Oct 25, 2017
18% more of revenue compared to Steam is not making things easier for developers. And you, a gamer, are the one to tell a developer that. Right.

EGS is benefiting the industry and developers especially. And yes, EGS offer deals to high profile titles, but that higher revenue and proper curation are still there for the rest.
Except that "the rest" is being refused if they don't want to remove the game from Steam?

Either they don't care that much about quality or the curation is corrupt and can be bypassed by removing the game from Steam.
Oct 25, 2017
So you want each marketplace to start spending millions of dollars buying up exclusives to fight against each other?

And that's going to create a HEALTHY market compared to what we have now?

I didn't say such things but I will bite. You will be surprised, but you can make an account in such platforms for the amazing amount of $0. The installer also comes included in the price.


Oct 25, 2017
So fucking what?? I'm happy for them, some are my friends. And also knowing that there is a platform that is going to treat me that way already makes things better setting a precedent and a way forward for other storefronts to follow. The alternative is an overcrowded market where my game won't be visible because of the inexistent curation and where I will struggle to make my game profitable.

Yes platform holders should absorb the risk of all these entrepreneurial devs, because?

Giga Man

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I remember seeing this game before. It's the kinda cute weirdness I'm into. Are there any console plans besides Xbox One?


Oct 27, 2017
Fanastic for them. Will support this game and buy it. I don't mind having multiple launchers on my pc.


Oct 26, 2017
Will have a laugh when they go bankrupt in 2 to 5 years.

Is there any way to reach the devs? Since it's just another launcher they probably won't mind sending me the money for a Windows license lol


Oct 27, 2017
User banned (1 month): derailing by repeatedly attacking and misrepresenting moderation, recent ban for the same thing
Garbage Devs talking down to people against the EGS... another one not to buy or at a deep deep sale.
Just download it for free instead of buying it. They don't need your money any more.
Epic have already gone from giving away one game a month, to one game every two weeks, to weekly, and now two games a week. Why buy anything on the store? The entire library will be free soon enough.

If they need the money to keep their doors open and you don't want to buy on EGS then just wait.
They are a husband and wife team with ~1200 patreon subscribers, who had already signed a publishing deal with Double Fine.
They split from Double Fine about eight weeks ago because they wanted to "self-publish" the game (were in contact with Epic about a deal).

Wait, they dropped the Publisher and THEN question whether they can pay the rent?
It sounds like they were already in contact with Epic when they decided to drop Double Fine and "self-publish" the game, as the announcement ended with: "I should hopefully have some even more exciting news in a few weeks so keep a lookout for that..."

You do realize that console gaming is the same or worst?
The difference is that they're used to it, and they accept it.
No-one is complaining unless it's having to sign into a free Bethesda.net account to play Doom on your Switch… 🤷‍♀️

More and more I'm convinced that it's just a vocal minority. The people who don't care don't post, and the people who think it's a net positive are tired of rehashing it and have moved on.
It's more that a lot of PC gamers have left this site entirely now or stay out of anything related to EGS because the moderation was doing nothing about trolls "just asking questions" and banning the wrong people.
Krejlooc was recently banned for a heated response to unfounded accusations of racism in one of the Tetris Effect threads, while the moderation team felt it was not necessary to even warn the accuser. Complaining about this resulted in myself being banned. Still nothing for the troll stirring up shit.
The mods encourage it; it's like they're trying to make these discussions as toxic as possible so they can point any say "look how toxic PC gamers are".

Whenever someone says "I still don't understand" in these topics, just take that to mean "I haven't even bothered trying to understand" and move on, not even worth responding half the time they just make their drive-by and slink off.
They are trolls and should not be responded to. Unfortunately it's difficult to ignore.

I can understand people not caring about the EGS.
I don't know why everyone who doesn't care, seems to dead set on misrepresenting the arguments of people who do care though.
PC gamers had it too good for too long. Anything which upsets them is okay with me.
Shitposters, Trolls, ResetEra moderation team.


Oct 27, 2017
That's the sort of Animal Crossing x Harvest Moon thing, right ?

I'll probably get it down the line
It actually feels Pokemonish. The little dudes you plant fight for you in a tile/turn base set up. Not a bad game, nice art, will sell well no matter what and MS has been behind them for YEARS. Did not need to do this exclusivity deal but I think is hard to walk away from so much money upfront.

That said they just showed their true colors with that apologist blog post so I will personally not be buying it. Just say "we took the money, we are small, can you blame us" instead.

