
Oct 26, 2017
Igot my Quest today, and I like it a lot. Sadly Drop Dead and Journey of the Gods have already made me sick. Most of the games I have tried are fine though. Beat Saber is of course amazing. As ist Superhot VR.


Fraud & Player Security
Oct 25, 2017
Igot my Quest today, and I like it a lot. Sadly Drop Dead and Journey of the Gods have already made me sick. Most of the games I have tried are fine though. Beat Saber is of course amazing. As ist Superhot VR.
Make sure you turn on comfort mode for Drop Dead if smooth locomotion makes you feel sick. Trust me.

There's absolutely a pattern of politics here. It's plain as day if you look at some of the questionable stuff that's been accepted and the competing stuff that's been rejected. Pavlov is being punished for being a Steam-centric title (vs Onward) and not being on the Rift store. But the only reason Pavlov is as popular as it is, is because of the Steam Workshop maps. And like all Steam competitors, Oculus really only cares about whether the storefront functions as a money exchange. So there's no alternative to Steam Workshop and the PC version requires Steam to function in the way customers expect. But, yeah, blackball them from releasing on the Quest store over this. It's totally the devs fault for having the gall to give PCVR users a PC-centric experience.

All of this becomes a moot point if it was a platform swimming in content. But they're not picking the best titles and it's clear as water there's politics at play over who gets blessed as "worthy".


Oct 25, 2017
Seems Pavlov won't be coming to tech quest either - dev posted on Twitter. This feels like oculus have some processes in place that are not exactly open. Eg anti-compete guarantee to encourage devs they choose (eg onward). There is too much noise around rejections for decent games
The way they're treating devs is really worrying there's a pattern here.


Shinra Employee
Aug 22, 2018
The Reddit thread I mentioned a few posts up gives more context.

Yeah...while I am pretty annoyed at some of the things that have been happening (all the Virtual Desktop stuff), there seems to a bit more going on with Pavlov. I get the impression that Oculus was wanting more control creatively than the dev was willing to give. It's less of a straight up rejection and more of a disagreement.


Oct 25, 2017
I think the dev is just too used to the "wild wild west" of PC development where you just make your game on your own terms and pretty much sell it on your own terms.

Oculus is treating Quest as a platform, and is treating development very similar to how Sony or Microsoft does. You absolutely must go through them and retrieve their feedback for certification and quality control before you are even allowed access to the platform. I really doubt Oculus wanted creative control over it as he is making it sound. It is in Oculus' best interest to make sure every game sold on their store runs to their specifications in order to maintain that "Oculus" quality. At the end of the day, it sounds like Pavlov will still make it in some form anyway so no big loss anyway I suppose.


Oct 27, 2017
My DAS arrived yesterday and while I didn't get the chance to fully complete the mod, initial impressions are positive. Couldn't really test much because I didn't have a D-ring and its weight was being supported solely by the industrial strength velcro on the arms.

Was just as well, because while taking a shower this morning, I had an idea for some straps I had lying around. After a couple strategic cuts, it worked perfectly and now I won't need a D-ring. I'll finish it later today. In all the videos I've seen, it seems like that D-Ring rests against a person's scalp. That can't be comfortable. My method, assuming it holds up, should be much more organic looking/feeling.


Oct 25, 2017
The way they're treating devs is really worrying there's a pattern here.

I think there's more going on with the Pavlov guy and I feel like he's trying to play the sympathy card for some reason.

The thing is, what Oculus is doing is pretty much par for the course for console development. Not everything gets in and they never tell you why you get rejected. Devs on there seem to have never submitted a game to a console manufacturer to get their game released. Then there are the "But X game got in and Y game didn't" nonsense, which everyone should know that circumstances for each game are unique. A lot of these guys have publishers and generally console manufacturers don't question those releases so much, which is why games of dubious quality can get in. Independent devs have a much harder chance. I mean, trying to get through Sony's approval process is a pain in the ass...but we don't see folks complaining about that. I think that's mainly because everyone understands how it is with consoles. Except now they're using the Nintendo Switch as some kind of "open" platform that just lets anyone in (which isn't true).

