Jan 4, 2018

This month is the 20th anniversary of Perfect Dark which was released on 22 May 2000 by Rare on the Nintendo 64 (and remastered on Xbox 360 and in Rare Replay).

Despite a troubled development (by the end of 1998, half of the team left to form Free Radical Design), the game is one the ten highest-rated games of all time with a Metacritic of 97 and the highest-rated FPS with Metroid Prime and Halo: Combat Evolved.


It often got nearly-perfect scores: IGN gave it 9,8/10, Gamespot 9,9/10, EGM 29,50/30 and GamesRadar 10/10.

The main flaw of the game being some framerate issues as it pushed to the limits the N64 and the Expansion Pack (these issues have been solved in the remaster as it features higher framerate, better textures, resolution and models and online support).

The game was set in a cyberpunk world and took place in 2023. It follows Joanna Dark, an agent for the Carrington Institute who earned the pseudonyme 'Perfect Dark' after an impressive training, as she uncovers conspiracies involving a megacorporation, the US Government and alien races fighting an interstellar war. The game shares many influences, it was like Blade Runner, X-Files, Deus Ex, James Bond and Ghost in the Shell mixed together.






It's obvious that Perfect Dark was way more ambitious and creative than its predecessor GoldenEye.

It had voice acting in-game and cutscenes and motion capture (it was one of the most cinematic experiences of the generation), a large and varied selection of environments (a futuristic Chicago with flying cars and patroling robots, aboard Air Force One, the bunkers of the Area 51, Alaska, an alien ship in the depths of the Pacific ocean, an alien homeworld with three suns..) and above all a truly impressive enemy AI at this time.

Enemies are working together, take cover around a corner, wait for you to come back in a room instead of chasing after you. Guards shot at their hand would lose their weapon and then run to retrieve it or pull a backup handgun. Other would surrender, attempt to attack the player with martial arts or throw down their weapon after being disarmed or intimidated. And winning against a DarkSim was almost an impossible task.

Some enemies would never accept to surrender and fight you to the death. But Perfect Dark also tried to humanize the enemy as you could sometimes hear from guards terrified by death things like this:
- "Why... me..."
- "Oh, God, I'm dying !"
- "I don't wanna die !"
- "Please, don't kill me !"
- "I'm just doing my job !"
- "I don't like this anymore !"
- "Dont shoot, don't shoot !"
Guards who had found a body could be also heard saying "I never liked him anyway" for instance.
This was a huge improvement from Goldeneye. And all of this was never scripted.

As usual, Rare musicians (Grant Kirkhope, Graeme Nortgate, David Clynick) did a great job with 2 hours and 19 minutes of soundtracks.


Perfect Dark Soundtrack: Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine (1080p)

Perfect Dark Soundtrack: Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine (1080p)

Perfect Dark Soundtrack: Chicago: Stealth (1080p)

Perfect Dark Soundtrack: Chicago: Stealth (1080p)

Perfect Dark Soundtrack: dataDyne Central: Defection (1080p)

Perfect Dark Soundtrack: dataDyne Central: Defection (1080p)

Perfect Dark Soundtrack: Pelagic 2: Exploration (1080p)

Perfect Dark Soundtrack: Pelagic 2: Exploration (1080p)

Perfect Dark Soundtrack: Credits (1080p)

Perfect Dark Soundtrack: Credits (1080p)

Perfect Dark also had an incredible lineup of 35 inventive and fun weapons with both primary and secondary functions and plenty of gadgets like night vision, flying spy and recording drones, infra-red and X-ray scanners, binoculars, cloaking, shields...





Something very unique in a FPS, the missions would change depending the difficulty you chose.
For instance, in the mission Villa, when playing on the lower levels of difficulties, you were dropped at range and had to save the negociator with a sniper rifle before she gets executed.
On Perfect Agent, YOU are the hostage with no weapon at all as the guards are about to execute you.
You would also get more objectives to complete (5 instead of 3 or 4) and enemies would be smarter and more dangerous.

Easy and normal difficulties :

Perfect Agent difficulty :

In fact, Perfect Dark level-design was full of choices, optionnal content and inter-connectivity between missions.
At the end of the level Area 51: Escape, the base is on full alert and you, Elvis and Jonathan Dark (another undercover agent who helped you in your mission) are rushing to leave the Nevada. Bad news: there is only room for one passenger on board Elvis' flying saucer, and someone will have to stay behind and open the hangar doors so that it may leave.

The game gives you two options:
- to let Jonathan sacrifice himself so you can escape in the flying saucer. Your ally is assumed to be either captured or killed as you never see him again.
- or you can help him escape and try and find your own way out with an hoverbike.

