
Jan 11, 2018
Maybe this has absolutely nothing to do with Ben Shapiro and you shouldn't bring someone else into the discussion to further your own agenda.

This is an incredibly sad and upsetting act. Don't muddy the waters unnecessarily.

Ben Shapiro has been peddling islamophobia for years. His content has been linked to a mosque shooting that happened LESS THAN A YEAR AGO.

Deleted member 4260

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe this has absolutely nothing to do with Ben Shapiro and you shouldn't bring someone else into the discussion to further your own agenda.

This is an incredibly sad and upsetting act. Don't muddy the waters unnecessarily.
Ben Shapiro is known for his hateful anti-Muslim rhetoric. Don't do this.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Maybe this has absolutely nothing to do with Ben Shapiro and you shouldn't bring someone else into the discussion to further your own agenda.

This is an incredibly sad and upsetting act. Don't muddy the waters unnecessarily.

Yeah, I'm sure the dude that talks about 800 million radical muslims that want to commit jihad against us (while living in open sewage) and that was clearly influential on another mass murderer is just another random shlub and has no bearing on the conversation.

Shapiro is far more relevant to this discussion than the man in the title, even if he's a shithead too.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe this has absolutely nothing to do with Ben Shapiro and you shouldn't bring someone else into the discussion to further your own agenda.

This is an incredibly sad and upsetting act. Don't muddy the waters unnecessarily.
Don't. The waters are already "muddy".

And while this specific topic pertains to PDP, let's not for a second pretend that Ben Shapiro and his ilk are not responsible for radicalizing the right.


Oct 25, 2017
Let that be an actual lesson he understands. Your voice has a huge influence when you have millions of followers. He's been denying that responsibility for too long.

No thank you. Now's not the time for him to somehow "learn". His decisions were intentional and the facts were in front of him. Even today his apology is pathetic. He needs to be deplatformed NOW. There are deaths directly attributed now.


Oct 29, 2017

I just cant anymore.

How hard is it for these people to see that their words/social media can carry such a weight.
That would mean actually genuinely empathizing with the struggles of marginalized people. People like PDP DO NOT genuinely care about the people they claim to care about. Whether they support violence or not is irrelevant to the fact that what entertains PDP entertains the selfsame violent bigots. PDP doesn't want to watch what he says and if he actually was invested in progress he wouldn't even have to. He would curb his language because he'd be aware that it's harmful. Rather he knows shit he says is not only an insult to Jewish people etc. and draws in a crowd who are deplorable and just doesn't really care. He sends out weak apologies and condolences to give the veneer that he's both a sympathetic and rational man who happens to find Nazism hilarious and people like Shapiro enlightening. He and no one who worships him is eager to say that those two mindsets are incongruous.
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Deleted member 283

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
"I don't understand how influencers can influence people." "I mean really." "Propaganda can''t exist on youtube. Especially from my favorite streamer that i don't even like, pewds."
Indeed. They're literally called "influencers," that's true. Like, people literally pay these YouTube channels and make marketing seals and stuffs with them to try and promote their own games and stuff. The idea that suddenly influencers have no influence is a bizarre one.

And in PewDiePie's case, it's not just games he's promoted, but also racist and anti-Semitic rhetoric. He's linked to actual NeoNazi channels. There's a reason why WWII memorials in particular have been vandalized with "subscribe to PewDiePie" garbage, and no, it's not just because of the meme. People don't vandalize that stuff just for "the meme." There's a reason those particular locations were chosen and they were vandalized with what they were, and they're not do easily separated. And that's the hateful ideology PewDiePie himself has promoted at numerous incidents.

Now, this does not mean that PewDiePie is solely to blame. But what it means is that he's not so easily separated either. With his platform, with the amount of subscribers and followers he has comes the ability to influence others and with then comes certain responsibilities. And PewDiePie has used this influence at numerous times to spread exactly the same kind of hate that lead to this attack in the first place.

This does not mean that he's solely to blame for the attack, of course not. But it means he can't easily be separated from it either, as he's used the influence he wiekds irresponsibly at every turn and continues to do do. Just like the vandalism at WWII/Jewish cemeteries I mentioned previously, it's no coincide the shooter mentioned PewDiePie. Yes, yes, the memes, but there's lots of memes out there. Literally hundreds of the things.

So why this one? The same reason the shooter also mentioned individuals such as Candace Owens. The consistent link is a promotion of hateful ideology.

