
Oct 27, 2017
Man they really need to address the crashing in this game. Just had a crash within the first 5 minutes of a match, was able to load back in and was still alive only to have another crash immediately within 5 seconds. I made it back again only to be shot as soon as I loaded back in.


Oct 27, 2017
My goal for 2018 is 25% of a server wiped


Half way there.

Deleted member 8118

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Until they fix the draw distance on this game, I'm pretty much done.

I was sitting completely still in a bush and in the shadows and I still got caught out by someone with an AKM.

It just defeats the purpose.


Oct 27, 2017
Man they really need to address the crashing in this game. Just had a crash within the first 5 minutes of a match, was able to load back in and was still alive only to have another crash immediately within 5 seconds. I made it back again only to be shot as soon as I loaded back in.

I have the X and only get random crashes, but they always seem to be when I'm in the menu's or checking inventory.. and always at the most inopportune times. Thankfully you can rejoin, and/or jump into another game pretty quickly, so the frustration isn't quite what it could be.

Sweet, are you in the US or Europe?

US West coast.. but I'm usually on pretty late.

Amazed with some of the shots people make in this game (usually against me). I was upstairs in a building, crouched down, and someone headshotted me from probably 300m away. I can't seem to hit crap with the larger scopes, so I usually skip them in favor of a red dot. Seems like if you were really good with a sniper rifle you could get a lot of kills with the long sight lines on the map.

I'm definitely a loot n' scoot kind of player. I try to stay hidden as long as possible.

The car thing doesn't seem as bad lately. I noticed some games though where no one fires at the car. In that case, it's way better to be driving around and be ignored. In the rounds where people actually fire on the car.. the drivers don't last long at all.

Haven't seen any news on a patch today.. hopefully we get one soon. Game is still so much fun. All I've played since it came out. Made a ton of new Xbox 'friends' too.


Oct 26, 2017
Played it all throughout the winter break and it is so much fun but I can't get the aiming down at all... it has begun to frustrate me. I'm so used to the aim assist in other shooters I suppose.

Close range I seem to be okay with, but when it comes to mid and long range shooting, I am helpless. Plus with armor and all the types of guns available, it's hard to know how much damage I deal and what gun to use. I really need to practice and grind through matches and practice my shooting, because whether its in 3rd or 1st person, I'm not getting better.

I have the X and only get random crashes, but they always seem to be when I'm in the menu's or checking inventory.. and always at the most inopportune times. Thankfully you can rejoin, and/or jump into another game pretty quickly, so the frustration isn't quite what it could be.

Something is definitely triggering the crashes, but yeah they are random. On the X too and sometimes I go the whole day without a single crash, other times it happens game after game.

I've seen it happen where 3 of the 4 squad members crash at the same time. Even teammates that are already dead and are spectating have their game crash. Sucks when you encounter an enemy and see them just standing there, most likely than not, it is because their game crashed.

Kage Maru

Oct 27, 2017
Played it all throughout the winter break and it is so much fun but I can't get the aiming down at all... it has begun to frustrate me. I'm so used to the aim assist in other shooters I suppose.

Close range I seem to be okay with, but when it comes to mid and long range shooting, I am helpless. Plus with armor and all the types of guns available, it's hard to know how much damage I deal and what gun to use. I really need to practice and grind through matches and practice my shooting, because whether its in 3rd or 1st person, I'm not getting better.

Not that I'm any good at the game, but I have found jumping to hot spots as a good way to improve my aim from shitty to slightly less shitty.
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Oct 26, 2017
Not that I'm any good at the game, but I have found jumping to hot spots as a good way to improve my aim from shitty to slightly less shitty.
Yeah I need to go in solo and just jump right into the long as I don't have another embarrassing moment where I'm picking up a gun in a small room and a guy starts punching me and blocks me from getting out and end up being the first one killed.

I had funny momentwhere I killed a guy after he killed me.


Oct 27, 2017
Something is definitely triggering the crashes, but yeah they are random. On the X too and sometimes I go the whole day without a single crash, other times it happens game after game.

I've seen it happen where 3 of the 4 squad members crash at the same time. Even teammates that are already dead and are spectating have their game crash. Sucks when you encounter an enemy and see them just standing there, most likely than not, it is because their game crashed.

Yeah I had one game where I could not stay in the game. I loaded, I crashed, reloaded, I crashed. Ended up dying, loaded up spectating, crashed. Finally gave up and waited the round out. Issue didn't happen again. I usually try to force close the game after 3-4 rounds, just in case there is some memory leak or something. It *IS* frustrating, but at the same time, I know most everyone else is dealing with it as well, so it's just one more way the RNG gods dictate your fate in this game.

I'm still not GOOD at combat, but yeah, getting some ugly firefights under your belts gives you a lot more practice than a 45 minute crawlfest where you get killed laying prone in the final circle without ever firing a shot (did that a lot of times too, sigh).
Oct 25, 2017

Whew, already my first chicken dinner. I just wanted to play one last game before going to bed.