You leave your friend behind and escape with the flying saucer:

You help your friend escape, stay behind and find you own way out of the Area 51:

The former is default and easier. The latter is more difficult but your ally will survive the mission.
And he reappears some missions later when the Carrington Institute is under attack, buying you some precious time while you are breaking into Carrington's safe which contains sensitive data that has to be destroyed at all cost.

As a spiritual successor of GoldenEye, it featured a very strong multiplayer component with 15 maps and 30 challenges against the AI, one of the best split-screen multiplayer ever created. IGN praised it, claiming it was "the most well-rounded multiplayer mode ever to grace Nintendo 64".


There could have up to 12 people (only 4 in Goldeneye) on the map and the number of options was insanely huge: the weapons placement, the musics, the speed, how many teams, etc., and even the appearance and behavior of each bot :
- the PeaceSim cannot kill, will disarm weapons from players and collect all the weapons he finds
- the RocketSim will only use explosive weapons
- the KazeSim will relentlessly charge at its target with everything it's got, including grenades
- the CowardSim will run away is you shoot at him and will act as opportunists striking you when you are at your weakest
- the PreySim will target the weakest player on the map
- the VengeSim will target the last player who killed him wheter or not it was a teammate
- the JudgeSim will hunt down the leading player
- the FeudSim will randomly pursue a player until the end of the game is over
- the SpeedSim outrun a human player
- the TurtleSim are extremely slow but have a super shield
- the FistSim will only use his fists or melee weapons
Orders could be given to the bots in your team, asking them to act as your bodyguards, ordering them to hunt a precise player on the map or to defend your base for instance.

Besides the multiplayer and the co-op modes, Perfect Dark also had a neat innovative feature, the Counter-Operative mode. In the campaign missions, Player 2 would play the enemy while Player 1 would play as Joanna Dark.
Player 2, randomly assigned control of one of the existing enemy NPCs, had to prevent Player 1 from accomplishing his mission at any cost. This was a great and fun idea and it's somewhat odd that very few games tried to replicate this.


Even the menu of Perfect Dark was packed with content as you could wander around the Carrington Institute in order to improve you skills. This was like a hub with a firing range, combat training, a gadget lab, computers with informations on characters, the story, locations and vehicles. Sometimes, when starting a new game, your boss (Daniel Carrington) would appear and give you a tour of the building.




Fun fact: Elvis was on the US box art, reflecting in Joanna's eye.

Fun fact 2: the Japanese box art was quite different from the NA and PAL ones (the game was intented to be called "Red and Black" here)

Fun fact 3: A guard as well as a multiplayer character looking like Miyamoto were in the game.

Fun fact 4: Joanna Dark sounds similar to Joan of Arc as "Jeanne d'Arc" and was based on Winona Ryder.

Perfect Dark's Joanna Dark Was Based On Winona Ryder

"She had this great pixie haircut"
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Oct 25, 2017
Not really playable on the N64 anymore, but the XBLA port is wonderful - Fans of TimeSplitters 2 absolutely should check it out if they haven't already.

Deleted member 17210

User-requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I bought Perfect Dark day one and was pretty disappointed. To quote myself from earlier today in that Goldeneye vs Perfect Dark thread:

Perfect Dark improved some areas so on its own I get why people consider it the better one but I found it to be a huge disappointment. It was years after Goldeneye, supported the RAM cart, and still ran like a slide show. I hated myself for believing reviews of console-centric gamers and buying it day one. Goldeneye is overrated but it still felt pretty fresh for its time even as a big PC FPS fan. But with all the advancements since '97, I expected much more from its follow up. I enjoyed PD more later on with the 360 version; there's a great game in there when the technical issues are removed.


Oct 27, 2017
I played this game so much. You could unlock cheat codes by completing objectives under certain time restrictions, and some of them were ridiculously hard. I lent my completed game cartridge to a friend and he deleted my file (%$ÂŁ"%&%$!"&^$!!!!), so I had to re-do everything from the start. Some of the late levels were so incredibly hard in Perfect Agent.
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Oct 26, 2017
Never played it but I remember seeing it displayed at my local videogame store and being apalled by the frame rate so I never gave it a chance.


Nov 2, 2017
Excellent thread, and a much deserved homage to a hall of fame FPS.

What they achieved on N64's hardware is mind-blowing. Even moreso is how seldom we see comparable levels of enemy behaviors and interactivity. PD was truly ahead of its time, and it's a crying shame its foundation wasn't built upon (but instead derailed by the horrific follow-up that is Zero).

For those who want to keep it alive - there's an Xbox group for the 360 remaster called "Perfect Dark Players". Once in a while there's a get-together, though I find it can be tough to organize. Maybe we could put together something here on ERA - might anyone else be interested?


Oct 28, 2017
Always liked it WAY more than Goldeneye. Also, it was absolutely LOADED with content but had almost no fluff. It was all actually good - something you just don't see these days all too often.

