Where do you buy third-party games?

  • PS4/PS5

    Votes: 493 27.6%
  • Xbox One/Series

    Votes: 648 36.3%
  • Both, depends on my mood/other reasons

    Votes: 201 11.3%
  • PC all the way

    Votes: 444 24.9%

  • Total voters


Oct 28, 2017
I've always been a SoXy and change my 3rd party platform from one gen to the other. Seems I'm back in MS corner for this gen.


Sep 18, 2018
PC for any sort of simulators or games I want to keep my saves super long term for.

PlayStation for big AAA games, especially if they would take up a lot of room on my PC/Switch.

Switch for everything else. Sometimes I wanna play a few levels of something while cooking lunch or watching a show. I don't really trust Nintendo's long term cloud save/backwards comparability though so sometimes I wait for big sales and just see what platform has a game cheapest first.


Oct 30, 2017
Definitely Xbox One X. MS has way better support for persistent cross-gen libraries than Sony. Plus, I like to get the best-performing console version of multiplatform games. The XB1X is beefier than the PS4 Pro. There are certain exceptions, like Tekken 7, of course.

Until recently I didn't get the sense that backward compatibility mattered to Sony at all. I hope this changes with the PS5. The cross-gen patches for framerate and resolution are a great sign.


Avalanche's One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
i have Switch and PS4 and usually grab multiplatforms on PS4 because they look better and have trophies. there's also the playtime log accesible on PS5.

I really don't understand how or why someone (when having the choice, owning multiple consoles) would choose Nintendo. Their online is worse, their track record for letting you carry purchases to the next generation is well...shit, and if you own the others, they aren't shit. I love Nintendo consoles. I'd never make them my first choice for third party.

uh, what about Sony? they did the same thing with PS3 games. also, between Wii and Wii U it was possible to move purchases from the Wii to Wii U (on the vWii side only but it was possible). on 3DS it was also possible to transfer DSiWare games from DSi to 3DS free of charge.

the break on Switch from previous gens was out of necessity due th the aging hardware being completely uncompatible but it's no indication they'd cut off online purchases for the sucessor and they've also improved their account system a lot since the Wii days. Sony had less reasons to cut off PS3 from PS4 and PS5 and they did anyway. i find either shop to be just as untrustworthy as far as digital games go (i buy physical mainly in all systems i got)
Oct 27, 2017
Xbox for everything but fighters, then on PS since I have my arcade stick from when I got Virtua Fighter 5 on the ps3.

I prefer the Xbox controller layout, the backwards compatibility efforts and storage options.


Dec 20, 2017
Been buying 3rd party games on the Xbox since… 2015 or so. I'll buy the occasional one for a series that I love and don't mind playing again(like Fallout) on PS platforms. Don't see that changing this gen either.


Oct 27, 2017
Will be case by case.

If multiplayer focused with no cross-play, PS5
Else whichever platform has the best performing version.


Jan 16, 2018
The Xbox is my Multiplat machine due to multiple reasons:
- More comfortable controller, especially with the Elite
- Expandable Storage so you don't have to constantly delete games to create space for new ones or move games to and from a storage device
- Quick Resume. It may not seem like a big deal but it quickly became my favorite next-gen feature.
- Gamepass
- Backwards Compatability

The Switch is my indie and first-party machine and my PS5 is strictly for exclusives, which have been hit or miss for me so far (was not a fan of Returnal but FF7 and R&C are solid titles) but oh well.


Oct 27, 2017
PC. Almost always the better version visual and performance wise along with usually being able to both get them cheaper AND get more value out of them if they end up with a strong modding community.
Aug 30, 2020
I wait quite a while to buy some major releases because I'm waiting for a PC version. I have FF7 on my PS5 because of the PSN download but I won't buy it until the PC version comes...


Oct 27, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Mostly xbox (series x). Ps5 pretty much just for exclusives.

Reason being is Microsoft rewards (Sony doesn't offer a similar program for me in Australia) and Microsoft seems it will have better support into the future with backwards compatibility and so forth.

I might get a pc copy down the line too in some sale and to compare graphics.


Nov 14, 2017
White Plains, NY

Primary reason is that I trust Microsoft with my digital purchases and long-time commitment to backwards compatibility.

My answer is the same as this. But also, Xbox has been my primary platform since 360, so my library has accumulated over the course of many years, and I like that most of it is in one place.

My primary portable platform is Vita; secondary is 3DS.

My Sony and Nintendo consoles are just for exclusives.


Nov 8, 2017
I really don't understand how or why someone (when having the choice, owning multiple consoles) would choose Nintendo. Their online is worse, their track record for letting you carry purchases to the next generation is well...shit, and if you own the others, they aren't shit. I love Nintendo consoles. I'd never make them my first choice for third party.

Third-party games that I buy online are single-player (though apparently there do exist games where the online population plays on the Switch version, I think this is the case for the competitive Catherine: Full Body community?), and I always always keep my original hardware so purchases not carrying over to future consoles doesn't matter to me. I still play DS games on my DSi XL since the image on the 3DS isn't as good unless you use pixel perfect mode which shrinks everything down, and I'm just fine doing that. I also still have my 360 hooked up for non-BC games and also because I don't have an Xbox console newer than the original model One.


Dec 8, 2020
I have this strange mania, where I feel like a franchise is more aligned with a system, example: Mass Effect I will buy on Xbox. I know is strange, even I don't understand.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't really like playing 2d games or VN on big screens so I will usually pick Switch for those.


Oct 29, 2017
PC or if the game is unavailable on Steam, then Xbox. More powerful, etc.

