Oct 27, 2017
If we're talking best game it's Bloodborne. Sorry Witcher, combat isn't good enough to be best of the decade material.
Jun 23, 2019
For this generation I'd have to say Bloodborne. Also you guys are making this confusing. OP said generation talking about the PS4/Xbone/Wii U/Switch generation, but people are taking that to mean all games within the last 10 years which Dark Souls wouldn't qualify for to be fair since it came out last gen.


Oct 8, 2018
Witcher 3's release sure as shit didn't reverberate through the industry, leaving a billion me too's and headlines containing "The Witcher 3 of _____" and "Like Witcher 3 BUT—" in its wake.

It was a good RPG. Dark Souls is a genre.


Oct 26, 2017
Wait, didn't Demon Souls create the genre?

it popularized a genre, there :p

let's be honest, when people say "its a souls-like" they mean Dark, not Demon's. Just like when people say "metroidvania" they mean "amix of super metroid and symphony of the night" not "a mix of metroid 1 and super castlevania" :D
Nov 8, 2017
The premise is incorrect.

The definitive #1 game of the 1990's is Heroes of Might & Magic III
The definitive #1 game of the 2000's is Heroes of Might & Magic III: Complete Edition
The definitive #1 game of the 2010's is the latest update for Heroes of Might & Magic III: Complete edition HD Mod.
Oct 25, 2017
Dark Souls will always be in my heart but the game is lessened by the fact the community has been scattered and divided for some time, at least in my opinion. If servers were gone tomorrow, a whole half of that game's soul (heh) would vanish overnight and indeed why it's endured for so long would be called into question.

Deleted member 49535

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2018
Ocarina of Time as best game of the 90s and Resident Evil 4 as best game of the 00s.
I don't even agree with this. Metal Gear Solid/Final Fantasy VII on the 90s defined what movie-like games would be like (and the identity of Sony as a platform).

In the 00s it was the GTA games. Breath of the Wild wouldn't even exist without those.

And if we value things like impact and not only quality when judging this, I'm pretty sure the game of the decade is some GaaS stuff.


Oct 28, 2017
It's dark souls

Honestly though, this decade has been insane. So many games that would have been easy gotd contenders in the past.


Oct 28, 2017
Witcher 3 is probably my game of the generation. Id still say Dark Souls or Minecraft are the defining ones alongside OoT and RE4.

Edit: Minecraft is 2009? Fuck im old.


Oct 27, 2017
Correct OP. Witcher stands tall above the other games of its age.

Lol, BOTW. Below average Zelda game.


Oct 27, 2017

Yep, and no other formula is quite as satisfying, and also no one else seems to have managed to crack the FROM code yet. Other developers keep borrowing aspects, yet seem to always forget that level design is important too. Not just something being "hard" or respawning enemies, or losing your XP.

Bloodborne. Hands down.

Edit: since it kicked the whole thing off - yes - Dark Souls.

but still BB

Sure, if Demon's Souls never existed maybe. Dark Souls is just an iteration of what Demon's did, but also had probably the best designed levels in any 3D game so far. Even none of FROM's own games have been able to match it yet.
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Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
It's Dark Souls. Hard to find a game from this decade that's impacted gaming as much as it


Oct 27, 2017
I disagree with everything except Witcher 3 being Game of the Decade. OoT and RE4 can get bent.


Oct 28, 2017
Gruntilda’s Lair
These threads always end up with people just discussing their personal favorite games of the decade. Honestly,—and I say this without bias as I've barely even played either of the games— it would have to be either PUBG and/or Minecraft. I don't think any other games has been so influential to the industry. Yes, Fortnite is much more popular than PUBG, but it likely wouldn't exist without PUBG which really set things in motion.

And as much as I love OoT, I'd say Super Mario 64 had a bigger influence on the industry as it wasthe first game that gave so many people their foray into 3d gaming.


Oct 28, 2017
I would say that Super Mario 64 is more important than Ocarina of Time, but Ocarina is a better game. For the 2000's, I would give it to either GTA3, World of Warcraft, or Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. For the aughts...that's a little more tricky, because the games that truly had a big impact (Minecraft and Fortnite primarily), I don't think are very good. To strike the right balance between impact and actually being a good video game, I guess I would probably side with Skyrim.

