
Oct 26, 2017
This is terrible. From what someone on Era has heard, if Xbox loses ground this generation, Microsoft will kill the Xbox division. All these studios gone by the end of the generation :(

EDIT:This was a sarcastic reference to another user's post
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User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
lol, phil changed his avatar



Oct 27, 2017
Interesting to see the reactions of some members here, this doesn't seem a studio with financial problems or things like that. And the good words guy Phil, yeah , just that, nice PR but in the end all do the same.

Will be fun if sony starts adquiring studios too.


Deploying the stealth Cruise Missile
Oct 27, 2017
HOLY WOW That is some news to wake up to.

Not a fan of this much consolidation, but this is a huge get for MS.


Nov 2, 2017
So, is this anti-consumer or not?

All these acquisitions are anti-consumer.
Just look at Ninja theory, they took a perfectly fine multiplatform game and bought the sequel basically. Now I won't be able to play it.

And it goes the other way too, it's much better if Sony and Microsoft actually builds studios instead of just buying them for their own benefit.


Oct 27, 2017
Well, let's hope Elder Scrolls 6 stays a non-GaaS single-player RPG - I don't care too much about everything else.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Jun 9, 2020
I agree, but this is what happens when 3rd party games are being bought left and right for some sort of exclusivity. I said before that doing this will force MS and Sony to respond to each other and MS has so much more to spend than Sony. Sucks for consumers, but that's business for you.
Is that a joke? Microsoft has been paying for 3rd party exclusives since the original Xbox, in fact they currently have more 3rd party exclusives announced for Xsex than Sony does for the PS5


Oct 28, 2017
I mean look, when Sony bought Insomniac people around here cheered. At least with Microsoft you'll be able to play these games on PC, which is more than you can say for Sony.

You're comparing a studio which produced mainly for Playstation versus a Publisher with several studios and relevant IPs.

This is unprecedented.


Oct 27, 2017
Huge get for Microsoft.

As always though, exclusivity fucking sucks for players. MS making bank off it though.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
Did they ever make it that PC Game Pass games could be modded? Because that's the only way I'll play Fallout and Elder Scrolls through Game Pass.

Otherwise, it's the Steam versions all the way.

Sure can. They added that earlier this year. Can access folders for moddable games just the same as Steam. I know Mechwarrior 5 has mod support on Game Pass PC, not sure what others do.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Buenos Aires, Argentina
I suppose it's more likely, but both studios have their own projects and Bethesda is probably working on Fallout 5. So if it happens it will not be anytime soon. I'm not sure if Microsoft care about who works on Fallout, so I can't see them pressuring Bethesda to give it to someone else. So don't expect it to happen.

Oh no, for sure, Microsoft seems content to leave studios be, and for sure they will not mess with BGS seeing as they're great as is, but they could do a spin-off at a point, seeing as Starfield is BGSs next game, and then TES6, so Fallout 5 is likely about 5-10 years away


Oct 27, 2017
I really don't understand why so many people in this thread believe future Bethesda titles will continue to be multiplatform. When have we ever seen Microsoft or Sony acquire a Studio then allow that Studio to continue to make games multiplatform (don't point to Minecraft. That title was already out on all platforms when MS bought them)? From a business sense, that would be pointless. You acquire studios to make games exclusive to your platform to make your ecosystem the one people want to buy into. I don't think MS spent $7.5 billion to allow Bethesda to put their big hitters on the PS5.

People keep complaining about how there is nothing on Xbox they want to play. This is how MS goes about changing that. They acquire strong studios to make games that people can only play on Xbox or PC. This is how Microsoft get their TLOU or God of War. Those will be the next Elder Scrolls and Starfield, maybe Fallout New Vegas 2. Those are the premier titles that will be MS only that will drive people to buy into the MS Ecosystem.

Bethesda is publishing the games. If they were exclusive Xbox would be. Quite simple really.

Xbox cares about making money. Game Pass + charging £70 to PlayStation owners = win win.


Oct 25, 2017
I know people were complaining about Sony's timed exclusive and the Spiderman Avengers bullshit, but this is way more shitty than all of that.


