John Dunbar

Oct 25, 2017
Isn't that not really comparable? On the one hand, Muhammad Ali converted to a new religion. He wasn't a Muslim before his conversion. On the other hand, the YouTuber in the OP was always a woman. We just didn't know it publicly.
i didn't say it was comparable, i just think it's needlessly confusing to refer to someone by their old name. especially when the article randomly calls him "ali" even when he was still "clay," sometimes within the same paragraph.


Nov 25, 2017
To be fair to the poster who got called out, they really didn't deserve to get spoken to how they were.

If the poster had referred to Abigail as 'him' then yeah, they would have deserved all the shit coming to them.

But all the poster was doing is being neutral and avoiding gender specific terms. It's something I have actually started doing because I don't want to misgender someone by mistake and so I just automatically use neutral language to avoid any mistakes.

I appreciate how sensitive this subject is for many people but to jump on someone for using them seems uncalled for.
I agree, the intent was obviously not bad, everyone has to chill a little when it's clear that it was an honest mistake.


Nov 8, 2017
When I come to think of it, she had been presenting more feminine or at least gender neutral in her last couple of videos, especially the Confucius video.
Good for her.


Oct 25, 2017
i didn't say it was comparable, i just think it's needlessly confusing to refer to someone by their old name.
Fair enough.

especially when the article randomly calls him "ali" even when he was still "clay," sometimes within the same paragraph.
That's just inconsistencies due to Wikipedia being a collaborative work. These kinds of inconsistencies are supposed to be corrected, not used as justification for other stuff.


Mar 2, 2020

Nothing to say but good for her!
Nov 27, 2019
PhilosophyTube had always been one of those channels I was peripherally aware of but never actually watched.

That coming out video didn't lay out anything I didn't already know with regards to the current plight of trans people, but Christ was it depressing to see it packed up into such a succinct package like that. I've been... Having a very hard time feeling the weight of the world lately, and everything she said there is a big piece of why that's the case. She's so much stronger than I think I could ever be.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
To be fair to the poster who got called out, they really didn't deserve to get spoken to how they were.

If the poster had referred to Abigail as 'him' then yeah, they would have deserved all the shit coming to them.

But all the poster was doing is being neutral and avoiding gender specific terms. It's something I have actually started doing because I don't want to misgender someone by mistake and so I just automatically use neutral language to avoid any mistakes.

I appreciate how sensitive this subject is for many people but to jump on someone for using them seems uncalled for.
I agree, the intent was obviously not bad, everyone has to chill a little when it's clear that it was an honest mistake.
"Trans women need to chill and not even give a gentle correction regarding misgendering someone while they're announcing their gender/pronouns."

Yeah, ok.


Nov 25, 2017
"Trans women need to chill and not even give a gentle correction regarding misgendering someone while they're announcing their gender/pronouns."

Yeah, ok.
Don't do this, I am 100% for trans rights. I'm just saying it was an honest mistake. Your response wasn't really that bad in my eyes but a little pointed for someone who simply slipped up without evil intent. You could just say something like, hey you might not know it but that's not ok, people are trying to learn and not everything is an attack. Save it for people who are actively trying to put down the trans community, not for those trying to do the right thing that make a mistake.
That is all I'm saying.


Oct 25, 2017
It's angering what's happening here in the UK to increase transphobia and discrimination in the politics sphere through new measures. She's right that there's no trans MP/representative in politics, which is worse than other western countries. NHS needs to be reworked to be less discriminatory. There's a lot of work to be done but I hope we get to a world where being trans is normal, and everyone is afforded equal access to healthcare that's needed.

