Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
Passing this off as some kind of win is really gross. She should be out there saying what it really is instead of trying to appear bipartisan when a lot of people are going to get sick and die because of the concessions in this bill.

They are good. But there's still gaping holes like making tests more readily available. Free tests don't do any good if people can't get tested.

She's not going to go out there and say the bill is bad when it hasn't even been passed in the Senate yet. Don't be crazy.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh boy! Free tests! Wait. Theres no tests anywhere! You can't get tested around me. Lol. As is the experience with literally thousands of people.

Edit: I have a friend who quarantined this morning. She called work. They said sure, we will pay if you have a positive test. But theres no test. She just has symptoms. She's going to go to work tomorrow.

So they're bad?

And you didn't identify the rest of the items. I would assume it's because you know you're wrong and made a brash, overbroad statement.

It follows that you think the failings of a government that Pelosi has no control over are her fault -- she did the best she could with the tools she has. Again, I pose a binary answer question (reading is fundamental): are those things good or bad?

Once (if) other pieces of government do their job like she has then you start seeing more effect. Until then, maybe it makes more sense to deride the ones keeping it from coming into fruition. And take a step back in these very frustrating times.


Oct 25, 2017
"The US now faces a crisis that disproves everything the country believes about itself."

The Coronavirus Called America’s Bluff

Like Japan in the mid-1800s, the United States now faces a crisis that disproves everything the country believes about itself.

Trump is amplifying this, but even without Trump, the US still has a system that absolutely unfit for the challenges of the 21st century.
We're watching a world power falling apart because of its reluctance to change, because of religiously deluded trust in "the market" and its utter moral bankruptcy when it comes to societal solidarity organized through government.


CEO of Traphouse Networks
Nov 3, 2017
There's a difference between "fucking useless" and "not nearly enough".
If the purpose was to help contain and actually helping out people during this outbreak, it's definitely on the lines of "fucking useless."

Please don't @ me with the list of things it does. I'm well aware.


Oct 25, 2017
Just to address the title of the thread:

"pelosi's bill" is in another era — a disgraceful inadequate compromise that does too little, too late and is best described as better than nothing.

In this post Gingrich, post-Tea Party McConnell Trump era - it's a surprisingly muscular and vital piece of emergency legislation which is extremely practical and will have immediate beneficial impact on the woefully inadequate administration response. It's better than the bill the GOP tried to force through and the 40 Republicans who voted against the bill AND the presidential guidance are receipts to that effect.

The title and content of the OP is a valid critique but completely ignores the context and does EXACTLY what the GOP and media have done- which is to present both parties as equally guilty of the same behaviors and effectively tell people that Dems are exactly 50% of the problem with governance.

that's nonsense and exactly why we got to this point in the first place. We should not be amplifying that nonsense.

THE bill is a compromised Frankenstein shitshow and we need to eradicate the extreme ideologues and grifters from the government in 2020.

you can argue about what the Dems shoulda woulda coulda all the livelong day but to paraphrase a recent GOP war criminal, "we fight with the army we've got not the one we'd like to have"


Oct 25, 2017
You need to stop. This isn't this first time you've pushed these issues onto random users who have nothing to do with you in an attempt to shut them down, and at this point reading political threads is doing you no favors. If people are actually posting that you should hurt yourself, they should all be banned, and if they aren't, that's blatant emotional manipulation on your part that is harmful to other users.

What was there to shut down? And furthermore how dare you claim I'm lying for emotional manipulation.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
There's a difference between "fucking useless" and "not nearly enough".

It's fucking useless. The companies that qualify for federal relief are medium sized companies. And as seen on here, many people have expressed that their medium sized companies are offering to pay them to stay home. Amazon, fast food, grocery stores, etc, the companies where they need this support the most get to skate. They get to force their employees to come to work sick. They potentially propagate this deadly illness.


Oct 25, 2017
The title of the thread is some real fuckery.

"Pelosi's bill" - last I checked, this bill was Congress' bill passed after negotiations with the admin and Republicans, a pared down version of the original House Dem proposal.

Whatever your feelings on the bill (it's clearly not enough and I hope the continuing bills do more to keep shoring up support for people), I think it's a real shit thing to follow the narrative the right will is going to push.

They will be more than happy to stoke flames among the left, pushing criticism against Pelosi as the cause of this. Meanwhile, they will also push the message that they're helping the people with the bill. Watch a difference in Pelosi's Bill and Trump's Bill when it becomes convenient for them. Saying stuff like this plays into their hands and only increases their leverage.