The end was kind of anticlimactic:
Everyone (3 players, including me) stayed behind their trees and were afraid to move. I had the advantage that the other two didn't know where I was, they were only aware of each other.
The play area was going to get smaller, so I threw a Smoke grenade between the other players, ran to the last safe tree and the other ones soon got killed by the dead zone.
But still, the adrenalin rush was insane.

US West coast.. but I'm usually on pretty late.
This would be kind of hard, that's about 9 hours time zone difference and at least a 300ms ping :(

At least I've found someone via the Xbox' LFG function, that worked pretty well, never tried that before.


Oct 25, 2017
Literally took a 2 and a half week break from this hoping it'd get a lil smoother. First game, crashed. Lol.

Feels good to be back /s.


Oct 27, 2017
No worries! I play with a friend in the UK and it's not so bad, usually morning there by the time I get on. Didn't notice too many lag issues, but I think we were all on North American servers.

A Chicken Dinner is A Chicken Dinner! Congrats! The game is about surviving to the end, it's not about how you got there! My 1st dinner was by accidentally outlasting the #2 player while the blue zone closed in. Was still a heck of an experience, and tense as hell.

A couple of observations..

I feel like the Xbox One PUBG player to Bong ratio is quickly approaching 1:1. Almost every time I get matched with someone (thankfully with a headset) they're ripping bong hits the entire time. There is no way I could even attempt to play competitively while high!

Grenades are GOAT.. and I *always* forget to use them. I am sure the # of unused grenades I've died with on my body must be in the thousands. I'd like to see their use streamlined a little.. but I am not entirely sure how.

People who play Duo or Squad without a mic can go right to hell. I had one person who at least messaged me and could hear me so he followed along.. but man that's a big handicap right there.
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The Cellar Letters

Oct 25, 2017
Ohhhh heck yeah. One of my friends finally agreed to buy the game if I can find it for cheap on here.
It's always a bitch waiting for a 4th person.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like the Xbox One PUBG player to Bong ratio is quickly approaching 1:1. Almost every time I get paid with someone (thankfully with a headset) they're ripping bong hits the entire time. There is no way I could even attempt to play competitively while high!

lol, that was definitely me earlier today. it's actually a good game to play stoned - can take rips while hiding out.


Oct 28, 2017
So, with zeroing, if you just change the zeroing on your scope does that mean if you got the distance correct you wont have to aim higher? This wasn't clear to me when watching a lot of videos on it. Most said change your zeroing if you have the time, but didn't say if that actually affects the shot.

Literally took a 2 and a half week break from this hoping it'd get a lil smoother. First game, crashed. Lol.

Feels good to be back /s.
Were gluttens for broken games.


Oct 29, 2017
Redmond, WA
So, with zeroing, if you just change the zeroing on your scope does that mean if you got the distance correct you wont have to aim higher? This wasn't clear to me when watching a lot of videos on it. Most said change your zeroing if you have the time, but didn't say if that actually affects the shot.

Were gluttens for broken games.
Zeroing eliminates the need to aim higher, if you've chosen the correct distance. You are "zeroing" the optic to put the round in the center of the crosshairs at a specific distance.


nøthing but silence
Oct 25, 2017
From 'quake area to big OH.
I was in a container, hidden. Someone walks up and kills me through the metal. What?

Damn. Just got second place, lost by a head shot. That was a good round.
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Oct 28, 2017
Zeroing eliminates the need to aim higher, if you've chosen the correct distance. You are "zeroing" the optic to put the round in the center of the crosshairs at a specific distance.
Ok thats what I thought, thank you. Follow up, I was told that you zero by pressing up and down on the dpad when aiming down the scope but that didn't work for me. I looked it up but havent found how to do it. Any idea?


Oct 27, 2017
I think that's it. If you move slow you make less/no noise.
If you're playing on PC, bind that key.
If you're on controller, just walk slow and crouch, same thing. normal crouch, barely ease anal-logue
I've found it also helps to Die Hard it by wearing no boots at all
Much appreciated guys, the no shoes plan makes sense I'll have to test that out. Any other useful tips? I'll take any advice to hand at the moment.


Nov 2, 2017
Going through a period where I lose every single gunfight. Shotgun at point blank range and I lose to someone with a pistol.

People are getting good at this now and my old tactic of moving a lot because it was hard to kill a moving target is failing badly now.

Think I need a new approach, because whether I'm campy or moving I'm just struggling. Its hard to get used to gun mechanics in a game where you might spend 10 minutes simply looting and not seeing anyone else then lose the one gunfight you engage in.

EDIT: And whilst I'm no pro I consider myself relatively proficient at FPS games and understand the mechanics.


Oct 28, 2017
First game last night, came fourth.

