
Oct 28, 2017
I think that online fandom or 'nerd' fandom has become about two things:

•Over-focusing on tiny details. Look, I'm cool because I can point out and explain the easter eggs! Look how smart I am that I can point out a minor meaningless inconsistency!
•Hyperbole. Middling reactions/emotions don't get noticed or responded to, so people have to turn every feeling up to 11. Things like 'I can't believe he said Hello There. The entire fucking show is ruined! Worst show I've ever seen.' Every discussion thread is just an arms race to the most exaggerated take.
It's like every one has become The Comic Book Guy from The Simpson but orders of magnitude more insufferable. It's reached the point of self-parody.


Oct 27, 2017
how the fuck is era so miserable regarding star wars holy shit.

like literally miserable.

bitch eating crackers to the max

even complaining about obi wan saying his fucking catch-phrase that everybody fucking knows.

Instead of attacking, disrespecting and criticizing others, you could accept that something you like seems a real disaster to hundreds of people for many different reasons: direction, editing, photography, music, script, character development, acting, retrocontinuity errors and a very long etcetera. Calling people who talk bad about a series as bad as this one miserable and disqualifying those who don't think like you is quite childish and ridiculous.

Did you like the series? Enjoy it. I don't understand the point of attacking those who didn't enjoy it and have argued their reasons.


Dec 19, 2017
Well...that was a show. It felt like an amateur production at times, a comedy at others. I hope whoever was filming the action is resting in hospital, I'm sure their arms are tired.

As someone mentioned above, "Yojimbo in space" would have been perfect, but alas. Just another bit of Disney era content to wipe from my head-canon. (only Mandalorian and Rogue One remains in the noggin, along with glorious Legends EU).

There's the typical SW style suspension of disbelief and then there's giving Leia the most profound time of her life with Obi-Wan while undermining the OT as a result, as she displays no warmth towards the man whatsoever. It was just unnecessary, much like the majority of the plot.

I remember some people suggested last week that perhaps the bad guys left Reva alive to bug her lol. Nope. It's particularly shameful considering the Inquisitors were literally created for ONE JOB. So not finishing off a treasonous Force wielder right in front of them is laughable.

For anyone trying to get season 2 off the ground, please...



Nov 1, 2017
how the fuck is era so miserable regarding star wars holy shit.

like literally miserable.

bitch eating crackers to the max

even complaining about obi wan saying his fucking catch-phrase that everybody fucking knows.
Feel like its impossible to have a big franchise in the internet age without everyone ending up hating it. I think some of the hate comes from legitimate places, but once the hate on starts, its a snow ball, and people start seeing even good things as bad. I don't think Obiwan was perfect but I think overall it was a success, they didn't majorly screw up canon, and it gave us a bunch of cool Obiwan & Vader moments which is exactly what we wanted.


Oct 31, 2017
I'll go out on a limb here.

I had fun with this series. This last episode was really good. Setting stuff up, seeing a fight I expected to was great.

Didn't come here for cinematic sorcery or high production values. I saw folks swing lightsabers at each other and kid versions of characters I saw as a kid.

Go ahead and make season two. Or 1.5. I don't care. It's fun.


Oct 28, 2017
Feel like its impossible to have a big franchise in the internet age without everyone ending up hating it. I think some of the hate comes from legitimate places, but once the hate on starts, its a snow ball, and people start seeing even good things as bad. I don't think Obiwan was perfect but I think overall it was a success, they didn't majorly screw up canon, and it gave us a bunch of cool Obiwan & Vader moments which is exactly what we wanted.

but since obi wan said "hello there" is the worst show ever, you see

Ziltoidia 9

Oct 25, 2017
I believe the pacing would feel better if you watch Epi 5 and 6 back to back.

Writing/Directing for this series was really bad. They missed so many opportunities for emotional action and beats.

When I was in film school, they said that generally your first draft is going to be your best. You can make slight changes here or there, but in general it will remain the same. I'm not a fan of having writer after writer come in and changing stuff. It becomes a real mess of art. They took this series and changed too much stuff on the fly to where the beats had to weight to them really. For instance, the plot of Obi-Wan getting his force powers back. That should have been a majory turning point in the series, instead when he held the ocean from breaking the glass, it felt flat. Maybe it was just me, but it felt like it had no build. And, plus, at that moment I thought I was replaying Fallen Order.


