
Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Unfortunately I think, to a degree, that's working as designed - pops are way less likely to leave their farms now, so you have to slowly ramp to a more complex agricultural economy before you can start industrializing. More historically accurate but less fun, slower gameplay for the player.

For now, you've got to get people's qualifications and literacy up as high as possible as quickly as possible, which motivates them to get urban jobs and join interest groups with actual power. And yeah, just hope for a good die roll on leader ideologies. I've had success in smaller nations with inviting agitators that can actually rile up the farmers, but that's a no-go in places with Closed Borders.

Ultimately I don't think the patch is balanced for one-province countries at all - I suspect they're going to lower the "stickiness" for pops in the next few patches, because it's just not fun. Paraguay, which was advertised with new content, is virtually impossible to play currently, because their leader lives forever and gives huge debuffs on top of the decreased pop hiring.
I think a pass on discrimination laws and the closed border stuff would help a lot - a ton of agitators at game start are just totally uninvitable and that definitely slows things down yeah.

I actually don't at all mind the loop of needing to force the peasants off their land to industrialize in the abstract. Like you said, it's historical, and it adds some extra teeth to the landowners, which I don't mind. But the ahistorical starting laws make it so damn hard to even *start* making progress that it's easy to get stuck, which is a bummer.


Prophet of Regret
Feb 22, 2019
For some bizarre reason, possibly related to the fact I'm off work, I've decided to turn an Angevin run (to get the Brentry achieve, sorted) into a One Faith.

I've got 41 years left, the world is mostly Catholic. It's possible i won't have enough time, but I have vassals + 6 missionaries with 20%+ missionary strength whirring away. At any given time 10-12 provinces are being converted, mean time about 6 months each. A few states to polish off but ye god, I did not expect to go for WC AGAIN. Angevin just makes it so easy to start, it's such a ridiculously OP tag. Britain+France+HRE with some careful play and you're off.


Oct 27, 2017
I enjoyed crusader kings 2023 season pass.
I wonder when we are getting news about this year.
I hope we get either nomadic or republics this year. Would be nice to play something different

Loan Wolf

Nov 9, 2017
I enjoyed crusader kings 2023 season pass.
I wonder when we are getting news about this year.
I hope we get either nomadic or republics this year. Would be nice to play something different

Same, I expect more government overhauls. Would love to see a rework of empire mechanics as a free update with the Byzantines offering a unique flavor on them. Kingdoms and empires do not feel any different other than just adding a layer in the hierarchy at the moment

From the emphasis on roleplaying devs seem to be putting on CK3, would be excited to play as an unlanded character moving up


Oct 25, 2017
Same, I expect more government overhauls. Would love to see a rework of empire mechanics as a free update with the Byzantines offering a unique flavor on them. Kingdoms and empires do not feel any different other than just adding a layer in the hierarchy at the moment

From the emphasis on roleplaying devs seem to be putting on CK3, would be excited to play as an unlanded character moving up
Ye, I am still shocked the Bizantines havent had a DLC for them. I was sure they would do one after the Norse, considering how that is one of the main played areas.


Prophet of Regret
Feb 22, 2019
It's 1542. I'm Spain. The reformation is crushed. I own half of Europe as PUs. The colonies are flourishing. I'm HRE.

Revoke is on the cards within decades. I don't know the super crazy strats but this seems pretty good. Castile is just stupid. I fancied a lazy game and yikes it's easy.


Oct 25, 2017

Tinto Talks #3 - March 13th, 2024

Welcome to the third week of Tinto Talks, where we talk about our upcoming game, which has the codename “Project Caesar.” Today we are going to delve into something that some may view as controversial. If we go back to one of the pillars we...



Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, Ohio
Excellent. I don't need the people to be as important as they are in Vicky, but I don't think I want another PDS game outside of maayybbeee CK that doesn't in some way have some population elements.


Oct 25, 2017
waiiit waiiiit waiiiiitttt

EUV is actually on the way?

Not really confirmed but the studio they made in Spain to work in EU4 is making a new game and everything seems related to that.

Excellent. I don't need the people to be as important as they are in Vicky, but I don't think I want another PDS game outside of maayybbeee CK that doesn't in some way have some population elements.
Ye, I always found it weird that some of the more important events around the time were driven by demographics (the end of the religious wars in the HRE driven by the depopulation caused by war in Germany, Spain decrease in power in Europe driven by loss of population due to doing too many wars, the colonization of Americas, etc.) but they werent really represented in a decent way inside the game.