While I was annoyed by her reaction to the Contrapoints scandal and haven't watched her content since, I might go back now.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Don't do this, I am 100% for trans rights. I'm just saying it was an honest mistake. Your response wasn't really that bad in my eyes but a little pointed for someone who simply slipped up without evil intent. You could just say something like, hey you might not know it but that's not ok, people are trying to learn and not everything is an attack. Save it for people who are actively trying to put down the trans community, not for those trying to do the right thing that make a mistake.
That is all I'm saying.
And what I'm saying is that I wasn't treating it as an attack, just gently correcting someone. You, however, are being very condescending.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't do this, I am 100% for trans rights. I'm just saying it was an honest mistake. Your response wasn't really that bad in my eyes but a little pointed for someone who simply slipped up without evil intent. You could just say something like, hey you might not know it but that's not ok, people are trying to learn and not everything is an attack. Save it for people who are actively trying to put down the trans community, not for those trying to do the right thing that make a mistake.
That is all I'm saying.
Nothing was said that requires this lecture from you. Take a step back for a moment.

Deleted member 20850

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Don't do this, I am 100% for trans rights. I'm just saying it was an honest mistake. Your response wasn't really that bad in my eyes but a little pointed for someone who simply slipped up without evil intent. You could just say something like, hey you might not know it but that's not ok, people are trying to learn and not everything is an attack. Save it for people who are actively trying to put down the trans community, not for those trying to do the right thing that make a mistake.
That is all I'm saying.

Misgendering remains misgendering nonetheless.
No one was rude or outright attacking anyone. But if you are really an ally you have to be able to take the 'heat' of a polite correction.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
Happy for Abigail!

Her YT channel is one of my favorites. The video on sex work was particularly well-done.

John Dunbar

Oct 25, 2017
That's just inconsistencies due to Wikipedia being a collaborative work. These kinds of inconsistencies are supposed to be corrected, not used as justification for other stuff.

those inconsistencies happening would seem to be an excellent reason to use just one name throughout the entire article. but it sounds like you think using clay for a bunch of it makes sense? i would like to hear why, because i see no point in doing that except in cases where his birth name is relevant for whatever reason. the articles on bob dylan or david bowie (the first two famous people who chose news names that came to mind) don't refer to them as zimmerman or jones when covering their earlier exploits.


Oct 28, 2017
Here's a probably somewhat ignorant question that I actually have asked myself before.
In cases like this, where say a somewhat public figure comes out as trans and changes the pronouns they identify with - does that apply "retroactively"? Like obviously she's a she in her present day iteration, but when referring back to her Brexit video, for example.

Back then they presented as male and back in the day probably used he/him. So what's the right etiquette here? Do you refer to them by their newly established prononus or by the one used back when the video was made?
E.g. did he make a video about brexit or did she?

Again, apologies if this is insensitive in any way, I'm not trying to misgender anyone and I'm not saying that she shouldn't be referred to as a woman. I'm just kind of unclear about whether it's retroactive or not.

Trans people were always the gender they transition to. They were just presenting as a different gender before then. I was always female, despite presenting as male for 40 years.


Oct 30, 2017
Really glad for her. I think Philosophy Tube is definitely one of my favourites channels. The bit about about it being an internal war that is not allowed to end really hit me in the feels. UK right now is sadly so trash for trans people. It's so weird to see all this TERFdom grow. Urgh.


May 7, 2019
I cried quite a lot watching the new video. Towards the end especially, it just hits incredibly close to home, and I think I'll be showing at least some clips of this to some cis friends and family to get across some of my feelings, as she puts them better than I ever could.


Dec 22, 2017
Philosophy tube is dope! It must be such a relief to come out as yourself, haha. Happy for ya, Abigail! c:
Jun 17, 2019
Okay first off congrats to her!

Second, correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Abigail do a video a long while ago about male abuse victims as well. Or am I thinking of another YouTube?

Also is it strictly Abigail or does she also go by Abby?


Oct 27, 2017
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Okay first off congrats to her!

Second, correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Abigail do a video a long while ago about male abuse victims as well. Or am I thinking of another YouTube?

Also is it strictly Abigail or does she also go by Abby?
That was her too, yes.

Her friends in the comments of her Twitter post are calling her "Abi" so that's probably what they'd been calling her for some time.


Oct 27, 2017
The entire channel hits differently after watching her latest video (from today), since she came out internally a year ago but struggled to come to terms with it publicly (I imagine "TERF Island" played a big role in that). It just makes me think of the pain she was in making those videos.