Also as a brand new IP, it was "cool."

Not my favorite N64 game - and it's hard as hell to enjoy nowadays - but still like a Top Ten for that generation IMO.


Oct 25, 2017
Excellent OP
I'mma be lazy and throw my remastered thoughts here but most things are covered in that opening post.

For extra reading, anyone into the development side of Perfect Dark absolutely must check out Nintendo's life's multiple page deep dive from last week
It's actually tucked away at the bottom of the OP, well worth reading the full thing

Goldenwho? Perfect Dark was a beast, few games have such scope and features without feeling like they buckled under its weight (framerate notwithstanding) or that it felt like filler, somehow PD remains a lean adventure with a boatload of extra content.


Oct 27, 2017
Beating Carrington Institute: Defense in Perfect Agent is one of the most memorable experiences of my gaming life. Shit was intense, K7 Avenger was pure bullshit and the music was incredible.

The game was so awesome I really didn't mind the whole aliens are the baddies plot twist lol. Loved it!

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Cracking OP.

I hope if they make a new game a counter ops mode is there in some way, seems very cool.

20 years, you know how some companies love an anniversary....find out in July I guess!


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 17, 2018
Great write up.

Perfect Dark was probably Rare's last undisputed masterpiece.

Deleted member 13645

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Back when Rare Replay came out is when I tried it for the first time. I'd only ever heard about it from afar, so I had no idea the setting was so unique and weird. I thought it was just a genderswapped Goldeneye game. Then I load up the game and there's aliens and a crazy cyberpunk world and stuff. I didn't end up playing very much, but it's a really neat thing.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Brilliant, brilliant thread! What an amazing achievement in gaming. You got to watch this if your a fan of Rare and PD


Rare Revealed: The Making of Perfect Dark

Here it is: one of the big Making Of features that we felt it would be an injustice not to create. From decisions made in GoldenEye's wake to Jo Dark's debut...


Rare Revealed: Five Things You Didn't Know About Perfect Dark

The Making Of videos included in Rare Replay are so packed with anecdotal goodness that there will, inevitably, be tales we didn't have time to tell. So let'...
Oct 27, 2017
I still remember anxiously waiting for this game in the Spring of 2000. The day it came out my mom got pissed at me because I was being a little shit because I didnt want to go to my orthodontist appointment haha.

That following summer was awesome though because my best friend and I just played the multiplayer and co op modes for hours and hours and hours.

Deleted member 3010

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I was ten years old and it was also the first time I was refused a rental. :(

And then I later got my rental but didn't have an expansion pack. :((


Oct 28, 2017
Just wild that PD and Halo CE are only 18 months apart. In my brain they feel so far apart.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I remember being so hyped for this on the lead up to release that I was a bit let down with the final product.

Having said that I returned to it when it was remastered for XBLA and the game is so far ahead of its time and does so many unique and great things that it clearly deserves the praise it got when it launched.

With the exception of anything Banjo Kazooie related a proper perfect dark sequal is probably the one announcement that would get me to flip a table in excitement.


Oct 27, 2017
I remember there was a fan site that made fun of the MeatSim, who was the weakest of all the bot sims in the multiplayer. Does anyone else remember that at all?

Fucking incredible game, only major issue for the N64 version is the framerate. I played many hours with my friends and we had to switch on the slow motion mode otherwise it got way to choppy in splitscreen.

And of course speedrunning is still popular for this game, take a look at this video for a recent record that got broken!



Oct 28, 2017
One of my favorite games of all time. Though the aiming controls have not aged as well, it can be tough to aim with precision sometimes. I was sad when the HD release didn't improve on that much.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Just wild that PD and Halo CE are only 18 months apart. In my brain they feel so far apart.
Halo's collosal success no doubt hurt PD as it was a experience that was already covered on Xbox, and gave MS little reason to develop it, but wow, both PD + Halo within a short period, both changed console gaming, it's unheard of really.


Oct 25, 2017
The TV as was remarkably sexual for a Nintendo game, I guess it would have worked on teenage boys.

I guess the Goldeneye v PD thread covered a lot of this ground. The one thing I remember most in the game was the Farsight weapon, which I guess might have come from an episode of DS9.
FarSight XR-20
Jan 4, 2018
Excellent OP
I'mma be lazy and throw my remastered thoughts here but most things are covered in that opening post.

For extra reading, anyone into the development side of Perfect Dark absolutely must check out Nintendo's life's multiple page deep dive from last week
It's actually tucked away at the bottom of the OP, well worth reading the full thing

Goldenwho? Perfect Dark was a beast, few games have such scope and features without feeling like they buckled under its weight (framerate notwithstanding) or that it felt like filler, somehow PD remains a lean adventure with a boatload of extra content.

