive responses about how your wrong and how whatever they are doing is in fact the right move. Like, even just saying "Im not remotely interested in X game" or "Doing only a CG reveal was stupid" is met with "no your stupid" levels of posting just because I dare judge a game based on what's shown so far... then again I REALLY hate CG reveals, for anything. But especially new IPs. Its basically not that much better than a title card announcement because it still tells us almost next to nothing about the games. But some people adore the Concord and Marathon reveals so... <shrugs>

Remakes though... that's a touchy subject for me. I dont mind them IF they are done sparingly and the studios can pump out new stuff alongside it. Like, I dont like Yakuza Ishin's remake at all, I think its just bad in almost every way. But at the same time, I got Gaiden and 8 within the same 12 month time span so... I dont mind. Or RE4's remake - that one I loved PLUS we already know Capcom is knee deep in RE9 (or whatever) now and Im sure it'll be along shortly.
But then if you look at say Deadspace - a great remake for sure, but we've basically had confirmation no further DS stuff is coming. Which really sucks. And I have no idea how long its gonna take to see the teams Iron Man game... that just kinda hurts for me... If they were only gonna do one Dead Space thing, I kinda wish it was a brand new game, not just a remake (I played the original and remake back to back, and while the remake is obviously much better, the original still holds up, Id rather have something Id not played before)


Mar 26, 2022
Ever wondered how a dark comedy AAA action game either in current or future setting from one of the PS studios would be like? Insomniac and Santa Monica could do it. I would love to see it
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The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Ever wondered why a dark comedy AAA action game either in current or future setting from one of the PS studios would be like? Insomniac and Santa Monica could do it. I would love to see it

I think the inherent issue is that comedy is SUPER HARD to keep current, and with how long AAA games take to make in the modern era, it would be almost impossible to keep the comedy "recent" enough to not feel like "how do you do fellow kids: the game".

Is it possible? Maybe. But it'd be extremely tough to pull off. And I'm not sure the benefits outweigh the risks.


Mar 26, 2022
I think the inherent issue is that comedy is SUPER HARD to keep current, and with how long AAA games take to make in the modern era, it would be almost impossible to keep the comedy "recent" enough to not feel like "how do you do fellow kids: the game".

Is it possible? Maybe. But it'd be extremely tough to pull off. And I'm not sure the benefits outweigh the risks.
idk even if it takes 5-7 years to make it would still be kind of recent. I mean GTA does it arguably. If narrative is going to be the main focus of first party blockbuster games from Sony I dont know how they keep on doing them without experimenting genres like movies/tv shows do or maybe they can take an already established franchise like Uncharted and make a spinoff of that kind. After watching dozens of sitcoms back to back like IASIP, Barry which does dark comedy very well, I would definitely love to see how a video game can do it if they nail it though.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
idk even if it takes 5-7 years to make it would still be kind of recent. I mean GTA does it arguably. If narrative is going to be the main focus of first party blockbuster games from Sony I dont know how they keep on doing them without experimenting genres like movies/tv shows do or maybe they can take an already established franchise like Uncharted and make a spinoff of that kind. After watching dozens of sitcoms back to back like IASIP, Barry which does dark comedy very well, I would definitely love to see how a video game can do it if they nail it though.

I don't really think it would be. Comedy ages the fastest of all kinds of media and if you write a comedy script and then it takes 7 years for it to come out, it's going to feel extremely dated in practice. One of the reasons comedies are such an enduring form of media is because they're cheap and fast to produce. Studios used to love them because you can wrap together a comedy in a year with minimal production slowdown, and unless it absolutely turbo-flops it'll almost definitely be profitable. Video games on the other hand have such an absurdly long production tail that keeping the jokes even remotely current is almost impossible.

As an example: think of how OMNIPRESENT Among Us jokes were, like a year and a half ago. Shit was absolutely everywhere on the internet. But now, Among Us has already basically fallen out of the lexicon, so a game that started development and had its script written two years ago might include references to Among Us because that was "current" humor at the time the script was written. But five years from now, a game coming out with Among Us jokes would wind up looking like "boomer humor".

The other alternative is to constantly keep redoing your script over and over again to try and keep your jokes current, but if you're writing a comedy and you need to keep rewriting all your jokes over and over again every six months, it's an incredible strain on your developers and your cast.

That's not to say that something like a Psychonauts can't still be made in the modern era - Psychonauts 2 is indeed great - but it's a challenge.


Hermen Hulst's Secret Account
Feb 15, 2020
After the release of Stellar Blade tomorrow, I think the box of announcements opens for Sony in the coming weeks.