Legendary Duelist
Oct 25, 2017
Costa Rica
I think it's interesting that one can actually continue growing stronger after becoming one with the force like this episode implies Qui-Gon did.

From an echo to a fully eloquent voice to now a physical force ghost.


Nov 12, 2017
Last episode was a bit so-so for me, although I kinda enjoyed the overall show. I did feel just that the Reva plot ended up a bit contrived and hastily and I can't really understand her logic there.

My biggest gripe is the thing that Disney loves to do too much is somehow having so many little things and accessories being suddenly so much more important for marketing reasons, and it's shown in a very cynical way (you can almost feel the execs screaming at you to buy the tiny Leia figurine as you see her wear the same attire as the one in the future). The holster she wears is not just a holster, it's now an important heirloom passed down from Obi Wan after his friend died. The toy Luke has is not just a toy he happened to have at the time, but something sentimental passed down by Obi Wan.

It's not the worst but just...really obnoxious. This incessant need to not have a single thing just being there by itself. It has to tie back to the same lineage of characters at all cost.

The hello there was really cute tho

Garrett 2U

Oct 25, 2017
The series was pretty boring overall, but the last couple of episodes were decent. I loved the "Hello There", I also didn't mind the conversation where Vader says he killed Anakin. I think the show paid off pretty well but it was a chore to get there. I hope they improve on it for S2.


May 1, 2019
they pitched this as a 6 hour movie and it definitely feels like this show would work better as a binge in all honesty because having to sit with episode four for a week felt like torture.

the finale did its job in making me look at the show in a favorable light again and im curious at some point to rewatch it all.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
they pitched this as a 6 hour movie and it definitely feels like this show would work better as a binge in all honesty because having to sit with episode four for a week felt like torture.

the finale did its job in making me look at the show in a favorable light again and im curious at some point to rewatch it all.

I would love to see the show remade as a 2.5 hour movie with some stuff cut down. I think it would improve the experience even more tbh and I like the show


Dec 3, 2018
Wish we could have gotten the 2hr30min, $200m version of this story. Shame because Mando thrives in this format, whereas Obi-wan feels constrained by it.

There's just this messy quality that pervades the entire show. Dumb little plot contrivances that could have been cleaned up, or middling production values that undercut the scale this story was trying to achieve. This narrative isn't doing anything groundbreaking (that's fine!!!) but it needed more of a cinematic flair to elevate the big-ticket moments and the A-list characters it's working with. It just feels like a lot of corners were cut, which shouldn't be happening in a show about Obi-Wan, Leia and Anakin.

Still a lot I liked about this series though. Ewan is having fun, and I enjoyed what they were going for with his arc here. Leia was the surprise highlight of the series, genuinely great addition. Reva was good too (until the end, didn't understand the thought-process behind her Luke hunt in episode 6. Down for more from her though). Hayden was used effectively, if he came back for the redemption tour then he got it IMO. They had all the building blocks for a banger summer blockbuster, it just didn't come together like it should have.

(Also people have canon grievances but I think they threaded the needle pretty well, given that Star Wars was already loaded with inconsistencies and retcons. None of these changes will keep me up at night the way Rey Palpatine did)
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Overall I did not like the series, but episodes 5 and 6 were still pretty good. The finale especially.

Ben throwing the rocks was...silly at best. Was nice seeing Qui-Gon again. Reva is definitely the connection to season 2. I could see Ben taking her under his wing to bring her back to the light, or something. Either that or season 2 has little to do with Kenobi and is more about the rebels. But, then, we have Rebels for that so maybe not?

I'd honestly be fine without a season 2. Would mean not being subjected to more of that awful shaky cam at least.
Oct 27, 2017
they pitched this as a 6 hour movie and it definitely feels like this show would work better as a binge in all honesty because having to sit with episode four for a week felt like torture.

the finale did its job in making me look at the show in a favorable light again and im curious at some point to rewatch it all.
The thing is, this would've worked better as a two hour movie. it would've been a much tighter experience with a better use of budget. It really doesn't have enough of a consistent plot for six hours, they should've dropped Reva and the Inquisitors all together. That aspect of this was totally meaningless.

Focusing on Leia being kidnapped, Obi-Wan rescuing, and crossing paths with Vader would've been much less meandering.