Now again, in case this still isn't clear, this does mean that PewDiePie is solely to nlsme for it. But he is not do easily separated and what he is responsible for is consistently promoting harmful ideology and rhetoric at every turn, and that's something not so easily separated from incidents like this and that, the promotion of such hateful ideas and rhetoric, is what he's responsible for and can't do easily run away from. This doesn't mean that he should be thrown in jail for the shooting or anything like that, duh, but what it does mean is that these things don't occur in a vacuum and people ate only trying to fool themselves if they think otherwise. Things like this don't just pop out of the ether, completely separate and disconnected from any other events. And that's the ride PewDiePie plays in incidents like this, being one of those connections, one of those influences, which is his choice as he could have done differently at any point but chose to use his influence the way he did instead.

The amount of people that either don't get that or don't care in this thread and flocking to defend PewDiePie and completely disconnect him in any way whatsoever from incidents like tgis, despite his hateful rhetoric and actions, despite the clear connections between that type of rhetoric and attacks like this that just don't exist for say violent video games and nass shootings (that's the difference: violent video games don't typically say also promote actual Neo-Nazi channels or promote anti-Semitic attacks and other stuff like that while PewDiePie does and has), is so incredibly depressing. I expected some of that of course but the amount of people coming in here just to say things like that are way, way higher than I expected and that's just depressing to me.

Like for instance, just to get the point across of the kind of influence these kinds of words and actions can have even if they're not directly responsible for the incidents in question and how those connections are nonetheless very important themselves in ways most of us probably already understand in regards to other incidents, just to get that point across if it's not already clear, if people can understand why say President Trump's words and actions matter, and why, say, it was a terrible thing when Trump said that there were "fine people on both sides" in response to the Charlottesville hate-rally, the kind if effects those kinds of words and actions have, the links between Trump being elected President and a rise in hate-crines in the US, the links between Trump's hatedul rhetoric regarding the media bring the enemy of the people and the kind of hateful and tragic incidents that has lead to under the Trump presidency, or stuff like that guy who tried to send bombs through the mail to CNN and all kinds of prominent Democrats and how closely that was connected to Trump and his hateful venom (with the guy literally having a van decked out in stuff like Trump logos and bumper stickers) if people can understand stuff like that and how they're interconnected and can't so easily be separated, they should also be able to understand why, even though like how Trump is not solely responsible for those incidents he can't do easily be disconnected from them and his words and actions clearly have influence and do matter and should be chosen with diligence as to not promote hate, and the same goes for PewDiePie. He may not be solely responsible, of course not, but he can't do easily be disconnected from these kinds of incidents either and hss to be responsible for his own role, the kind of hate he spreads, which tragically he isn't right now. Nowhere close.

Xx 720

Nov 3, 2017
I don't watch streamers, didn't know pewdiepie was alt right, sad as so many kids follow him.depressing, what is the world coming to...


Oct 28, 2017
Man, i almost defend PDP then i read the threadmark and i was like, oh yeah, he enabled them... like seriously at this point,he either delete his youtube channel or at least make PSA video saying he's sorry, distancing himself from alt right and white supremacist stuff.


Oct 11, 2018
London & Taiwan
User Banned (1 Month): Downplaying Hate Speech; Inflammatory Generalizations
Oh come on. This man has created one of the most toxic hateful communities and refuses to take responsibility.

Not a fan of pewdiepie at all, but this thread right now reads honestly like a extremist hate forum for nazi's or something.. The hatred and vitriol here is pretty unsettling. Why are you all acting like the people you're so against?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Man, i almost defend PDP then i read the threadmark and i was like, oh yeah, he enabled them... like seriously at this point,he either delete his youtube channel or at least make PSA video saying he's sorry, distancing himself from alt right and white supremacist stuff.
But that would mean he would have to admit to being a part of these events. There's no way in hell he would take any responsibility. He's a spineless fuckhead.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Not a fan of pewdiepie at all, but this thread right now reads honestly like a extremist hate forum for nazi's or something.. The hatred and vitriol here is pretty unsettling. Why are you all acting like the people you're so against?

Oct 30, 2017
The thing is stuff like this happened before the internet, but it was less widely broadcast. The internet isn't the issue, it's how we as a species deal with mental health, education and politics. Politics has become a shit show, its a shouting match now and maybe it always was. Rather than having civil discussions with each other Politicians are teaching people indirectly to go to the extreme to make their voices heard (shutting down government in America over the wall for instance).

