Nov 28, 2017
We are pretty sure FM8 is nothing getting a release next year. But a release in 2020 next to a new Xbox. Resulting Horizon also being pushed back.

Yeah it's confusing at first. It's because we subliminally associate a mainline Forza title with a new Xbox console launch. They've only done it 2 times (if you don't count the X as a "new" console). But since 2013, we've been getting a Forza game EVERY year. I don't think MSFT's going to break that cycle with FM8.

If the console launch is indeed in 2020, they have something better than a FM8 brand name to launch with. Their flagship title in the works - Halo Infinite, just like Halo: CE for the Xbox in 2001. And they'll use Forza Horizon 5 too. It still counts as a "Forza" title for launch.

But, if they release Halo: Infinite in 2021, it coincides with the 20TH Anniversary of the Xbox brand + Halo. That's such a HUGE marketing campaign on the cards to let it go for MSFT. Whether they delay the console launch a year is questionable, as SONY would absolutely want that holiday 2020 launch locked (ironically 2019 December would be PlayStation's 25TH Anniversary, and I believe SONY would ride that as a marketing campaign all the way to the console launch the next year). I would be surprised if SONY pushes to 2021.

If FM8 releases next year, then chances are that either Halo: Infinite + Forza Horizon 5 + Project Scarlett in November 2020 or Halo: Infinite + FM9 + project Scarlett in November 2021, coinciding with the Xbox + Halo 20TH anniversary.

Also, I messed up the Coalition development cycle timeline in my previous post. I confused the current year and next year for the release of Gears 5 lol. They are in a 3 year cycle, instead of the 2 I posted. That would mean 2022 for Gears 6.
Oct 26, 2017
So far it's only been Eurogamer and a few other sources that said it's Fable, right? And also those job postings about a open world game. Phil only said Open World game during E3? It very likely is Fable 4.


Oct 27, 2017
Fable is actually a massive franchise. All 3 mainline titles sold significantly more I think than many people realize. The franchise only declined because they didnt give consumers what they wanted, a true Fable 4 RPG. Instead they did weird Kinect spin offs and attempts at multiplayer titles.

A legit "Fable IV" RPG / reboot if handled well is going to be a multi million selling title
Just looked this up and the 2nd and 3rd games were both over 4 million which is good.

I hope they don't call it Fable 4 though. Take the Halo Infinite approach or maybe just call it Fables.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah it's confusing at first. It's because we subliminally associate a mainline Forza title with a new Xbox console launch. They've only done it 2 times (if you don't count the X as a "new" console). But since 2013, we've been getting a Forza game EVERY year. I don't think MSFT's going to break that cycle with FM8.

If the console launch is indeed in 2020, they have something better than a FM8 brand name to launch with. Their flagship title in the works - Halo Infinite, just like Halo: CE for the Xbox in 2001. And they'll use Forza Horizon 5 too. It still counts as a "Forza" title for launch.

But, if they release Halo: Infinite in 2021, it coincides with the 20TH Anniversary of the Xbox brand + Halo. That's such a HUGE marketing campaign on the cards to let it go for MSFT. Whether they delay the console launch a year is questionable, as SONY would absolutely want that holiday 2020 launch locked (ironically 2019 December would be PlayStation's 25TH Anniversary, and I believe SONY would ride that as a marketing campaign all the way to the console launch the next year). I would be surprised if SONY pushes to 2021.

If FM8 releases next year, then chances are that either Halo: Infinite + Forza Horizon 5 + Project Scarlett in November 2020 or Halo: Infinite + FM9 + project Scarlett in November 2021, coinciding with the Xbox + Halo 20TH anniversary.

Also, I messed up the Coalition development cycle timeline in my previous post. I confused the current year and next year for the release of Gears 5 lol. They are in a 3 year cycle, instead of the 2 I posted. That would mean 2022 for Gears 6.

