Deleted member 8741

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I hear a from a lot of guys that thy don't get enough compliments and that effects their self-esteem, so I do try to hand out compliments to the men I know. But I also don't want to be the creepy older woman that makes someone feel uncomfortable (and I am genuinely not hitting on them) so I try to be careful about how I do it. I wish more people would take into account how a comment is going to be received instead of just throwing it out there.

And butt pinching is right out! The worst!

There's a huge difference if someone says "You look nice today!" , "That new haircut looks great.", "You look like you've lost weight." Etc. Those are totally fine.

It's when people start saying "Oh your forearms are so muscular." Or "aren't you just the hottest thing I've seen all day." That it gets weird.

Compliments are fine, sexual objectification is weird.


Jan 15, 2019
I have never experienced this but i dont think i would mind it. Pretty much anything that would compliment me would make my days better. I am pretty much never noticed by anyone tho so.


Oct 27, 2017
I remember back when I was a highschool freshman an older lady would drive around the neighborhood watching us boys run while training for cross country. Sometimes she would honk and occasionally she'd offer us a ride because we looked tired. We laughed it off to each other but I know it made several of us genuinely uncomfortable. She wasn't the only one either, just the most bold, because it's apparently socially ok for older women to leer at young boys.
May 10, 2018
I've gotten the compliments from time to time but can't recall any physical contact.

The compliments don't bother me so I say thanks and keep it moving. Random physical contact would be different though.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Aren't all compliments unsolicited? I think the OP means inappropriate compliments.

I'm sure someone saying you did a great job with the presentation is fine.


On topic, it has happened to me. It never bothered me personally, but I'm speaking for myself and my situation. I've never had inappropriate physical contact at work.


Oct 27, 2017
When I'm out dancing and an older woman has a glass of wine in her she is basically a college frat boy. I kind of just accept that some people are just like that and some aren't, you choose who to avoid if you can.


Nov 7, 2017
It has only happened to me like 3-4 times.

Last time the lady came close to me to ask a question and just put her hand around my biceps, squeesed lightly, and let go.

I'm not a muscle dude or anything (I am sure they get a big deal more unsolicited touching), but it definitely felt gross. Like, we both knew what happened.


Oct 25, 2017
Have had my ass grabbed twice by an older and a younger woman at music festivals. I wish I let them know a piece of my mind at the time but I let it slide and it sure didn't feel right.


Product Management
Oct 27, 2017
Christ, this thread would be a graveyard if the genders were flipped.
Yah that's all I could think of reading the comments, as if I was taking some kind of crazy pills. Flip the roles here and the outcome would be morbidly different. How can people so easily reconcile that dissonance?


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
There's a huge difference if someone says "You look nice today!" , "That new haircut looks great.", "You look like you've lost weight." Etc. Those are totally fine.

It's when people start saying "Oh your forearms are so muscular." Or "aren't you just the hottest thing I've seen all day." That it gets weird.

Compliments are fine, sexual objectification is weird.

Reminds me of a cousin of my wife who visited us in London. We had a guy upstairs fixing a problem with the central heating. The cousin is white (as are we) and this guy was a black West Indian, and my ears burned to hear her loudly making sexualised racist comments about him, while he was just upstairs. Living in Northeast England she probably didn't see many black people, but that's no excuse for objectifying the first black guy you see up close.

He never said anything, and I really hope he didn't hear her. Just embarrassing. I kept the living room door closed and hoped the sound wouldn't carry. I tried to confront her about this but it's difficult to get somebody like that to take criticism seriously. She was acting like this in front of her own young teen daughters. Complete trash.

Chris McQueen

Self-requested ban
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (1 Week): Ignoring modpost and making light of sexual harassment
I'm into milfs. So I'd be fine with it...


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
I've gotten some comments in the past that were definitely inappropriate by middle aged women and even some cat calling by women around my own age. Not a ton, like I can count how many times on both hands, but one is too many. It can feel nice in a certain way that someone appreciates your appearance, but also really awkward and embarrassing all the same for someone to kind of single you out in public like that. Especially if you don't have a great deal of self confidence in your appearance. A majority of the comments have been made about my hair which for me being a redhead is a complex topic. It's nice to be complimented for it since it's often a point of derision but again I also really do not like having attention being drawn to it, least of all in public. The worst is when they do touch you, several times women have touched my hair while asking if its my real hair color and shit. It's highly uncomfortable and a crazy violation of personal space.

For me it's probably a lot more unwanted and stressful simply because I get people commenting on my appearance constantly. Red hair and very pale, translucent skin, results in endless comments, often incredibly rude ones despite that not being the intention, being made by family, friends and colleagues alike. So I don't really welcome any kind of comment about my appearance, positive or not.

Deleted member 5334

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I remember back when I was a highschool freshman an older lady would drive around the neighborhood watching us boys run while training for cross country. Sometimes she would honk and occasionally she'd offer us a ride because we looked tired. We laughed it off to each other but I know it made several of us genuinely uncomfortable. She wasn't the only one either, just the most bold, because it's apparently socially ok for older women to leer at young boys.

