
Dec 12, 2017
I don't want to say any specifics as it'd be too long to list, but generally a good portion of critically acclaimed games. I have no interest in them even if I can understand why others enjoy them. My interests aren't as broad as I'd like them to be.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
Half Life 2. Admittedly I came to it pretty late though. I've never been able to get through it. Vehicle sections were to this day, the worst I've ever experienced in a game. Just awful.

Emergency & I

Oct 27, 2017
The Uncharted games are bland. The writing is irritating.
Persona 5 is a slog. I'm a huge fan of the previous games too.
I'm a Souls diehard and I dropped Sekiro.
Half Life 2 is kind of annoying to play.
Splatoon just makes me want to go outside.


Oct 27, 2017

Couldn't let go of my hangups around the weightless combat and poor animations and allow myself to get lost in the awesome world it offers.


Oct 31, 2017
Uncharted 4.

It won a ton of "best of the year" awards, got amazing reviews, and is pretty much loved the world over, but I just didn't like it. I wasn't a fan of the writing, and yeah, I thought the pacing was really weird. It felt like it took an eternity to finish.

I'm definitely in the minority here, but I just didn't dig it at all. I loved The Lost Legacy though, so go figure.
Yup, same for me and The Lost Legacy was great.
The writing was too grounded and too serious for an Uncharted game.
Ending was great, but the rest was just long.

Red Liquorice

Oct 27, 2017
I've been giving Yakuza 0 another go, and whilst I think there's going to be a lot of fun to be had with the game, that awful combat engine is just too much of a roadblock for me to get past. After so many iterations of the series it's shocking how poor the bread and butter of the main gameplay is, it feels like I'm playing a budget PS1 release.

If the combat was just a small part of it I could slog through it, but it seems to be the biggest part of the game as there's barely anything else to do until you get through a whole load of samey fighting scenes - after which I assume the game will open up. I got further than last time any way, which was about this time last year, I got to what I assume is the first boss - the yakuza guy above you with glasses on.

Feels like I'm having deja vu with my experience of Nioh all over again - A game I wanted to like so much, gave several fair chances to and eventually just had to admit the basic gameplay of these otherwise attractive games are just not for me.