
Nov 13, 2017
What about Valve's operating costs for all of their services and support suggests a 10% cut is fair and a rational proposal for them when Epic -- who is offering demonstrably less in services or features -- have already stated that 12% is unsustainable for them and on their comparatively barren service?

Ya'll need to think these things through better.
I didn't say they should only take a 10% cut. I said they should take 10%, plus payment processing costs. I don't really know or care what, exactly, a proper number would be, anyway. I picked 90/10 as an example because it would be roughly equal to Epic's cut in the absolute best case (very low payment processing costs) and pretty close to Valve's existing cut in the worst case (~15% lost on gift cards). The point I'm trying to make is that Valve could give developers/publishers a better cut by varying it based on checkout costs, instead of just taking a bigger profit on the cheaper payment methods.


Oct 25, 2017
I believe Sony, MS and Nintendo include the 10% royalty fee in their 30% cut. the 20% cut is the standard retailer cut charged by all phsyical retailers like walmart,bestbuy and gamestop. First party publishers are simply including the 10% royalty fee up front.

Steam charging the extra 10% makes no sense because they didnt invest billions of dollars in manufacturing and selling consoles.

The royalty fee from Sony/MS/Nintendo on physical copies is 20% according to ubisoft.

Excuse me but, what does the digital share has to do with "manufacturing and selling consoles" ? Are those consoles given for free ? No, they're sold at a profit in the long run. They also sell accessories with a huge markup. And they also make online paywalls.


Oct 27, 2017
Screw Paradox and shit like EGS. No cloud saves, mods, Family share, achievements, streaming, big picture mode, universal game pad support, Linux support, user forums, reviews, basket in store, crap search feature, etc. Also, 0 discounts for consumers in general since keys won't be on 3rd party sites for free - this typically would allow 15-25% off new titles for both AAA and indie games. Let's ignore the cluster fuck of the EGS $10 off sale that significantly devalued brand new indie games (75% discount on a brand new title) and really screwed over AAA titles in other regions with the straight discount that didn't take into account regional pricing...


Oct 30, 2017
I think you can advocate for Steam while also agreeing that a 30% cut is too much.

I've never found the two sentiments to be mutually exclusive.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
As a reminder for those saying that 12% is enough or even still too much :
At 12% EGS is pushing certain payment processors onto the clients to pay themselves since it's the only way to operate.


Oct 25, 2017
How much cheaper? Again, how can we have this conversation without numbers?

How much cheaper is it to own and run massive data centers with scores of features than to print a box, insert into a DVD into a sleeve and ship and commercial bulk prices (pennies, if you weren't aware)?

How does anyone assert it is less expensive without that information? Gut feelings?

I obviously can't get you the exact numbers but running a data center that just does downloads is way cheaper to do at scale then making and shipping physical copies.

The thousands of indie games we've gotten in the past 15 years wouldn't be possible with physical being their only option.


Oct 27, 2017
As a consumer I'd prefer an 80/20 split and actual curating. Steam is too much of a wild west now. EGS sucks, but when I got to that store I see a bunch of games that are at least pretty good. Games that I'd be interested in.


Oct 27, 2017
The real problem these days are publishers in the game industry. Publishers take a percentage from honest hardworking devs - sometimes money that is the difference between making a profit or a loss on a game - and they funnel it to their CEOs to spend on cocaine and lambos. Sometimes they take money from other people to do something with the game that developers aren't too happy with! Publishing a game costs nothing these days, it's all digital. Just a few clicks in a spreadsheet I'm sure! Someone needs to do something about this so called industry standard.


Alt Account
Jun 10, 2019
Valve should offer bigger cut as an alternative but also cut all the features that the others do not have. I'd like to see the shitstorm that would cause.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
I mean, my point is that it's usually not sustainable lol. I could definitely see Epic changing it whenever they make less money from Fortnite.
Yea. I guess my point is people are throwing around "this is crazy" but don't actually have any financial perspective on what is or is not crazy to base their opinions on.

Is 30% too much? I don't know. I don't know how much it costs Steam to run all of their services and data centers for free (for the consumers) along with the value of access to the Steam market and its audience which costs next to nothing to get your game on. Are Sony, Apple, Samsung, Google, and Microsoft also taking too much? Because in this same thread not a few posts up we have people defending platform holders as offering "a magnitude more" value but they are not selling hardware at a loss and are simultaneously charging gamers monthly just to play online (which they could offer for free) and offering comparatively inferior online services, slower download speeds, etc. If they are taking to much, again, what is that based on? How much does it cost THEM to run their online services with 99.9% uptime and support staff?

Is 20% too much? Again, I don't know and am not sure how anyone can suggest that is more or less fair than 30% for the services provided.

I sort of feel like people think some of these services they use and enjoy are free or close to free to own and operate. It feels like the access to tens of millions of users isn't being considered.