Best Avatar Thread Ever!
Nov 20, 2017
Kingdom of Corona

Seems konami holding merch announcement until next month.
Probably we will get SH2 release date next month



Oct 25, 2017
I'm mostly a lurker, but I guess sometimes this thread feels less like a PlayStation fan discussion thread and more like a PlayStation investor and ad thread at times. Not saying that the business side isn't important, especially depending on what the subject is, but I think it sometimes becomes the focus more than it should. And also sometimes that it feels like brand cheerleading at times to validate a positive outlook for the brand. I'm trying to think of an example, but I think there can be a middle ground. Like people can be disappointed at the number of remakes, while also understanding why it makes complete business sense for them to exist. My opinion has probably changed over time, but I'm actually fine with remakes. Or there's things like FF7 time-exclusivity where I really don't care at all for the exclusivity because I would have got it anyways. I understand why PS as a business makes time-exclusive deals, but I don't really care as a gamer, not feeling like it's a benefit to me. I think it's a weird thing to balance because you do want the business you play on to be doing well, but also want to be openly discuss your opinions.

Some positive out look for the brand is good thing in this thread sometimes .
Have people really forgotten how bad these Sony OTs were that it made people leave and some stop talking as much for a while.
Every time something happen with MS , they buy a company or how MS did things Sony was doom or had do the same .
Sony does not know how market stuff , Sony never has enough games and list went on and on .
Dec 9, 2018
New Jersey
I realized it's surprisingly cheap to get the original Sly Cooper games (less than 20 bucks a pop) and a new PS2 memory card so I can store more save data without deleting everything. Might have to do that later down the road to revisit my old raccoon comrade.


Mar 26, 2022
I don't really think it would be. Comedy ages the fastest of all kinds of media and if you write a comedy script and then it takes 7 years for it to come out, it's going to feel extremely dated in practice. One of the reasons comedies are such an enduring form of media is because they're cheap and fast to produce. Studios used to love them because you can wrap together a comedy in a year with minimal production slowdown, and unless it absolutely turbo-flops it'll almost definitely be profitable. Video games on the other hand have such an absurdly long production tail that keeping the jokes even remotely current is almost impossible.

As an example: think of how OMNIPRESENT Among Us jokes were, like a year and a half ago. Shit was absolutely everywhere on the internet. But now, Among Us has already basically fallen out of the lexicon, so a game that started development and had its script written two years ago might include references to Among Us because that was "current" humor at the time the script was written. But five years from now, a game coming out with Among Us jokes would wind up looking like "boomer humor".

The other alternative is to constantly keep redoing your script over and over again to try and keep your jokes current, but if you're writing a comedy and you need to keep rewriting all your jokes over and over again every six months, it's an incredible strain on your developers and your cast.

That's not to say that something like a Psychonauts can't still be made in the modern era - Psychonauts 2 is indeed great - but it's a challenge.
I really need to play Psychonauts 2, I bought it. Its there in my library but other games keep me occupied. Another example of a good comedy is Helldivers 2. I don't think that is going to be outdated. Of course narrative isn't the main focus but being funny is. There are timeless comedies too which don't need to be current sitcom like which are mostly movies and tv series. I can't think of an example where a AAA game does it very well. They are already getting there in other genres but I think it would be nice if one of them try


Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
I'm mostly a lurker, but I guess sometimes this thread feels less like a PlayStation fan discussion thread and more like a PlayStation investor and ad thread at times. Not saying that the business side isn't important, especially depending on what the subject is, but I think it sometimes becomes the focus more than it should. And also sometimes that it feels like brand cheerleading at times to validate a positive outlook for the brand. I'm trying to think of an example, but I think there can be a middle ground. Like people can be disappointed at the number of remakes, while also understanding why it makes complete business sense for them to exist. My opinion has probably changed over time, but I'm actually fine with remakes. Or there's things like FF7 time-exclusivity where I really don't care at all for the exclusivity because I would have got it anyways. I understand why PS as a business makes time-exclusive deals, but I don't really care as a gamer, not feeling like it's a benefit to me. I think it's a weird thing to balance because you do want the business you play on to be doing well, but also want to be openly discuss your opinions.
I agree, imo ever since the acquisition race started a few years ago it feels like gaming discussion in general has been slipping more and more into sales and revenue and sustainability. People will discuss a game for like a week after it releases but its sales for 2 months if not more and it's a whole war of narratives and bad faith arguments. At this point whenever I wanna actually discuss a game I end up joining the official discord or something lmao.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I really need to play Psychonauts 2, I bought it. Its there in my library but other games keep me occupied. Another example of a good comedy is Helldivers 2. I don't think that is going to be outdated. Of course narrative isn't the main focus but being funny is. There are timeless comedies too which don't need to be current sitcom like which are mostly movies and tv series. I can't think of an example where a AAA game does it very well. They are already getting there in other genres but I think it would be nice if one of them try

I'm gonna be honest, as someone who has revisited a LOT of legendary comedy movies and shows over the past couple years, the number of films that actually hold up decades later is...surprisingly small. Like even shows I genuinely loved when they new like Scrubs are FULL of really, REALLY bad comedy that hasn't aged one bit. So much homophobia and transphobia that just slid right on by in the era when the show was current, but is genuinely painful to watch now.