Yeah, this... bothers me. While I won't mention any names, someone we knew, their wife would often come over and she would always... Almost always, hit on me. Sometimes "touch" me in a way that was clear that she wanted to... do more than that. She'd always stare at me, try to make conversation with me. And it was absolutely unsettling to me. I always hated whenever I'd walk past their house on my way home and she'd just be... looking at me, watching me.

My dad tried to get me to go over their house for stuff a couple times and I absolutely freaked out. I always felt uncomfortable about her and my dad couldn't understand why. In fact, he often made fun of me on the situation, and blow it off like "Oh, that's just how she is" "she's just flirtatious", and "Me? A man, being (raped)? Yeah, right" (last comment was somewhat unrelated to this, but this was fairly recent and really bother me). While the situation never... escalated beyond that, my dad always making light of the situation would make me horribly upset, and in fact, induces some really nasty anxiety I have. Plus, like, some of the things she did was when I was either under age, or just turning of age.

Either way, I rather not ever deal with this again. Along with the other experiences I mentioned earlier in this thread.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
There is an older nurse that I've dealt with who seems a little bit this way. Like she never has commented on my looks or anything, but she always somehow ends up having a tits rub across my hands. Maybe it's just in my head and I over think.


Oct 25, 2017
That happened once years ago. I honestly liked it because I like the idea of cougars, but they were just passing through town and I felt it was all just fun and games anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
Older women will get a pass for this (it can either be passed off as being cheeky or the man/boy is just being too sensitive), anecdotally, my brother quit his job at Walgreens because the manager was harassing him sexually or otherwise for months, he reported to the Walgreens equivalent of HR and they laughed it off and did nothing about it. It's happened to me in the past but I also have a really good mean face so I can Dead that shit real quick if I don't want it.


Nov 7, 2017
I had this happen a few times, once about 15 years ago when I was at a funeral of all places. I was in the line for greeting the incoming people. Some lady in her 40s or 50s noticed by side burns and said something like "oh you have those rock star sideburns" and actually touched them. I felt really uncomfortable but went on about my day.

It's easy to say speak up for yourself when it's happening to you, but when you are predisposed to the norm of masculinity it almost seems like something you should accept and seek out, even when it makes you uncomfortable.

Its because its Men berating other Men, not Men berating Women like in the other occasions. Nor do I see Women berating Men for this.
its always us men that hinder each other in these situations.
aka toxic masculinity

Oct 25, 2017
Don't make light of unsolicited sexual advances, no matter who is receiving them or giving them. We, rightfully so, get very angry when older men say creepy things to young girls. We should act the same when older women say creepy things to young boys. Nobody deserves to be degraded, and nobody should be allowed to get away with degrading someone.


Oct 27, 2017
I know I made a joke earlier, but this is something I also encounter and hate. An older family friend of my wife's basically makes me feel like eye candy whenever I see her. Very touchy feely, throws out a lot of awkward compliments. Sometimes I have to be a little aggressive to get her to stop. Honestly a lot of my mother-in-laws friends make comments.

My solace is knowing it's 1/1000 of the shit my wife has dealt with her whole life. So I take it as an experience to gain empathy for what women regularly go through.


Oct 27, 2017
I had that happening to me many years ago when I was working in community service as a substitute nurse. I reckoned it as funny when they were charming, but it was awkward as well.


Oct 29, 2017
Definitely sounds like harassment to me. Especially the touching.

It happened to me a few years ago, but not in the workplace. Just some random older woman grabbed my ass cheek and gave it a good squeeze with my girlfriend at the time standing right next to me. It did not feel like a compliment at all.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
You are right OP, it's not okay and it has nothing to do with manhood that you are bothered by it.

People should start keeping their hands to themselves and not expect everyone to be into their advances.

Yep older ladies always are calling me handsome and pinching my cheeks and talking about how big and grown up I am.

Downplaying sexual harassment is never acceptable.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I remember I got bloodwork recently from a somewhat older woman who was weirdly unprofessional with her compliments - like how excited she was to have a patient who wasn't old and how strong my blood was pumping as she drew it out.

I thought it was hilarious, but slightly weirded out, sure. Seemed like a nice lady, but no filter at all, which makes the medical field seem like a bad career choice.


Oct 25, 2017
can someone explain the "See Staff Post" moniker to me? I thought it meant check the OP.. but there's nothing there. Do I need to go digging for it, or should I just be expected to pay special attention to any staff member that posts?
Dec 22, 2017
I feel ya OP. In college worked as a cook, and was constantly harrassed by older women. Ass grabs, crotch grabs, dirty comments about what they would to do to me. At first I thought it was funny but it got gross and annoying quick.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Story of my working life from 22-25 or so. I worked among a number of older women who, variably, made various comments about me and took a deep interest in my romantic life. I didn't think anything of it at the time, and I still don't care, but I did re-evaluate it a decade later when we started to question sexual power relationships in the workplace... And you'd see people coming forward about sexual harrassment, and I was like, "yknow... actually... at least two of those women were sexually harrassing me all the time..." I was also grabbed inappropriately multiple times by a woman in my office, and every time it was always like... I was supposed to laugh it off as "woahhh... you've had too much to drink tonight..."