People's anger at the insufficiency of the bill should be directed at Congress and the Admin as a whole (I would argue particularly the admin as they seem to have Republicans on the leash regarding support among the base).

Instead of bullshit bickering about what was done, and hypothetical negotiation tactics, our side should be unifying our message and anger towards those actually making it harder for Americans to be supported.


Oct 29, 2017
Passing this off as some kind of win is really gross. She should be out there saying what it really is instead of trying to appear bipartisan when a lot of people are going to get sick and die because of the concessions in this bill.

They are good. But there's still gaping holes like making tests more readily available. Free tests don't do any good if people can't get tested.

A lot of people would get sick and die without a bill at all. That's the actual context of this bill passing. Choosing between this bill and a better bill wasn't what was on the table. It was this worse bill or a perpetual fight with Republicans with the potential of an even worse bill and more and more people getting sick in the meantime. Also Pelosi and democrats aren't in charge of the supply of tests. When tests do become available, making them free is worthwhile.


Oct 25, 2017
Strong Island NY
Just to address the title of the thread:

"pelosi's bill" is in another era — a disgraceful inadequate compromise that does too little, too late and is best described as better than nothing.

In this post Gingrich, post-Tea Party McConnell Trump era - it's a surprisingly muscular and vital piece of emergency legislation which is extremely practical and will have immediate beneficial impact on the woefully inadequate administration response. It's better than the bill the GOP tried to force through and the 40 Republicans who voted against the bill AND the presidential guidance are receipts to that effect.

The title and content of the OP is a valid critique but completely ignores the context and does EXACTLY what the GOP and media have done- which is to present both parties as equally guilty of the same behaviors and effectively tell people that Dems are exactly 50% of the problem with governance.

that's nonsense and exactly why we got to this point in the first place. We should not be amplifying that nonsense.

THE bill is a compromised Frankenstein shitshow and we need to eradicate the extreme ideologues and grifters from the government in 2020.

you can argue about what the Dems shoulda woulda coulda all the livelong day but to paraphrase a recent GOP war criminal, "we fight with the army we've got not the one we'd like to have"
I agree with this post. Where is the like function?


Oct 29, 2017
I never said it was. Doesn't mean anyone needs to celebrate it.
It also doesn't mean anyone needs to call it an abject failure either. I'm not sure about the circles you run in but I personally am not ready to kiss and marry Pelosi over this. I don't consider her a superhero. Doesn't mean I don't see how it helps people and how it's limitations are the fault of the inhumane political ideals and goals of Republicans. I think Democrats are often too flaccid in their battles with the GOP but I'm also able to recognize when they get a strike in edgewise considering who their opponents are.


Oct 27, 2017
If your big plan for getting more progressive things passed is waiting for independent and republican voters to get mad enough at republican politicans that they change their minds then you're going to be waiting a long time. Not to mention the fact that this bill still might not pass through the senate unscathed.


Oct 25, 2017
So the answer is... "They should already be doing it, so we won't use tax dollars to force them."???

Pelosi needs to be primaries out. You would think her feet are made of concrete with how much she drags them on things.

The bill doesn't really force them. It makes it impossible for them to fire them if employees took on paid leave. Taxpayers subsidize most of the paid leave up front, with the corporation taking on a smaller portion of that cost, which they get reimbursed for with tax credits.


Oct 25, 2017
Im always surprised by how many people will go out of their way to defend half measures. Americans really do have a twisted sense of progress.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
Of course the bill has some good measures, but what she got, I believe she could have gotten along with more.

If she would have waited, perhaps even just over the weekend and put pressure on the Republican parties stance on the current situation, and let it dominate the news cycle a bit, come next week I sincerely believe the Democrats would have gotten a better bill passed.

A huge portion of the Republican base is afraid of what is happening. Both sides are afraid. It's one-time were the Republican base is facing a fear similar to those on the other side. This is a situation where the lines that separate us are blurry.

The Democrats could have used this to point out major party differences at a time when those who normally wouldn't listen are receptive if only out of fear.

But what do they do? More f****** PR bullshit. She helped the Republican image and mind share here.


The ruling class has more in common with the opposition parties than with you. They will sooner fight to protect their mutual privilege than their own benefit. We all know Trump sucks but people are still defending Pelosi here when this is the fact of the matter.