Great read.


Dec 23, 2017
One of my favorite games of all time - so ambitious!

Think I'll have to plan a play through on rare reply soon. wonder if it's easy to find anyone to play with online nowadays?


Oct 30, 2017
Great Op!

I love the game.

Sometimes when I see my brother we play a round of multiplayer like we have since 2000. My playing time in multi is over 30 days and in the ranking I am still only on rank 2 and have to run almost 3000km to master the last challenge to get to rank 1. I never wanted to cheat but this shows how absurd it is that you have to run a distance of 9000km.


Jan 8, 2019
A very ambitious game but it just doesn't have the same feel that Goldeneye had. It's a bigger game with many more interesting mechanics but the world is not that appealing. Games need appealing characters, environments and aesthetics to become great.

GE is in my top 3 favorite games ever and PD is probably not even in my top 100.


Oct 27, 2017
It's a great N64 game, but it's even better on 360 or PC where the framerates and control schemes are more suited to modern tastes.

I still think it's one of the best FPS games ever made. The amount of options for both single-player and multi-player blows away just about any other game in the genre.


Oct 25, 2017
I love Perfect Dark. Makes me sad it's basically a dead franchise.

I remember using FarSight rail gun that could shoot through walls would put such a strain on the games performance I thought it broke my N64.

Edit: I just realized the OPs handle is FarSight! Awesome!


One Winged Slayer
It really says something that this 20-year-old game has a ton of features that I still am wanting a lot of today's games to adopt. Things like:
  • Single-player co-op, where it's the singleplayer mission but a friendly bot (or 2, or 3) spawns alongside you
  • Counter-op: player 2 plays as one of the level's enemies with a small amount of HP, and transfers to another enemy on death
  • An insanely varied and memorable arsenal of weapons to use, each of which has a secondary function. See my post here for more.
  • Singleplayer levels with differing objectives (or even starting locations/circumstances) based on the chosen difficulty
  • Insanely customizable multiplayer scenarios which can be saved and easily shared
  • Paintball mode (turns bullets into paint splotches, makes blood multicolor, even removes a lot of the mature language)
  • Cheats. Remember those? Back then you didn't have to pay extra for them AND they greatly extended the game's replay value.
There's more, like all the cool training you can go through in the Carrington Insitute and how virtually every mode is splitscreen-supported, but you get the idea. If the rumored new PD (or indeed, any new FPS) even comes close to matching this feature set I'll be astounded.


Self requested temp ban
Feb 27, 2018
XBLA port was fantastic, almost got all the achievements but some of the speed challenges are a beast

Kinda wish I still had an Xbox 360...


Jan 9, 2018
This game was like THE SHOOTER I played from 2000 to 2016 when Overwatch came out.

It still has the best campaign and the most fun offline vs mode in a shooter imo.

Being able to create simulants and choose their personality was so cool, makes em feel like old pals (kinda like Animal Crossing Villagers..except youre shooting at each other) rather than just bots.


Mar 17, 2018
I love Perfect Dark. Makes me sad it's basically a dead franchise.

I remember using FarSight rail gun that could shoot through walls would put such a strain on the games performance I thought it broke my N64.

Edit: I just realized the OPs handle is FarSight! Awesome!
It doesn't seem like you're going to be sad much longer.


Oct 28, 2017
Terrific OP. Its a shame the franchise was ruined by the shitty prequel on the xbox 360.
In my top 5 games of all time.
You should put in OP that the best way to play it now was the remaster on xbla thats playable and downloadable on xbox one and its part of the rare replay package.
But man the the memories from this game. Sublime.


Nov 25, 2017
It's on my top 10 games of all time easily. I really hope Nintendo gets Rare Replay with Perfect Dark Remastered (from 360 version) included!


Oct 25, 2017
What a great game. So sad they aren't doing anything with it, so much potential.

I'm hoping there's a resurgence in all things Cyberpunk after 2077 drops, maybe they'll give PD another chance.

For now, lets enjoy the GOAT box art:


King Dodongo

Oct 27, 2017
Well deserved score. It's basically a superior Goldeneye. One of the most rich n64 games content-wise. The multiplayer is hardly matched even today.

Prof Bathtub

Apr 26, 2018
Fun fact 4: Joanna Dark sounds similar to Joan of Arc as "Jeanne d'Arc" and was based on Winona Ryder.

Perfect Dark's Joanna Dark Was Based On Winona Ryder

"She had this great pixie haircut"
And here's me thinking she was supposed to be a milder Annie Lennox. Actually, it is a bit strange that Joanna's hairstyle, face and outfit all vary pretty widely between the CG renders, her in-game n64 model, promotional illustrations for magazines, Perfect Dark Zero, and the 360 rerelease.