CK i dont think needs so many population , as it is more character driven so population feels less important than when you play the "spirit of a nation".


Oct 25, 2017
Excellent. I don't need the people to be as important as they are in Vicky, but I don't think I want another PDS game outside of maayybbeee CK that doesn't in some way have some population elements.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but AFAIK EU before 4 had population-tracking as the "thing" driving a province's value, which EU4 replaced with "Development" (And MEIOU & Taxes once again turns back into Population) - Victoria is just the one that also tracked demographics instead of just the number of Peasants.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, Ohio
Correct me if I'm wrong, but AFAIK EU before 4 had population-tracking as the "thing" driving a province's value, which EU4 replaced with "Development" (And MEIOU & Taxes once again turns back into Population) - Victoria is just the one that also tracked demographics instead of just the number of Peasants.

I didn't play EU before 4 but I seem to remember at least EU3 had some very basic representation of population, yeah.


Oct 27, 2017

Tinto Talks #3 - March 13th, 2024

Welcome to the third week of Tinto Talks, where we talk about our upcoming game, which has the codename “Project Caesar.” Today we are going to delve into something that some may view as controversial. If we go back to one of the pillars we...

That + last (or the one before?) week, Johan also said no mana....
Curious to see what'll come out of it. Sadly, Imperator and Vicky 3 make me fear EU5 will loose the endlessly different country characteristics. The main issue of both games is that you mostly do always exactly the same thing when playing, as countries don't really have differentiating elements. Johan seemed completely blind to this in the Imperator feedbacks back then, hope it understood it now.


Fallen Guardian
Aug 24, 2023
New Expansion for Stellaris incoming, focused on Synthetics and Machines it includes spiritualist Machines and non gestalt machine/synthetics Empires.

Stellaris Dev Diary #335 - Announcing The Machine Age

It is time to leave our flawed biological vessels behind. It’s my pleasure to announce that The Machine Age major expansion will be released alongside the Stellaris 3.12 ‘Andromeda’ update. Focusing on cybernetic, synthetic, and machine themes...

The Machine Age expansion includes:

Individualistic Non-Gestalt Machine Empires

Gestalt Machine Intelligence Empires (also unlocked by the Synthetic Dawn Story Pack)

Three new Origins

Cybernetic Creed
Synthetic Fertility
Arc Welders

Guided Sapience
Natural Design
Obsessional Directive
Protocol Droids
Tactical Cogitators
Augmentation Bazaars (Requires Megacorp)

Two Mid-Game Structures
Arc Furnace
Dyson Swarms

New Ascension Paths for Machine Empires
Cybernetic and Synthetic Ascension (also unlocked by Utopia)
Exploration of the effects of the cyberization or synthesization of society, with Advanced Government Forms for those who complete it.

New Species Traits for Cyborgs, Machines and Robots

Cybernetic portraits that change based on advancement through cyberization
Synthetic portraits with both organic and synthetic variants that changed based on synthesization, usable by either organics or machines

Two new Shipsets, Diplomatic Rooms, and City Sets

7 new music tracks synthetic and cybernetic inspired music tracks

A new Player Crisis Path
…And a new End-Game Crisis.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSunS8wpU54&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fforum.paradoxplaza.com%2F&source_ve_path=MjM4NTE&feature=emb_title


Oct 27, 2017
New Expansion for Stellaris incoming, focused on Synthetics and Machines it includes spiritualist Machines and non gestalt machine/synthetics Empires.

Stellaris Dev Diary #335 - Announcing The Machine Age

It is time to leave our flawed biological vessels behind. It’s my pleasure to announce that The Machine Age major expansion will be released alongside the Stellaris 3.12 ‘Andromeda’ update. Focusing on cybernetic, synthetic, and machine themes...

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSunS8wpU54&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fforum.paradoxplaza.com%2F&source_ve_path=MjM4NTE&feature=emb_title

Looks super awesome!
Not releasing in April is a crime


Fallen Guardian
Aug 24, 2023
Re downloaded HoIIV. Time to get into the arrows. Any good dlc to get/miss?

I'm gonna give you a description of the major DLCs and my personal opinion on them and maybe that can help a bit when you need to decide what you want to pick up.