Jumped into the match, had no idea what any of the controls were. Landed in a small settlement and could see numerous other people land around me. I was last to the ground because of a lack of understanding on how parachutes work.

A quick survey of the houses yielded a pistol. I tried to stick to high ground and spotted a few people running around, tried not to engage but eventually got bored and squeezed off a few shots. I assume there is bullet drop in this game but I had no indication if I was hitting, I don't think I was.

Then I got shot, hid behind a tree. Eventually moved as the circle closed in. Saw a truck pull up in the distance. I moved towards it, got shot, hid behind a rock. Eventually the person jumped back in and drove off. So I was wounded and lacking any real fire power or knowledge of what most buttons did. I was desperately trying to make a first aid kit work to no avail.

I then spot a guy, on a bike, pull up to one of those mini shed things out in the middle of the open. I consider it and go "screw it" I want at least one engagement before being shot in the back. Sneak up in the grass, he comes out and stops, I think he is checking his inventory, I shot him and drop him before he can react. He is fully loaded, medkits, assault rifles, ammo and bike helmet. I nab a bunch of stuff jump on the bike and ride away from the blue circle. I have misjudged it because I didn't understand the difference between the blue and white circle.

I ride to the centre jump off and then crash out of the game to dashboard. Assuming that is that I go and check some other stuff in the menus before restarting the game after about 5 mins to see if I got gear or credits or anything (once again, don't know how this game works). See there is an option to rejoin. Rejoin.... I'm still alive! The blue circle is meters away from though and closing. I jump on the bike, sidecar, shit. Off and into the driving seat then head to the now very small circle. There is now only about 11 people left. I begin driving around in circles on my bike as I hear shots cracking off.

I accidentally run some one over who is hiding in the grass. There is also a couple of cars driving around. I think they are trying to ram me but my short time driving the bike lets me know the handling ins't good enough to hit a quick moving target. I intentionally run someone over. I know there are more people on the periphery and want to get off the bike but I have naff all health left. I run someone over by accident again.

4 people left. At least 2 are in vehicles. I see someone on the hill, drive at them and they shoot me off the bike. Fair play.

Not bad and I think I got a lot of the PUBG experience bases covered. Some skill, some (a lot) of dumb luck, driving, running, hiding, tension, farce.


Oct 28, 2017
First game last night, came fourth.

Jumped into the match, had no idea what any of the controls were. Landed in a small settlement and could see numerous other people land around me. I was last to the ground because of a lack of understanding on how parachutes work.

A quick survey of the houses yielded a pistol. I tried to stick to high ground and spotted a few people running around, tried not to engage but eventually got bored and squeezed off a few shots. I assume there is bullet drop in this game but I had no indication if I was hitting, I don't think I was.


When you hit someone, it renders a blood texture over the victim.
Oct 26, 2017
Goddamn, I pressed B after dying and normally you could join again as spectator but they took that out?

Do hope they fix the weird shaking screen when you drive the bike, good lord.
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Oct 30, 2017
Fuck I would really like to play this.

-I don't have PC
-I have a 1080p 32 inch tv
-I can buy Xbox One S for cheap or XoX for 2,5 times the price

What should I do?


Oct 27, 2017
Another patch is coming soon..

Fixes for crashes! Hallelujar!

Happy New Year's Xbox players,

Quick update:

We've finalized our list of fixes for our first "Client Side" patch of 2018. This next patch is focused on addressing known crashes as well as providing some quality of life improvements and gameplay adjustments.

If all goes as planned we'll be submitting our patch to Microsoft Certification tomorrow, with more specifics regarding release timing as well as the content of our patch later this week.

Thanks again for your continued feedback and support, and please direct discussion to the Xbox links below:

General Discussion & Feedback

General Help


Bug Reports & Troubleshooting

See you in-game,

The PUBG Development and Community Team
Oct 26, 2017
Microsoft Certification? What's the point? If they let it out in the state it's in right now what would cause them to reject a build? Xploding Xboxes?

The Futurist

Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if a hard shutdown or reset would help people.

I've heard of more crashes on the original one and the S, but on the X I've had no crashes. Not one.

I fully power off my Xbox every time I'm done with it. Crazy I know, but it's just this weird habit.

By "fully power off" I mean that I hold the console power button for a few seconds until it turns off.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if a hard shutdown or reset would help people.

I've heard of more crashes on the original one and the S, but on the X I've had no crashes. Not one.

I fully power off my Xbox every time I'm done with it. Crazy I know, but it's just this weird habit.

By "fully power off" I mean that I hold the console power button for a few seconds until it turns off.

I have an X and i fully power off, i still got crashes.


Oct 25, 2017
Glad to hear a patch to fix the crashes is coming out soon. I'm on the OG XBO and didn't have any crashes until the most recent patch. Game actually ran better for me at launch than it does now.