90s comedies are even worse. Homophobia was so engrained into the public lexicon in the 90s that it's SHOCKING how many beloved movies lean on it like a crutch.


Sep 27, 2021
I remember getting this one, game was a lot better than I'd thought going into it since everyone was saying how terrible it was 🤣

Are you going to try the dlc?
It was actually pretty decent could see where the flaws preventing it from being great are but no where near as bad as people said. Already beat the dlc between first playthrough and new game + playthrough for the plat but that 100% is out of the question. No way I am playing it 3 more times for those other modes lol


Mar 26, 2022
I'm gonna be honest, as someone who has revisited a LOT of legendary comedy movies and shows over the past couple years, the number of films that actually hold up decades later is...surprisingly small. Like even shows I genuinely loved when they new like Scrubs are FULL of really, REALLY bad comedy that hasn't aged one bit. So much homophobia and transphobia that just slid right on by in the era when the show was current, but is genuinely painful to watch now.

90s comedies are even worse. Homophobia was so engrained into the public lexicon in the 90s that it's SHOCKING how many beloved movies lean on it like a crutch.
of course the insensitive and the offensive bits will stick out and doesnt feel good to watch them now. But the rest of the parts are still funny even if they are not referring to the present time. My point is a game in comedy genre made by some modern progressive studios wont be offensive and if the writing is funny it would hold up. I am excited to see how Fable from Playground studios turn out to be and I didn't even play a single game in the series.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Feb 5, 2023
It was actually pretty decent could see where the flaws preventing it from being great are but no where near as bad as people said. Already beat the dlc between first playthrough and new game + playthrough for the plat but that 100% is out of the question. No way I am playing it 3 more times for those other modes lol
I totally forgot you had to do like 3 more playthroughs lol

Yeah they were not the funnest of times, would not recommend 😅


Oct 27, 2017
I'm mostly a lurker, but I guess sometimes this thread feels less like a PlayStation fan discussion thread and more like a PlayStation investor and ad thread at times. Not saying that the business side isn't important, especially depending on what the subject is, but I think it sometimes becomes the focus more than it should. And also sometimes that it feels like brand cheerleading at times to validate a positive outlook for the brand. I'm trying to think of an example, but I think there can be a middle ground. Like people can be disappointed at the number of remakes, while also understanding why it makes complete business sense for them to exist. My opinion has probably changed over time, but I'm actually fine with remakes. Or there's things like FF7 time-exclusivity where I really don't care at all for the exclusivity because I would have got it anyways. I understand why PS as a business makes time-exclusive deals, but I don't really care as a gamer, not feeling like it's a benefit to me. I think it's a weird thing to balance because you do want the business you play on to be doing well, but also want to be openly discuss your opinions.

Totally agree with you. There are some in this thread that are so obsessed with sales and stuff. Plus the blatant heaping on executives has always seemed gross as fuck.

The Hermen and Jim Ryan, why? Especially when they're the ones responsible for layoffs.


Apr 2, 2021
Some positive out look for the brand is good thing in this thread sometimes .
Have people really forgotten how bad these Sony OTs were that it made people leave and some stop talking as much for a while.
Every time something happen with MS , they buy a company or how MS did things Sony was doom or had do the same .
Sony does not know how market stuff , Sony never has enough games and list went on and on .
I'm not saying I disapprove of positive comments, or approving of overly negative comments. I'm saying why can't there be a middle ground were people can be positive and critical of things, or at least open to discussion about it. Like you can be positive, but some of the positivity at times seems like just brand cheerleading instead of individual feelings on a subject ("I want a game to get a good metacritic, not because I care to ever play it, but because it is associated with PS"). On the other side of the coin, you can be critical or disappointed without being complete doom-and-gloom("There isn't enough enough first party games coming out, Playstation is doomed."). There should exist a middle ground where people can be critical and other people don't get defensive about criticism. And people can be authentically be positive without others trying to bring them down.


