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Oct 25, 2017
Remember many months ago when we were talking about a possible 1st party JRPG? 🥴🤡
I said something like I hope the success of Silent Hill made by Japan Studio means they can expand and work on other titles so that another gen from now the possibility of a JRPG from them again could be more plausible due to them being more healthy as a studio.

Now I am saying the same thing for Team Asobi and Ape Escape like some curse... I should probably just shut up. 🥴


Oct 25, 2017
Pre-order bonus hats!



Oct 27, 2017
I said something like I hope the success of Silent Hill made by Japan Studio means they can expand and work on other titles so that another gen from now the possibility of a JRPG from them again could be more plausible due to them being more healthy as a studio.
You really believed Japan Studio worked on a Silent Hill/Konami game? 😂


Oct 25, 2017
You really believed Japan Studio worked on a Silent Hill/Konami game? 😂
Maybe they did but it got canned my posts weren't about Silent hill, I really didn't care about that franchise but I believed the rumours and I still believe it likely maybe at one point was considered and existed.

The real belief was me hoping that all of this loss of talent was some sign that they were focusing on a single big AAA project and had no need for multiple directors, producers and the like.

And from that hope I believed once they were done doing licensed games like Silent Hill and if it was a success that new growth would lead to them doing other I.Ps or genres that are AAA that are their own.

Oh what nonsense I spouted, what speculation based on my own made up hope about the fallout, clinging to a belief when everyone else told me otherwise.

I want to hope and believe Team Asobi can carry the mantel at least for platformers like Ape Escape if AstroBot leads to Team growth but idk I am not going to believe in my speculation one bit anymore, it just leads to misguidance on my part.

What a fool I was. 🤡


Oct 27, 2017
The real belief was me hoping that all of this loss of talent was some sign that they were focusing on a single big AAA project and had no need for multiple directors, producers and the like.
Can't believe people believed this. So weird. The writing was on the wall after all those departures and the Bloomberg article.
Yet people got angry when I said JS is pretty much gone. And here we are. What a sad story. Unreal.


Oct 25, 2017
Can't believe people believed this. So weird. The writing was on the wall after all those departures and the Bloomberg article.
Yet people got angry when I said JS is pretty much gone. And here we are. What a sad story. Unreal.
A tale of wishing something that wasn't true.
That is the tale of me in regards to that.
A tale of a clown. 🤡


Jun 20, 2018
Where was last of us 2 ?
I really like this state of play, but they are too much delay . Kena for August , ff7 remake june ( thought at least for april ).
Little devil inside was for summer , right ? Since they didn't show it , must be end of the year or 2022 now .


Oct 25, 2017
Wow those are adorable. These guys are basically what porgs wanted to be lol. If Kena can actually hopefully become a thing, they will have so much merch.

Did you see my Kena merch post from the last OT? I hope kena becomes huge. I'd love to see even more Merch of it.


Bugsnax was a 10 and now we have another 10 game.

Kena is honestly looking like a strong contender for my Goty, it's like a playable Pixar game and looks incredible.
Jun 12, 2018
I think I need to take a break from Era. So many doom posters about the state of Japan Studios and PlayStation's relevance in Japan is starting to irritate me. They don't deserve Japan Studio.


Oct 28, 2017
That's fair, the trouble is that some users here don't distinguish between those two things. I agree that Bloomberg shouldn't have been dismissed so readily. They're a legitimate business outlet and don't usually push stories out of thin air.
lmao are you forgetting the Chinese spy chip fiasco? or the bad yield bullshit?


Oct 30, 2017
You really believed Japan Studio worked on a Silent Hill/Konami game? 😂
Yeah if ir's like in the VGC article, the decision to reduce Japan Studio was taken more than one year ago, it's becoming hard to believe they actually worked on a Silent Hill game.

I wonder what was game Tsumo Kouno worked on, he talked about it several times.

Maybe they did but it got canned my posts weren't about Silent hill, I really didn't care about that franchise but I believed the rumours and I still believe it likely maybe at one point was considered and existed.

The real belief was me hoping that all of this loss of talent was some sign that they were focusing on a single big AAA project and had no need for multiple directors, producers and the like.

And from that hope I believed once they were done doing licensed games like Silent Hill and if it was a success that new growth would lead to them doing other I.Ps or genres that are AAA that are their own.