Whatever opposition Pelosi is putting on Trump has no more teeth than a random tiktok video. Ooh, look, she clapped weirdly at him! Give me a fucking break.


Oct 26, 2017
Just to address the title of the thread:

"pelosi's bill" is in another era — a disgraceful inadequate compromise that does too little, too late and is best described as better than nothing.

In this post Gingrich, post-Tea Party McConnell Trump era - it's a surprisingly muscular and vital piece of emergency legislation which is extremely practical and will have immediate beneficial impact on the woefully inadequate administration response. It's better than the bill the GOP tried to force through and the 40 Republicans who voted against the bill AND the presidential guidance are receipts to that effect.

The title and content of the OP is a valid critique but completely ignores the context and does EXACTLY what the GOP and media have done- which is to present both parties as equally guilty of the same behaviors and effectively tell people that Dems are exactly 50% of the problem with governance.

that's nonsense and exactly why we got to this point in the first place. We should not be amplifying that nonsense.

THE bill is a compromised Frankenstein shitshow and we need to eradicate the extreme ideologues and grifters from the government in 2020.

you can argue about what the Dems shoulda woulda coulda all the livelong day but to paraphrase a recent GOP war criminal, "we fight with the army we've got not the one we'd like to have"
If your theory is that we can't expect anything meaningful from our government unless Democrats controls all branches of government (and have 60 votes in the Senate), how the hell are you not a revolutionary?
People call me names on this forum, but I honest to god believe that the US government, even in it currently form can do waaaaaaaaaaay more than it's doing.

I donno, I'm not a master negotiator, but I can't for the life of me understand why there isn't right now a bunch of actual good bills getting passed by the house.
Not show bills, not poison pill bills, I'm talking about honest to god attempts to help people. The senate is probably not going pass them just like this, but things are gonna get worse pretty damn soon, and there will be pressure on congress to act. We can frame the conversation about what they should do by having actual things ready.

Why not pass a bill the guarantee free treatment to all COVID-19 patients?
Why not pass a bill that force hospitals in insurance companies to stop that in and out of network bullshit so we can direct patients efficiently?
Why not pass a bill the up facemask production in some way? (I can think of a few).
Why not fund massive increase in ICU beds capacity?

What is being gained by arguing that this is the best that we can do?
What is gained by celebrating this bill?
I don't get it.


Nov 6, 2017
It's crazy how the reality of the us government is that there are people who want to build government, and then there's the party of sabotage and destruction who just want to stand in the way of that.

"Democrats aren't giving enough" is what Trump says. Democrats are the only ones that want to give anything. So sick of republicans. They just get worse and worse.


Oct 25, 2017
Just to address the title of the thread:

"pelosi's bill" is in another era — a disgraceful inadequate compromise that does too little, too late and is best described as better than nothing.

In this post Gingrich, post-Tea Party McConnell Trump era - it's a surprisingly muscular and vital piece of emergency legislation which is extremely practical and will have immediate beneficial impact on the woefully inadequate administration response. It's better than the bill the GOP tried to force through and the 40 Republicans who voted against the bill AND the presidential guidance are receipts to that effect.

The title and content of the OP is a valid critique but completely ignores the context and does EXACTLY what the GOP and media have done- which is to present both parties as equally guilty of the same behaviors and effectively tell people that Dems are exactly 50% of the problem with governance.

that's nonsense and exactly why we got to this point in the first place. We should not be amplifying that nonsense.

THE bill is a compromised Frankenstein shitshow and we need to eradicate the extreme ideologues and grifters from the government in 2020.

you can argue about what the Dems shoulda woulda coulda all the livelong day but to paraphrase a recent GOP war criminal, "we fight with the army we've got not the one we'd like to have"
Thank you, seriously people it's this


Oct 25, 2017
It's fucking useless. The companies that qualify for federal relief are medium sized companies. And as seen on here, many people have expressed that their medium sized companies are offering to pay them to stay home. Amazon, fast food, grocery stores, etc, the companies where they need this support the most get to skate. They get to force their employees to come to work sick. They potentially propagate this deadly illness.

It's useless to you because you don't care about the 30 million people this is helping. There's no nice way to say this, but i don't know how to explain to you why you should care about other people.

It's also not our fault that you don't have an elementary school understanding of how our government works. Again, i'm not trying to be mean, but you're aggressively unsympathetic and incapable of digesting very simple information that's been given to you 100x in this thread.
Sep 14, 2019
It's crazy how the reality of the us government is that there are people who want to build government, and then there's the party of sabotage and destruction who just want to stand in the way of that.