They already said not FM8 in development and their commitment towards updating FM7 also shows that.
Oct 26, 2017
I have a lot of negative feelings about the direction of Xbox in general.

This I think is one of those invariably good stories coming from Xbox though. I am wary of all the acquisitions spree they have gone on as I don't believe that quick buys lead to talent or producing strong games, but buying PG I definitely agree was the right move, they've gone on a different curve as far as maturing and delivering very fast.

FH is probably going to be the staple franchise for Xbox for a long time to come, just very popular and a technical showcase for the system too. I can't imagine Gears or even Forza proper meeting the same demand, maybe Halo with a very big splash though can be one and one with FH as the brand representatives.

I didn't know they were going to start for the new Fable series though, that's interesting. Hopefully they can start off with a solid title that's not too casual and not too hardcore so it can also add some variety into the WRPG landscape.

Let's wait and see man. We finally have some great news for Xbox in a long time. Things are actually looking really good and who knows, maybe Ninja Theory, The Initiative etc knock it out of the park with their new games. And if that's the case, MS buying them was a great thing. Let's just wait and see and for a change just enjoy some good news.

I sure as hell prefer this to 2013 though, with so much negative news surrounding Xbox.


Oct 27, 2017
Everyone talking fable but u have to remember how big the horizon series is becoming. They also gonna need more people for 5


Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles
As a reminder, Playground Games plans to grow to 400 employees. They will be a huge driving factor for Xbox moving forward.
Not to go off-topic but imagining PG just now growing to 400, where they only had to build FH & now will have two teams, & were getting monetary support from MS as a publisher before they were acquired, makes it look insane that TellTale games was operating with 400 employees for a year & a half barely selling 4 different series a year.


Oct 28, 2017
Let's wait and see man. We finally have some great news for Xbox in a long time. Things are actually looking really good and who knows, maybe Ninja Theory, The Initiative etc knock it out of the park with their new games. And if that's the case, MS buying them was a great thing. Let's just wait and see and for a change just enjoy some good news.

I sure as hell prefer this to 2013 though, with so much negative news surrounding Xbox.
Agree it's a definite improvement, hugely so.

I'm more skeptical of the newer studios, but I think Playground has shown a lot more development in a shorter period of time than most which is super impressive.

And I'm not discounting the possibility of great things from one or multiple other studios, I just am waiting to see their first few projects before I give them my confidence as well.
Why? They're more innovative and consumer friendly than the other two.
Please don't respond to small parts of my posts and then make sweeping generalizations, especially "innovation" just is, I don't even know what to say, I don't even want to comment further on that. Very unproductive and non-constructive reply.


Oct 28, 2017
Agree it's a definite improvement, hugely so.

I'm more skeptical of the newer studios, but I think Playground has shown a lot more development in a shorter period of time than most which is super impressive.

And I'm not discounting the possibility of great things from one or multiple other studios, I just am waiting to see their first few projects before I give them my confidence as well.

Please don't respond to small parts of my posts and then make sweeping generalizations, especially "innovation" just is, I don't even know what to say, I don't even want to comment further on that. Very unproductive and non-constructive reply.

It's fine if you can't answer my question to your sweeping generalisation, no need to be a condescending twat about it.


Oct 28, 2017
It's fine if you can't answer my question to your sweeping generalisation, no need to be a condescending twat about it.
"I don't feel good about something." A statement of an opinion. I never said anyone agreed or disagreed.

"X is better than Y at this this and this." A statement of something as fact, which you broadened to a sweeping generalization (Microsoft is more innovate than Sony or Nintendo).

Please use your words more wisely next time, and also don't accuse people of posting things that you misunderstood. If you also interpret the words I posted as their correct meaning, you would not misunderstand or become upset either.

English is a very literal language, it is important to use it effectively.


Oct 25, 2017
343i are going backwards in terms of making Halo enjoyable to play. Turn10 are basically making the exact same game every other year. The coalition havent exactly set the world alight with their iterations of Gears. Undead labs made SoD2 worse than the original.