Waking the tiger adds focus trees for various Chinese nations and an updated Japan tree(which right now is very old and boring and may need to be updated again soon since it was one of the first to get reworked and as a result it's pretty dated now), I really like playing in China so I quite like this dlc personally but even if the flavour of the dlc dosen't interest you the fact that it adds generals traits and abilities(that you can use by spending command power) and the use of Field Marshals to group generals and make managment of armies easier means it's worth it imo.

No Step Back for Tank Designer and USSR plus (great and very fun) Poland updated focus tree. Pretty good dlc.

La Resistance for updated France trees and focus trees for Spanish civil war plus it adds intelligence agencies and operations, most operations are pretty useless but build collab government is very very good and can make otherwise boring slogs to cap some majors much more tolerable(like not having to march to the Urals to cap the Soviets if you are fighting them), plus you can use spies to reduce enemies planning bonus when defending or to reduce resistance so the mechanics added in the DLC can be quite useful at times. Intelligence agencies are a good addition to your game for those reasons.

By Blood Alone for updated Italy tree and the plane designer(Air is king in Hoi4 if you have the industry to dedicate to it so that designer is very worth it IMHO).

Togheter for Victory the focus trees are old/outdated and quite boring but the mechanics that it adds to control puppets/colonies/dominions like being able to decrease their autonomy and annex them by building in them and giving them land lease are pretty useful. If you want to play with puppets this dlc is useful for you otherwise the focus trees are not worth it.

Mans the Guns for updated British and US trees plus naval designer(I don't know how much this might interest you since a lot of people either don't understand or like navy in Hoi4 but still mentioned it just in case). Personally I think this DLC is meh.

Arms Against Tyranny for Nordics trees(Finland is the best one imo) plus special forces updates(rangers, marine commandos) and special forces doctrines plus International Arms Market which is very useful if you are playing some minor nation that lacks military industry and you urgently need guns or artillery or are looking to get a modicum of air force but don't have the military industry to invest into it. Pick this up if you like playing minor nations or you really like the Nordics.

It's a lot I realize so you don't need to pick up every single expansion/dlc of the 7 I just listed, those are the dlcs that I personally would categorize as the most useful/important gameplay mechanics wise. You should probably wait for a sale to save money if you want to pick most of them up because it's a lot. Otherwise pick and chose based on the gameplay mechanics that jump out to you and your playstile( do you like to use tanks or air or navy or puppet countries instead of annexing them etc.etc. )

Other flavour packs( like Death or Dishonor or Battle for the Bosporus or Trial of Allegiance )you can ignore if you are just starting out/recently getting back into the game and maybe pick them up at a later date if you really like the region/countries associated with them.


Oct 27, 2017
Re downloaded HoIIV. Time to get into the arrows. Any good dlc to get/miss?
1)Where do you want to play?
2)Do you play just historic or random?

1) All DLCs add a few focus tree so if you want to play in a certain area getting the DLC for nearby countries really helps making the map more alive.

Personally I really like waking the tiger (. Makes China interesting), dishonor ( makes central Europe weird) and resistance (makes Spain, Portugal and France cooler. Also has spies)

2) for historic approach waking the tiger and resistance feel furcal for the WWII feeling.
for random focus each DLC will revamp that area. So the more DLC will have the weirder the war/map can go.

Personally i Agree with most of what Thalanil said.
My exceptions are:
- Man the Guns -> I think Navy editing is super important if you are playing a major (water) power or playing in MP with friends. Being able to costumize your navy more allows you to choose between having these super powerful ships or very bare bones. For example if i am playing as France while a friend plays as UK allows me to have a weak but numerous fleet that mostly exists to pin enemy fleets until his impressive battleships or carriers join the fight.
- Together for Victory -> I don't find the mechanics to control puppets very compelling at least when compared to other paradox games like crusader kings or stellaris. I do like that this DLC adds lots of variety to a run. You see india, south africa and australia are still relatively lonely in their places. This measn that if they move away from allies it can create some cool approach. For example india joining Japan makes for a great major power right there.


Prophet of Regret
Feb 22, 2019
I'm gonna give you a description of the major DLCs and my personal opinion on them and maybe that can help a bit when you need to decide what you want to pick up.

