
Oct 31, 2017
I'm 29 as of last month, and sometimes I start having a somewhat existential fear that I'll never be young again. It's a terrifying realization that I'll never be in my 20s again and that each year I'm getting closer and closer to being old and more frail than i currently am


Oct 28, 2017
Don't worry, middle age starts at 45, people don't even change that much physically from 25 to 35 or even 40 if they take proper care of themselves. You got ways to go yet before minding that stuff. just enjoy and try to be your better self at every moment of your life.
Oct 27, 2017
Well, to be blunt, you feel that way because it's true. It sucks to go through but it's a normal part of the maturity process in life.

In many ways though, I think I've gotten better as a person with age. Definitely wiser, definitely less prone to making the same stupid mistakes I kept making through my 20s. Certain things do become more difficult, and of course physically things start to change as well but if you keep yourself in decent shape you notice it a lot less. I'm in way better shape now at 31 than I was at 25.

It's not really something to be feared though, because you can't stop it. You need to embrace it and make changes he want to see in your life, open yourself up to the possibility of rearranging your priorities and growing as a person. The longer you dwell on it the less likely you are to fully take advantage of the youth that you still have, which is quite a bit honestly, especially if you keep a healthy attitude and lifestyle.
Nov 3, 2017
29 and dreading a bit since im planning on working on an another restaurant with minimal exp. Im prolly gonna end up working with younger dudes and ladies
Oct 27, 2017
I have somewhat recently been getting more paranoid about the slowly increasing threat of shit like cancer. But I've felt old and tired and slow since my early 20s. Anxiety and depression tend to do that.


Oct 25, 2017
I started having it when I was in my early thirties. It's genuinely scary when you realize that some of your peers were born much later than you.


Apr 7, 2019
I'm 29 as of last month, and sometimes I start having a somewhat existential fear that I'll never be young again. It's a terrifying realization that I'll never be in my 20s again and that each year I'm getting closer and closer to being old and more frail than i currently am
28 here have had this fear since i turned 20

miscellaneous houseplant

self-requsted ban
Oct 25, 2017
Nah dog, aging is a blast. I am a much better person now, at 31, than I was at any previous point in my adult life. Learn to love the wisdom age gives ya.


Oct 30, 2017
Yea but I think it's more of a mental thing than actual reality. My body still feels great.


Oct 26, 2017
Nah, I still go out and have fun. I feel better than ever.

The ONLY concern is dating. Can't help but feel like the pool is shrinking, even though in reality, the pool is so big it doesn't matter (probably).

The Artisan

"Angels are singing in monasteries..."
Oct 27, 2017
Happy belated birthday OP I'm gonna be 29 exactly a month from now and yes every fucking day I get the feeling that youth is slipping away and I got a lot of catching up to do in life


Oct 26, 2017
Clemson, SC
I'm 37, and forget all the time that I'm not something like 25.

You never feel "old" outside of the body aches/changes, at least I don't. Never think about it really.


Oct 26, 2017
My 30s were a godsend compared to my 20s. Now that I turned 40 last week I wonder what this decade has in store. Nothing good likely. I've already been accused of being stodgy, right wing and conservative by the youngins when 20 years ago I was the edgy counter culture agent. C'est la vie.

As one of the last Gen Xers I'm having trouble fitting into this world where cynical sarcasm isn't the default mode of communication. Honestly though its a relief. I want a better outlook and optimism for my daughter.

As long as the youth are in revolt I'll be happy.


Oct 25, 2017
I definitely did, and still do in my 30s. Particularly in regards to things I've so far missed out on, like relationships, sex, etc.


Oct 27, 2017
I know the feeling. I'm in my 30's and what I've realized what is more important than your age is your health and vitality. Some people are really sick in their late 20's because they either had bad injuries that resulted in chronic pain or they have bad auto-immune illnesses. Someone whose 35 and in great health is in a better position in life than a guy whose 25 and in pain. The world is still open to you to fulfill your dreams in your 30's and beyond if you keep your health up.


Oct 27, 2017
Its happening to me right now. I'm regretting all the girls that I missed out on and all the wild nights and adventures with my friends i passed on because i was too caught up on being an introvert.

Sometimes i really wish i could've grown up liking alcohol. Still hate the stuff.


Oct 26, 2017
I was worried about that when I hit 27, then all my older friends told me that their 30s were the best years of their life, so I'm honestly looking forward to it.


Oct 31, 2017
Nah, I still go out and have fun. I feel better than ever.

The ONLY concern is dating. Can't help but feel like the pool is shrinking, even though in reality, the pool is so big it doesn't matter (probably).
You know now if you want to talk to a female you have to look at her ring finger if she has a ring. Or hope to God that she isn't a single mom.

The Living Tribunal

Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Yup, got it in my mid twenties but it didn't last long. Getting old and dying is inevitable, just enjoy the ride and try to leave the world a less shitty place than you found it.


Oct 25, 2018
Yes, i had that. I ended up quitting my job and going to New Zealand for a year when I was 29.

It turned out a fantastic idea, had the time of my life and when I turned 30 I felt quite fulfilled, knowing I made the best of the last year of my 20's. 32 now and to be honest, I wouldn't go back to my 20's.


Nov 15, 2017
I had a really somber moment the other day when I realized that at 27, i've lived a little more than 1/3 of my life already and that's only if I make it to 77, which is admittingly way longer than I think i'll actually live. Whenever I see someone unexpectedly pass away in their late-40's/early 50's it terrifies me because that could happen to me or any of my loved ones.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm 29 as of last month, and sometimes I start having a somewhat existential fear that I'll never be young again. It's a terrifying realization that I'll never be in my 20s again and that each year I'm getting closer and closer to being old and more frail than i currently am
I just turned 28, I don't feel this way, but instead I feel like I am not fully experiencing my life in the way that I want to because I can't afford anything beyond simple self indulgences and basic living costs.


Oct 27, 2017
I think your late-anythings always feels like the end of something. 30 is still really young, imo. I laugh when I remember being about 17 and saying of a 24 year old coworker "she's not young." The window shifts as you age.
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Oct 25, 2017
27 and im at the fittest I have ever been do Boxing 4-5 times a week, I like to live with my inner child at my shoulder so I don't feel old yet!
Oct 28, 2017
i'm 29 and i honestly think that my life is better now than it ever has been before, probably because i spent most of my actual youth absolutely crippled by social anxiety and now i'm in a better place, comfortable in my own skin, healthy and content, with direction and purpose and all that shit


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
26 and I just accepted I'm going to be alone forever and that's ok. I'm an introverted person and it is something I just need to learn to live with.


Jun 27, 2019
Mexico City
Yes since about 5-6 years ago, turning 30 in February. Live your 20s as best you can youngins. Take care of your health and do shit you enjoy.