Are these things cheaper than the pennies it costs to print and ship a DVD or Blu-ray? Are you sure? If people are sure, they should clarify just how much cheaper and show their work.


Oct 27, 2017
Steam already does that.
Oh, didn't know that. What's the split for smaller devs?
If anything it will be more like corporate tax where the bigger you are the more tax incentives you're given to stop you going elsewhere
It needs to be the other way, the big devs that sell millions of copies can afford the 30/70 split, it's the smaller devs that needs a lower percentage to not run away to EGS.
Oct 25, 2017
The royalty fee from Sony/MS/Nintendo on physical copies is 20% according to ubisoft.

Excuse me but, what does the digital share has to do with "manufacturing and selling consoles" ? Are those consoles given for free ? No, they're sold at a profit in the long run. They also sell accessories with a huge markup. And they also make online paywalls.
I'm confused about this too. If Steam lowered their cut to 20% but instead devs had to give AMD/Nvidia/Intel a 10% cut on top of that, would everyone be ok with that? It's suddenly fine?

What the hell do devs have to do with that?

Taking a lower cut so consumers who use certain payment methods don't have to pay more is absurd, but helping fund someone else's hardware is perfectly reasonable?

Should Valve's cut be bigger for SteamVR games? I mean, it uses their hardware.


Oct 28, 2017
When they already had him answer questions, couldn't they ask him what he thinks about the 30% Base Game / 70% DLC Split?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm confused about this too. If Steam lowered their cut to 20% but instead devs had to give AMD/Nvidia/Intel a 10% cut on top of that, would everyone be ok with that? It's suddenly fine?

What the hell do devs have to do with that?

Taking a lower cut so consumers who use certain payment methods don't have to pay more is absurd, but helping fund someone else's hardware is perfectly reasonable?

Should Valve's cut be bigger for SteamVR games? I mean, it uses their hardware.

That's the most clueless argument I seen indeed.
"They deserve their cut because they sell you a hardware"

Sorry but, the cut you take from a sale is justified by what you provide to each parties. Selling hardware isn't a service they provide to anyone but themselves uh.


Nov 29, 2017
I want someone to prove that 70/30 split is too much rather than just repeating it. A lot of people seem willing to accept that statement, but where is the breakdown? It seems like small stores will die with a smaller cut and EGS can't support a robust feature set with a 12 percent cut. Steam's policy of giving better cuts to games that sell more seems reasonable to me because digital distribution + services likely scales better than physical distribution.

I'm not surprised a publisher wants more money anyway.


Oct 26, 2017
Why do these companies only bring up Steam and not also Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo? The digital split is the same on all of them.

Because it's easier to operate a PC storefront than establishing and operating a whole console ecosystem, that requires billions in investments and carries a very high risk?
Oct 27, 2017
Yea. I guess my point is people are throwing around "this is crazy" but don't actually have any financial perspective on what is or is not crazy to base their opinions on.

Is 30% too much? I don't know. I don't know how much it costs Steam to run all of their services and data centers for free (for the consumers) along with the value of access to the Steam market and its audience which costs next to nothing to get your game on. Are Sony, Apple, Samsung, Google, and Microsoft also taking too much? Because in this same thread not a few posts up we have people defending platform holders as offering "a magnitude more" value but they are not selling hardware at a loss and are simultaneously charging gamers monthly just to play online (which they could offer for free) and offering comparatively inferior online services, slower download speeds, etc. If they are taking to much, again, what is that based on? How much does it cost THEM to run their online services with 99.9% uptime and support staff?

Is 20% too much? Again, I don't know and am not sure how anyone can suggest that is more or less fair than 30% for the services provided.

I sort of feel like people think some of these services they use and enjoy are free or close to free to own and operate. It feels like the access to tens of millions of users isn't being considered.

Are these things cheaper than the pennies it costs to print and ship a DVD or Blu-ray? Are you sure? If people are sure, they should clarify just how much cheaper and show their work.
People absolutely think it costs effectively nothing to run a service like Steam. The tip off is that they simultaneously want great customer support, a client overhaul, tons of features, refunds, etc. while wanting the company to earn two thirds less revenue.

Meanwhile other stores that take as much while charging you for online play aren't subject to the same demands.


Oct 25, 2017
The royalty fee from Sony/MS/Nintendo on physical copies is 20% according to ubisoft.

Excuse me but, what does the digital share has to do with "manufacturing and selling consoles" ? Are those consoles given for free ? No, they're sold at a profit in the long run. They also sell accessories with a huge markup. And they also make online paywalls.
Wait, are you saying console manufacturers should stop charging royalty fees really? Royalty fees have always been a thing. If you have an issue with them, go back 40 years and ask console manufacturers why they are charging a royalty fee. thats their entire business. or at least used to be before the digital store front and PS+ subs. That royalty cut is how they made their money. Consoles only become profitable later in their life cycle and even then the margins are barely even there.