Waking the tiger adds focus trees for various Chinese nations and an updated Japan tree(which right now is very old and boring and may need to be updated again soon since it was one of the first to get reworked and as a result it's pretty dated now), I really like playing in China so I quite like this dlc personally but even if the flavour of the dlc dosen't interest you the fact that it adds generals traits and abilities(that you can use by spending command power) and the use of Field Marshals to group generals and make managment of armies easier means it's worth it imo.

No Step Back for Tank Designer and USSR plus (great and very fun) Poland updated focus tree. Pretty good dlc.

La Resistance for updated France trees and focus trees for Spanish civil war plus it adds intelligence agencies and operations, most operations are pretty useless but build collab government is very very good and can make otherwise boring slogs to cap some majors much more tolerable(like not having to march to the Urals to cap the Soviets if you are fighting them), plus you can use spies to reduce enemies planning bonus when defending or to reduce resistance so the mechanics added in the DLC can be quite useful at times. Intelligence agencies are a good addition to your game for those reasons.

By Blood Alone for updated Italy tree and the plane designer(Air is king in Hoi4 if you have the industry to dedicate to it so that designer is very worth it IMHO).

Togheter for Victory the focus trees are old/outdated and quite boring but the mechanics that it adds to control puppets/colonies/dominions like being able to decrease their autonomy and annex them by building in them and giving them land lease are pretty useful. If you want to play with puppets this dlc is useful for you otherwise the focus trees are not worth it.

Mans the Guns for updated British and US trees plus naval designer(I don't know how much this might interest you since a lot of people either don't understand or like navy in Hoi4 but still mentioned it just in case). Personally I think this DLC is meh.

Arms Against Tyranny for Nordics trees(Finland is the best one imo) plus special forces updates(rangers, marine commandos) and special forces doctrines plus International Arms Market which is very useful if you are playing some minor nation that lacks military industry and you urgently need guns or artillery or are looking to get a modicum of air force but don't have the military industry to invest into it. Pick this up if you like playing minor nations or you really like the Nordics.

It's a lot I realize so you don't need to pick up every single expansion/dlc of the 7 I just listed, those are the dlcs that I personally would categorize as the most useful/important gameplay mechanics wise. You should probably wait for a sale to save money if you want to pick most of them up because it's a lot. Otherwise pick and chose based on the gameplay mechanics that jump out to you and your playstile( do you like to use tanks or air or navy or puppet countries instead of annexing them etc.etc. )

Other flavour packs( like Death or Dishonor or Battle for the Bosporus or Trial of Allegiance )you can ignore if you are just starting out/recently getting back into the game and maybe pick them up at a later date if you really like the region/countries associated with them.

1)Where do you want to play?
2)Do you play just historic or random?

1) All DLCs add a few focus tree so if you want to play in a certain area getting the DLC for nearby countries really helps making the map more alive.

Personally I really like waking the tiger (. Makes China interesting), dishonor ( makes central Europe weird) and resistance (makes Spain, Portugal and France cooler. Also has spies)

2) for historic approach waking the tiger and resistance feel furcal for the WWII feeling.
for random focus each DLC will revamp that area. So the more DLC will have the weirder the war/map can go.

Personally i Agree with most of what Thalanil said.
My exceptions are:
- Man the Guns -> I think Navy editing is super important if you are playing a major (water) power or playing in MP with friends. Being able to costumize your navy more allows you to choose between having these super powerful ships or very bare bones. For example if i am playing as France while a friend plays as UK allows me to have a weak but numerous fleet that mostly exists to pin enemy fleets until his impressive battleships or carriers join the fight.
- Together for Victory -> I don't find the mechanics to control puppets very compelling at least when compared to other paradox games like crusader kings or stellaris. I do like that this DLC adds lots of variety to a run. You see india, south africa and australia are still relatively lonely in their places. This measn that if they move away from allies it can create some cool approach. For example india joining Japan makes for a great major power right there.

Thanks for this! A lot to look into!


Oct 27, 2017
I can't get the stellaris DLC out of my mind.
I can't wait to be borg and assimilate the galaxy!

Looks like so many excuses for new campaigns!


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Stellaris DLC looks great, and the new Vicky 3 DLC got its first dev diary too and it looks excellent!

Victoria 3 - Dev Diary #108 - Sphere of Influence and 1.7 Overview

Hello and welcome to the first Development Diary for the 1.7 update and Sphere of Influence expansion for Victoria 3. This Dev Diary is meant to give you a broad overview of the major Expansion and update features, which we’ll naturally go over...