Oh what nonsense I spouted, what speculation based on my own made up hope about the fallout, clinging to a belief when everyone else told me otherwise.

I want to hope and believe Team Asobi can carry the mantel at least for platformers like Ape Escape if AstroBot leads to Team growth but idk I am not going to believe in my speculation one bit anymore, it just leads to misguidance on my part.

What a fool I was. 🤡
It's too much of a good idea for Sony to think about it, try to turn a studio into one AAA team and give them just one chance to see what it could done if it doesn't work it's fine because you will have at least tried. Everyone is buying studio for having more and more content, there is only Sony who is doing the opposite.

Honestly it's like Guerrilla Cambridge or Studio Liverpool, Sony should have given them a chance to make a AAA game.


Oct 25, 2017
Total disaster for me. All that is left is a Gran Turismo factory (meh) and a small Astro Bot thingy (okay).
Just sad.
Yup, I still like GT and AstroBot but idk if you can go to someone and take away something massive from them, something they grew up with and be like now be happy because you got the other two.

The loss will indeed be felt, sure it is financially sound but that still doesn't erase the loss in SIE history.


Oct 25, 2017
Where are the PS PLUS March games??

It's weird, not only weren't the officially revealed the usual last Wednesday but wasn't today either. Maybe they didn't want to announce the PS+ games the same day as the SoP but I'm not sure why they just wouldn't as it's not like both announcements would compete with each other in any way.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah if ir's like in the VGC article, the decision to reduce Japan Studio was taken more than one year ago, it's becoming hard to believe they actually worked on a Silent Hill game.
I wonder what was game Tsumo Kouno worked on, he talked about it several times.
I think Kouno's project got canceled many years ago. It's the reason for his silence.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly it's like Guerrilla Cambridge or Studio Liverpool, Sony should have given them a chance to make a AAA game.
yes and then they cry about organic growth

if you really want such then give them one more chance at least to work on a single AAA title

but idk I am not a person that thinks financially so what do I know compared to Excel Jim Ryan?

His decision likely made sense when you look at these studios as numbers and only that.


Oct 8, 2019
Kena is looking amazing but I sure hope it plays amazing too. Hopefully, the extra year in the oven helps with them nailing the combat system.


Oct 27, 2017
Rio de Janeiro
Did you see my Kena merch post from the last OT? I hope kena becomes huge. I'd love to see even more Merch of it.

Kena is honestly looking like a strong contender for my Goty, it's like a playable Pixar game and looks incredible.

The only thing worries me is that we are at the end of February, and we cant hear not a single sound in the trailer... if i can remember well.


Oct 27, 2017
I think what's happening with their Japan Studio is Sony will probably continue working with their ex developers who formed/ joined new studios. So it'll be external dev / second party relationship or something like that.
Oct 27, 2017
yes and then they cry about organic growth

if you really want such then give them one more chance at least to work on a single AAA title

but idk I am not a person that thinks financially so what do I know compared to Excel Jim Ryan?

His decision likely made sense when you look at these studios as numbers and only that.
But Ryan wasn't in charge when Cambridge and Liverpool were closed. And I've seen more people here talking about organic growth sarcastically than Sony has.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly it's like Guerrilla Cambridge or Studio Liverpool, Sony should have given them a chance to make a AAA game.
The Cambridge Studio closure still bothers me. They gave Bend Studio a chance for an AAA game but not Cambridge Studio after making the best Killzone game. On a handheld! Is it because of Brexit or...?
Imagine working for Cambridge Studio. They close the studio and offer you a job at Manchester Studio. Then this one gets closed too. True story...
I think what's happening with their Japan Studio is Sony will probably continue working with their ex developers who formed/ joined new studios. So it'll be external dev / second party relationship or something like that.
Nah, I believe Toyama's game will be a multiplatform game.


Oct 25, 2017
But Ryan wasn't in charge when Cambridge and Liverpool were closed. And I've seen more people here talking about organic growth sarcastically than Sony has.
Ryan, anyone, it really doesn't matter the point still stands in the end of the day it is a business so you got to cut loose and cut the fat so that the fiscal reports are always shinning.
Jul 25, 2020
If Japan Studio had nailed Legend of Dragoon all those years ago, they could have been PlayStations premiere in-house JRPG studio.

