
Nov 1, 2017

Elemental Gimmick Gear
Sega Dreamcast

Probably for good reason. I'd give you Kudos for even being aware of it.
I think it came out around the same time as Silver/Record of Lodoss War so probably got swept under the carpet.


Oct 26, 2017

Man, I remember I LOVED Battle Realms as a kid, but I don't think I've ever seen it discussed, anywhere?

Battle Realms is a great candidate for this thread. This game was on game sites everywhere in banner ads and previews, had a great style to it too. From my anecdotal experience I think Warcraft 3's hype and impending release just trampled over the game though. It's like it just disappeared once WC3 came around.


Oct 9, 2018
Nightlong Union City Conspiracy; a great adventure game. One of the few games that actually scratches the giant void left by the Westwood Studious' Blade Runner, unfortunately it has an unavoidable crash and is quite hard to get it to work on modern rigs.

Dark Earth; is one of the most unique games of all time with a cool setting&storyline. Unfortunately its impossible to get it to work on a modern computer, i hope that GOG or some other company picks it up in the future so its legacy can live on.

All of the Silmarils games are forgotten to various degrees, some of their games were picked up by GOG however their early games, including my favourite Transarctica, were not available. Fortunately an official Silmarils collection was released a few years ago which includes all of their early games.

Early and mid 90s are filled with genre defining obscure PC games that are pretty much impossible to find and get it to run on modern systems.


Apr 23, 2019
Culdcept for the PS2 (Culdcept II in Japan). A few of its sequels were localized here to the US, but nobody ever mentions the PS2 game, which I absolutely loved to death. It had the best soundtrack of the entire series too.


Apr 23, 2019
The Magic of Scheherazade

It was like a cross between Legend of Zelda and Chrono Trigger. Every once in awhile I'll hear somebody talk about this game but not often. Personally, I think it's the best NES game made.

Holy crap! I thought I was the only person to ever play it! T'was a great game.


Oct 27, 2017
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one that ever played this gem:



Anybody else? Bueller?


Oct 25, 2017

God, do I miss ritual. They could do just a wide array of action game. Here taking on a sequel to heavy metal 2000 with the negatives and positives that entails.
Dual wield different types of weapons (guns and swords, etc), quake3 engine look[ed] amazing, some interesting puzzles and light platforming. And Julie Strain stars as her character from the film. It went by more or less unnoticed back in the day if I remember, which is sad. Still have a seal big box copy


Feb 28, 2018
Heavy Gear II (1999).

I feel like it was overshadowed by other PC online games at the time including whatever MechWarrior game was popular at the time.

My God I put tens of hours into the demo for this. It was crazy to me that you had not just mechs running around. I vastly preferred it to MechWarrior because of that


Dec 23, 2017
Couple later games from the Dreamcast days made by Visual Concepts

Ooga Booga - some weird team based online game

Floigan Bros - I have this game and I know I've played it but I can't remember much about it. Was it a platformer? Was it a point and click? I can't recall.


Dec 16, 2017
Vortex, for the SNES

One of the few Super FX games, I remember picking it up out of the bargain bin of Walmart as a kid. Always thought it was rad, you had the ability to transform into 3 or 4 distinct forms (jet, car, mech) on the fly in 3D arenas. Graphics and performance weren't anything to write home about, but thought it had a lot of potential.


Deleted member 18407

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Oct 27, 2017
Floigan Bros - I have this game and I know I've played it but I can't remember much about it. Was it a platformer? Was it a point and click? I can't recall.
Man, Floigan Bros is a weird one. I haven't played it in years but I remember it being kind of a combination of both platformer and point'n'click stuff. Like the little bro would have to order the big bro around to do certain tasks while you navigated a level with the little bro? I might have to dig that one out somehow and play it again. I remember liking it at least!


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think anyone else but myself have mentioned it here.


It was the very first FPS game I ever played and it had a fantastic soundtrack.



Oct 26, 2017
I feel like Turrican never gets enough love.
I know Turrican 2 is like Uncharted 2 in the sense that it was the perfect sequel, but the original is still fantastic.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like Turrican never gets enough love.
I know Turrican 2 is like Uncharted 2 in the sense that it was the perfect sequel, but the original is still fantastic.
Agreed. I think they got a decent level of respect in Europe at the time? I owned an Amiga during the 80s/90s so I had the opportunity to play 2 and 3 loads, and ended up getting 1 via eBay eventually, and all three are fantastic games. 2 still remains my favourite though, mainly down to feeling a bit more refined than 1, and I prefer the soundtrack (which rocks).
3 felt more linear than 1 and 2 but I still really enjoyed it. Console wise I never got round to finishing the NES game, Super Turrican 1 felt like a short "best of" from the Amiga games, its good because those games were good but its nothing essential. Super Turrican 2 on the SNES despite being quite the departure from the earlier games is pretty darn good as well, I really enjoyed it.