One series I definitely would not pick are the Souls games, because they are trash.


Oct 26, 2017
I disagree with everything except Witcher 3 being Game of the Decade. OoT and RE4 can get bent.

Ocarina of Time felt like an event when it came out in 1998. It's easier to criticize it now, but what it represented in that year made it stand out.

Same with RE4, which successfully brought those stunning visuals and action gameplay elements into a series that had long needed a reinvention.

Of course, I'm not sheltering either from legitimate criticism, but I do at least understand why they may have looked so incredible upon release and in the shorter term thereafter.


Oct 25, 2017
Witcher 3 is not even close to gotg, it doesn't come close to Bloodborne, dark souls or even destiny are more deserving of it.
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Oct 25, 2017
I'd rather discuss the 90s and 00s honestly. To me, those two picks are not that set in stone depending on what criteria you set for "definitive".

Anyway, TW3 is excellent but what are we talking about here? How influential it was on other games? Because the answer would be barely. Dark Souls would be a better contender for game of the decade in that case.
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Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule

Alt Account
Oct 25, 2017
Not saying it is the best game of the last 10 years but skyrim cemented a genre back in 2011, brought back RPGs into the masses and is the latest entry of a beloved franchise with a lot of history.

Witcher 3 is just a better Skyrim
Dark Souls is 2009
Resident Evil 4 is better than any souls game.


Oct 27, 2017
These threads always end up with people just discussing their personal favorite games of the decade. Honestly,—and I say this without bias as I've barely even played either of the games— it would have to be either PUBG and/or Minecraft. I don't think any other games has been so influential to the industry. Yes, Fortnite is much more popular than PUBG, but it likely wouldn't exist without PUBG which really set things in motion.

And as much as I love OoT, I'd say Super Mario 64 had a bigger influence on the industry as it wasthe first game that gave so many people their foray into 3d gaming.
but oot disgin choices still inpact games today, where as 3d platformers are all but dead.


Oct 27, 2017
Completely agreed OP, but only because I suppose Witcher 2 can't be considered in this conversation because it's technically "last generation" as it came out 2011. I do prefer it over Witcher 3 slightly.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
My man, I totally understand the love for dark souls but even in its own genre it's been done better. Nothing has taken the Witcher 3s crown this generation


Oct 26, 2017
What stands out to me the most about Dark Souls is how it fully engages the player without a bunch of filler.

You instantly understand what you're trying to do, yet feel unprepared for how you're going to do it. It has patience, resource management, atmosphere, exploration, but it's spare on extraneous things that do not fit into the context of what your character is doing.

It's a pick up and play game that kicks your ass and dares you to keep playing.


Visited by Knack - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Not saying it is the best game of the last 10 years but skyrim cemented a genre back in 2011, brought back RPGs into the masses and is the latest entry of a beloved franchise with a lot of history.

Witcher 3 is just a better Skyrim
Dark Souls is 2009
Resident Evil 4 is better than any souls game.
Dark Souls is 2011. Demon Souls is 2009


Oct 28, 2017
Isn't Dark Souls supposed to be not included since it was Demon's Souls that started it and it was of the last decade?
Jul 26, 2018
I tried getting into the Witcher 3 multiple times... The HORRIBLE combat and movement made it impossible to stomach past the first hour or so


Oct 25, 2017
Witcher 3 is just a better Skyrim
Dark Souls is 2009
Resident Evil 4 is better than any souls game.

TW3 and Skyrim could be in completely different genres, the flow of their gameplay and their underlying design ethic are so different.

Dark Souls is 2011.

Ok, I'll give you that RE4 is amazing. I don't know about it being better than any Souls game though.


Oct 25, 2017
lol OP the answer is dark souls, hell i would have taken Botw as a answer and i dont like that game.


Oct 27, 2017
I definitely think it's Dark Souls, but I also don't think Dark Souls invented a genre. ARPGs have existed for a long time.