Here's the problem though right and you'll see it's a common theme around a lot of Sony titles before they really learnt how to measure and manage their own IP.

I didn't know it existed until someone begged for a remake of it some years ago online. I've been a PlayStation gamer since the very beginning, I used to have a subscription to OPM as a kid and got each month's magazine as well as some sweets if I was good at the end of each month.

I never knew it existed. And for me, that's a statement. I can tell you so much about PlayStation but I knew nothing about that. Much like how Sony barely marketed Tokyo Jungle, Puppeteer, Gravity Rush, Knack 2 etc. The sad problem Sony Japan have, is that they have never been particularly well supported. They have industry icons and creative juggernauts under their belts, or had should I say, who were never trusted with a budget. Sony Bend had more support than Japan and I was positive that with Syphon Filter sales dwindling and the franchise become irrelevant over time, the reaction to Uncharted: Golden Abyss, which isn't a bad game by the way, that Sony Bend would get the chop before Japan. How wrong I was.

The events were great, the games shown were hype, and the first party launch line-up was easily the best in brand history.

Look I happily bought a PlayStation 5 but we aren't really saying much here are we? I love Astro Bot but I would have paid to get a game twice the length I loved it that much. Miles Morales was a fun game but short and clearly more of a Lost Legacy game. Demon's Souls was a remake and I don't have a single friend on my PSN friends list who owns Sackboy: A Big Adventure. I'm not being facetious.

I don't think Sony have really had a killer line-up for first party titles for any console to be honest. I thought it was good when I got Uncharted: Golden Abyss, Little Deviants, ModNation Racers, WipeOut 2048 and Everybody's Golf on launch day for the PS Vita. Having played them all, only Uncharted was really worth it imho.

I really hope Jim Ryan doesn't prove to be a cancer to Sony.

There was a time that I really though Jim Ryan knew what he was doing when he headed the PlayStation conferences in the UK, at GamesCom and Paris Games Week. Now I firmly believe his policies are far too arrogant and he's going encroaching into PS3 launch Sony arrogance where they just believed they were the best and didn't have to do anything. I can see Microsoft firmly sucker punching Sony over the course of this generation and Nintendo are going to be a wild success with Switch based on their milky milky IP. Now I crave for the old crew to come back, Shawn Layden, Andrew House, Adam Boyes etc.

The production issues where Sony will make less consoles than what they're making right now because of yields.

I thought it was well documented that, that was bullshit. Apple bought up the supply of chips Sony needed which had a massive knock on effect with supply and demand. Not only are we still catching up from COVID related issues for production but we're also still in national lock down in England and many other countries, travel is more difficult. A company my friend works for that produces plastic mold components have had to cancel their order after the truck got caught in France. They lost thousands on the order.

My thoughts on the SoP.
  1. Crash looks good. Haven't bought it yet but more incentive to do so for PlayStation 5. I do love Crash and own the N.Sane Trilogy and CTR on PS4.
  2. I understand more about what Returnal is but I think it'll have short term success, lost it's legs and probably be the last partnership with HouseMarque and Sony.
  3. Sifu looks really good! I had some major Sleeping Dogs vibe. I hope SquareEnix notice them. *cough cough*
  4. Knock Out City has some nice ideas but it's seriously unoriginal and will be lost in the sea of games that play similarly.
  5. Solar Ash looks nice. I probably won't be buying it but I think it looks good.
  6. Five Nights at Freddys looks like someone played Resident Evil 2/3 Remake. I got some real Nemesis vibes. Not for me but looks fun.
  7. Finally a release date for Soulstorm! Be interesting to see what the original sequel to Oddysey was supposed to be. Laughed at the mudokens in lockers.
  8. Kena looks really, really good! I can't wait for this one. It was a high light of the PS5 announcements last year. Can't wait to play it.
  9. Deathloop reminds me of Returnal. Short term success. I can't see it doing very well over a long period of time. Not for me unfortunately.
  10. Interesting announcement for FFVII Remake but I still don't like the changes to the story at all. Probably won't play. Didn't finish the remake, watched a Let's Play.
I've said a few times in these threads, Sony don't seem to get the hang of this communication stuff and I guess from people's responses they still haven't cracked establishing State of Play as something that really gets people going, its just a lot of small stuff for one big thing that could be announced by itself at a better venue. I really hope Sony return to an E3 style conference in the summer and PSX during the holiday season. Big blow outs, plenty of bombs. Then State of Play could be more like what I originally anticipated it would be, smaller announcements and updates from WWS on their projects.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh by the way Crash having Activity cards is great, I never expected that and glad they added it for the PS5 version.