It didn't bother me at the time because it was one of those things that I was conditioned to think is normal behavior, and I didn't end up re-evaluating it until years, years later. The behavior still doesn't bother me subjectively but I'd think it was objectively wrong today.


Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
That happened to me at my last job. She would say comments and touch me inappropriately at work. I eventually quit the job due to this. Every time I told someone this happened they would laugh. I tried to find the humor in it as well...but it fucked me up for a while.

Deleted member 32374

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2017
Nice job Era, we required a staff post to discuss this properly. Excellent work.

I've had moments that were uncomfortable with old women before, they have stuck with me. Nothing too bad, just it says something that I remember all of these years later.

But hey, lets make light of it right?


Oct 26, 2017
User Banned (1 Week): Ignoring modpost and making light of sexual harassment
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
When I worked at Starbucks in my 20s i asked this woman how she likes her coffee and she told me she likes it caramelly brown, like my skin. I'm not sure how you can pull that off without sounding super creepy, but I'm probably never gonna forget that one.


Oct 27, 2017
can someone explain the "See Staff Post" moniker to me? I thought it meant check the OP.. but there's nothing there. Do I need to go digging for it, or should I just be expected to pay special attention to any staff member that posts?

You should see an option at the top or bottom of the page to view staff posts. It's nice when added to OP, but there's also a shortcut to jump to them.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
Also, there's nothing wrong dating an older woman. I'm currently in a 9 yr relationship with a chick 14/15yrs older than me. Right now I'm 32 and she is almost 47.

I fully agree, but that's not what this is about though. This is about a problem where some people feel it's okay to put their hands on you and make unwelcome advances.

Even if it is not physical the "mmmm" grunt that the OP mentions is not okay in any shape or form (and especially from a healthcare professional).


Oct 25, 2017
If it makes you uncomfortable then speak up. I think we all have deferent levels of tolerance for such things. So there is no general rule of thumb.


Oct 25, 2017
can someone explain the "See Staff Post" moniker to me? I thought it meant check the OP.. but there's nothing there. Do I need to go digging for it, or should I just be expected to pay special attention to any staff member that posts?

You know you could just PM a mod if you are trying to figure something like this out?

Regardless look at the top of the page across from the page number listings are a few buttons to press. One being Staff Posts.


Oct 25, 2017
can someone explain the "See Staff Post" moniker to me? I thought it meant check the OP.. but there's nothing there. Do I need to go digging for it, or should I just be expected to pay special attention to any staff member that posts?

Use the 'Staff Post' button up at the top (or the one at the bottom) to use the threadmark feature to list and jump to any staff posts that have been made for that thread. This was explained in the 2.0 features thread we had (note my bar will look a little different from yours, but it's in a similar position).


Oct 25, 2017
You know you could just PM a mod if you are trying to figure something like this out?

Regardless look at the top of the page across from the page number listings are a few buttons to press. One being Staff Posts.

that's the equivalent of asking a cop for directions when there are people around who are much more readily available. Thanks for the advice though.


Oct 28, 2017
If it makes you uncomfortable tell the person doing it that it makes you uncomfortable.
If you read the thread you'll see that some people have been fired for bringing this stuff up. It's not that easy. Also you will likely get called a pussy/not a man/it's all fun and games/etc etc.
Oct 30, 2017
I appreciate comments about my appearance from anyone, really. But physical contact makes me uncomfortable too. You have every right to feel weird about it, OP. Unfortunately, I'm fairly nonconfrontational and too polite to express that discomfort.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I wouldn't mind it that much probably (except for the touching, I guess that'd be a case by case basis depending on how well-acquainted I am with the person), but I do understand people finding uncomfortable, especially if they're someone in a relationship and could do without such comments. I get them sometimes and it's playful stuff most of the time, though it's gone a bit sexual here and there and we just laugh it off because we know who we're joking like that with, touching is never involved though, that'd be a step too far imo unless there's more than flirting between those 2 people. A few days ago there was a joke involving me and sucking, but it'd be hard to translate it to English properly. I didn't feel uncomfortable or anything, but I guess I'd probably be a bit if I was in a relationship or seeing someone seriously.


Oct 31, 2017
My current employer considers what the OP shared as sexual harassment, and as such that doesn't happen to me in the office.

In public I get checked out frequently, and I dig it. I've been butt touched on the T, and twice I've had my genitals lightly grabbed as people pass by.

I like the thought of being objectified every now and again. Feels good to me when someone is a little thirsty for me. Feels like I've still got 'it'. But the touches made me really uncomfortable.