Legendary Duelist
Oct 25, 2017
Costa Rica
Wish we could have gotten the 2hr30min, $200m version of this story. Shame because Mando thrives in this format, whereas Obi-wan feels constrained by it.

There's just this messy quality that pervades the entire show. Dumb little plot contrivances that could have been cleaned up, or underwhelming production values that undermine the scale this story was trying to achieve. This narrative isn't doing anything groundbreaking (that's fine!!!) but it needed more of a cinematic flair to elevate the big-ticket moments and the A-list characters it's working with. It just feels like a lot of corners were cut, which shouldn't be happening in a show about Obi-Wan, Leia and Anakin.

Still a lot I liked about this series though. Ewan is having fun, and I enjoyed what they were going for with his arc here. Leia was the surprise highlight of the series, genuinely great addition. Reva was good too (until the end, didn't understand the thought-process behind her Luke hunt in episode 6. Down for more though). Hayden was used effectively, if he came back for the redemption tour then he got it IMO. They had all the building blocks for a banger summer blockbuster, it just didn't come together like it should have.

(Also people have canon grievances but I think they threaded the needle pretty well, given that Star Wars was already loaded with inconsistencies and retcons. None of these changes will keep me up at night the way Rey Palpatine did)

Rey Palpatine, "Nobodies by Choice", "Sold you to protect you", "Somehow Palpatine returned", pickled Snokes

After that shit I can't get mad at "Leia was using a diplomatic tone in her message to prevent their connection to be evident".

At all


Mar 9, 2021
Reno, Nv.
Wish we could have gotten the 2hr30min, $200m version of this story. Shame because Mando thrives in this format, whereas Obi-wan feels constrained by it.

There's just this messy quality that pervades the entire show. Dumb little plot contrivances that could have been cleaned up, or middling production values that undercut the scale this story was trying to achieve. This narrative isn't doing anything groundbreaking (that's fine!!!) but it needed more of a cinematic flair to elevate the big-ticket moments and the A-list characters it's working with. It just feels like a lot of corners were cut, which shouldn't be happening in a show about Obi-Wan, Leia and Anakin.

Still a lot I liked about this series though. Ewan is having fun, and I enjoyed what they were going for with his arc here. Leia was the surprise highlight of the series, genuinely great addition. Reva was good too (until the end, didn't understand the thought-process behind her Luke hunt in episode 6. Down for more though). Hayden was used effectively, if he came back for the redemption tour then he got it IMO. They had all the building blocks for a banger summer blockbuster, it just didn't come together like it should have.

(Also people have canon grievances but I think they threaded the needle pretty well, given that Star Wars was already loaded with inconsistencies and retcons. None of these changes will keep me up at night the way Rey Palpatine did)
this is more or less my view. I thought Leia was going to drag the series down after episode 1, but I think she did well. Reva's writing was bad, but I liked the acting and want to see more from her. Just seems like the cracks were showing way too much throughout.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I just want to say that I really hated the Obi-Wan "super-saiyan" moment.

This might be a bit "he's not my Obi-Wan" and if people like it then I'm happy for them, but I always liked the idea that Obi-Wan was much weaker in the force than Vader, but could win because he is more wise. And even if Obi-Wan is powerful in the force, he wouldn't beat his enemy by hurling a million rocks at them, then smashing them to shit with a lightsaber.
I'm not sure what story it's trying to tell. Vader kinda sucks? Only the Jedi know the path to raw ultimate power? Vader brutally necksnaps kids for fun, but he's actually really merciful with his greatest enemies and never kicks them when they're down?

But some people will like it I guess, so you I should say that it was a great show, FrOm A cErTaIn PoInT oF vIeW. I didn't hate the show, the show hated itself. If you think that's confusing, I'll explain what I mean in another post in about 45 years' time.

I think the show had entirely the wrong arc for Obi-Wan. We know he was a confident, powerful, heroic, swashbuckling Jedi Master. We know he becomes a wise old hermit who uses the force only in subtle ways. I expected the show to tell us about this transformation. But the show started with him as a hermit and ended with him as a total badass who just defeated his nemesis in a swordfight. He literally ends the show as the exact same character that he was before we started.