Deleted member 35618

Dec 7, 2017
It's calling out the childish behaviour widely displayed in this thread. And that blog post is totally fine, because they are right. The hate campaign and boycott mentality towards devs publishing their games exclusively in the EGS is hard to justify and comes mostly from entitlement and ignorance. Making games is expensive. Making money out of games is hard. If a platform is making such things easier for developers players should be celebrating it, not being negative about it only because they have to download and install another launcher. Bottom line is, if you like games and care about the industry you should be supporting such platform.

Get ready for people inundated you with reasons about it being beyond the launcher. Like the lack of "features". The horror! And then you have other posters (like the one above) advocating piracy as protest.

I can't gamers seriously anymore and that blog post is everything I ever wanted.


Oct 27, 2017
Halifax, NS
I didn't say such things but I will bite. You will be surprised, but you can make an account in such platforms for the amazing amount of $0. The installer also comes included in the price.

Cool, and I'm sure the games on these platforms will be priced nice and low in order to compete with offe... oh wait no why would we charge less when no one else can sell the game and we paid a bunch of money that we want to recoup for exclusivity.

Again, how is this making this a HEALTHIER market than what exists right now, FOR CONSUMERS.

No, that would be pretty shocking tbh

Publishers? Absolutely. Fuck consumers.

Devs? The majority just want to make great games that they're passionate about while also feeding their families and if they're lucky only working 50 hours a week.

Any dev that takes the position of EGS exclusivity is actively removing their games from either more feature rich platforms, or from the ability for games to be purchased through 3rd party key sellers that have always traditionally been cheaper for consumers than buying direct from the platform (while still providing the same cut to the dev).

That is 100% an anti-consumer move, and the devs have to start owning that.

And then you have other posters (like the one above) advocating piracy as protest.

Who's advocating piracy? Pargon is implying the game will just be given away for free at some point because Epic keeps increasing the amount and frequency of "free games" at an increasingly rapid pace.
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Deleted member 1635

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
So fucking what?? I'm happy for them, some are my friends. And also knowing that there is a platform that is going to treat me that way already makes things better setting a precedent and a way forward for other storefronts to follow. The alternative is an overcrowded market where my game won't be visible because of the inexistent curation and where I will struggle to make my game profitable.

So, basically you're happy that a platform exists to favor you and your friends and everyone else can get fucked.

Curation means artificially creating haves and have nots. It's great if you're a "have."

Epic moneyhatting select games, which are already far along development and have a good or even great deal of interest already and are pretty much guaranteed some decent level of success is not a good precedent for the industry.


Oct 27, 2017
It's not even EGS anymore. It all just feels like a poisoned well where everyone's at each other's throats and I'm fucking over it.

You should NEVER enter EGS threads then. This is, by a mile, one of the worst topic to discuss* here.

* : Unless you like to be doctored condescendingly about the PC gaming industry by people who knows nothing about it.

Dr. Ludwig

Oct 31, 2017
As soon as I saw this blog post I came racing to Era to see all the salt.

Y'all are gonna be disappointed to find that the majority of devs take the exact same view as the Ooblets devs—which, coincidentally, if someone posted like that in an EGS thread, would probably get them banned for "trolling".

I'd love to see you back up that bullshit.
Oct 25, 2017
I didn't say such things but I will bite. You will be surprised, but you can make an account in such platforms for the amazing amount of $0. The installer also comes included in the price.

Epic doesnt support my currency and its not on their roadmap. Every single other launcher does.I have to pay significantly more for games that go EGS exclusives than I would have if they were on Steam, GOG, itch, etc.

The launcher may be free. But it doesnt mean it costs me nothing. These deals are fucking me over as a direct result.

Posts like this are embarrassing garbage. Why should I give a shit about how much developers make when they obviously don't care about me as a consumer by taking these deals?

True Prophecy

Oct 28, 2017
So fucking what?? I'm happy for them, some are my friends. And also knowing that there is a platform that is going to treat me that way already makes things better setting a precedent and a way forward for other storefronts to follow. The alternative is an overcrowded market where my game won't be visible because of the inexistent curation and where I will struggle to make my game profitable.

I don't wish anything bad in the Devs they got in while the iron was hot. Does not mean people should only love them for it.

It feels so very "fuck you I got mine"? I get that it's hard to stand out but this game was at E3 on a main stage. They have a deal with MS.

All stores no matter how curated will eventually get too big for everyone to stand out or be in the spotlight.

The mobile space was great till everyone rushed to it as another example but games do still stand out there too at times.

Currently the switch is going through this. Sometimes you get lucky and people love your game and word of mouth spreads it and sometimes it's just not interesting enough to carry through.

All stores will eventually make it hard to stand out.
Oct 25, 2017
So, basically you're happy that a platform exists to favor you and your friends and everyone else can get fucked.