Oct 29, 2017
Welp, I was planning to buy an xbox series s in the future anyways but bloody hell, this just move that purchase up if that means I can get TEW3 and Prey 2. But also on the other hand, monopoly is bad...


Oct 25, 2017
User banned (5 days): Console warring
Can't make their own games, so they're just outright buying all the studios that do? This is some shit.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
That's not how this works, this is a buyout, not an investment from MS. All this money will go to exiting execs and shareholders, not a cent will go to developers or be invested in future games. It is for this reason I think this is a shitty move, that money could've been spent on setting up dozen new studios, creating thousands of new jobs for developers, but nope.
Some of the other buyouts also lead to a noticeable increase in production values for the devs their current games compared to their past ones. So i doubt they won't do the same for their new studios should they see the need for it.
Oct 24, 2019
Yep, I imagine Sony are looking at SE, Capcom and Sega right now but Sony do not have the same available cash as Microsoft.

Not saying that Sony should acquire any of those companies, but they are definitely capable of doing it. The notion that they don't have enough money is a myth:

AB and Activision would be 10s of billions of dollars. That's basically the only third party game-focused companies that cost would apply to.

And even then, while I agree they are too big for an aquasition to ever make sense, Sony is still easily large enough to acquire them if that's really what they wanted to do.

Sony is not a small or poor company.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
I'm truly in shock right now

Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Doom, Wolfenstein, Dishonored and more

All exclusives from now on, from one fucking move

I'm sad, because I love a lot of those franchises, and I'm user of Sony ecosystem for quite some time

The number of IPs that Microsoft is acquiring here all at once is unprecedented, holy shit
My guess is that will not be an exclusive thing. It will be more like Minecraft.

This is a GamePass play.


Oct 27, 2017
I hope Sony and Nintendo would allow Gamepass on their platforms. That'd be awesome. One monthly sub and play anywhere (even if cross-save is out of the question). But I doubt they'd want a competing store on their platform. Yeah, I know that technically, it's not a store, but technically it is, since it devalues their own store's value proposition and competes with sales on their platforms.

Anyway, digressing. Would be interesting to see if MS publishes on Sony consoles too. I think they will. It's all about recurring subscription revenue and software revenue for them, if I understand Nadella's strategy correctly.


Jul 8, 2019
Can't wait to play these MS games on my PS5. Everyone wins :)

That said, this acquisition is horrible.


Oct 25, 2017
I doubt it'll happen but we'll see. They don't really need another massive acquisition after this one. Bethesda buys them a lot of momentum.

They want to become gaming's Netflix, they're absolutely buying more.

Yakuza 7 being timed exclusive on next gen for Xbox makes me think Sega is the next one.

But then there's the recent EA sub added to game pass so perhaps they're next.


Dec 4, 2017
People cheering this is utterly beyond my understanding. This isn't a single game, or even a studio.

It's one of the largest independent publishers and developers in gaming being swallowed up by MS. Not because MS has been wildly successful in gaming, but because it has a ton of cash from other parts of their business. It is *never* a positive when creative industries conglomerate like this, and when market leaders use cash in this way.

This is not good for the industry, and it's definitely not a good indicator of the health of the industry.


They are buying success instead of developing it or fostering it. This is not an Insomiac situation. Timed Oblivion exclusivity doesn't make them have the same kind of relationship with MS the way studios Sony acquired had with them. These are the same discussions we've had for the last year or so when any rumors about MS/Sony buying a big studio/publisher crop up.

Don't let gamepass dazzle you into thinking this is somehow a good thing for the industry because it's absolutely not. If Sony retaliates and buys a big pub it will be one more step toward consolidation of the industry.


Nov 1, 2017
Holy sh*t, with a move like this, I genuinely think no one is safe from ms... maybe like epic, ea or Activision, but even still I can see them being acquired as well... like I'm still trying to process this 😂


Jun 15, 2018
Selfishly, this appears to be good news for me because Game Pass is about to get a ton of awesome games, but I don't think massive acquisitions like this are good for the industry as a whole. I guess we'll need to wait and see how MS approach this - I would be very surprised if we never saw another Bethesda/Zenimax Studios on PlayStation again. That would be leaving a TON of money on the table.