If the royalty cut is 20% like you said, then their vendor cut is only 10%. compared to the 20% retailer cut, thats half off. 20% rotalty cut on physical sales seems ridiculously high since retailer cut is 20% and other distribution costs mean they barely get a 50% return after factoring everything in. 20% would mean they make 40% per copy which if true is ridiculous and unsustainable.


Oct 26, 2017
It needs to be the other way, the big devs that sell millions of copies can afford the 30/70 split, it's the smaller devs that needs a lower percentage to not run away to EGS.
On Steam, smaller devs are allowed access to the same features as larger devs. Besides that, they can freely generate their own keys to sell through other means, essentially allowing them to take a 100/0 split.


Oct 26, 2017
70/30 is the "standard". It's what Sony and MS and Nintendo take. Stop thinking everytime devs/pubs mention 70/30 its about steam.
Jun 2, 2019
Here I am laughing at how some people here automatically had a "but steam...!" reaction.

Even if you don't read the article, steam isn't mentioned in any of the quotes on the OP.

It's kind of funny how exacerbated the hate for EGS can get.


Oct 25, 2017
Here I am laughing at how some people here automatically had a "but steam...!" reaction.

Even if you don't read the article, steam isn't mentioned in any of the quotes on the OP.

It's kind of funny how exacerbated the hate for EGS can get.
It is almost as if the OP mentioned Steam... It is funny how you just see what you want to see.


Oct 27, 2017
IK the guy clarified that he wasn't talking about Steam, but the people railing on Steam here need to understand that they largely use that 30% cut to eat losses on Gift Cards & payment methods that charge larger % amounts (which are very common outside of the USA).

It's why on the EGS they pass those payment method % charges onto the consumer buying the game, rather than Valve who will eat the loss. With the cut Epic takes, they can't afford to eat the loss without actually losing money, as there are payment methods whose % cut is already almost the entirety of the cut they take.

Valve can take the higher amount of money they make from people utilizing lower cut payment methods to eat losses on the higher cut payment methods people use in other countries. EGS can't afford to do this.


Oct 25, 2017
This is a more interesting topic and I'm surprised doesn't get discussed much.
What exactly should be discussed about that topic?
The reality is that publishers pay Streamers millions of dollars to promote their games.
The idea that content plattforms should license the use of games from publishers so Streamers can show these games is a pretty dumb thought.
Oct 25, 2017
On Steam, smaller devs are allowed access to the same features as larger devs. Besides that, they can freely generate their own keys to sell through other means, essentially allowing them to take a 100/0 split.
It's kind of telling that what the vast majority of publishers do with their keys is just selling them to other stores like GMG and Nuuvem, instead of building their own stores to sell as much as GMG does while making more money from each copy.


Nov 3, 2017
I guess this is going to be the thread where we pretend that Valve's cut isn't justified compared to MS, Sony, Nintendo etc. because they don't make hardware, completely ignoring all their software efforts in the PC space.
As long as they have the only PC storefront that isn't hot garbage I'd say the split is as justified as the console maker's.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I agree that developers and developers alone should be getting more money from each sale. The trouble is publishers want this increased share too. A great scenario would be developers who self-publish get 88%, while games going through publishers retain the 70%. Or if publishers want the 88%, they have to a signed and notarized contract stating that developers will get a healthy cut from each sale directly.


Nov 10, 2017
I'm not saying 30% is right or wrong. But if you're arguing for a smaller cut out of solidarity to actual development *workers*, you're really just making the bosses argument for them.

A smaller cut does nothing for worker's salaries or work conditions/hours. It's just more profit for the publisher... and even that is assuming equivalent revenue, which is far from assured.


Oct 25, 2017
Wait, are you saying console manufacturers should stop charging royalty fees really? Royalty fees have always been a thing. If you have an issue with them, go back 40 years and ask console manufacturers why they are charging a royalty fee. thats their entire business. or at least used to be before the digital store front and PS+ subs. That royalty cut is how they made their money. Consoles only become profitable later in their life cycle and even then the margins are barely even there.

If the royalty cut is 20% like you said, then their vendor cut is only 10%. compared to the 20% retailer cut, thats half off. 20% rotalty cut on physical sales seems ridiculously high since retailer cut is 20% and other distribution costs mean they barely get a 50% return after factoring everything in. 20% would mean they make 40% per copy which if true is ridiculous and unsustainable.

Quick question: What do you think is the cut for retail copies for the publisher ?

As for the rest: Did I say they should stop charging royalty fees ? No.
What I'm saying though: Saying that "They deserve their 30% more than Valve because they sell hardware" is silly to say the least. Why do you charge ? Because you provide a service. Either to the customer or the developper. Selling a hardware at a profit in the long run isn't a service. It is one for Sony/MS/Nintendo indeed. But they're not handing consoles for free. Establishing a userbase has nothing to do with the cut you take from each sales, it's ridiculous.