Power Blocs kinda reads like Stellaris' Federations done right. Very intrigued there. The new ownership mechanics look HUGE, going to enable foreign investment and all kinds of other things down the road, but right off the bat it'll fix the issue where being a colony is weirdly great for the people living there.

One thing I'm kind of disappointed not to see is a way to offer up tribute or request it in exchange for concessions; like, right now, the Alaska Purchase is handled through some journal shenanigans, when it should just be "US (or Russia) starts a diplo play for Alaska, transfer state in exchange for pay debt." Right now, it's literally just declaring war with extra steps, and that's stupid. Should be able to do stuff like say "okay France, instead of taking one of my two states, it'd be great if you would accept my vassalization instead." That kind of thing.


Nov 4, 2017
Need enough money to prepare for the inevitable shitstorm that will hit once EUV will release

I am still skeptical, but somewhat hopeful that they can deliver. They have been working on EUV for a long time, hired some of the best EUIV modders and
they best way to lern is from your own mistakes Johann even talked about Imperator and the performance impact of pops in Vicky3. As someone with most of the DLCs and over 2000 hours in EUIV, most of the DLCs didn't add any meaningful mechanics besides mission trees and as a whole most EUIV systems are pretty shallow, there are just lot of them. Adding a trade, warfare or culture system that has actual depth would already make me happy.


Oct 27, 2017
I am still skeptical, but somewhat hopeful that they can deliver. They have been working on EUV for a long time, hired some of the best EUIV modders and
they best way to lern is from your own mistakes Johann even talked about Imperator and the performance impact of pops in Vicky3. As someone with most of the DLCs and over 2000 hours in EUIV, most of the DLCs didn't add any meaningful mechanics besides mission trees and as a whole most EUIV systems are pretty shallow, there are just lot of them. Adding a trade, warfare or culture system that has actual depth would already make me happy.
What I'm most afraid of is a lack of variety between the countries / semi-random events. That's one of the thing that makes EU4 so repayable, and exactly where Imperator and to some extent Vicky 3 (for now) completely failed.
I didn't follow the Caesar diaries too much, did they talk about this?


Nov 4, 2017
What I'm most afraid of is a lack of variety between the countries / semi-random events. That's one of the thing that makes EU4 so repayable, and exactly where Imperator and to some extent Vicky 3 (for now) completely failed.
I didn't follow the Caesar diaries too much, did they talk about this?

They haven't talked about that, but some of the modders who did popular flavor events and mission tree mods for EUIV are working at Paradox on EUV now.
I also think something like Mission/Focus trees in Paradox games could be done with some form of procedural system, at least for the generic ones.

Edit: I think they said EUV will be on paar content wise with EUIV, but maybe I am wrong.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, the shitstorm will be inevitable, EU4 with DLC just has far too much content for EU5 to be able to match it at launch.
Let's hope it won't be Imperator 2.0

Well, based off the combination of:

A. The poor reception of the last few years of EU4 DLCs
B. What's been shown in the Tinto Talks so far

I think a lot of people will appreciate the Quality > Quantity of the launch-content of V, unless there's some really big cockup that becomes apparent actually playing it. It at least feels like they're fixing a lot of the "fundamentals" that have been considered wrong with IV that the team managing it hasn't fixed because they can't/won't.

With the way they've shown off Sliders so far, I feel like there's a good chance V is a post-Mana world, or at the very least follows Victoria 3's better-designed concept of Mana.


Oct 25, 2017
What I'm most afraid of is a lack of variety between the countries / semi-random events. That's one of the thing that makes EU4 so repayable, and exactly where Imperator and to some extent Vicky 3 (for now) completely failed.
I didn't follow the Caesar diaries too much, did they talk about this?
Seems it was one of the lessons he learned about Imperator launch, with more focus on cultural and regional differences to give nations more unique feel.


Oct 27, 2017
Never really got into EU4. I have the game (I think? lol). Is there an essential dlc list?
Does the monthly subscription still exist? If yes I'd say you're better if taking that.

If not or if you want to buy them, the really biggest ones: common sense, art of war, dharma, emperor.
But honestly, aside maybe conquest of paradize and the content / flavor pack extensions (that are mainly just missions), all of them add things.