Switch for smaller titles I'd prefer on the go (JRPG, etc.).

PS5 mainly for exclusives.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017

Primary reason is that I trust Microsoft with my digital purchases and long-time commitment to backwards compatibility.

This. I have the most confidence in MS not only maintaining BC but enhancing it. Dont have to worry or pay for your saves to seamlessly work across platforms. Who would've thought we'd be able to play Prey @ 60fps without any dev input? HDR in Banjo? Play on the go via cloud ? Its nuts how good the options are. Im expecting lots of great things from them with my library of thirdparty games.


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
I spend most of my time playing multiplayer on the Xbox and when I'm not playing with friends, having visibility of them and them of me makes things quicker and easier, so I tend to keep everything in the same place.


Oct 25, 2017
PC: Third Parties, FPS - Unless it's not a hardware intensive third party.

PS5: First party, timed exclusive, occasional third party depending on genre or deal. Also prefer and enjoy trophies to Achievements.

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
I really don't understand how or why someone (when having the choice, owning multiple consoles) would choose Nintendo. Their online is worse, their track record for letting you carry purchases to the next generation is well...shit, and if you own the others, they aren't shit. I love Nintendo consoles. I'd never make them my first choice for third party.
Nintendo has a pretty good backwards compatibility record I think. Especially for handhelds. And plenty of games don't have online. Depends on what you play. Still weird Switch is left out of this poll.


Oct 29, 2017
Switch for me.

It's either I play it on Switch, or I'll likely never get the chance to play it. I can no longer tie up the TV all evening to play a game, and my partner wouldn't be happy with me spending all evening in my office playing games, so it's either on the Switch, or I might get to play a couple of hours at the weekend at most.

I've tried remote play from my Series S, but even though the console it connected to the router via Ethernet, and I have line of sight to the router from my phone I still get a terrible connection and dropouts making it unplayable (having to resync the controller every few seconds stopped me playing Neir: Replicant via remote play), and using xCloud is even worse, the tearing and artifacting are horrendous (and I have a 350MBit connection, so bandwidth shouldn't be an issue at my end) again rendering the games borderline unplayable.

Before lockdown I had 2 hours commute every day which allowed me to complete lots of games on the Switch, at the moment I'm not commuting so I've lost a lot of that time, hopefully once we start going back to work I'll regain some of that time.


Apr 22, 2019
I was Switch only until Jan this year when I picked up an Xbox One. XBO and it's not even close for me, I don't even have to pay for the games themselves, just game pass. Where something's not on there it's cheaper 90% of the time too.

I played 99% handheld until late last year, so until then Switch all the way but now...


Sep 14, 2018
Wherever it plays better. If there is no important difference in performance it will be where it is cheaper. Don't really care that much otherwise

Sometimes if it runs well enough I'll get the game on the Switch mainly because of portability, love to play games on the bed. I used to get more games on PC but at the moment my PC isn't as strong as the new consoles and I already spend most of the time of my days on the PC working so I rather play games in other places
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Prophet of Truth
Oct 28, 2017
It was PC only for a very long time.
That changed completely with the launch of the Series X.
I just can´t sit in front of a desk anymore
Oct 28, 2017
Despite having recently upgraded my PC quite heavily, I'm still going with Switch and I'm very annoyed that it isn't an option in the poll outside of other. I will be writing a very sternly worded letter to complain OP.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
On my Switch. I just love the hybrid nature that allows me to switch between handheld and TV mode in an instant. Most games perform worse than on other platforms but i'm willing make that trade-off more often than not.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
I usually buy on Xbox. I like the green cases more. The exception only being price/feature difference.

Like I went PS4 for Mass Effect Trilogy since the trophy lists for each game were separate rather than the odd listing the Xbox version has.

Kydd BlaZe

Apr 17, 2018
Really depends on where the game looks/performs better, but I will always prefer Xbox because of the controller. I play most multiplayer games on PlayStation nowadays though because that's where most of my friends play and because the player population is usually higher. I miss the days of COD/Gears/Halo/Battlefield on 360 tho.


Jun 14, 2021
Switch and ps5 for exclusives. XSX for the multiplats as most of my friends are on xbox.


Nov 17, 2017
I'm digital only, If it's on Gamepass, almost always will be Series X.
Otherwise, PS5, (better sales, I prefer the controller) although if there is a big technical difference, I'll go where it plays best.
Both consoles are great so it's all good.
My Switch is purely for exclusives as I almost never play handheld.
Oct 29, 2017
Depends on the game, but usually it's straight-forward. Last-gen it was One X because games looked substantially better on it than the PS4 Pro. This time around it's mostly PS5 if DualSense support is present. If not then it's a toss-up, but in case of BC games Xbox in an instant.

Though I don't have a Series X yet. I had the PS5 since January and I only bought DS and CoD. But it will most likely go down as I described.

I have a PC with a 1660 Super, but I both consoles trump it, and GPUs are terrible for price to performance wise now so I am sticking to the consoles.


Oct 28, 2017
Since 2017 it has been on Xbox. I've been in the ecosystem longer (2006) and I prefer the controller and UI. I did main on my PS4 and then Pro from about 2014-2016.


Feb 25, 2018
if its a first person or strategy game or is a game with good modded potential, pc + pc game pass

anything else, ps5

switch just for exclusives


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
Like I went PS4 for Mass Effect Trilogy since the trophy lists for each game were separate rather than the odd listing the Xbox version has.

Yeah, things like this swing it for me sometimes, too. I went with the Spyro Collection on PS4 for the same reason. Was nice to have multiple platinums available.