
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, but Xbox is not a console platform anymore. It's a multidevice platform. Xbox Windows Store and GamePass for PC are competitors of Steam.

They do not see themselves as such. You still have to log into your Xbox account to play their games on Steam. That's all they really care about. It pumps up the MAU numbers.


Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
Isn't releasing games on Steam the same thing as releasing games on PS5?

Steam is absolutely different platform from Xbox (Xbox Store, GamePass PC).
Steam is synonymous with 'PC platform' at this point. Microsoft makes far more money releasing games on Steam than they would by locking everything to the Windows App.

Microsoft also, uh.. owns Windows as a platform. I have no idea how you can draw an allusion to releasing on PS5.

Dark Mantonio

Nov 1, 2017
It got me to preorder a series x so it's working



Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
Lol, what is up with some people, is reading that hard?

there is no confirmation that the games will not come to other platforms and the first two pages are all like "well, there it is" as if he outright said "these games will be exclusive" as if it was confirmed.

don´t try to read into things which are not confirmed, especially not when someone ends with "whatever that means", do some people think he would go "sure, these games also come to other platforms" when they are about to launch a new console? this is marketing 101, he is being vague for a reason.

Deleted member 13077

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Controversial maybe, but to me, even as someone who has primarily gamed on Playstation all of my life and will likely continue to do so, they should absolutely be exclusive.

I long for the days of the 360 in terms of Microsoft software. The first few years of that console were glorious, and they were made by MS being aggressive with their deals. It's been over a decade since Xbox was at its peak, and it was never going to happen again unless MS started channelling a bit of that early 360 energy.
May 25, 2019
Not everyone is willing or able to buy a $1200+ PC just to play a couple of games though. This idea that PC is a magical solution for everyone ignores the fact that PC gaming is a luxury well beyond the means of most console gamers.

Well if you don't want to pick up a Series S or get a PC, you can stream it over XCloud to phone or tablet.

There's multiple ways to experience the content, unlike Sony exclusives which only come out on one platform.
Oct 25, 2017
Really wish the question would have been are future Bethesda games coming to PlayStation?

They way he worded the question I almost wonder if they were asked not to ask questions directly about PlayStation?

Just wish they would come out and say definitively because the language is always vague. Maybe just because the deal isn't done?

Also if you think this confirms anything the article itself obviously didn't, since they posed the question directly after that answer. And it would have been the headline of the article if he did confirm anything.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone who thought they were still coming to the Playstation outside of the games with deals already in place were kidding themselves. You don't spend that amount of money on a company just to keep them going as normal.
I bet there are still some people that somehow still believe those games are coming 😂😂😂

What I understand is that if the Xbox Series X + xCloud + PC + Gamepass sell well and it's a good business, they will remain exclusive; otherwise, they will consider other platforms.

Microsoft knows they are not the market leader, and they should know how probable it is to get to 100+ user base with all their business together this generation. They can't ignore so many potential buyers if they know they can't reach the sales potential that PS + Switch has.
They've been doing just that lol. Only games coming to other platforms was digital legos and indie games for switch. All the big expensive halos, forza, gears have never and will never touch those platforms unless epics wins it's court case and Microsoft can out their own stores on playstation.

-Le Monde-

Dec 8, 2017
Pretty much this. There should be no expectation that their games ever land on PlayStation again but it'd be cool if they did. I'm in a fortunate position to be getting both consoles, but I feel for people that miss out on titles from both sides.
That's how I feel.
I have to admit, for some reason I always preferred to play Bethesda games on xbox.


Oct 26, 2017
These people are in the business to make the most money, not to put the number of consoles sold on a gold plaque to rub it in the competition's face.

They make their money on game sales, if they own and publish Bethesda games, it only makes business sense to make the most sales possible, which means one way or another, regardless of all the chest-beating at the start of a generation, these games are coming to other platforms.

Right now they want to use this publicity to position their platform as the most enticing, so obviously they won't say, yeah we'll sell our games on other platforms.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 30, 2017
It reads to me like he's saying that they didn't do this deal specifically to keep games of PlayStation. But that obviously the games won't be coming out there.


Oct 28, 2017
Seems like he is saying give us gamepass on your platform or you'll get no games


Jan 11, 2018
People who thought he'd put those games on other platforms were crazy. It makes absolutely no financial sense for MS. You don't spend that much money to put those games on a rival platform.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Well if you don't want to pick up a Series S or get a PC, you can stream it over XCloud to phone or tablet.