Not every game is entitled to be on every platform and just because your game didn't get accepted this time doesn't mean it won't get accepted the next time assuming they can look at their game objectively and get it in a state where they'll get accepted...or get a publisher to speed things along. No offense to some devs, but a lot of these VR games look and play terribly. They're experiences that are maybe an hour or so of actual content which is bad. I get that it's the early days of VR, but having been messing around with a lot of stuff in the last few months, I find that there's a serious need to improve the quality and variety of the games available. I know that costs are a huge factor. This is the issue with my own game, but something has to give.

The thing is, each dev is responsible for their own game. Saying X game made it, so why didn't mine? Is a terrible way to look at this. The response should be, "We didn't get in...so what can we do to improve our game so that we can?"


Fraud & Player Security
Oct 25, 2017
Was just as well, because while taking a shower this morning, I had an idea for some straps I had lying around. After a couple strategic cuts, it worked perfectly and now I won't need a D-ring. I'll finish it later today. In all the videos I've seen, it seems like that D-Ring rests against a person's scalp. That can't be comfortable. My method, assuming it holds up, should be much more organic looking/feeling.
Yeah you don't necessarily need a D-ring to connect the two. I use a hair band threaded as a loop for the Vive <-> Oculus head strap.

Beer Monkey

Oct 30, 2017
If game consoles shipped with sideloading built in everyone would be turning cartwheels.

People are losing their minds over nothing.


Oct 27, 2017
This dev is a weird one. Glad it got worked out because the game looks amazing.
He's on the spectrum. I believe he didn't want to work directly with Oculus people on the development of the game (enjoys working as solo dev) and I think he thought it was a requirement to get it on Quest store. There was also some potential fiction about not wanting to put it on Rift store since getting mods set up there would be a pain compared to the built in mod support of Steam.


Shinra Employee
Aug 22, 2018
This was the full reply from Oculus's Jason Rubin on Twitter. It's pretty good overall, I am still not convinced that forcing Virtual Desktop to remove the SteamVR feature is anything but a platform decision but acknowledging they missed the mark with some dev communication is good.

It's been a busy week for Oculus and the Content team at E3. I wanted to respond to a number of threads that have risen up this week. I also want to clarify our goal for Quest and clear up some misconceptions about our curation process.

The VR community must expand to become a viable medium. We believe Quest is the 1st VR hware that has potential to do so. So we're extremely sensitive to what we present to new VR users. We want any decision a consumer makes in the store to be rewarding & encourage another.

This informs how we think about the apps we offer and how we manage the store. With this in mind, in February we created and announced a new approval process for Quest vs. Rift and Go https://developer.oculus.com/blog/submitting-your-app-to-the-oculus-quest-store/

We ask to evaluate prospective Quest apps early so devs don't waste resources to bring titles unlikely to reach our quality bar to shippable before we see them. We don't want to reject final projects any more than devs want to be rejected. Nobody wins in that situation.

Rejection at concept stage is not the end of the road for a dev or app. It does NOT speak ill of the dev or idea. It's an invitation to prove us wrong. Test that app in our PC store or any other. We are always on the lookout for breakout ideas.

Consumers expect quality at app launch & after. Updates that add flawed experimental features, don't work for some users, or otherwise create a bad experience are not acceptable. This may require a tradeoff bw features some users like and interests of the broader community.

It's early for this platform & we're learning. Disruptive new features landing w/out notice don't give us time to contemplate safety, comfort & platform ramifications. We don't review every update, but we do ask devs to work w us on major capability changes before launch.

We attempted to go out early and inform dev community of our Quest curation plans so we could ensure their efforts would lead to success. We apologize that we didn't reach all devs we wanted and some submitted final products that did not meet our quality bar.

We apologize for falling short w a few devs we sent Quest dev kits to before we had settled our curation process. "To The Top" dev is one of a handful who fell in between early hardware & the curation plan & we apologize for that.