However, she doesn't want to focus on the suffering aspect of it so I ultimately won't either. Really happy for her to have this weight lifted.


Oct 28, 2017
Grats to her! Definitely feels like more people are comfortable coming forward now these days, despite the lingering hate out there.

Having no familiarity with this channel I was like "Holy shit, she has a youtube channel and managed to come out looking like she's been transitioning for years!". Then watched the video and looked looked at her past videos and first laughed at myself for that being my immediate though, then had to think I can only imagine what it was like to basically be transitioning in the public eye without being out yet.

Her relief and fears resonate deeply with me, though I do not have the pressure she must face as a youtube personality. It's especially sad to me that as rough as the USA can be as a trans person, it seems worse in the UK ATM. At least here some states are far more progressive with their policies and Biden's election should move the needle in the right direction for at least a bit.


The Moyes are Back in Town
Oct 25, 2017
Grats to her! Definitely feels like more people are comfortable coming forward now these days, despite the lingering hate out there.

Having no familiarity with this channel I was like "Holy shit, she has a youtube channel and managed to come out looking like she's been transitioning for years!". Then watched the video and looked looked at her past videos and first laughed at myself for that being my immediate though, then had to think I can only imagine what it was like to basically be transitioning in the public eye without being out yet.

Her relief and fears resonate deeply with me, though I do not have the pressure she must face as a youtube personality. It's especially sad to me that as rough as the USA can be as a trans person, it seems worse in the UK ATM. At least here some states are far more progressive with their policies and Biden's election should move the needle in the right direction for at least a bit.
It's going back the other way in the UK, not a single party in the UK cares about the plight of trans people and large parts of British culture and the mainstream press is transphobic.


Oct 28, 2017
It's angering what's happening here in the UK to increase transphobia and discrimination in the politics sphere through new measures. She's right that there's no trans MP/representative in politics, which is worse than other western countries. NHS needs to be reworked to be less discriminatory. There's a lot of work to be done but I hope we get to a world where being trans is normal, and everyone is afforded equal access to healthcare that's needed.

While I was annoyed by her reaction to the Contrapoints scandal and haven't watched her content since, I might go back now.

The UK is absolutely shit for trans people right now. Imagine having stupid bloody Liz Truss & Kemi Badenoch as your supposed ministers for equality. Absolutely fucking useless, at best, but in truth, they're a pair of vindictive bastards intent on destroying the rights of anyone other than themselves. Sorry, always angry at Liz Truss at the very least.

It's going back the other way in the UK, not a single party in the UK cares about the plight of trans people and large parts of British culture and the mainstream press is transphobic.

Yeah, this is the shit that hurts. Labour are shoddy at best, with members frequently "protecting the rights of women, but not those ghastly fake-women" and even the SNP, long held as a bastion of progressiveness, has stupid bollox twats like Joanna Cherry running us down on the same TERF-y shit

UGHHH. Sorry. This isn't the thread (One I made, no less... lol) for complaining


Oct 29, 2017
Good for Abie. I haven't watched her videos for a while, but she's always had a good perspective.


Jan 17, 2019
I don't watch her channel as much as maybe I should, but congrats all the same.

Don't misgender her in the thread about her coming out, c'mon.
This might be overly pedantic, but... when it comes to improper usage of the gender neutral pronouns of "they/them", I think it might be more intuitive as to why it's wrong if you referred to it as "disgendering" rather than "misgendering".


Oct 27, 2017
Okay first off congrats to her!

Second, correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Abigail do a video a long while ago about male abuse victims as well. Or am I thinking of another YouTube?

She did.

Also is it strictly Abigail or does she also go by Abby?

In the new video she says her friends call her Abby and Abs. Obviously we are not her friends, though, so I would be reluctant to use familiar nicknames like that.


Oct 25, 2017
Congrats to her, Ive been a subscriber since some time ago and cant wait for her next videos.