"Democrats aren't giving enough" is what Trump says. Democrats are the only ones that want to give anything. So sick of republicans. They just get worse and worse.

And many will still get upset any time Republicans are called out.

I constantly see this on The View.

Joy Behar will call out Republicans, but then Whoopi Goldberg, Meghan McCain, and several guests will claim both sides are equally at fault. Yes, the Democratic Party isn't perfect and they screw up, but people can't keep comparing them to be just as bad as the Republican Party.

But nope, "both sides."


Oct 25, 2017
The bill:
- Gets food to tens of millions of students who participate in the school lunch programs, but who aren't going to school due to coronavirus
- legislatively puts the lid on the stupid work requirements for Medicaid and SNAP the trump administration is pursuing during the pandemic
- Improves unemployment insurance
- Ensures free testing for coronavirus for everyone.
- Includes at least SOME sick leave.

The sick leave only covers about 20% of workers, and the work requirements aren't being permanently shelved by law, but damn, do you understand that without these concessions, the bill dies in the senate?

Direct your outrage at the GOP. They're the weak link in the chain. You can put all the AOCs you want in the democratic caucus, it won't do anything as long as there are 50+ Republicans in the senate to block things.


Oct 25, 2017
If your theory is that we can't expect anything meaningful from our government unless Democrats controls all branches of government (and have 60 votes in the Senate), how the hell are you not a revolutionary?
People call me names on this forum, but I honest to god believe that the US government, even in it currently form can do waaaaaaaaaaay more than it's doing.

I donno, I'm not a master negotiator, but I can't for the life of me understand why there isn't right now a bunch of actual good bills getting passed by the house.
Not show bills, not poison pill bills, I'm talking about honest to god attempts to help people. The senate is probably not going pass them just like this, but things are gonna get worse pretty damn soon, and there will be pressure on congress to act. We can frame the conversation about what they should do by having actual things ready.

Why not pass a bill the guarantee free treatment to all COVID-19 patients?
Why not pass a bill that force hospitals in insurance companies to stop that in and out of network bullshit so we can direct patients efficiently?
Why not pass a bill the up facemask production in some way? (I can think of a few).
Why not fund massive increase in ICU beds capacity?

What is being gained by arguing that this is the best that we can do?
What is gained by celebrating this bill?
I don't get it.

There are legitimately hundreds of House bills sitting in the Senate docket that McConnell has vowed to never even look at.

America in general have given Republicans a complete pass.


Oct 27, 2017
If your theory is that we can't expect anything meaningful from our government unless Democrats controls all branches of government (and have 60 votes in the Senate), how the hell are you not a revolutionary?
People call me names on this forum, but I honest to god believe that the US government, even in it currently form can do waaaaaaaaaaay more than it's doing.

I donno, I'm not a master negotiator, but I can't for the life of me understand why there isn't right now a bunch of actual good bills getting passed by the house.
Not show bills, not poison pill bills, I'm talking about honest to god attempts to help people. The senate is probably not going pass them just like this, but things are gonna get worse pretty damn soon, and there will be pressure on congress to act. We can frame the conversation about what they should do by having actual things ready.

Why not pass a bill the guarantee free treatment to all COVID-19 patients?
Why not pass a bill that force hospitals in insurance companies to stop that in and out of network bullshit so we can direct patients efficiently?
Why not pass a bill the up facemask production in some way? (I can think of a few).
Why not fund massive increase in ICU beds capacity?

What is being gained by arguing that this is the best that we can do?
What is gained by celebrating this bill?
I don't get it.

Are people in this thread performing massive celebration though?

And, so your plan is that in the midst of a crisis instead of negotiating a bill that can pass they should spend time internally negotiating and then passing bills that have no chance of passing?


Nov 17, 2017
ITT "progressives" show why they are shit at accomplishing literally anything.

The bill:
- Gets food to tens of millions of students who participate in the school lunch programs, but who aren't going to school due to coronavirus
- legislatively puts the lid on the stupid work requirements for Medicaid and SNAP the trump administration is pursuing during the pandemic
- Improves unemployment insurance
- Ensures free testing for coronavirus for everyone.
- Includes at least SOME sick leave.

The sick leave only covers about 20% of workers, and the work requirements aren't being permanently shelved by law, but damn, do you understand that without these concessions, the bill dies in the senate?