I just hope Ninja Theory and Compulsion games are given some extreme love.........


Then we have Playground Games, who make bigger and better games each and every time they launch a game.
Halo Infinite and Gears 5 are so far getting a lot of attention, SoD2 is doing ok like the first and Undead still new and has time to prove themselves, and Turn 10 is just delivering good racing games in a market starved for them. The next wave of MS exclusives is actually more positive this time around especially for legacy franchises.


Oct 28, 2017
"I don't feel good about something." A statement of an opinion. I never said anyone agreed or disagreed.

"X is better than Y at this this and this." A statement of something as fact.

Please use your words more wisely next time. If you also interpret the words I posted as their correct meaning, you would not misunderstand or become upset either.

I love you.


Oct 27, 2017
While it's nice to see them diversifying, I really wish it wasn't Fable. Microsoft seem to be more in love with their own IPs than consumers are.
Yea, They should just let the numerous IPs they own go to waste? You msy not want the game but others do and besides didn't we get new franchises this gen and a successful KI reboot? Recore , QB , Ori , SO, Ryse? Sony and Nintendo have also continuously invested in their tried and true IPS so why shouldn't MS do same? You don't even have any idea what the game will look or play like...
Halo Infinite and Gears 5 are so far getting a lot of attention, SoD2 is doing ok like the first and Undead still new and has time to prove themselves, and Turn 10 is just delivering good racing games in a market starved for them. The next wave of MS exclusives is actually more positive this time around especially for legacy franchises.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Its a no brainer to expand, they are far and away Microsofts biggest asset in terms of game development. While all their other studios have stalled (some even receded), Playground have thrived.

The Coalition is really underrated. They did a great job with Gears 4 and Gears 5 looks equally awesome. They already seem like a well oiled machine, delievering games of high quality in decent time.

Not to take anything away from Playground. They are undoubtedly magical.


Oct 27, 2017
Agree it's a definite improvement, hugely so.

I'm more skeptical of the newer studios, but I think Playground has shown a lot more development in a shorter period of time than most which is super impressive.

And I'm not discounting the possibility of great things from one or multiple other studios, I just am waiting to see their first few projects before I give them my confidence as well.

Please don't respond to small parts of my posts and then make sweeping generalizations, especially "innovation" just is, I don't even know what to say, I don't even want to comment further on that. Very unproductive and non-constructive reply.

Yet this is your opening statement in this thread,

I have a lot of negative feelings about the direction of Xbox in general.


It appears no matter what good stories come we have those who have to come out of the woodwork to explain why they are apprehensive, why they are not sold yet, why they still need to earn trust, why we remain skeptical. Then this becomes the the topic of discussion. Listen, they are building and as they build we don't need bulldozers trying to tear things down because we can't let go of the past. If we want to be part of the process to improve then be positive, be open, be optimistic.


Oct 25, 2017
Good...good. This will make them almost as big as 343i and a bit bigger than The Coalition. These guys got top-notch talent and FH4 looks so good can't wait to see what these guys are working on next. Just imagine this as a setting for an open world adventure game. :)
They're already better than 343i and The Coalition, and they're smaller.

Imagine what they can achieve with a 400-strong team.


Oct 28, 2017
Yet this is your opening statement in this thread,

It appears no matter what good stories come we have those who have to come out of the woodwork to explain why they are apprehensive, why they are not sold yet, why they still need to earn trust, why we remain skeptical. Then this becomes the the topic of discussion. Listen, they are building and as they build we don't need bulldozers trying to tear things down because we can't let go of the past. If we want to be part of the process to improve then be positive, be open, be optimistic.
If you look for enemies you will find enemies.

I've probably been a longer Xbox fan than most people here, and yet skepticism from fans is always conflated with negativity.

Too bad.

Like the other dude, you only looked at the first statement, although it was only intended as a preface to acknowledge just how good Playground games is doing in the broader context of Xbox.