There's multiple ways to experience the content, unlike Sony exclusives which only come out on one platform.

I will never, ever, ever, ever play a major console game on my phone via streaming. I don't care what company releases that kind of service, I am not interested in supporting it.

Over in Algonquin my cousin's local library still does 'em. No one ever checks out consoles in the middle of nowhere 🤣

In Chicago however all we get are books. Which is good don't get me wrong! Butttttttt I'd love to get what those smaller townships have, especially with our tax rate >.>

Yeah. I'm in Chicago too. Ain't no CPL branches handing out $500 consoles for nothing.


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
I know this statement doesn't state much but it's hints at the direction they want to take Bethesda. Bottom line is just don't expect Bethesda games to hit PlayStation or Nintendo platforms in the future. The sooner we prepare for that inevitability, the better. I'm gonna miss playing Arkane games on PS after Deathloop :(
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
Why not just say "Bethesda games will now be exclusive to Xbox going forward" ???

Maybe because MS has eyes on gamepass as a box-agnostic service.

If Microsoft can get their platform (gamepass) on other boxes that are not Xbox, they'll jump at that. The question is at what point they become too big for other boxes to ignore. Acquisitions like this, IMO, are part of the process of getting too big to ignore.

That is probably the one and only way those games will come to PS or Nintendo going forward, though, asides from maybe the odd exception.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
this was clear from the beginning. they didn't spend that much money to let bethesda do business as usual. if all they wanted was bethesda games on game pass day 1 they could have made that deal with much less than 7.5 billion.


Oct 27, 2017
Not vague if you read the interview again and look at the MS-Nintendo section and apply it to the Bethesda deal:

Basically the only way Bethesda games might come if they offer full on Xbox Live support (Game Pass) as the model is not sustainable.
lol he should just stop beating around the bush and say it already. Xbox exclusive.


Oct 25, 2017
I just imagine it'll be like obsidian, if the games are far enough along for release elsewhere, might as well keep it going. But future games likely won't be developed for other consoles.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know why this is surprising. Microsoft didn't pay $7.5 billion simply to put those games on a competing platform.

They gain far more in the long run if they can bring people into the PC/Xbox/xCloud/GamePass ecosystem to play those games, rather than just selling a $70 copy on a competing console.


Prophet of Truth - Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
The last game i can see going to Playstation is starfield but even that wouldnt surprise me if its only on xbox and pc


Oct 26, 2017
So MS just spend 7.5 billion to keep releasing their games on other platforms? It seems obvious they want the development of games to be exclusive to the xbox. Otherwise why bother. I don't know why it was a debate.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
I'll see what happens when it happens. This doesn't confirm anything but it's just more of the same "whatever makes sense at the time".


Oct 27, 2017
The whole thing is weirdly non-PR-y - we don't have to ship them on other platforms to make it worth it, but we don't want to take games away from other player bases, but we have our own player bases.


Oct 25, 2017
The most likely case for the big ones is exclusive xbox/PC for a year or however long to entice people to buy an xbox but then comes everywhere after for the double, triple, quadruple dip like FO/ES. People are still buying Skyrim.


Shinra Employee
Aug 22, 2018
Really not surprised and to be frank....MS kind of need the sort exclusives Bethesda can provide.

It certainly worked on me, I went from not being interested to pre-ordering the Series X on all access the next day. The value of game pass is just too good to resist when the alternative is £70 games.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll make sure to cherish the last Tango/Mikami game on Playstation lol. Just hope Ghost Wire is as good to play as it looks.


Oct 25, 2017
"This deal was not done to take games away from another player base like that. Nowhere in the documentation that we put together was: 'How do we keep other players from playing these games?' We want more people to be able to play games, not fewer people to be able to go play games.
There's legitimately no other reason to purchase Bethesda and then be vague on whether or not the games are coming to other platforms, if not to sow seeds of doubt for mindshare purposes in the lead up to a new generation and then literally remove access from players games that were going to be coming to all platforms regardless because they will already be deeply invested in another platform by the time those games come out. How does he expect people to believe this?


Oct 25, 2017
I think it was always pretty obvious that the purchase was to drive customers to the XBox platform. Be it PC, Gamepass or XBOX. It's not gonna be on PS5.