Curation means artificially creating haves and have nots. It's great if you're a "have."

LOL ok

I give up. This is reaching reddit levels.

Please GAMERS (TM), keep telling devs what is the best for them. You are saving GAMING.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
As soon as I saw this blog post I came racing to Era to see all the salt.

Y'all are gonna be disappointed to find that the majority of devs take the exact same view as the Ooblets devs—which, coincidentally, if someone posted like that in an EGS thread, would probably get them banned for "trolling".
Posting inflammatory, anti-consumer corporate apologia is considered trolling in a forum of mostly enthusiast consumers? What a revelation, no shit.


Oct 26, 2017
As soon as I saw this blog post I came racing to Era to see all the salt.

Y'all are gonna be disappointed to find that the majority of devs take the exact same view as the Ooblets devs—which, coincidentally, if someone posted like that in an EGS thread, would probably get them banned for "trolling".

So you actually want to say that developer really don't care about customers and just want their money? Somehow if hundreds of customers complain and are against something they are just entitled crybabies.
Oct 30, 2017
I love how if this thread had been called "Ooblets launch trailer" it wouldn't have broken 2 pages but here we are going strong at 11. The only other Ooblets thread has 20 replies for god's sakes.

This was without a doubt their best course of action. It's either this or they could've hoped that it somehow blew up on the curration mess that is Steam. I know which one 99% of people would've chosen.
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Oct 27, 2017



I like how they downplay people's gripes with Epic in such a condescending fashion. Like we're all just looking for something to be angry about.


May 31, 2019
I'd bet money the guy who wrote the announcement is on Era

the last bit with desktop twitter and game of thrones is too on the nose

I'd bet (a little less) money that it was written specifically to piss people on this site off, and the writer is chuckling to himself rn


Mar 16, 2018
are devs purposefully trying to not understand why people have a problem with the egs? that blog post makes my skin crawl. i get it, it's nice for indie devs that epic guarantees them that the game won't bomb but don't be a dick about it. it has been explained a hundred times why people don't like the egs and why they think that store and epic is a problem for pc gaming as a whole.


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
I'd bet money the guy who wrote the announcement is on Era

the last bit with desktop twitter and game of thrones is too on the nose

I'd bet (a little less) money that it was written specifically to piss people on this site off, and the writer is chuckling to himself rn

you should probably broaden your horizons if you think twitter desktop hate and game of thrones final season hate is endemic to this forum


Dec 7, 2017
You seem angry, are you sure your time isn't better spent being angry about:

  • Climate change
  • Human rights abuse

I have a feeling this is going to be a long-running meme.

But, you know, if their marketing and promotional skills are anything like their PR skills, this game would probably crash and burn on Steam anyhow.

Deleted member 1635

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
LOL ok

I give up. This is reaching reddit levels.

Please GAMERS (TM), keep telling devs what is the best for them. You are saving GAMING.

This is your response? You give up because I called you out for obviously only caring about you and yours? I mean, I can't hate on putting your own ahead of others, but you didn't have to pretend like you cared about the industry as a whole and think Epic is doing everyone a good service and setting a good precedent. You care about you and yours getting paid more and that's it.

And this whole shtick about shitting on "gamers" and using the word as an insult really needs to stop. I don't know who the hell you are, but you seem to claim to be in the industry. Maybe it's worth knowing that a lot of us are also in the industry and even if people aren't, having such a level of condescension for your fellow posters on this forum is maybe not very cool.


Info Analyst
Jan 3, 2019
For all intent and purposes they 'sold' these games because they got the money, is just that is Epic the one who 'bought' all the copies.

It could be this could affect sales targets in their next games or that they would need further exclusivity. Honestly 'Free anywhere' probably works similar, so is just... Whatever.

I think ppl places to much importance to the consumer trust, while probably a good percentage of players don't really care about this. At worst they managed to stay afloat for their next game or more. Is not a bad deal for them.

EGS is not ruining devs/indies it just a bandage on a bigger problem that will still affect most devs that won't be able to be on the EGS walled garden. Even being on it you will get eventually eclipsed by other devs.

I mean it's just creating a problem that will come up later for the developers.

This is what I worry about Epic's strategy as well. They're moneyhatting these devs right now to get EGS off the ground. But what will happen when EGS get off the ground and rival Steam? What are these devs gonna do when Epic stop paying them and they have no fanbase to turn to?

Yeah it's seriously a fucked up strategy, and they know exactly what their doing.


Designer / Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
So you actually want to say that developer really don't care about customers and just want their money? Somehow if hundreds of customers complain and are against something they are just entitled crybabies.
Well, duh? Yeah, most developers want money. Is this news to you?
Anyone selling a commercial game is in it for the money. If they're not, then it means they have enough money already.