Dec 13, 2017
Def better to be specific, but now I have a question - I thought they/them was a neutral way to refer to people. If I don't know someone's gender (like, online) I try to make sure I default to they/them.

It naturally doesn't apply to this case, since PhilosophyTube is specifically she/her, but is there some other or better way to be broadly refer to anyone other than they/them? Something else neutral & inclusive?

Sorry if not appropriate.

EDIT: And more on topic, congrats to her!

They/them is the neutral/inclusive term to use in most cases as it includes everyone (male gender, female gender, gender, gender fluid, etc.).

In this case, because the topic is her coming out, you would want to use she/her. But in a topic where gender was irrelevant the singular they is a good neutral term to use because it doesn't exclude anyone.

Singular they has been a thing in English as far back as the 1300s, but it's only been in the last two decades that academics have started to accept it as correct usage. (Academics are known to be stubborn. 😀)

This excerpt from Time goes into more detail:
All the while singular they has been lurking in the background. And now it's moving to the fore. A driving force has been the LGBTQ community, which has embraced singular they not only to include both men and women but also to refer to non-binary people who identify as neither. That has added social conservatives to the word's detractors, but has also given it steam. The new binary-busting usage made it the American Dialect Society's "Word of the Year" in 2015 and then Merriam-Webster's in 2019.

It also helped inspire linguistic authorities to put down their red pens. In 2015, the Washington Post copy desk announced that the paper would start allowing singular they. In 2017, the AP Stylebook approved it "when alternative wording is overly awkward or clumsy." The same year, the Chicago Manual of Style said that if an individual prefers to be referred to as they, then they is the preferred style. And each evolution has added to the sense that this usage isn't just convenient, it's also grammatically okay.

Bryan Garner, author of the famed usage guide Garner's Modern English Usage, describes the word's viral adoption in recent years as being, at least in part, the result of social pressure: In this case, the demands about what "ought" to be acceptable are coming from progressives rather than school teachers. Though he predicted in the '90s that singular they would prevail, he says he is surprised that LGBTQ rights proved the tipping point. "It used to be that the he-or-she folks were progressive," he writes to TIME, "now their 'binary' usage is considered distinctly unwoke."
Oct 26, 2017
congrats to her !

though if I can be honest and clearly self centered, I'm feeling a weird sense of loss at this information. I saw who she used to present as, as a great role model and example of positive masculinity, one that particularly resonated with me. I don't really know what to think of this in light of this news.


well shit, she addressed this precise point in the vid and now I feel like an ass
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Oct 26, 2017
So happy for her! I got into her videos recently and her work is great.

It's awful how bad things have gotten in the UK. I really hope there is a turn-around soon.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 17, 2018
congrats to her !

though if I can be honest and clearly self centered, I'm feeling a weird sense of loss at this information. I saw who she used to present as, as a great role model and example of positive masculinity, one that particularly resonated with me. I don't really know what to think of this in light of this news.
As a straight cis man who had a huge gay crush on her, I would suggest whatever traits you identified as positive to your masculine persona to continue embracing. Gender is fluid, and that includes those of us who still identify to more traditional presentations, don't worry about finding the role models only within your gender because then you're just reducing those aspects to conservative gender norms.


Mar 9, 2020
Big congrats to Abby, her coming out video really hits you in the feels and you can tell in the end that a huge weight has been lifted off of her.

Interesting that she specifically pointed out how people might react that looked up to her as a male-role model when she was still presenting male. Im not sure if I looked up to her male persona per se, but I definitely always really liked the flair that persona had and atleast from time to time I caught myself thinking I would like to be more like that, but I guess that isnt diminished in any way by her coming out. Its also a good reminder that you never really know who the person behind the camera truly is and that you should treat youtube videos as what they mostly are - a performance. Definitely looking forward to her upcoming content.


Oct 25, 2017
Lucille Bluth.gif Good for her

But yea congratulations to her, here's hoping to her continued success ^^b
Edit: adjusted punctuation specifically nthe quotes around good for her as it looked off, for not conveying my sincerity in the matter
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