We asked Virtual Desktop to roll back an update. We found out about the new features through user complaints & it took us a while to get it to work. We accept experiences vary, but this feature compromised comfort, safety, & quality to different levels for different users.

We asked for changes to Jet Island that'd make it work on Quest specs. We offered to help w Oculus Start, incl free hware & support. We never heard back & understand dev has chosen not to move fwd. Oculus never rcvd or rejected a Jet Island proposal.

Oculus is a fan of Pavlov & it was approved for Quest. But there've been some delays & miscommunication on both ends since. Oculus wants Pavlov on Quest & will push it through the standard QA & VRC testing all apps go through before they ship if the dev desires.

On a personal note, I was a dev for most of my working life. I was an indie for 10 years. I have had projects rejected. @c_pruett has been an indie dev most of his life. Our team is filled with devs. We know how hard it is to make apps of any size.

We have also come to understand the value to devs and consumers of a platform that holds a high quality standard. Oculus will try to help as many devs, of any size, to reach that bar. Let's work together to push VR forward!
Nov 2, 2017
Very straightforward response from Jason. I definitely get the feeling that natural growth is slower than desired for them/VR in general and at a certain point it makes sense to play hardball a little more to guarantee positive/recurring user experience, especially on a platform with as much potential reach as the Quest. I don't agree with the idea that successful companies need to be making more money year over year to be considered successful, however I also don't think Oculus is even close to being in the black overall yet, or even that they are indeed making more money year over year.


Oct 27, 2017
I see that he apologized and is reaching out to guys like the To The Top developers. That's what the hardcore apologists are missing in this: they did some devs dirty. You don't say you really like a game, send them dev kits to port it over, and then give them the shaft once they delivered exactly what was asked for (and much time and money was spent). There's no defense of that chain of events and it makes a person look bad trying to defend it.


Oct 28, 2017
"We asked Virtual Desktop to roll back an update. We found out about the new features through user complaints & it took us a while to get it to work. We accept experiences vary, but this feature compromised comfort, safety, & quality to different levels for different users. "

I'm really curious why it took them awhile to get it work and how it compromised on all the stuff they listed. In theory it should be able to come back then? I highly doubt they'll let them though.


Oct 25, 2017
I see that he apologized and is reaching out to guys like the To The Top developers. That's what the hardcore apologists are missing in this: they did some devs dirty. You don't say you really like a game, send them dev kits to port it over, and then give them the shaft once they delivered exactly what was asked for (and much time and money was spent). There's no defense of that chain of events and it makes a person look bad trying to defend it.

There's no defending anything. It's (or should be) explained at the beginning that this can happen. No one should be surprised when it does. They always reserve the right to not accept it even after a dev kit is given. This is in the contract. Understanding that doesn't make anyone an apologist. You sign a contract, you should know what you're signing. If you don't like it...don't sign.

Dash Kappei

Nov 1, 2017
Hey guys what do you think of "The Exorcist" and "I expect you to die"?

Has anything new at all dropped since launch? It looks to be the same stuff to me but maybe I'm not looking hard enough

I'm torn on Dead and Buried 2 because afaik it's mp only and I don't even like fps pvp multiplayer much in the first place...


Shinra Employee
Aug 22, 2018
Hey guys what do you think of "The Exorcist" and "I expect you to die"?

Has anything new at all dropped since launch? It looks to be the same stuff to me but maybe I'm not looking hard enough

I'm torn on Dead and Buried 2 because afaik it's mp only and I don't even like fps pvp multiplayer much in the first place...

I expect you to die looked really solid from what I have seen but I haven't played it personally. I think the price is perhaps a bit steep for my taste but reviews look super positive. Have certainly put it in my wish list.

They have added a couple of games since release (The Wizards, Swords of Gargantua, Electronauts), there was a lock on the store restricting new content for the first few weeks so it felt a bit slow. Think you can filter the store by new releases to keep an eye on it.