Self-requested ban
May 16, 2019
This just isn't a topic that can be discussed on any forum rationally if that forum is big into walled gardens. The average user here is more likely to be invested into a non-Nintendo console ecosystem than they are into PC gaming, so these unsustainable moneyhats are viewed as all upside because their team "won" somehow.

Its more like winning a state lottery. While it feels good to the person who just won, its doing a lot of small damage to everyone else. EGS is never going to have even 0.01% of Indie titles on their storefront. They're never going to maintain 88/12. And I doubt they're ever going to match Steam's feature set, and I say that as someone who resisted the idea of Steam entirely until 2012, but Steam's pro-consumer features won me over.

I don't mind any other PC launcher that I use. I do mind EGS/Oculus enough that I'm never going to use their storefronts. A launcher that is useless from the consumer perspective is one thing, but one that is actively harmful to my hobby is another. EGS is trying to burn Kickstarter, which has been one of the greatest sources of good niche games for me, and I'm not going to support that.

Get ready for people inundated you with reasons about it being beyond the launcher. Like the lack of "features". The horror!

I don't go into Xbox Live/PS+ threads and start blaming people for supporting paid voice chats and cloud saves, just because I put no value in those features. I don't want to return to the dark ages of Joy2Key use to make my controllers work, and I rather like the ability to natively use Steam Link to play on my phone/TV/mobile computer. Steam forums often are a source of good tech support, and some developers actually post and take feedback there. Steam Guides are a nice in-game reference accessible with Shift+Tab. Steam Discovery Queue has alerted me to several quality games I've bought that I was previously unaware of. Steam Refunds have a clear policy, one that I've used to refund a few games. What "features" am I uninformed about that EGS offers, other than making a handful of underfunded games exist?

Good luck to those still fighting the good fight, but its not one that is likely to be won.


Jul 7, 2019
User Warned: Hostility.
It doesn't take much to avoid human rights abuses whataboutism.

Classic priviledged white people, only mention other people's suffering when it's convenient. Isn't making light of human rights abuses hilarious? No, it's actually very offensive and stupid and unnecessary.

So if it's between devs saying nothing and this garbage they should stay quiet.
Wtf is "classic privileged white people".?Please tell me more about these people you so hate.

Some priviledged people of any race do not care about causes, others do. I don't understand the need to reference skin color in this discussion.

I'm sure the Devs intended the post to come across as humorous, and I understand it came across as crass. However, big fucking deal...all of us, everyone, has been a little cringe before. Take the devs post for what it was.

"Classic priviledged white people". Get the fuck out of here with that sentiment. Jesus fuck.


Oct 25, 2017
As soon as I saw this blog o ost I came racing to Era to see all the salt.

Y'all are gonna be disappointed to find that the majority of devs take the exact same view as the Ooblets devs—which, coincidentally, if someone posted like that in an EGS thread, would probably get them banned for "trolling".
Yes, I would imagine dismissing any discourse with "why not go solve world crises instead" would get you banned fairly quickly on a discussions forum.

Deleted member 1635

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Well, duh? Yeah, most developers want money. Is this news to you?
Anyone selling a commercial game is in it for the money. If they're not, then it means they have enough money already.

Of course people are in it to also make money, but often not to make money above all else. There are plenty of better lines of work that pay better and are more stable than game development if all you cared about was money.
Oct 25, 2017
They shouldn't have bothered with half that post. It starts off so well, showing exactly why Epic's deals can benefit indie developers, but then turns into waving a massive red rag at a bull.

Taking the deal was smart and I wish them the best, but they should put a bit more thought into their future posts on the subject. I think their PR situation is now a good deal more spicy than if they just said they wanted some stability.


Designer / Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Of course people are in it to also make money, but often not to make money above all else. There are plenty of better lines of work that pay better and are more stable than game development if all you cared about was money.
No, people are in it to make money, and they go into game development because it's something they enjoy doing and are good enough at doing to actually make money.


Oct 28, 2017
Devs are playing the "All publicity is good publicity" game with that text lol

I would just accept the Epic deal and try to not make much noise about that in their shoes, focusing on the actual game in the publicity pieces.

As soon as I saw this blog post I came racing to Era to see all the salt.

Y'all are gonna be disappointed to find that the majority of devs take the exact same view as the Ooblets devs—which, coincidentally, if someone posted like that in an EGS thread, would probably get them banned for "trolling".

And the ban would be 100% justified Lol

The star already famous indie dev circle are clearly leaning towards Epic's side for obvious reasons, but i doubt it means "the majority" of devs. The majority of devs would never get the chance for a deal with Epic to begin with.