
Apr 5, 2018
Only jumping into the releases that I'm anticipating will do something groundbreaking or impressive compared to its contemporaries, which is why Spider-Man and Red Dead Redemption 2 are the only day 1 buys for me this year.

A very good argument indeed, I'm actually in exactly the same situation as you with AC Origins and Odyssey at the moment. I think controlling yourself mostly should focus on the kind of situations where you are not sure whether to go for the purchase or not (also see below). Your point runs counter to the one I quoted some pages above though, that is being part of the online discussion or threads for new titles here on Era. To be in those threads can add to the gaming experience, but then I thankfully also play plenty of older titles and it's not a necessity for me to be on board day 1 - it IS cool though. I will definitely buy RDR2 and Kingdom Hearts 3 personally these coming months.

Oh, and my backlog stands at 91 titles, I guess there's better and worse candidates out there, but I love RPGs which makes it worse again... ;)

I buy new games to support devs/pubs I like. Just because I have games I haven't played yet doesn't mean I'm prioritizing play of those at that moment. Sometimes you just want to play the new stuff, and I think it's strange to force yourself to only play stuff you already own, even if they don't suit your mood at the time. Might as well be a job if you approach this hobby that way.

I agree on this, too. I'd never skip a game if I really, really wanted to have it day one. That's why I will go for RDR2 and KH3 for example. Supporting devs/pubs can be an important factor, too. I want more Japanese games on Xbox so I made sure to buy Valkyria Chronicles 4 on launch. But it's a game I would have wanted to own anyways, too.

I also have Game Pass and feel a lot more like playing Wolfenstein from the catalogue than my backlog game Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts. Would never not play Wolfenstein in this given situation.
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Oct 26, 2017
I've learned to not care about my backlog - some games I'll finish and others I wont. What matters to me is the enjoyment I get out of said game. I've learned not to waste my time beating a game I'm not excited about - life is short.


Oct 30, 2017
because i'm a fcking dumbass who can't say no to a great deal.

I'm a sucker for any top-tier game that's under 20$ and that fact alone has cost me hundreds.

My backlog of games is in the hundreds, but i've learned to not give a fuck about it.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 10, 2017
Mallorca, Spain
Some games you have to play while community last (aka CoD).
Some, while the "mistery" is there (souls).
Others, just appeal to particular moods.
And in any case, your backlog will be aaaaalways there


Oct 28, 2017
its an addiction. Having a game downloaded and knowing its there makes me happy... even if i dont get around to enjoying the actual game for months... or years later.


Oct 25, 2017
I admit I have a problem. Most of my backlog comes from the PSN flash sales. It's funny because I don't remember buying certain games when I'm browsing through the sales.

I'm still trying to clear the PS3 backlog. Almost done actually.


Oct 27, 2017
Because I'm stupid. I hate missing out on games, and feel like I need to play the latest and greatest.


Aug 11, 2018
I only considered games I've 1) actually bought/obtained and 2) intend to play to be in my backlog, so I have a relatively small backlog (usually around 10 games or so). Because it's so small and some games I don't want to play bc of non "I don't feel like it reasons" (waiting for an accessible version of a prequel, needs friends in person, etc), I don't really feel bad about grabbing new games.

In a nutshell? Because im an idiot.

I actually laughed out loud over this, good response.


Nov 11, 2017
New stuff is fun and exciting, not just games just anything.

I love to lust after something, even if its a damn bit of furniture, you buy it and then its like eeeeeeeeeeeh the high is gone.

Especially so in games, hot new game you've been looking forward to and excited about, want to jump in while its fresh and extra hot, and then you realize 'I don't even really play games'

and then the cycle repeats as you look for the new hit.

It's one of the chief burdens of being and adult and having the ability to go get things for yourself.
Oct 27, 2017
My backlog is ridiculous. I get caught up in height and in the pursue of satisfaction. Like I bought Spider-Man even though I don't like superheroes, and think Spider-Man is lame. The gameplay looked good and everybody said it was great. I enjoyed the first few hours but can't bring myself to finish it.

