
Oct 25, 2017
It's still probably my favorite Platinum game, but yeah I don't think it really needs any kind of follow-up, especially now that Kamiya is gone.

I'm mostly just happy it's no longer trapped on the Wii U, even if it still apparently didn't sell anything


Feb 8, 2024
Imagine trading Astral Chain for this, and then the hypothetical scenario where Nintendo doesn't hire PG for the sequel.
It won't happen anyway because they'll need Taura for it. It sold 1M+ so it got very good potential for its future.

Like at the current moment, Nintendo is their only chances at getting work, Tencent dumped them and they lost Kamiya, Square Enix still taking time for a new Nier so what are they going to do.

When did Tencent dump them?


Prophet of Regret Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 7, 2019
I wonder what value they see in this IP? Outside of being proud if it of course. But they are still a business at the end of the day, and in that aspect I am currently worried about them.
Nov 2, 2017
I wonder what value they see in this IP? Outside of being proud if it of course. But they are still a business at the end of the day, and in that aspect I am currently worried about them.
They wanted to do the remaster project and that got done. I don't think there's much more to it! Fwiw I wouldn't be worried about their business unless their next projects don't perform. They got a shitload of Tencent money and have opened two new studios in the last four years.


Oct 25, 2017
That trading with Astral Chain rumor seems off. What is even there to trade? Platinum can't make an Astral Chain 2 without Nintendo but Nintendo wouldnt make an Astral Chain 2 without Platinum either.


Oct 25, 2017
That trading with Astral Chain rumor seems off. What is even there to trade? Platinum can't make an Astral Chain 2 without Nintendo but Nintendo wouldnt make an Astral Chain 2 without Platinum either.
I guess (if the speculation is true) it might have been more of a formality on Nintendo's part. They couldn't give the rights away for free, but they also weren't actually opposed to giving W101 back to a relatively broke Platinum, so a rights exchange might have been the next best thing to make it happen.


Oct 27, 2017
What's wrong with it?
I've did a list back in 2020 with the help of a W101 Discord server reporting them to me so I could then send the list to Platinum Games:

[PSA] Help me create a complete bug list, this is what I've got so far: :: The Wonderful 101: Remastered Tech Help / Support

EDIT: 13/06/2020 update with a lot of new bugs. Hello! I'm trying to do a complete bug list, maybe Platinum will read this one day... Those are the one that I've got and remember combined to other bugs signaled by the Wonderful 101 community. If you have any other bug to report tell me in the...

they responded but the game never received any patch that fixed any of those issues, instead later patches introduced even more bugs that aren't in the list (I've stopped to care and wasn't playing the game anymore), which include game crashing if unlocking specific "bottle-caps" or secret characters, looking at the caps in the gallery, or look at them and then get a guaranteed crash the next time you go in that menu or the must "fun" of them: the game randomly pause itself.
Almost all of those bugs apply on the console versions as well btw, crashes included.

It's really sad that such an amazing game is treated like this honestly.
Oct 25, 2017
Good for them. ... But now what?
Can't imagine they could get a sequel off the ground, and Kamiya is no longer with the company.
Are they going to pull a Treasure and just re-release it every new generation?

Trying not to "Platinum Doomer" here, but I don't see a viable path ahead. No info on anything they're working on, Project GG is somehow still going despite Kamiya leaving, it's been over a year since Bayo Origins, and I have to imagine Babylon's Fall was a substantial hit.

I guess Astral Chain sequel on Switch 2 if we're lucky?


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
think its platinums defining game in many ways

but its also bombed twice and feels like it was kamiya's baby so not sure what it would be worth now
Oct 25, 2017
I guess I could mention this...
You know the top reward for the Kickstarter? It was a tour of PlatinumGames' office in Japan.
Well, I'm friends with the one guy that bought it, and he had the tour earlier this year. He said Platinum told him they're working on "two projects". But nothing specific was told.


Jun 8, 2021
Yeah the hope is Astral Chain 2 is around Switch 2's launch
Ya know I hadn't really considered that, but Bayo 3 was 2 years ago now and Platinum seems to always have some Nintendo project cooking. Idk if it would be Astral Chain 2 but it's not that crazy that Platinum turns up with some games for it in 2025.