But that's a hard concept to grasp, I guess. Don't blind yourself with your preconceptions, and you will see more commonality than fear when you see a difference of opinion.
Jul 10, 2018
I wonder if Playground is splitting into 2 internal teams so they can work on Forza and Fable respectively. 200 devs on each team seems great.
Jul 10, 2018
That we know already for a long time. They even have two studios and two seperate buildings. :)
Also on the career page its says Project 1 and 2.

Yea I know they are working on Forza Horizon and the rumored Fable right now. I just wonder if they will stay as 2 separate teams for the future or if it will be project by project basis. Mostly I'm curious to see if the FH team will join the Fable team after the game ships in October. A 400 person studio working on one AAA game is MASSIVE.


Oct 27, 2017
If you look for enemies you will find enemies.

I've probably been a longer Xbox fan than most people here, and yet skepticism from fans is always conflated with negativity.

Too bad.

Like the other dude, you only looked at the first statement, although it was only intended as a preface to acknowledge just how good Playground games is doing in the broader context of Xbox.

But that's a hard concept to grasp, I guess. Don't blind yourself with your preconceptions, and you will see more commonality than fear when you see a difference of opinion.

You say you don't like the direction Microsoft is taking with Xbox, this is a prime example of that direction so why feel the need to dampen the mood? They are in the building stages. There is nothing hard to grasp. It's very easy to identify those who enjoy playing Ker Plunk.

I wonder if Playground is splitting into 2 internal teams so they can work on Forza and Fable respectively. 200 devs on each team seems great.

They will continue to make Forza Horizon but in my opinion they should spread them out more so that we don't get to a over-saturation level. I'm glad Turn 10 seems to be taking their time for the next Forza.

Pls MS buy Blur IP.....

Blur was highly underrated and Project Gotham would be another opportunity to go back on.


Oct 28, 2017
You say you don't like the direction Microsoft is taking with Xbox, this is a prime example of that direction so why feel the need to dampen the mood? They are in the building stages. There is nothing hard to grasp. It's very easy to identify those who enjoy playing Ker Plunk.
You're misinterpreting me, but it's OK. I can see why you are being defensive, in the grand scheme of fanboy wars, but you're taking issue with the wrong person, and your misunderstanding is the issue.

Yes, I am still currently skeptical about the overall direction. They bought many studios. Most of them are studios I have not been interested in their games (not interested in Hellblade, didn't think State of Decay was interesting, my opinion).

From the beginning I've said also that buying studios as a quick fix is not the answer, if it is alone. The process will take many years to make something great. That can be perceived as negative, but it's also just an observation. I want to see them support them for years, and also judge their output when I see it after this purchase. Negative? Strange interpretation.

What's more odd is that all you are doing is bringing more attention to my opinion, and essentially amplifying it, but not because you just have a different opinion, but because you are suggesting I can't express it, because it's not positive enough (in your view). Which is obviously counter-intuitive to your goal, which is to shut down a negative (in your view) opinion.

And I'm sorry, but that's not what a forum is for. If you want an echo chamber, look at other users or put me on ignore, but it doesn't change my opinion. By quoting me you're just asking me to repeat my position ad hominem, because this happens to be my opinion, and you're issue is with me posting this opinion. Which is again odd on a forum, and counter-intuitive since you keep quoting it.

I regular express dissatisfaction with other games, but it's pretty much exclusively in Xbox threads, and occasionally PC threads, that I get pushback. I've posted multiple times about being disappointed in Nintendo and Sony titles, but I never get pushback in those, several times I've said I don't like what I look from Days Gone, I've never had people multi-quote me over it though.