Direct your outrage at the GOP. They're the weak link in the chain. You can put all the AOCs you want in the democratic caucus, it won't do anything as long as there are 50+ Republicans in the senate to block things.


"Progressives" would rather fuck everyone on principle because the bill does not do 100% of what they want.

At the same time they don't propose EVEN ONE WAY to get something better passed outside of a collective circlejerk about how "pure" their ideas are.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
If your theory is that we can't expect anything meaningful from our government unless Democrats controls all branches of government (and have 60 votes in the Senate), how the hell are you not a revolutionary?
People call me names on this forum, but I honest to god believe that the US government, even in it currently form can do waaaaaaaaaaay more than it's doing.

I donno, I'm not a master negotiator, but I can't for the life of me understand why there isn't right now a bunch of actual good bills getting passed by the house.
Not show bills, not poison pill bills, I'm talking about honest to god attempts to help people. The senate is probably not going pass them just like this, but things are gonna get worse pretty damn soon, and there will be pressure on congress to act. We can frame the conversation about what they should do by having actual things ready.

Why not pass a bill the guarantee free treatment to all COVID-19 patients?
Why not pass a bill that force hospitals in insurance companies to stop that in and out of network bullshit so we can direct patients efficiently?
Why not pass a bill the up facemask production in some way? (I can think of a few).
Why not fund massive increase in ICU beds capacity?

What is being gained by arguing that this is the best that we can do?
What is gained by celebrating this bill?
I don't get it.
Because all of those things are exactly the poison pill bills you're describing above. The fact that they would help significant numbers of people is what makes them poison pills.

The entire Republican thesis... no, that's not really the right word. The Republicans have faith in the picture of government that is ineffectual. Good legislation - not half-measures, but real, serious progress - is a direct challenge to that faith, and even in the depths of a crisis, it's not one they'd ever allow. The House has passed a ton of bills that would help people, starting from HR1 and moving onward. It hasn't changed a thing. So right now they're trying to pass stuff that can actually make it into law to help people.

And as we learned from Obama, you take the victory laps you get.


Oct 26, 2017
There are legitimately hundreds of House bills sitting in the Senate docket that McConnell has vowed to never even look at.

America in general have given Republicans a complete pass.
Which ones address this epidemic?
Why are democrats doing elbow bumps with republicans instead of shouting every day from every rooftoop about them?
Even from a narrow, electoral point of view this seem unwise.

I do not understand the strategy here, and I really really don't understand what is gained by keep insisting that house Democrats can't do more.
Seriously, let's say that I'm wrong and it's really impossible to get anything more than that from our government, so what?
If you demand nothing from your government you will get nothing.
I feel like we're demanding very very very little right now.
Oct 25, 2017
If your theory is that we can't expect anything meaningful from our government unless Democrats controls all branches of government (and have 60 votes in the Senate), how the hell are you not a revolutionary?
People call me names on this forum, but I honest to god believe that the US government, even in it currently form can do waaaaaaaaaaay more than it's doing.

I donno, I'm not a master negotiator, but I can't for the life of me understand why there isn't right now a bunch of actual good bills getting passed by the house.
Not show bills, not poison pill bills, I'm talking about honest to god attempts to help people. The senate is probably not going pass them just like this, but things are gonna get worse pretty damn soon, and there will be pressure on congress to act. We can frame the conversation about what they should do by having actual things ready.

Why not pass a bill the guarantee free treatment to all COVID-19 patients?
Why not pass a bill that force hospitals in insurance companies to stop that in and out of network bullshit so we can direct patients efficiently?
Why not pass a bill the up facemask production in some way? (I can think of a few).
Why not fund massive increase in ICU beds capacity?

What is being gained by arguing that this is the best that we can do?
What is gained by celebrating this bill?
I don't get it.
At this point it just seems like trying to rationalize the utter impotence of corporate dems as inevitable so that democrats don't have to be subject to criticism from the left.


Dec 13, 2017

Paid Sick Leave Loopholes: 'There’s a Giant Hole in Pelosi’s Coronavirus Bill'

"In fact, the bill guarantees sick leave only to about 20 percent of workers."

So the bill doesn't require companies with greater than 500 employees to provide paid sick leave and allows small companies to seek a "hardship" from paying. Why the fuck did the Democrats cave to this bullshit? Why not stick to their guns and allow Republicans to publicly explain their fuckery ?