Oct 27, 2017
Been awhile since I popped in here, hope all is well with everyone :)

I played a bit of Brutal Doom VR for the first time last night using ALVR, wow this is insanely fun in VR, was surprised I didn't feel sick either since its full motion traversal (no teleporting). The VR gun models could use a little more Doom style applied to them but otherwise this is a blast and I highly recommend giving it a shot. Directions at the link below:

I strongly encourage also downloading the hell on earth starter pack wad, it's a collection of levels made specifically for Brutal Doom's style of gameplay. You can get that here:

edit: Friendly reminder that you need to own a copy of Doom for this to work, you can get Doom II for like $2.50 on Steam.
Last edited:


Shinra Employee
Aug 22, 2018
I am now about 4 and a half hours into Moss...I am probably playing petty slow as I like to investigate all parts of each scene.

I must be very close to the end now which is a shame but I have loved every second of it. The extra content they added was pretty significant in my view and helps to add some variety and cool mechanics. Honestly couldn't recommend it more. I think other games I have played on Quest have made better use of VR movement and mechanics but there is something about the charm and depth of the world here that VR adds a lot to.


Dec 3, 2018
Man, I can't wait for my Quest to come. At my college, there's this technology sandbox room that has two Vives that allow people to try out VR as long as they have someone to watch them. I brought along like 5 friends and they all had their mind blown with just Tilt Brush. Ah man, my Quest can't come soon enough.


Oct 25, 2017
FYI for anyone sideloading Virtual Desktop for SteamVR integration - you can additionally stream that content to a Chromecast or Facebook through it. I got Skyrim VR modded up and streaming earlier; was super impressed.
Oct 27, 2017
Henderson, NV
Hey guys what do you think of "The Exorcist" and "I expect you to die"?

Has anything new at all dropped since launch? It looks to be the same stuff to me but maybe I'm not looking hard enough

I'm torn on Dead and Buried 2 because afaik it's mp only and I don't even like fps pvp multiplayer much in the first place...
I Expect You to Die is one of those mandatory VR games that really shows off what VR can do. I've bought it twice now. I owned it for PSVR and it was the first game that I bought for Quest. The second was Moss, which, again, I bought twice. I've slowed down playing both because I just don't want either of them to end. They're excellent games.

I'm too chicken to try The Exorcist. I'm religious, and the idea of playing in that world scares the crap out of me!


Oct 28, 2017
I was planning to buy one of these by the end of the summer, but Oculus seems determined to convince me not to.
Yes, I want to use it with PC, but I'd still buy more Quest games than the average user to have stuff to play away from home, you dumb fucks.

Dash Kappei

Nov 1, 2017
I really hope devs start compressing their games less, it's absurd just how much they are shrinked compared to PSVR/Rift versions. I mean it's good if devs optimize considering the available storage on the most popular Quest sku, but at some point audio and textures begin to really, really suffer.

I Expect You to Die is one of those mandatory VR games that really shows off what VR can do. I've bought it twice now. I owned it for PSVR and it was the first game that I bought for Quest. The second was Moss, which, again, I bought twice. I've slowed down playing both because I just don't want either of them to end. They're excellent games.

I'm too chicken to try The Exorcist. I'm religious, and the idea of playing in that world scares the crap out of me!

Haha gotcha, well it seems I'll leave the Exorcist for when/if the games really dry up, but "Expecting to die" is a lock now, thanks.
Only thing I'm a bit worried is that friends/family have a very limited knowledge of English, and that is the only language supported.

I expect you to die looked really solid from what I have seen but I haven't played it personally. I think the price is perhaps a bit steep for my taste but reviews look super positive. Have certainly put it in my wish list.

They have added a couple of games since release (The Wizards, Swords of Gargantua, Electronauts), there was a lock on the store restricting new content for the first few weeks so it felt a bit slow. Think you can filter the store by new releases to keep an eye on it.

Yeah there's a NEW section. Now a few apps (Showtime etc.) and games have popped up with a "Coming Soon" tag.