This is my life lol.

nothing stop this train.

i need to stop buying
This is basically me. My problem I think stems from depression. I buy a game and really enjoy it then after the first session I don't pick it back up because I don't have the drive. Then I move onto the next game that possibly will spark my interest and keep it. Luckily Forza Horizon 4 is that for me right now.

I really need to get a hold on my expenses though. I've already bought RDR2 and Black Ops 4 so my goal is to not buy anything the rest of the year and to use stuff like Gamepass to play new things since I already have it.

Next year I plan on resubbing to GameFly and using that for anything not multiplayer since I only buy digital now.


Oct 29, 2017
Honestly? Probably cause of depression. Buying stuff I like fills some empty hole I guess.

Deleted member 12009

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I don't care about finishing games. I've got quite a few games that are sitting at 90% complete but I'm completely bored by. As soon as a game stops offering new novelty or challenges I tend to drop off hard. This is especially true for TRPGs, a genre that I love in theory but I just end up stalling out early on because of how flat their mechanics are... Yet I keep buying them because I keep hoping to become involved in the storyline.

Then some times I buy a game simply because I want to support the product. Like Zone of the Enders 2- I still have not unwrapped it, and I plan on eventually playing the VR at least, but I was more occupied with supporting the brand than just playing.

Deleted member 426

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I have very recently finished my backlog (again, I keep doing it) and am waiting for a sale on Switch. Consequently I don't really have anything I want to play.

So I kind of wish I did have a backlog.

But not really because finishing that was super satisfying.


Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
The better question is why I keep replaying games instead of completing my backlog.

Buff Beefbroth

Chicken Chaser
Apr 12, 2018
Lots of interesting games out there, and many end up hitting my arbitrary magic number of $7.50 or lower during sales. I rack 'em up with the intent of playing them sometime. If I'm not in the mood now I may be later, but they may not be on sale then!


Oct 1, 2018
I have a lot of games in my backlog but in recent years Ive really started waiting for low price points. It makes me happy now that I have the patience to wait a little bit longer and get more value for my money in terms of gameplay.


Oct 27, 2017
It's an addiction, and I think it stems from as a child I only got 1 or 2 games every 5-6 months or so and as an adult I can just buy em all.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
I can't help it. But at the least I do not buy new games at full price anymore. At the rate I finish games, I am pretty sure it will take over a decade to get through my current backlog.

Being a wanderer + near completionist = time consuming travesty.
Apr 24, 2018
CEs have been a downfall for me, since I never know which ones are going to sell out immediately and this often makes me buy Day One when I wouldn't, otherwise. However, after going on a huge spending spree to end 2018, I plan on not buying any games (unless dirt cheap) at the start of 2019, other than Sekiro (CE again) and Resident Evil 2 (will get for free with rewards certificates at Best Buy).

I already have a list of about 20 games from this year/supposedly coming in 2019 that I skipped (plan to initially skip) that I will keep any eye on, other than the two games I mentioned previously. My goal will be to mainly play through my backlog (unless <$20 hits for any of the titles I'm interested in).

EDIT: Forgot about Trails in the Sky 1 and 2 that just got announced West for PS4...those will also be Day One since I've been waiting to play these games for a long time. Welp.
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Oct 27, 2017
My backlog is what I play when there isn't a current game I want to play but I still want to play something. I don't feel an obligation to play it simply because I have it.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I bought so many games this year its crazy.

Lately Destiny has kept me so occupied thought that I havent even thought of buying anything I've wanted since the dlc came out! Probably skipping out on cod, bfv, rdr2, megaman 11, twewy, fist of the north star, and a couple others I wouldve otherwise gotten.

Def. getting mario party and jackbox though, gotta have some family games!


