Son of Sparda

"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Knowing that there are definitely people out there who will (and are) going to bat for this piece of shit because he is the current CEO of the company that made their favorite toy box pisses me off to no end.

Fuck off Jim Ryan.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
It is NBC sitcom level, isn't it? Like, it's hard to believe an actual human wrote it.

"About that issue where women loose rights, dont talk about it much. Respect the opinions on people who agree with women loosing rights.

by the way... I sure love dogs, my dear employees. I love them because they know their place."


Oct 25, 2017
It's so, so fucked up that a CEO can come out and say this shit is just a matter of opinion while the company proudly shoves in our face how much they appear to love women. It's incredible how far we have come as a species and yet this basic shit is still up for debate. Jim Ryan saying this means he hates women, plain and simple.


Definitely not shooting blanks
Jan 5, 2020
I'm very confused by this. Of course I've never been in the giant role he is in but I've been in charge of teams that had plenty of differences of opinions politically, religion, whatever. Never once did I think man something is really being talked about nationally that could potentially cause some friction…I'll get out in front of it! I always thought I'll deal with issues as they arise unless it was something that I actually had the power to have company discussions on to take a stand.

This seems like creating a problem because you thought you were smart enough to just say everyone get along knowing for a fact that it's clearly an issue that people are going to be extra passionate about.


Nov 11, 2017
Respect their opinion to hate and hurt you. Really putting their best foot forward on starting a mid service.


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
Whilst we are at it, let's respect the opinions of those invading other countries .


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not sure he's evil... just a goddamn moron. This whole thing reeks of insulated rich white dude with little actual understanding of the day-to-day modern world.

Of course that's no excuse! Fuck off, Jim, and I hope you're fired. There are a thousand different ways you could have worded a statement on the matter that wouldn't have looked AS bad, but no, you went with legit straight-up a both sidesing stupidity.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure he's evil... just a goddamn moron. This whole thing reeks of insulated rich white dude with little actual understanding of the day-to-day modern world.

Of course that's no excuse! Fuck off, Jim, and I hope you're fired. There are a thousand different ways you could have worded a statement on the matter that wouldn't have looked AS bad, but no, you went with legit straight-up a both sidesing stupidity.

The insane part is he didn't even need to make a statement at all. Nobody asked him to. He did this shit unprompted.


Oct 25, 2017
That's very fucking tone deaf given one of their slides from their financial figures the other day was touting how proud they were that women gamers were a growing part of their audience.

Way to screw up something that should be celebrated by following it up with such a weak ass company policy that actually impacts the rights* of those very same gamers.

He and others of a similar mind can fuck off into the sun.

*By making it crystal clear that their rights are negotiable and shouldn't be discussed in polite conversation should you happen to work for Sony. Then again almost all corporations suck in this regard (minus the Bungies of the world) but you would think they (and others) would want to walk the walk at some point.
Oct 25, 2017
Was this guy born with a foot already wedged in his mouth?

Look, buddy. I can respect a difference of opinion re: abortion if that opposing opinion is limited only to, "I have a deep personal or theological dislike for abortion and I will never get one under any circumstances". Knock yourself out. We perhaps wouldn't be friends or anything, but you are at your liberty to take a stance that is personal to you & which you believe to be morally right.

But if that difference of opinion extends to, "women should not be fucking allowed to undergo any abortion procedures whatsoever under any circumstances" then go take a long hike off a short pier.

It's that simple, Jimbo. I don't have a fraction of what I presume to be your gifted business skills but I could have trotted out something only slightly less incoherent and far less shitty and tone deaf than that.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 21, 2021
I'm not sure he's evil... just a goddamn moron. This whole thing reeks of insulated rich white dude with little actual understanding of the day-to-day modern world.

Of course that's no excuse! Fuck off, Jim, and I hope you're fired. There are a thousand different ways you could have worded a statement on the matter that wouldn't have looked AS bad, but no, you went with legit straight-up a both sidesing stupidity.