It's too bad Zen Studios doesn't seem interested in bringing PFX3 to VR and Farsight isn't going to do it now that their collab/licensing with Stern is ending, the Quest has enough grunt for VR pinball and the new Williams/Bally fork of Pinball FX3 has great physics sim... it'd be so freakin cool, dang

Never tried Pinball FX2 VR on PSVR (Universal pack with E.T., Jaws, BTTF) but I'm less interested in those since they use the arcadey gimmicky physics and gameplay. Still, I'd grab them on Quest lol

Been awhile since I popped in here, hope all is well with everyone :)

I played a bit of Brutal Doom VR for the first time last night using ALVR, wow this is insanely fun in VR, was surprised I didn't feel sick either since its full motion traversal (no teleporting). The VR gun models could use a little more Doom style applied to them but otherwise this is a blast and I highly recommend giving it a shot. Directions at the link below:

I strongly encourage also downloading the hell on earth starter pack wad, it's a collection of levels made specifically for Brutal Doom's style of gameplay. You can get that here:

edit: Friendly reminder that you need to own a copy of Doom for this to work, you can get Doom II for like $2.50 on Steam.

Damn I wish you could sideload this and run it natively and not in ALVR, I don't think my laptop is up to the task... what are the minimum reqs?


Oct 27, 2017
It's too bad Zen Studios doesn't seem interested in bringing PFX3 to VR and Farsight isn't going to do it now that their collab/licensing with Stern is ending, the Quest has enough grunt for VR pinball and the new Williams/Bally fork of Pinball FX3 has great physics sim... it'd be so freakin cool, dang

Never tried Pinball FX2 VR on PSVR (Universal pack with E.T., Jaws, BTTF) but I'm less interested in those since they use the arcadey gimmicky physics and gameplay. Still, I'd grab them on Quest lol

This is one of my great VR frustrations in general. It's seems like they all decided to hold out for the VR goldrush, and when that never came, lost all interest.

All anyone ever wanted was a Zaccari like VR camera DLC. Farsight is basically close to going under at this point. They're losing stuff (AC/DC) that wasn't even part of the Bally/Williams loss. I would have bought every season had they just had a VR camera DLC.

Same with Zen. I own everything in Pinball FX2 VR, but I don't care nor need all the fancy static in the environment. Just give me a good generic playspace for all the tables. Basically seeing pinball in VR destroyed all will to purchase any non-VR tables. So I own nothing in FX3 that wasn't transferred over from 2. And I would have insta-purchased all their tables had they just given me the damn VR camera. So frustrating.

At this point I'm basically hoping that the Visual Pinball VR mod matures into a quality state.

When my Index arrives, FX2 VR will be the first game I try on it. Yeah, Iove VR pinball.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Finally tried out virtual desktop after the 1903 windows update screwing my PC and needing to update steam and Nvidia drivers (PCs, don't ya love'em). Worked ok even in a room not close to my router. Can't throw knives properly in Lethal VR which is one of my wife's favourites, but seems ok in budget cuts (which still makes me shout at the robots in panic when I miss a throw)

Overall pretty damn good but I need more space


Oct 30, 2017
I was planning to buy one of these by the end of the summer, but Oculus seems determined to convince me not to.
Yes, I want to use it with PC, but I'd still buy more Quest games than the average user to have stuff to play away from home, you dumb fucks.
You still can, and have three different options of apps that do so, you just have to create a developer account and side load.


Oct 30, 2017
Until they patch out sideloading and make devs switch to dev kits.
Of course, one can never say what the future holds, but what I read from Rubin and Carmack's statements is that sideloading is The Truce and compromise here. It has never been removed from Oculus Go, and they are very aware of what people are using it for today on the Quest.


Oct 25, 2017
This is one of my great VR frustrations in general. It's seems like they all decided to hold out for the VR goldrush, and when that never came, lost all interest.

All anyone ever wanted was a Zaccari like VR camera DLC. Farsight is basically close to going under at this point. They're losing stuff (AC/DC) that wasn't even part of the Bally/Williams loss. I would have bought every season had they just had a VR camera DLC.