Speaking of which, the creator of Turrican ended up making another little known/forgotten Super Famicom game - Rendering Ranger R2 which is a badass action game like T2. Its super expensive these days though, even just the cart costs a ton, again, I really need to finish the game one day!


Aug 1, 2020
Definitely the Speedy Eggbert/Blupi games.

Growing up, I played most of the games in the series and I was shocked to realize that it wasn't popular or even known among the gaming community at all.

Sumio Mondo

Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom

Currently playing this (40-45 hours in) and it's much better than I remembered it being when I hard quit it like a decade ago. Maybe it's because I like Growlanser 2 and 4 so much? Story is pretty good too. Really enjoy the combat missions.

It's a traditional JRPG merged with Strategy RPG.


Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
There are a few of these that come to mind, that have a special place in my nostalgic heart.

- Croc: legend of the gobbos

- Future Cop LAPD (particularly the assault mode, so many hours spent on this back in the day)

- Verminator (my brother had this on the Atari ST when I was growing up, for some reason the cover art is seared into my brain)

-Zool - one of my favourite 90s platforms in terms of design. Probably got into Zool around the same time as Sonic, maybe just before

Tried to post images for each one but for some reason can't get the image functions to work :-(


Oct 25, 2017



From Software's lost gem.

I can't be the only person that hears "NONE SHALL PASS" when Otogi is posted? That darn mission almost drove me insane with that constant repeating voice clip. Love the two games though, and Metal Wolf Chaos (enough to import that from Japan back in the day!)


Oct 28, 2017
Cobra triangle. I've never seen anyone ever discuss this game. It was big at my school growing up but have no concept as to how it was received in general.
It's a Rare game though, with a David Wise soundtrack, so can't be all that obscure.

Deleted member 11413

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Oct 27, 2017
SirNinja saw you posted about SimTower, did you know about this one?

Yoot Saito's The Tower SP. It's a reimagining of both SimTower and Yoot Tower, combining elements of both prior games into one release on GBA with improved tutorials.
Last edited:
Oct 27, 2017

Redneck Rampage is probably the most famous/well known of those, though I hardly ever see it mentioned when people talk about old fps games, etc. (though it has a gog release which is nice).

I played RR back in the day, and it was fun enough. Not as good as Duke or Blood, but a solid game nonetheless.

Powerslave. FPS set in Egypt, loved it but I have never heard another person talk about it ever.

I actually picked up the PS1 version last year, but I have yet to play it! I did play the PC version back in the day, but it's a completely different game than the PS1/Saturn game.



completely bizarre 3d horror/adventure game, featuring puzzle solving & some combat. you can choose to play as male or female. includes werewolves, dead priests, & scenes of torture & debauchery (both featuring nudity). hell, you can even choose the 'bad' ending, where, instead of rescuing the princess, you opt for luxuriating at an endless orgy! &, no, i'm not kidding:


they just don't make'm like this anymore :) ...

I think I played a demo of it 20+ years ago. Wonky controls, but an interesting setting and concept.


I love both games. I know its not cool to like Bloodrayne 2 at all, but it was one of my favorite character action games of the PS2 era. It would be interesting to see someone do something new with the IP.

I didn't like BR2 as much as the first, but it was solid. And yeah, I hope someone revives the IP.

A lot of DOS games I rarely see mentioned much:
Jazz Jackrabbit
Commander Keen
Halloween Harry
Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure
The 2D Duke Nukems
Monster Bash (one of my favorites)

I played most of those games too, haha. Jazz was a solid, if middling, Sonic clone, and Halloween Harry was a darn fine 2D platformer/shooter. Was Monster Bash the one where you walked around a haunted house?


I love these two games so much, I never see people talk about them.

Never played Time Busters, but Lost in Time is a great platformer.

Blood and Redneck Rampage. Not enough people discuss them just Duke Nukem 3D

Blood is one of the finest FPS games ever made. I love it.

Undying is a classic. Lovecraft meets haunted house horror. Too bad that planned sequel never happened. And I'd buy a remake of this day 1.

I came here to post "Cold Fear", but someone has beat me to it!



I have Rapid Racer lying around, and played Overboard back in the day. Both decent enough, but rather challenging.

I loved a game on pc (talking about 386) called...ports of call? It was a shipping sim with a hard af decking scene where you could wreck your boat and ruin yourself in about 6 seconds.

I played that briefly back in the day, but I think it was very popular on PC and possibly various home computers?

Heretic and Blood are classics, and Nosferatu was surprisingly good!

All objectively awful games I enjoyed in some capacity:


Krazy Ivan (PS1 ) : Cashing in on the Mech Craze.