Yeah at best he is idiotic and tone deaf; at worst he is a terrible person. Regardless, he shouldn't be there. Playstaton has been so good with with firm stances on BLM and the War against Ukraine and many other issues, for Jim to come out unprompted and be all middle ground on this is just so strange and stupid. But also, in a industry that has treated women like trash, it just further perpetuates how shit the industry can be.

I have to say I am a little disappointed that more gaming companies havent come out in support of women. But at least they haven't like... done the opposite.


Lead Designer, Iridium Studios
Oct 25, 2017
If the letter was posted, can someone threadmark it, please?


Oct 28, 2017
It has to be tough to be a PlayStation employee, when every 4-5 years the epicenter of your company shifts to a different continent. From what I can tell, Andrew House did a reasonable job without these absurd gaffes. But he did consolidate power in EMEA, and maybe that helped Jim Ryan ascend to his current role. He's definitely not in that position because of his natural charisma or connection with their customers.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure he's evil... just a goddamn moron. This whole thing reeks of insulated rich white dude with little actual understanding of the day-to-day modern world.

I find it exceedingly difficult to believe that the inclusion of an unwieldy anecdote about about dogs 'knowing their place' was pure coincidence.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
I'm all about hearing other opinions...BUT NOT ON THIS, ESPECIALLY FROM MEN.

Women will die because of the revocation of Roe. Women should always have a choice of what happens to their bodies. It's a slippery slope. And Jim Ryan is a slime ball. Still pissed.

Also, for those not in the US, there's also a HUGE baby formula shortage here at the moment. Which just highlights how ridiculous the abortion ban is...

The government about to ban abortion can't even support the babies that are already here.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
This totally reads like someone with some major seniority was getting reported to HR en masse, and Jim decided to personally step in to try to explain it away. In the worst possible way. That fence is going to need to be surgically removed.


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
I find it exceedingly difficult to believe that the inclusion of an unwieldy anecdote about about dogs knowing 'their place' was pure coincidence.
Jim discussing dogs vs. cats as pets is a reoccurring "lighthearted, small talky thing" he often includes in his emails...whether or not it was a pure coincidence or not in this context, idk.


Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (Permanent): Concern trolling in a thread regarding reproductive health and bodily autonomy, previous severe ban for the same
Is an expressing an opinion that is not pro-abortion a bannable offence on this forum?


Oct 26, 2017
Jim discussing dogs vs. cats as pets is a reoccurring "lighthearted small talky thing" he often includes in his emails...whether or not it was a pure coincidence or not in this context, idk.

Which considered through the lens of an issue like this, is horrifying in a distinct way. "Different strokes" doesn't particularly apply when people are going to be arrested charged and punished by the state for exercising what should be civil rights.


Jan 7, 2018
I regret purchasing a PlayStation 5 now and financially supporting him and the company in any way.

Certainly has me rethinking the future of PlayStation purchases.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
I....I'm just flabbergasted....

Like what the hell was he thinking. How do you compose something like that and NOT expect people to see the connection between dogs and "knowing their place"?!
Oh right he probably thought it was something cool and stuff! What an idiot.


Oct 25, 2017
Jim Ryan has always been a bit of a PR nightmare. His old gaming related quotes could be irritating or confusing, but this email about women's rights is actively disgusting and idiotic. I thought Sony was trending towards the progressive side of things in general, but with this guy as the president and CEO of SIE I guess that was mostly fake. Big yikes.


Oct 26, 2017
For anyone who doesn't really think of language and communication structurally, people are especially frustrated at Ryan's statement because he thought it best to make [a "cute" anecdote about how he likes dogs because "they know their place"], and to [compare disagreement re: taking away abortion rights to how some people like cats and others like dogs]. It's a multi-faceted attempt to make light of the stakes of a civil right being taken away under threat of state action, in an incredibly NON-THEORETICAL scenario.