Oct 27, 2017
There was a time that I really though Jim Ryan knew what he was doing when he headed the PlayStation conferences in the UK, at GamesCom and Paris Games Week. Now I firmly believe his policies are far too arrogant and he's going encroaching into PS3 launch Sony arrogance where they just believed they were the best and didn't have to do anything. I can see Microsoft firmly sucker punching Sony over the course of this generation and Nintendo are going to be a wild success with Switch based on their milky milky IP. Now I crave for the old crew to come back, Shawn Layden, Andrew House, Adam Boyes etc.

It funny seeing Andrew House in there the guy in charge when they closed multiple studios and got major shit from people. Now he's one of the good old crew that people think was the best and want back lol very funny.


I like the chili style
Oct 26, 2017
I loved Crash 4 when I got it, besides some nitpicks, but seeing it on PS5 with the haptics, triggers, 4K 60fps and increased loading times (omg the best news), and activity cards!!!! It really feels like this will be a great, improved way to play Crash 4. :D Also, Polar's hitbox has been fixed! In some PS5 footage compared to the PS4 game, lighting, color and more detail has been improved/added too!

And it's a free upgrade, with saves carrying over!!!

I am so excited to play more of it. March 12th will be a very exciting day.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 17, 2020
I loved Crash 4 when I got it, besides some nitpicks, but seeing it on PS5 with the haptics, triggers, 4K 60fps and increased loading times (omg the best news), and activity cards!!!! It really feels like this will be a great, improved way to play Crash 4. :D Also, Polar's hitbox has been fixed! In some PS5 footage compared to the PS4 game, lighting, color and more detail has been improved/added too!

And it's a free upgrade, with saves carrying over!!!

I am so excited to play more of it. March 12th will be a very exciting day.

How have I read articles about this, watched the State of Play today, and not realize that this is only two weeks or so away? For some reason, it seemed way off in the distance.

I'm honestly glad I didn't play it when I first bought it over Black Friday. Get to experience it in its full glory when the update comes (the same with FFVII).

Deleted member 90921

User requested account closure
Jan 29, 2021
There was a time that I really though Jim Ryan knew what he was doing when he headed the PlayStation conferences in the UK, at GamesCom and Paris Games Week. Now I firmly believe his policies are far too arrogant and he's going encroaching into PS3 launch Sony arrogance where they just believed they were the best and didn't have to do anything. I can see Microsoft firmly sucker punching Sony over the course of this generation and Nintendo are going to be a wild success with Switch based on their milky milky IP. Now I crave for the old crew to come back, Shawn Layden, Andrew House, Adam Boyes etc.
I really really don't understand this. PlayStation has been killing it the past couple years and the PS5 launch(best PS launch games) was incredible. Lots of Playstation Studios have multiple teams working on multiple big games and the PS5 isnt slowing down with Returnal, Ratchet and Clank, Horizon, etc. Ryan has been with Sony since 1994 and did great as president of SCE Europe. He knows what hes doing IMO, Sony Japan has struggled for a long timeand it was only a matter of time before this happened


Oct 25, 2017
How have I read articles about this, watched the State of Play today, and not realize that this is only two weeks or so away? For some reason, it seemed way off in the distance.

I'm honestly glad I didn't play it when I first bought it over Black Friday. Get to experience it in its full glory when the update comes (the same with FFVII).
Same. Crash 4 is basically playing a new game for me with this. Glad I waited.


I like the chili style
Oct 26, 2017
How have I read articles about this, watched the State of Play today, and not realize that this is only two weeks or so away? For some reason, it seemed way off in the distance.

I'm honestly glad I didn't play it when I first bought it over Black Friday. Get to experience it in its full glory when the update comes (the same with FFVII).
Haha! Yay! I hope you enjoy it! I am excited to revisit it.
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