Oh Jesus. Krazy Ivan was indeed Krazy Bad. I played it as a teen, and the game stank to high heavens.

I don't think anyone else but myself have mentioned it here.


It was the very first FPS game I ever played and it had a fantastic soundtrack.

I had that on PS1, and it was a great game. I should buy it again sometime..

Oh, and my pick for games I never see anyone talk about..


Sure, it's not the best thing ever, but I had fun with it. It was my first taste of the RPG genre too. Still have my copy of the game.


Oct 27, 2017
Laker Nation
I'll switch things up a bit by listing a few obscure titles from my all time favorite platform: arcade games!



Mystic Marathon (Williams)
A side-scrolling, obstacle course type foot race between you and a half dozen other CPU gnomes through waters and across mini-islands. I played it so much at the mall arcade that eventually it was impossible for me to lose.



Gun Survivor 2 - Resident Evil: Code Veronica (Capcom)
Kinda janky, but a lot of fun because it was the first RE game I played with light gun aiming until RE:7 came out on the PSVR. It also had co-op, and was more action based than the console series (i.e., no real puzzle solving elements).



SpikeOut (Sega)
As a HUGE fan of the beat 'em up genre, and an even bigger fan of the Streets of Rage series specifically, I had high hopes for this game from Sega. The arcade release looks fantastic for its era (1999), but because it went with the third person viewpoint instead of the traditional 2.5D, you lose that fun aspect of gameplay where you had to judge position and distance from enemies both in front and behind you. The biggest complaint I had with it is ironically a problem I have with the new Streets of Rage 4 game that came out this year: enemies can just super armor through your attacks to ward off your hit stun. I hated it then, and I hate it now.


One Winged Slayer
SirNinja saw you posted about SimTower, did you know about this one?

Yoot Saito's The Tower SP. It's a reimagining of both SimTower and Yoot Tower, combining elements of both prior games into one release on GBA with improved tutorials.
Yeah, I actually have that one. It's limited quite a bit by the GBA's hardware and 240x160 screen, but it's still a pretty enjoyable handheld version of Sim/Yoot Tower.

There was also a port of it for the DS (and then another, pared-down "Classic" version for DSiWare), although those were unfortunately only ever released in Japan:



I wish I could have played that version back then. Fortunately today there's stuff like Project Highrise carrying the tower-builder torch.


alt account
Jul 28, 2020

I had a demo disc with this on it and must have played it dozens of times but never touched the full game.


Oct 25, 2017
Allegiance was on Microsoft's "The Zone" back in the day (same thing that Asheron's Call/Motorcross Madness/Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six used). It was a space sim mmo, and I tell you what to me it was 10x more enjoyable then "Eve Online." They actual controls and dogfights controlled like an actual space sim, there was no "click to go, click to attack," you moved your ship around in real time and had to aim and all of that, I loved it, but it didn't last too long, hell I don't even know if it got a full release? I played it in beta form for a bit and then it was just gone and I never heard of it since.

Allegiance is still going.

Microsoft Allegiance on Steam

Allegiance is a team-based multiplayer space combat sim that seamlessly combines first-person space combat with a top-down-view perspective, real time strategy, and real time tactics. Team commanders build bases, research technology, and coordinate players to execute a wide range of strategies.

Deleted member 17207

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Without looking at this thread at all, my brother reminded me of this game the other day that I've literally never heard brought up outside our house:


Shade Vortex

Oct 28, 2017

Absolutely this.
The Unholy War is a PS1 game I happened to rent from Blockbuster when I was a kid. I found it to be an interesting game, pretty unique and innovative for its time. I've not seen any game quite like it before, or after it. It's a pretty niche title it seems, I never see anyone talking about it. I remember liking it when I was a kid, but I've never gone back to it, as I fear like most other titles I enjoyed as a kid, it would not stand the test of time.


Nov 3, 2017
Donkey Kong N64, I was absolutely fond of this game as a kid and barely ever see it mentionned online. Why is it given "The Last Airbender" movie treatment? :(


Oct 25, 2017
I never see anyone bring up the Evolution games (Dreamcast/GC)


they're fairly mediocre JRPGs, but I love the character designs.

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017
I played most of those games too, haha. Jazz was a solid, if middling, Sonic clone, and Halloween Harry was a darn fine 2D platformer/shooter. Was Monster Bash the one where you walked around a haunted house?
Monster Bash was a great game, even if I barely got past the first few levels as a kid.

I don't know if there was a haunted house level, but it starts off with you as a kid in his PJs in the woods with a slingshot as your weapon. It's a side scrolling platformers and I think you free pets from cages or something like that around the level.
All the enemies were classic Halloween monsters, like zombies, arms popping out of the ground, witches I think.

The furthest I got was an underground area with a big dragon at the entrance.