The whole point of the fucking bill is so a person working at McDonald's doesn't feel like they HAVE to go to work sick so they will instead stay at home because their already insufficient income won't be taken away and thus won't infect other people by showing up and including a side of coronavirus with every double fucking Big Mac.

Fuck all of these people.

The House Dems can either pass a compromise to help some people, or insist on a "perfect" bill that doesn't pass the Senate and helps no one.

If you don't like it, blame the folks that sat out the last election and helped put the Republicans in power.

These are the people who simply don't care about GOP fuckery. They are the ones who enable Trump.

There is only so much the minority party can do. Complaining about those limits while not doing anything to remove said limits (like working to make sure people vote Dem down the line in Nov) is the pot calling the kettle black.

BTW, the vast majority of McDonald's restaurants are individually franchised. Which means that they are individually owned small businesses.

Alright. So, what's the alternative? If Pelosi doesn't compromise, and GOP Senate and President doesn't compromise.... We're not dealing with a situation where we can fight it out for weeks.

This bill is a LOT of real good and needed stuff for this current epidemic.
I'm sure the GOP is enjoying you giving them a pass on this OP.

These two get it.
Oct 27, 2017
If your theory is that we can't expect anything meaningful from our government unless Democrats controls all branches of government (and have 60 votes in the Senate), how the hell are you not a revolutionary?
People call me names on this forum, but I honest to god believe that the US government, even in it currently form can do waaaaaaaaaaay more than it's doing.

I donno, I'm not a master negotiator, but I can't for the life of me understand why there isn't right now a bunch of actual good bills getting passed by the house.
Not show bills, not poison pill bills, I'm talking about honest to god attempts to help people. The senate is probably not going pass them just like this, but things are gonna get worse pretty damn soon, and there will be pressure on congress to act. We can frame the conversation about what they should do by having actual things ready.

Why not pass a bill the guarantee free treatment to all COVID-19 patients?
Why not pass a bill that force hospitals in insurance companies to stop that in and out of network bullshit so we can direct patients efficiently?
Why not pass a bill the up facemask production in some way? (I can think of a few).
Why not fund massive increase in ICU beds capacity?

What is being gained by arguing that this is the best that we can do?
What is gained by celebrating this bill?
I don't get it.
A) The CDC has the authority to do some of this on their own. Congress just squeezed them via questioning to make all tests free regardless of having insurance or not.
B) Other coronavirus relief bills were passed this week and sent to the Senate, where McConnell publicly decried them on the Senate floor.
C) No one is celebrating, and even Pelosi regards it as the least that could be done by congress in this time frame, and that they plan to do more after this. Most of the power of immediate action lies with the administration, the private sector, the Senate, and state governments.


Oct 29, 2017
This is 100% the case. Its fucking shocking seeing people continue to justify limp dick measures with stuff like climate change and this virus.
If you're coming from the perspective that every fight the Dems engage in with the GOP will result in a win then yes, a measure like this is limp dicked. I have no issue with claiming this is a half-measure but it's one that exists because the reality is that when up against Republicans, a party that is notoriously willing to let their own constituents die for a win, Dems are forced to compromise and cannot always politically dominate particularly when lives are on the line in the short term. "If you only held out a little longer you could have gotten a better deal" is sometimes true and sometimes isn't and sometimes isn't worth the risk to find out depending on the situation.

Deleted member 283

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Here's an interesting bit of trivia. Trump literally endorsed this bill on Twitter, what Republicans were supposedly waiting for to get on board this bill at all (that's why it took so long in the first place, that they were waiting for Trump to get the thumb's up and didn't want to vote for it at all without that):

Tweet text said:
I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening. This Bill will follow my direction for free CoronaVirus tests, and paid sick leave for our impacted American workers. I have directed....

But then what happened after that, exactly? The bill did indeed come to a vote in the House, and it did indeed pass, but wait, what's this...?

House passes coronavirus relief bill after Trump announces his support

The House of Representatives passed a bipartisan legislative package in response to the spread of coronavirus in the early hours of Saturday morning following intense negotiations between House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Trump administration.
The bill passed with broad, bipartisan support and a final tally of 363-40 with 40 Republicans voting against it and Independent Justin Amash of Michigan voting "present."
That's right, even with Trump endorsing the thing on Twitter, FORTY REPUBLICANS STILL VOTED NO ANYWAY. THAT'S WITH TRUMP'S ENDORSEMENT. 40 OF THEM STILL VOTED NO!