Apr 2, 2021
I agree, imo ever since the acquisition race started a few years ago it feels like gaming discussion in general has been slipping more and more into sales and revenue and sustainability. People will discuss a game for like a week after it releases but its sales for 2 months if not more and it's a whole war of narratives and bad faith arguments. At this point whenever I wanna actually discuss a game I end up joining the official discord or something lmao.
Yeah, I guess at times it feels less about the games themselves and how they affect users on a personal level and more about the health of the business.


Apr 2, 2021
For sure. I try and ignore these posts (same with the Xbox threads). It honestly feels weird... I dont have any investment (as in, actual money) in the brand and while I do want games to continue to be made, I dont really like the almost astroturfing posts we sometimes get where any disagreement it met with abrasive responses about how your wrong and how whatever they are doing is in fact the right move. Like, even just saying "Im not remotely interested in X game" or "Doing only a CG reveal was stupid" is met with "no your stupid" levels of posting just because I dare judge a game based on what's shown so far... then again I REALLY hate CG reveals, for anything. But especially new IPs. Its basically not that much better than a title card announcement because it still tells us almost next to nothing about the games. But some people adore the Concord and Marathon reveals so... <shrugs>

Remakes though... that's a touchy subject for me. I dont mind them IF they are done sparingly and the studios can pump out new stuff alongside it. Like, I dont like Yakuza Ishin's remake at all, I think its just bad in almost every way. But at the same time, I got Gaiden and 8 within the same 12 month time span so... I dont mind. Or RE4's remake - that one I loved PLUS we already know Capcom is knee deep in RE9 (or whatever) now and Im sure it'll be along shortly.
But then if you look at say Deadspace - a great remake for sure, but we've basically had confirmation no further DS stuff is coming. Which really sucks. And I have no idea how long its gonna take to see the teams Iron Man game... that just kinda hurts for me... If they were only gonna do one Dead Space thing, I kinda wish it was a brand new game, not just a remake (I played the original and remake back to back, and while the remake is obviously much better, the original still holds up, Id rather have something Id not played before)
Yeah, like I think you should be able to be critical about things you don't like as long as your not trying to just bring others down. I agree with you for the most part, I don't care for CG trailers for new games. Like if it's a known IP that's far off and the fact that a new entry exists at all is amazing news, I can deal with a title card or CG, but I respect maybe you wouldn't. Like if a Marvel vs Capcom 4 or new Uncharted CG trailers was shown in May, I'd be happy with just knowing they are being made, for the announcement trailer only.

Don't have a huge opinion on remakes aside from loving RE2 and RE4. I bought TLOU Part 1, even though I felt like that was a silly remake, but I get why they made it. Until Dawn also feels like a weird one, but i'll probably get it if theres an upgrade path. I guess Remakes that are mostly graphical upgrades are weird to me if they can already be played as a PS4 version.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not saying I disapprove of positive comments, or approving of overly negative comments. I'm saying why can't there be a middle ground were people can be positive and critical of things, or at least open to discussion about it. Like you can be positive, but some of the positivity at times seems like just brand cheerleading instead of individual feelings on a subject ("I want a game to get a good metacritic, not because I care to ever play it, but because it is associated with PS"). On the other side of the coin, you can be critical or disappointed without being complete doom-and-gloom("There isn't enough enough first party games coming out, Playstation is doomed."). There should exist a middle ground where people can be critical and other people don't get defensive about criticism. And people can be authentically be positive without others trying to bring them down.

Finding a middle ground is be hard even more so when it seem the internet on a whole just getting more toxic and negative over all .
I do wish we had something like that but some gamers do react in negative manner faster than some other fandoms lol .


Oct 26, 2017
What is the story I saw youtubers like MBG and others reporting about Sony doing a PS5 UE5 game running at 4K 60FPS? I know Epic is improving UE5 to be able to run HW Lumen and RT at 60 FPS for base consoles but in 4K? Where did this story originate from?
Jul 2, 2021
What is the story I saw youtubers like MBG and others reporting about Sony doing a PS5 UE5 game running at 4K 60FPS? I know Epic is improving UE5 to be able to run HW Lumen and RT at 60 FPS for base consoles but in 4K? Where did this story originate from?
Stole from discord

Unannounced narrative horror game

Firesprite's horror game

Sony Firesprite's PS5 Horror Game Seemingly Targeting 4K, 60 FPS - PlayStation LifeStyle

It looks like the PS5 game in development at PlayStation Studio Firesprite survived the recent cancellations.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
Totally agree with you. There are some in this thread that are so obsessed with sales and stuff. Plus the blatant heaping on executives has always seemed gross as fuck.

The Hermen and Jim Ryan, why? Especially when they're the ones responsible for layoffs.
This place loves to shit on executives until it's the executive of their favorite box. It's weird, never have really understood it.
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