But that's not my issue, that's your issue and others who don't like people to post what they think, even though there's no loaded aspect. But again quoting over and over is just inviting me to explain the same position.
Oct 27, 2017
Yea I know they are working on Forza Horizon and the rumored Fable right now. I just wonder if they will stay as 2 separate teams for the future or if it will be project by project basis. Mostly I'm curious to see if the FH team will join the Fable team after the game ships in October. A 400 person studio working on one AAA game is MASSIVE.
FH4 will likely have a longer tail when it comes to continued content. So I doubt the horizon team will be free to just move on


Oct 27, 2017
You're misinterpreting me, but it's OK. I can see why you are being defensive, in the grand scheme of fanboy wars, but you're taking issue with the wrong person, and your misunderstanding is the issue.

Yes, I am still currently skeptical about the overall direction. They bought many studios. Most of them are studios I have not been interested in their games (not interested in Hellblade, didn't think State of Decay was interesting, my opinion).


From the beginning I've said also that buying studios as a quick fix is not the answer, if it is alone.


Why must every Xbox topic be met with long essays of various issues some always have to get off their chest. This topic is about Playground Games expanding themselves but of course you want to talk about every little detail that's been bothering you about how Microsoft has gone throughout this entire generation and likely predating the Xbox One too. Hey, if you want to talk about Playground Games and their future, that's cool. That's why we're here. If you want to talk about dissatisfaction with other games and how State of Decay wasn't interesting and Hellblade..... and all this other crap that's been hounding you then go talk to someone else.

Playground has an awesome track record, I'm happy they are getting the support from Microsoft to expand. Sorry if that story is too boring for you.


Oct 28, 2017
Why must every Xbox topic be met with long essays of various issues some always have to get off their chest.


Playground has an awesome track record, I'm happy they are getting the support from Microsoft to expand. Sorry if that story is too boring for you.
But I said this was good? Did you not actually read the posts? Lmao.

I write essays because I try to communicate with people when there is misunderstanding. Apparently that bridge is not going to be built here.

But again quoting me is not helping anything, just agree to disagree and leave it at that. This conversation didn't need to happen if you are not making any effort to be a part of the conversation lmao.

Very sad. I mean I really have all day to keep going in this circle, because I'm working on my computer lmao, but I dunno. You want to keep going or just agree to disagree?

Are you gonna quote the guy who said 343i doesn't make good Halo games too with the same responses by the way? I don't have any opinion on that, but I don't want you to be having double standards you know.


Oct 27, 2017
Why must every Xbox topic be met with long essays of various issues some always have to get off their chest. This topic is about Playground Games expanding themselves but of course you want to talk about every little detail that's been bothering you about how Microsoft has gone throughout this entire generation and likely predating the Xbox One too. Hey, if you want to talk about Playground Games and their future, that's cool. That's why we're here. If you want to talk about dissatisfaction with other games and how State of Decay wasn't interesting and Hellblade..... and all this other crap that's been hounding you then go talk to someone else.

Playground has an awesome track record, I'm happy they are getting the support from Microsoft to expand. Sorry if that story is too boring for you.


Oct 27, 2017
But I said this was good? Did you not actually read the posts? Lmao.

I write essays because I try to communicate with people when there is misunderstanding. Apparently that bridge is not going to be built here.

But again quoting me is not helping anything, just agree to disagree and leave it at that. This conversation didn't need to happen if you are not making any effort to be a part of the conversation lmao.

Very sad. I mean I really have all day to keep going in this circle, because I'm working on my computer lmao, but I dunno. You want to keep going or just agree to disagree?

Are you gonna quote the guy who said 343i doesn't make good Halo games too with the same responses by the way? I don't have any opinion on that, but I don't want you to be having double standards you know.

Fine, here's an olive branch. What did you think of the demo for Forza Horizon 4? I know it's a bit early to go into great detail what makes this better but I can see the look of it has improved and I enjoy the different seasons. It's clear on a technical level they can create great looking games. The question is do they have the talent to make an RPG? Yes it's true what you said, simply throwing more resources doesn't mean we are guaranteed they can make a good Fable title (if it's true).