This is awful news to wake up to. RIP to the innocent people :(

EDIT: I guess the internet at least does give people like PDP who can influence people like this an easier way of doing so, otherwise they'd need to do it in person like a lot of cult leaders did previously which severely diminishes their influence.

Internet has given hate a platform with a wide, wide reach though.


Sep 7, 2018
THQ Nordic linked to 8chan in their Twitter post and decided to hold their AMA on 8chan. The onus is completely on them for making that decision, outlets then reported on exactly that as they should have.

Also, "they're not going anywhere" is defeatist bullshit.

Most people don't read Nordic's tweets. If nobody had spread news about the AMA, 8chan wouldn't have received so much attention. Like I said, I hadn't even heard of 8chan until I read about it here and that would still be the case if nobody had posted about it. NeoGAF is another good example. It was relevant when people talked about it. Now nobody talks about it and it's effectively dead.

It's good to be passionate and fight for what you believe in but you should also recognize the repercussions of your actions. Talking about the AMA gave 8chan a lot of attention that it otherwise wouldn't have had. Unless that attention results in the site getting shut down, the desired result will not be achieved and the exposure will have only helped 8chan grow. Nordic is certainly to blame for hosting the AMA on 8chan to begin with but they aren't to blame for propagating that news across the internet.

Deleted member 41271

User requested account closure
Mar 21, 2018
but this thread right now reads honestly like a extremist hate forum for nazi's or something.

Yes, the guy you're defending, who had signs saying "Death to all Jews", sure looks like an extremist posting hateful shit for nazis, and his defenders do seem like people defending extremist hate from nazis.

If you think that objecting to "Death to all Jews" makes you "an extremist" that posts "in a hate forum for nazis", your world view is completely screwed.

Most people don't read Nordic's tweets. If nobody had spread news about the AMA, 8chan wouldn't have received so much attention.

Yes, letting Nazis do what they do in peace without objection sure works.... not once in the history of humanity.

Not to mention: We tried this. For years. Got us Charlotteville, multiple mass shottings, websites like 8chan, incel entitlement, comment sections getting turned into toxic wastelands, youtube spreading outright lies and propaganda, and women getting harassed, murdered and threatened en masse.

When will you start learning that appeasement and ignoring the problem doesn't make it go away? Quite the opposite, that is what makes it stronger.
The only thing keeping quiet does is making things all peaceful and quiet for you, so you don't have to see what is going on, while giving the abusers in quiestion the cover they need to attack their targets, without their targets being able to get any help or support.
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Prophet of Regret - Lizard Daddy
Oct 25, 2017
Not a fan of pewdiepie at all, but this thread right now reads honestly like a extremist hate forum for nazi's or something.. The hatred and vitriol here is pretty unsettling. Why are you all acting like the people you're so against?

"being mad about nazis is just as bad as the nazis themselves"

I hope you find the other half of your brain someday because life must be difficult being that stupid

Deleted member 5491

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Not a fan of pewdiepie at all, but this thread right now reads honestly like a extremist hate forum for nazi's or something.. The hatred and vitriol here is pretty unsettling. Why are you all acting like the people you're so against?
Sure, trying to explain where this hatred is coming from is equal to spouting hatred


Oct 27, 2017
Man, i almost defend PDP then i read the threadmark and i was like, oh yeah, he enabled them... like seriously at this point,he either delete his youtube channel or at least make PSA video saying he's sorry, distancing himself from alt right and white supremacist stuff.
We will be here with a similar thread in a month of two, he can't help himself.

Deleted member 8001

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Not a fan of pewdiepie at all, but this thread right now reads honestly like a extremist hate forum for nazi's or something.. The hatred and vitriol here is pretty unsettling. Why are you all acting like the people you're so against?
Maybe there's a reason people are upset with him such as promoting racist and nazi stuff?


Oct 26, 2017
Not a fan of pewdiepie at all, but this thread right now reads honestly like a extremist hate forum for nazi's or something.. The hatred and vitriol here is pretty unsettling. Why are you all acting like the people you're so against?

Won't someone think of the racist millionaires!


Oct 29, 2017
Not a fan of pewdiepie at all, but this thread right now reads honestly like a extremist hate forum for nazi's or something.. The hatred and vitriol here is pretty unsettling. Why are you all acting like the people you're so against?
What is the equality between telling PDP to take responsibility for his rhetoric and content & people who either blatantly want or subtly hide that they want minorities, Muslims, LGBTQ+, and on to be eradicated? All people want PDP to do is stop feeding bigots and catering to their sensibilities. How is that anything like gunning down people or spreading the ideal that one race or culture is superior to another? People who say shit like you've said aren't acting in good faith when they seriously try to pretend like the posts on these forums are the equivalent of white supremacist rhetoric.


