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Oct 25, 2017
I should start selling my services as a Kickstarter golden idol.

- 100% success rate in everything I backed.
- No bullshit in anything I ever backed.
- Products always came out with extra as opposed to what was promised.

Pay me a sum which includes the cost of backing the Kickstarter and I will back it with you and bring you great luck*
You're golden until you're not. I don't have a clean record, but I'm on a 95% pass fail margin. And the 5% I knew were clear gambles. It really isn't difficult to make sensible crowdfunding decisions.

But why?

You're likely to get better quality+flexibility out of any other solution. Their solutions work, but they're far from impressive.


Oct 25, 2017
Our beloved Galyonkin shiting on their future customers:

Imagine being this much of a bootlicking smoothbrain. Imagine living like this.


Self-requested ban.
Oct 28, 2017
I think the latest Windows Update did something to game performance.
Before the update, Testament of Sherlock Holmes ran fine in Fullscreen, but after this update, the FPS drops to 30 FPS.
I had to go Windowed+Borderless windowed to get it borderless fullscreen and for the FPS to be normal again.

Anyone know what's specifically causing this odd situation? I've updated my NVidia card to latest one too.


Oct 25, 2017
People on crackwatch saying en masse how they're gonna buy Halo on Steam and how they don't wanna pirate it. (obv some still will)

Like Gaben said, piracy is a service problem.


Oct 25, 2017
But she's got that really cool cube phone.
lol that she does

That is the only good campaign out of a bad bunch which isn't exactly much praise for the campaign itself. I liked that there is no AI companion to lug around and the pacing felt better but the same structural problems remain.

Wait till you get to the mother of all turret sequences. Not only is it dull as bricks but goes on for way too long on top of that...ungh.
i think chris' is my favorite one cos it doesn't have any bad stealth or bad puzzling, but the other campaigns are fine, and the AI isn't necessary or annoying, they kind of are just there to every now and then run to the door you already tried to open by yourself

it's kinda good to remember than not that many years ago this was way more aimless capcom, with games like re6 that (while charming) were kind of a mess, putting devil may cry or dead rising in the hands of people that took them in directions that didn't have the right personality and not even spelling their own name right. hell even during this "golden" period they've fucking put advertising on street fighter characters so they're still fucking ass weird
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Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, Ohio
I think Ebba straight out said Paradox isn't looking to limit their markets on the most recent earnings call. For whatever that's worth. Considering how I've made sure to buy keys directly from them and pay Steam nothing just to support Paradox despite things like the Workshop being the only reason I'd play their games I would drop them so quickly if they ever tried.

Also am I totally making this up or do you need to use UE4 to get the spiffy developers cut on the EGS? For some reason I thought that was the case.


Oct 25, 2017
Imagine being this much of a bootlicking smoothbrain. Imagine living like this.
I mean whoever said that is not wrong. The fact that so many people are willing to say fuck it and blow through all their goodwill to force people to buy their game on an inferior platform says it all.

Unless I am mistaking that quote it is basically saying: Game developers/publishers are not your friend.


Oct 25, 2017
People on crackwatch saying en masse how they're gonna buy Halo on Steam and how they don't wanna pirate it. (obv some still will)

Like Gaben said, piracy is a service problem.

Theres hardly any difference between a cracked game and its EGS equivalent. Both don't have cloud saves, controller support, mod workshop support, and so on. You get a bit of DRM and thats it.


Oct 25, 2017
You guys keep forgetting about this pub and taking them as granted, so no wonder they accepted Epic moneybags. Again, I really hope I'm wrong about this one, but thankfully GDC is next week so we won't need to wonder any longer.
One overlooked publisher I can think of, who had one of their games added to Epic, is Klei. I would personally find that heart breaking if they decided to make exclusive deals with Epic but they are a publisher who I notice don't get much attention here but have so many PC titles people play.

I would be fine with it being Gearbox personally. I never enjoyed the Borderland series and everything else they've done since.


Oct 25, 2017
One overlooked publisher I can think of, who had one of their games added to Epic, is Klei. I would personally find that heart breaking if they decided to make exclusive deals with Epic but they are a publisher who I notice don't get much attention here but have so many PC titles people play.

I would be fine with it being Gearbox personally. I never enjoyed the Borderland series and everything else they've done since.