And it's not just in the House either. The Senate has yet to vote on it but you already have Republican Senators like Senator Johnson coming out against it:

And why is this the case? Because there is a huge partisan divide in regards to the virus, thanks to the rhetoric of people like Trump, with huge amounts of Republicans thinking the whole thing is fake news/no big deal:

Jay Van Bavel on Twitter

“There is a huge partisan divide over the threat of #COVID19 62% of Republicans see news reports about the seriousness of the #coronavirus as “generally exaggerated” 31 % of Democrats say the same thing These differences extend to health behaviors.”

Tweet text said:
There is a huge partisan divide over the threat of #COVID19 62% of Republicans see news reports about the seriousness of the #coronavirus as "generally exaggerated" 31 % of Democrats say the same thing These differences extend to health behaviors.

That is to say, their constituents literally would not care if they did vote against the bill because they believe the whole thing is fake news/no big deal/just a huge plot against Trump anyway. You're not shaming them, because they're quite literally immune to shame because they believe there's nothing to be shamed over to begin with.

That's awful, and terrifying, and shouldn't be how it is at all, nowhere close, but unfortunately, that is indeed where we're at on this, regardless of how terrible and awful it is.

So, should more be passed? Absolutely, there's so much more we both can and should do.

At the same time, is this better than nothing and with a virus like this, is time of the essence for what we can get passed, such as making sure that everyone can get access to testing, people can keep access to their food stamps/SNAP benefits for the time being (another thing that Republicans have no shame in cutting and absolutely no problem doing so because "welfare queen" myths and absolutely can't be shamed on), etc? Also, yes.

That yes, ideally more should be passed. But unfortunately, we currently have both a GOP Senate and an idiotic GOP President as well. And they ain't kidding when they say they can't be shamed.

Again, even with Trump's endorsement, 40 Republicans + Amash still refused to vote for this thing even as thing? You think they're messing around? You think they can be shamed? That vote itself should be testament otherwise, that even with Trump's endorsement a large fraction of them vote against anyway. They're immune to that, since they just legit don't care at all and on this particular issue a large part of their base thinks the thing's no big deal regardless.

Whereas in the mean time, people are sick and dying right now and literally this is better than nothing. That this doesn't help as much as possible, but these are nonetheless real benefits that will help real people.

Passing a better bill that would theoretically help more people but in practice help no one since the GOP will effortlessly vote against, well, that's the thing, that helps no one because it might keep one's principles in tact, but it doesn't change that no one actually gets helped at all, and EVEN LESS people are helped, EVEN LESS PEOPLE than the bill that people are supposedly angry about for not doing enough in the first place, so I don't really see how that makes sense at all.

Does it suck that this is where we are? Absolutely, of course. But as can be seen with Republicans' behavior over this even with Trump's endorsement, that's literally who they are and it's quite frankly a miracle that Pelosi was able to get even this much passed because that's how monstrous they are.

And blaming her instead of the GOP when Pelosi would absolutely have no problem passing more but it's the GOP Senate and President holding her back here, and just being upset she didn't pass some bill that would have no chance getting passed the Senate/President anyway and thus help no one, for what... some theoretical chance of shaming the GOP, which they've shown they're quite immune to and wouldn't work and thus would help no one, but even if it did work, which it wouldn't, but even if it did work, who knows exactly how long that would take? At least this is helping real people, in real ways, in the here and now. That strategy, even if it did work, which it probably wouldn't (again, as is, 40 Rs voted no which is easy for them to do because the whole thing is "fake news" to their base regardless), but even if it did, how many would be hurt in however long it takes for them to find a conscious?

In any case, I can't see how in any way this is on Pelosi's head since she isn't the one who's happy with more. She wanted more, and tried her best to get it. The R Senate/Trump said no and she can't just magic passed them. She would have no problem voting for more, but the reality of our government unfortunately is what it is and I don't see how Republicans being vile and not being willing to do any more than this (and many, even with Trump's endorsement, still not willing to even do that much) is on her in any way instead of them.


Oct 27, 2017
I too wish I could just ignore any of the barriers for better things occurring and just act half measures occur simply because of individual incompetence. It would be so easy to look at any political situation and go, "why didn't these fucking losers just do the better thing?!"


Oct 25, 2017
This thread is the perfect example of how fucking useless moral absolutism is. "If it doesn't help everybody, it's pointless and doesn't help anybody."