Oct 25, 2017
Most people don't read Nordic's tweets. If nobody had spread news about the AMA, 8chan wouldn't have received so much attention. Like I said, I hadn't even heard of 8chan until I read about it here and that would still be the case if nobody had posted about it. NeoGAF is another good example. It was relevant when people talked about it. Now nobody talks about it and it's effectively dead.

It's good to be passionate and fight for what you believe in but you should also recognize the repercussions of your actions. Talking about the AMA gave 8chan a lot of attention that it otherwise wouldn't have had. Unless that attention results in the site getting shut down, the desired result will not be achieved and the exposure will have only helped 8chan grow. Nordic is certainly to blame for hosting the AMA on 8chan to begin with but they aren't to blame for propagating that news across the internet.
Your whole rational is severely flawed with this thinking that people responding to THQ's actions are the cause. THQ is a professional company that represents a portion of the gaming world, in an official capacity. They come out and say they are hosting an AMA where child porn is posted, and now evidently mass murderers congregate, is news that needs to be called out. If everyone ignored that type of behavior, whole portions of the internet would exist in solitude from the rest of the world where the hate would grow without any check on it. So yeah, your logic is shit.


Oct 27, 2017
Most people don't read Nordic's tweets. If nobody had spread news about the AMA, 8chan wouldn't have received so much attention. Like I said, I hadn't even heard of 8chan until I read about it here and that would still be the case if nobody had posted about it. NeoGAF is another good example. It was relevant when people talked about it. Now nobody talks about it and it's effectively dead.

It's good to be passionate and fight for what you believe in but you should also recognize the repercussions of your actions. Talking about the AMA gave 8chan a lot of attention that it otherwise wouldn't have had. Unless that attention results in the site getting shut down, the desired result will not be achieved and the exposure will have only helped 8chan grow. Nordic is certainly to blame for hosting the AMA on 8chan to begin with but they aren't to blame for propagating that news across the internet.
This "people talking about it are just as fault as people doing the bad thing" attitude can really fuck off if you ask me.


Dec 20, 2017
Let's not combat hate with more hate, which only enlarges the differences. I remember a certain individual that wouldn't even condemn the correct party after he was pressured immensly globally, now there's your enabler for some real shit who actively supports these kind of people without an afterthought, at least here we have an effort where one distances oneself, better than nothing I guess?

Let's blame the one holding the gun and the people enabling people to use these devices of hate.


Oct 28, 2017
I am sorry but I can't find the source of this information. Can we have a link to something saying that Pewdiepie was mentioned as "an inspiration"...?
Jul 17, 2018
Yes, the guy you're defending, who had signs saying "Death to all Jews", sure looks like an extremist posting hateful shit forQUOTE="Yavga, post: 18868213, member: 36525"]Let's not combat hate with more hate, which only enlarges the differences. I remember a certain individual that wouldn't even condemn the correct party after he was pressured immensly globally, now there's your enabler for some real shit who actively supports these kind of people without an afterthought, at least here we have an effort where one distances oneself, better than nothing I guess?

Let's blame the one holding the gun and the people enabling people to use these devices of hate.

Learn about deplatforming.


Oct 29, 2017
I am sorry but I can't find the source of this information. Can we have a link to something saying that Pewdiepie was mentioned as "an inspiration"...?
There was a mass shooting targeting Muslims in Christchurch, New Zealand, today. According to New Zealand police commissioner Mike Bush, multiple victims have died at two mosques in the South Island city. The Otago Daily Times, a newspaper based in Dunedin, New Zealand, reports that there are at least 27 victims, and that "three men and one woman" are in custody. A manifesto credited to one of the shooters was posted to the largely unregulated message board 8chan, a site known for hate speech and conspiracy-mongering that has had multiple scandals involving child pornography and swatting. That manifesto credits Donald Trump and Candace Owens as inspirations for the shooting. One of the shooters also livestreamed at least part of the massacre on social media, and that's where PewDiePie enters into the picture.

Before walking into a mosque and calmly executing dozens of innocents, the shooter in the livestream reminds his viewers to subscribe to PewDiePie