I'd be so upset if its Klei, was really looking forward to their Griftlands.


Oct 27, 2017
The titles to watch out for are definitely going to be stuff like that going forward. For example something like say Divinity: Original Sin 3 would be right up there in the sort of titles Epic could afford and what they'd garner would push hardcore players to check them out.

I find this one highly doubtful. Larian is in a really great place right now and they've always been about options (multiple stores, DRM free versions, MacOS support) and engaging directly with their community. The Original Sin games have been massively successful, don't see them burning all that goodwill with this sort of move. The reaction the EGS has received so far will certainly impact how a lot of developers look at this sort of move in the long run.

Epic will likely focus on approaching established studios that aren't self-sustainable at the moment, such as Yager or Sumo Digital (Sumo is already 500+ people nowadays and their latest projects haven't done very well). Basically companies with high burn rates that need to rely on publisher contracts to stay in business due to their size, in those cases any cash advances and sales guarantees they can get will be more than welcome. It also helps if they're working with UE4, which is actually the case with both of those companies.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean whoever said that is not wrong. The fact that so many people are willing to say fuck it and blow through all their goodwill to force people to buy their game on an inferior platform says it all.

Unless I am mistaking that quote it is basically saying: Game developers/publishers are not your friend.

'The most remarkable thing about the whole EGS movement is that gamers, who have all gotten used to developers/publishers owing them something, are surprised to see that unpleasant aggressive assholes with hysterical demands are sometimes told to fuck off anyway.'

Sounds like an entitled gamers rant to me.
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Oct 25, 2017
Wonder how long it will be till "and you can buy it on your preferred storefront" becomes a selling point. It's certainly earned MS a lot of good will by Phil saying choice matters.


Jan 17, 2018
I mean whoever said that is not wrong. The fact that so many people are willing to say fuck it and blow through all their goodwill to force people to buy their game on an inferior platform says it all.

Unless I am mistaking that quote it is basically saying: Game developers/publishers are not your friend.
Nah, he basically said "nobody owes you anything, so shut the fuck up and know your place".


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Cant wait for Sergey to call this another mistranslation by angry resetera bots.

It's like they're provocing to have an image as bad as possible

Feeling dirty for having supported steamspy for many years.


Oct 25, 2017
Still sore about that one, I see.

I get the feeling he thinks that Russian is some mystical language that only a few people speak.


Oct 26, 2017
Is the AMA happening soon? Wait, why do they need an AMA? Just release an FAQ with the answers you're willing to give. They're only going to answer things that will make Epic look like heroes anyway.

Q: How much is Epic paying you?
A: Can't say, but lets just call it Fuck You Money.

Q: Why can't backers get the Steam keys we were promised?
A: Because we didn't ask. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

lashman posted this in the other forum, I guess it's all but confirmed that Gearbox is going EGS exclusive:

He's already got some really great responses from people. No crying, just hard facts. He'll ignore them all, because he's not actually looking for an answer. He's just trying to make the rest of us look silly.


Nov 1, 2017
Ok PC era, this cheap $10 blue tooth mouse is pissing me off with its randomly not reading inputs or movements.

Should I bite the gamer bullet and get a Razer Deathadder or is there some other recommended mousing device these days.
I have a Mionix Castor. Been using it for the past few years and I absolutely love it.

Honestly. I really wonder how the people on Era always "justifying" it by saying: "Well. Its just business. Good decision for the dev if they get so much money!" would feel if a game they are looking forward to is exclusive for 1 year for another console:

"Oh. Nier 3 is exclusive to Xbox for 1 year. Great moneyhat by MS! Securing Taros future! Can't feel bad for him!"
"Oh. The next No More Heroes is timed exclusive for 1 year for Sony! GREAT! SUDA51 needs all the money they can get!"
There are PlayStation fanboys that still shit on Rise of the Tomb Raider to this day because it had one year exclusivity on Xbox One. They just want to shit on Steam and Valve any chance they get.

Deleted member 32374

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2017
Welcome to platform wars in the PC gaming space. Wonderful isn't it?

Also, just would like everyone to know that my Razor Death Adder 3.5G will be EIGHT years old in a few months. Still works.

(buy razer mice)


Oct 26, 2017
Maybe they're doing another season of that Telltale Borderlands game with the other devs they paid off.
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