Same with Zen. I own everything in Pinball FX2 VR, but I don't care nor need all the fancy static in the environment. Just give me a good generic playspace for all the tables. Basically seeing pinball in VR destroyed all will to purchase any non-VR tables. So I own nothing in FX3 that wasn't transferred over from 2. And I wouldn't have insta-purchased all their tables had they just given me the damn VR camera. So frustrating.

At this point I'm basically hoping that the Visual Pinball VR mod matures into a quality state.

When my Index arrives, FX2 VR will be the first game I try on it. Yeah, Iove VR pinball.

I agree, man. More VR pinball, please!


Oct 25, 2017
Finally got a Quest yesterday and I love the untethered freedom it provides. The IPD adjustment is a godsend and I can even use it without glasses, which is impossible for me with PSVR.

But Jesus Christ is it uncomfortable to wear. After a while the pressure on my face becomes unbearable and the facial interface leaves ugly red marks on my face. It really is awful compared to PSVR which I can wear for hours without any discomfort whatsoever. Leaving the house after using Quest is impossible like that :/

I don't know if I'm going to keep it.. I don't really wanna spend even more money on a VRCover to make it more comfortable :(

Dash Kappei

Nov 1, 2017
Well, I did my first refund:
Drop Dead: Dual Strike Edition
Played 1 hour and don't see myself ever wanting to get into again, mobile-exclusive FPSes seem better executed to me. It's decent because of VR, but that isn't enough for me at this point. If you are content starved, maybe?

This is one of my great VR frustrations in general. It's seems like they all decided to hold out for the VR goldrush, and when that never came, lost all interest.

All anyone ever wanted was a Zaccari like VR camera DLC. Farsight is basically close to going under at this point. They're losing stuff (AC/DC) that wasn't even part of the Bally/Williams loss. I would have bought every season had they just had a VR camera DLC.

Same with Zen. I own everything in Pinball FX2 VR, but I don't care nor need all the fancy static in the environment. Just give me a good generic playspace for all the tables. Basically seeing pinball in VR destroyed all will to purchase any non-VR tables. So I own nothing in FX3 that wasn't transferred over from 2. And I would have insta-purchased all their tables had they just given me the damn VR camera. So frustrating.

At this point I'm basically hoping that the Visual Pinball VR mod matures into a quality state.

When my Index arrives, FX2 VR will be the first game I try on it. Yeah, Iove VR pinball.

Co-signed :(


Shinra Employee
Aug 22, 2018
Finally got a Quest yesterday and I love the untethered freedom it provides. The IPD adjustment is a godsend and I can even use it without glasses, which is impossible for me with PSVR.

But Jesus Christ is it uncomfortable to wear. After a while the pressure on my face becomes unbearable and the facial interface leaves ugly red marks on my face. It really is awful compared to PSVR which I can wear for hours without any discomfort whatsoever. Leaving the house after using Quest is impossible like that :/

I don't know if I'm going to keep it.. I don't really wanna spend even more money on a VRCover to make it more comfortable :(

You probably already know this...but make sure that you lengthen all the straps and put the back of it as far back over your head as possible, you should ideally be putting some of the weight to the back of your head.

Also you can adjust the headset angle directly by 'pivoting' it in place.


Oct 25, 2017
You probably already know this...but make sure that you lengthen all the straps and put the back of it as far back over your head as possible, you should ideally be putting some of the weight to the back of your head.

Also you can adjust the headset angle directly by 'pivoting' it in place.
Thanks, but yeah, I've already extended all the straps to the max so that the triangle cradles the lowest part of my skull. Still didn't really help.


Oct 27, 2017
Damn I wish you could sideload this and run it natively and not in ALVR, I don't think my laptop is up to the task... what are the minimum reqs?

I'm on a single 970, i5 3570k, 8gb (really need to bump this to 16 in this day and age) and it runs quite smoothly. It doesn't seem very taxing compared to other PC VR games I've ran, it has some of the smoothest performance I've seen over ALVR actually. I'd give it a shot and see if you can manage it.