Nov 15, 2017
i think i'm subconsciously hoarding for the economic collapse. canned food and entertainment is what u need.


Sep 25, 2018
In front of a computer.
Because I have a problem. Please help.

Seriously though, I usually want a shiny new game to play, either because it's something I'm interested to try out, or it's something I've been waiting on, and I rarely ever want to wait to get it, even though I know I should, because it will give me time to finish other games, and maybe get the game I want during a price drop. It's the appeal of something new to play.

It has dropped a bit recently (The rate at which I get new games, not the backlog... that's still HUGE), what with my time spent playing a couple of FTP games, and the occasional retail game I've committed more time to, but I'm still waiting to get a couple more new games next month.


Nov 26, 2017
- The game scratches a different itch than what my backlog provides.
- Sales.
- Expiring credit.
- Impulse triggered by nostalgia.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like it's a combination of the zeitgeist and wanting to support mostly Japanese games like the Yakuza series or Fist of The North Star and Dragon Quest XI. Call of Duty or God of War are great but I have no stake in pre-ordering those but want to vote with my wallet in some cases since we didn't always get translations last
I rationalize pre-ordering that kind of stuff fully realizing it's just that; a rationalization for my poor spending habits. But damnit what good is money if you don't spend it like my baby boomer parents and grand parents who just sat at home and watched TV?


Oct 27, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
I've stopped buying games. The last game was GT Sport. Before that? Titanfall 2.

I would only but a new game despite a backlog if it's something I want to play more than whatever is in my backlog.


UI/UX Game Industry Veteran
Oct 26, 2017
Ummmm research. Yes. And to support the industry, friends and colleagues.

And so I'll have things to play in retirement...

Did I mention research?

leng jai

Nov 2, 2017
The reality is that most people don't really want to play the games in their backlog that much otherwise they would have already. If something is in my backlog it either means I dropped it because it wasn't good or I'm waiting for a patch or update
Oct 27, 2017
Idk, usually sales. I try not to buy a full msrp game unless I'm gonna play and beat it then.

Sometimes I juggle multiple games and it's fun and other times it's difficult to play them evenly


Oct 27, 2017
I pretty much stopped. Sick of wasting money on shit I barely play. There are so many good games out now you'd go broke in no time trying to play them all, and then end up not finishing half of them.

If I could sell my steam library back to Valve for a few hundred bucks, I would.

Deleted member 46568

User requested account closure
Aug 9, 2018
I'm always slowly working through my backlog.

I RARELY if ever buy a game on release and then play it right away unless it's a developer or publisher I really want to support.

Wait for it to get super cheap, then buy, get to it whenever I have the time, even if it takes a couple years.

This is me in a nutshell. I may (read almost never) buy release day for something I really want/want to support but still not get around to playing it for a year or two. Knowing it's there waiting is enough sometimes.
Aug 17, 2018
Probably because it's:

- Cheap
- Easy to buy, since it's a digital download click away (where the publishers know many gamers can't resist)


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
I had a problem with this that I've gotten a lot better about.

1 - Only buy games when you're actually planning on playing them which generally means a game that you've been eagerly waiting for or when you've finished the game(s) you're playing now. Don't buy games for a nebulous future date. Don't buy games to reward yourself or when you're feeling down. Don't buy games because they're on sale. If you only buy games when you're actively planning on playing them, you'll find that you save a lot of money compared to buying a bunch of games on sale, most of which you never get around to.
2 - Have a subscription service (my service of choice is Humble Monthly) that gives you an assortment of games. When you're in the mood for something new but don't have a specific new game you're dying to play, check out your subscription and try something there rather than buy something just to get that new game rush.
3 - Don't feel obligated to keep playing games to completion if you're no longer enjoying them. It's okay to play a game for a couple hours, enjoy your time, but not want to spend 30 more hours on it. Don't view all games from a subscription or a bundle as a backlog unless you've actively started playing them and intend to keep playing.