That's said I'd love an Astral Chain 2


One Winged Slayer - Powered by Friendship™
Oct 27, 2017
The only thing that could have saved the rerelease is if they'd got rid of the gamepad remnants:
  • Outdoor changes for indoor sections should have been comic panel or news feed cut-ins.
  • Just give us direct control of the floor-buttons ship even if it makes that section easier.
  • The subscreen was only really used for switching leaders which could easily be a menu function.


Dec 12, 2018
Related but only slightly, I wonder or Project GG will still happen without Kamiya. I believe it was meant to be the Ultraman to Wonderful 101s Super Sentai and Viewtiful Joe's Kamen Rider, wonder if the studio at large cares about finishing that since the Wonderful 101 remaster wasn't a big success. Probably more interest in more Astral Chain and Neir kinda character action.


Dec 18, 2017
It's not only one of Platinums best, to me it's one of the best video games of all time. I know it wasn't successful and is very niche game but to me it feels like it was made by people who absolutely love video games for people who love video games.


Feb 8, 2024
That's awesome. W101 is such a special and unique game. Even if it didn't sell good it's a masterpiece game.

I bet there is a bayo 3 switch 2 upgraded directors cut version or something since switch 1 barely ran bayo 3 to begin with.

I really hope they don't waste the time, the effort to salvage that game may as well be used on a new game.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd say good chance Nintendo has them working on a project for Switch 2.

If I were Nintendo (and I shouldn't be as I'd bankrupt them with my Chibi-Robo division), I'd have locked-down Abebe Tinari and Takahisa Taura as directors for whatever partnerships they have. Tinari absolutely killed it with Bayonetta Origins, and despite the hurdles it had to overcome to become a commercial success, I doubt there's anything but respect for his work from Nintendo. He made what amounts to PlatinumGames' least "PlatinumGames" game, and it was just incredible.

Taura did a fantastic job on Automata, but it was Astral Chain that really did a number on me. A really refreshing action game, super creative mechanics. I'd like to see Nintendo fund a sequel, but hell, I'd be even happier to see something new.

I'm concerned about a Kamiya-less PlatinumGames, but if folks are sticking around after his departure then there's still an overwhelming amount of talent in the studio.


Jun 22, 2018
I take it you don't have a Switch then because - Astral Chain, Bayonetta 3, Bayonetta Origins - they've been a pretty big developer on Switch.
Astral chain was great but that was like 5 years ago

bayonetta 3 was divisive (I'm on the side of not liking it) and Origins was a spin-off

I'm talking about new stuff. Their last new IP was Babylon's fall which was god awful
Oct 25, 2017
I've did a list back in 2020 with the help of a W101 Discord server reporting them to me so I could then send the list to Platinum Games:

[PSA] Help me create a complete bug list, this is what I've got so far: :: The Wonderful 101: Remastered Tech Help / Support

EDIT: 13/06/2020 update with a lot of new bugs. Hello! I'm trying to do a complete bug list, maybe Platinum will read this one day... Those are the one that I've got and remember combined to other bugs signaled by the Wonderful 101 community. If you have any other bug to report tell me in the...

they responded but the game never received any patch that fixed any of those issues, instead later patches introduced even more bugs that aren't in the list (I've stopped to care and wasn't playing the game anymore), which include game crashing if unlocking specific "bottle-caps" or secret characters, looking at the caps in the gallery, or look at them and then get a guaranteed crash the next time you go in that menu or the must "fun" of them: the game randomly pause itself.
Almost all of those bugs apply on the console versions as well btw, crashes included.

It's really sad that such an amazing game is treated like this honestly.

Thanks, I had no idea about those issues.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know why W101 was so unappealing to general audiences, but it's a shame because the game was solid as hell and a lot of fun. I thought maybe the game would find some level of success after being freed from the Wii U but even then nobody cared. I would imagine that did a number on Kamiya, he probably thought people were just uncultured swine
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like I haven't thought about platinum games, the company itself, in a long time. It's almost like I forgot it existed. Release a good non Switch game again, for fucks sakes, I don't want that console.


Jun 12, 2024
Was literally thinking about this yesterday

Seems like a good time to launch it too, right when people are wanting something to play on their shiny new console, and it's been a while since the first one

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the first party launch lineup is:

- New 3D Mario
- Astral Chain 2
- Ring Fit Adventure 2
- Some minigame collection

Seems realistic based off dev cycles and covers all of the bases at launch.