Well, based off the combination of:

A. The poor reception of the last few years of EU4 DLCs
B. What's been shown in the Tinto Talks so far

I think a lot of people will appreciate the Quality > Quantity of the launch-content of V, unless there's some really big cockup that becomes apparent actually playing it. It at least feels like they're fixing a lot of the "fundamentals" that have been considered wrong with IV that the team managing it hasn't fixed because they can't/won't.

With the way they've shown off Sliders so far, I feel like there's a good chance V is a post-Mana world, or at the very least follows Victoria 3's better-designed concept of Mana.
Well, in the case of region / nation specific random events, quantity is important...
I thought they made clear in one of the first diaries there won't be any form of mana?

Seems it was one of the lessons he learned about Imperator launch, with more focus on cultural and regional differences to give nations more unique feel.
Let's hope so.


Oct 26, 2017
New Jersey
The current status of EU4 is kind of bizarre tbh, current vanilla feels like modded eu4 from years ago. And there are so many dead end features from old ass DLCs (common Paradox problem) that the devs haven't touched in years.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
TBH, as a core concept, Caesar just looks so much better thought out than EU4, I've actually been kinda surprised whenever something comes up that doesn't make me go "ooooh!" like the stability mechanic. Everything else just seems so comprehensive, clever, and engaging, I can't really imagine I'll want much in the way of special events and stuff.

Tbh I kinda don't like those as a crutch anyway; the systems should support most of what the game wants to do anyway.


Prophet of Regret
Feb 22, 2019
Proximity is such an obvious and welcome concept, in theory. The fact a population centre thousands of miles from your metropolis, up river, behind a mountain, has NO trouble in terms of management is ludicrous in EU IV.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Proximity is such an obvious and welcome concept, in theory. The fact a population centre thousands of miles from your metropolis, up river, behind a mountain, has NO trouble in terms of management is ludicrous in EU IV.
Agreed, proximity + control is something they should look at rolling out way more broadly. Just an elegant anti-blobbing mechanic.


Nov 4, 2017
It's difficult not to get hyped up, reading all the EUV dev diaries. Every new system they are showing seems deeper and more complex than the last.


Prophet of Regret
Feb 22, 2019
I'm keen to see how EU V pans out. EU IV is one of my all-time loves.

Speaking of, currently trying to take the Mandate of Heaven as Palawa, the Prussia of Australia (incredible national ideas, incl +1 military mana, morale, increased shock and fire damage, AE reduction, tech cost reduction) AND Indigenous ideas, that also give morale, 20% province cost reduction, ideas cost reduction, manpower AND policies that match that give even MORE morale, discipline, etc) . It's... tough. Have caught up in tech and have a solid base, Ming has imploded but there are powerful players... Also Austria has gone giga, meaning I need to fight it for my eventual Hungary vassalisation for the stupid achievement. The Palawa>China game is my kind of ludicrous alt-history jam; Australia-Hungary less so.

Loan Wolf

Nov 9, 2017
It's difficult not to get hyped up, reading all the EUV dev diaries. Every new system they are showing seems deeper and more complex than the last.

Hyped af but also cautiously optimistic, I've noticed a pattern that the AI isn't catching up with some of the complexities of Paradox games' mechanics for recent iterations


Oct 28, 2017
EU5 bordergasm:



Tinto Maps #1 - 10th of May 2024

Hello everybody, and welcome to the first post of Tinto Maps! This is a new weekly series that we will be running about the top-secret game Project Caesar. Let me introduce myself before I continue, as some of you may get to know me from the...


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The scale and depth of the world/simulation for EUV seems crazy to me - like a real generational leap over the current crop of Paradox titles. I don't want to overhype because it's early, and who knows if it's actually going to all work, but I suspect it's going to set the new standard for the genre.


Oct 27, 2017
May is absolute stacked with games but stellaris DLC is super good. If you have time do give a try!

Losts of new protrais, models, the new music is awesome, new endgame stuff,etc. It is awesome.
I am close to trigering the new end game scenario lets see how it goes.

Also this event had me chuckle



Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
May is absolute stacked with games but stellaris DLC is super good. If you have time do give a try!

Losts of new protrais, models, the new music is awesome, new endgame stuff,etc. It is awesome.
I am close to trigering the new end game scenario lets see how it goes.

Also this event had me chuckle

I really need to dig into it, but between Winds of Change and Hades 2 I'm struggling to carve out time for literally anything else, lol