
One Winged Slayer
Apr 22, 2018
We should see this business strategy as the beginning of a new era in videogames called GamePass. MS is doing a netflix.
Jun 17, 2018
I understand why people have a negative reaction to this but if Sony could afford them, they would have done the same. At least with Microsoft the games have a better chance of coming to PlayStation than if it were the other way round.


Jan 30, 2018
Aslong as the games keep showing up on Steam I'm not THAT fussed.

I mean, I'd rather they foster their own talent than just buy other better studios, but MS gonna MS!

I love that this is the new line in the battlefield. Acquisition of talent is a thing thats happened in the working world since day zero. This idea that MS has to "incubate" its own studios doesnt compute with me. Heck even Naughty Dog were bought by Sony, they werent grown in some sort of Sony game dev laboratory.


Oct 25, 2017
I was already getting both consoles but now I'm 10/10 excited for both going forward. Competition is a good thing. Sony pushes MS, MS pushes Sony. I win


Oct 27, 2017
For all of the people who are saying this is "bad news" don't seem to understand the business aspects of the gaming industry. This is a truly bold and strategically sound move by Microsoft, as they now need reputable studios who can help to add more weight to the Xbox brand, further bolstering their brand image.

This is a massive bit of news, as it now allows Microsoft to play at a much higher competitive level, prompting consumers to now consider buying an Xbox Series S/X in order to enjoy future Bethesda/Obsidian titles.

It also now removes two titles off of the PlayStation lineup, giving Microsoft more leverage regarding their gaming catalog for 2021-onward. While their opening lineup for 2020 is looking a little slim, I feel like next year is where Xbox is going to explode and this major acquisition will surely not be the last.

I still think it's too early for them to make a real impact. 2022/23 should have Microsoft delivering a portfolio they have sorely lacked since the launch of the Xbox One. Hell, even longer with the same 4 franchises towards the end the 360's lifespan.
Nov 2, 2018
Yo Sony, it might be time to reveal that Silent Hill game... 😓

Ive been a playstation exclusive player for 20 years and this changes everything...


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Jan 5, 2019
the Spanish Basque Country
To be fair this shows that the price Warner was asking for WB Games was way too high.


Oct 27, 2017
That is completely out of the left field and so far the biggest shake up for the status pro for next generation.



Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
I'm surprised they managed to keep this nuclear megaton under wraps. Did any insider hear anything about this before the announcement?


Oct 25, 2017
It's all in the eye of the beholder. Xbox fanboys are equally as bad as the Sony fanboys, regardless of what they're saying to themselves. It's just about who's loudest at the moment.
Agree with you there. I'm just not a fan of the growing consolidation of this industry. Lots of people are not seeing that Sony might pull similar moves (maybe not in the same scale) restricting many users of playing certain games in the future.
Instead they're cheering at a company throwing billions of dollars buying a former multiplatform publisher ("look at how much money they have wow!")

So yeah kind of anti-consumer. Ironically not as anti-consumer as paying for timed exclusivity.
What? They're both shit but a permanent exclusive is always worse.
Apr 4, 2018
Vancouver, BC
I guess Microsoft was a bit upset about Sony paying for Final Fantasy exclusivity? Lol.

I think a line was just drawn in the sand. If you care at all about Western games, you need to go Xbox/PC.

Deleted member 721

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Next TES thats a very big exclusive for MS, i like Fallout but after 4 and 76 i'm not expecting much of the franchise


Oct 25, 2017
PS5/PC exclusive games: OK for the industry
XBOX/PC exclusive games: bad for the industry

Do I have that right?

But on a serious note, I'm happy that Microsoft is taking the necessary steps to make the Xbox a competitive platform. Prior to this acquisition, it was looking as though PS5 had little to no competition.


Oct 25, 2017
Huge for MS, will be interesting to see how this plays out. I'm looking forward to seeing my Gamepass library add a lot of great games. I can't beleieve MS owns DOOM, melt a bit.


May 19, 2020
Do these acquisitions typically work out well for Microsoft? Their acquisition of Rare was a complete waste of funds. After being acquired by Microsoft, Rare produced nothing to justify the purchase price.


Oct 25, 2017
It's entirely comparable because Sony is choosing to spend it's budget on timed exclusives and other aspects that deny content and games to other subsets of gamers. They have the same opportunity to purchase publishers in the open market but choose to waste millions on exclusive deals and advertising.

There's always going to be a group of people who miss out on an aquisition or exclusive deal, But currently it's MS that looks to be using it's funds more wisely for their audience.

Lol, buying a big publisher isn't even in the same league as buying some timed exclusives or withholding spidey to other gamers, come on. And let's not forget that MS is and has been doing exactly the same too, have you already forgoten all those 3rd party console exclusives for the Series consoles?


Oct 25, 2017
Haha, sorry.. I should've made it more clear with an /s. It was a tongue in cheek reference to a poster from another thread (the one about Richard Leadbetter from DF saying developers are really happy with the development tools for the PS5) saying he heard Microsoft is planning to kill Xbox by the end of this gen if it loses some kind of traction.
Ah... I hate when I miss stuff like that. Carry on! :P


Oct 26, 2017
I mean if all Xbox wanted was Bethesda games on game pass day one, they didn't need to buy the studio. They could have announced a deal with Bethesda to do that, it would have cost significantly less money. At the end of the day I suppose we don't know for sure, but I honestly only see this as confusing because people are wishfully thinking for something they know won't happen. There's no reason to believe this won't be the same as every other acquisition MS has done.

I'm certainly not as optimistic as some others in here. Some of my favourite franchises are now dependent on mgs staying healthy longterm. Not something they've a great record at.

Saying that, it's a little too early to call. Maybe this signals a fundamental change in strategy from Microsoft


Oct 25, 2017
I think most of Bethesda's games will remain multiplatform (some will be exclusive) but they will have timed exclusivity, unique features and content to Xbox.


Nov 19, 2017
This thread in tldr;
Microsoft buys company : REEeEe this terrible! Sony should buy another company in retaliation!
Sony buys company : HOLY SHIT ITS OVER! SONYWINSBABY! Microsoft is doomed, how will they ever recover!?!

I've just gone through the entirety of the thread and the general vibe seems to be of course shock lol, but excitement as well. If this was the other way round I'm absolutely sure Sony would have got shit on if the exclusive Spiderman character in Avengers is anything to go by.


Oct 28, 2017
Raleigh, NC
I love that this is the new line in the battlefield. Acquisition of talent is a thing thats happened in the working world since day zero. This idea that MS has to "incubate" its own studios doesnt compute with me. Heck even Naughty Dog were bought by Sony, they werent grown in some sort of Sony game dev laboratory.
If you don't raise your own studio talent from embryo to adulthood, does it really count?


Feb 21, 2019
I've always considered Bethesda a PC company so this doesn't change much for me. I love the idea of Bethesda games being on gamepass.
Oct 28, 2017
Imagine what $7.5 Billion injected into new studios and IPs would have done to the game industry. Instead, we just have one giant corporation buying off a huge publisher.

When you think about it this way, it is a really sad development. Probably the biggest single gaming purchase ever and all that money spent so less people can play sequels to games they love.