I don't feel as strongly as you do, but I'm inclined to agree with you. With this show's haphazard approach to writing, I figured Obi Wan would just suddenly become super powerful again out of nowhere due to necessity. But yea, it didn't really sit right with me that he came off that powerful at the end. Those kind of feats make sense for Vader (well not to everyone, but to each their own), but yea, the scene with him chucking boulder after boulder just seemed particularly off to me.

I dunno, just really surprised me at Obi Wan getting such a straightforward victory over him.
Oct 25, 2017
For anyone overly annoyed at the ships not getting hit by Star Destroyers, just use the mental gymnastics that its basically a huge battleship/aircraft carrier and isn't meant to directly engage small ships.
Thats the job of other ships or tie fighters


Oct 28, 2017
I don't feel as strongly as you do, but I'm inclined to agree with you. With this show's haphazard approach to writing, I figured Obi Wan would just suddenly become super powerful again out of nowhere due to necessity. But yea, it didn't really sit right with me that he came off that powerful at the end. Those kind of feats make sense for Vader (well not to everyone, but to each their own), but yea, the scene with him chucking boulder after boulder just seemed particularly off to me.

I dunno, just really surprised me at Obi Wan getting such a straightforward victory over him.

i really liked the call back to TLJ

the force is...

lifting rocks

Oct 27, 2017
Reva was all set to horribly torture a small child but yay minuscule redemption that she didn't murder a sleeping child.

Star Wars is all about barely earned redemptions though so I can't harp on that too much. But Moses Ingram deserved much better writing to work with, because that character just seemed like an inconsistent mess.


Mar 14, 2019
Damn, this show definitely was not the quality I was hoping for or should have been. That being said, Ewan's performance in this last episode and especially his pained "I'm sorry" was aces.


One Winged Slayer - Shinra Employee
Nov 20, 2017
Loved the series, and the final ep most of all. :)

For anyone overly annoyed at the ships not getting hit by Star Destroyers, just use the mental gymnastics that its basically a huge battleship/aircraft carrier and isn't meant to directly engage small ships.
Thats the job of other ships or tie fighters

I just wanna know why the ISD didn't use a tractor beam on the ships lmao


Dec 3, 2018
Rey Palpatine, "Nobodies by Choice", "Sold you to protect you", "Somehow Palpatine returned", pickled Snokes

After that shit I can't get mad at "Leia was using a diplomatic tone in her message to prevent their connection to be evident".

At all
Exactly, it's such a nothing retcon 🤷‍♂️ Show isn't bulletproof but I just can't wrap my head around the dunks coming in from that angle


Oct 28, 2017
Lol I didn't have an issue with Rey doing it ironically enough

i think they have been consistent in the "waking" up the force thingy

the fight between obi and vader, felt like the fight between kylo and rey on TFA

and how after one point, after rey finally giving herself to the force, she got the upper hand easily.

even the colors are very reminscent of that fight


Gotham's Finest
Oct 28, 2017
This was pretty average, but I was enjoying myself and would watch more. The Adventures with Qui-Gon will be quite fun.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 29, 2017
I mean there's some gold in there as far as individual moments and performances are concerned. I don't hate watch shows and I finished this one because I saw enough potential to turn things around and because I enjoyed some aspects of it. In the end I don't regret watching it. Having said that, so much of what is wrong with this show is downright shockingly bad for such a big budget and high profile production.

Just to make sure I don't get lumped in with the "Wait! A Norgoth of Horgor would never wear a purple shirt!" canon people: I don't give a flying fuck about them breaking canon by itself. I'm not even well versed enough in Star Wars canon to notice it most of the time. It's just a case of them pissing me off with their clumsy writing while also breaking canon in the process.

I'd go so far as to say that most mainstream movies and shows rely on suspension of disbelief. Their larger than life plots are made possible by an unrealistic amount of coincidences happening in a very short timeframe and the trick is not to draw attention to it. This show doesn't manage to do that. Something pulled me out of the experience multiple times per episode and that's bad news when your episodes are this short.


Oct 25, 2017
Given how chopped up in editing this felt like, the lack of transitional material, and waste of character opportunities with the time a show allotted, I highly doubt a film version with the same crew or a further edited down version of what we have would have been any better outside of only two-to-two-and-a-half hours of those problems instead of 4 hours broken up in a show format.

Reva was all set to horribly torture a small child but yay minuscule redemption that she didn't murder a sleeping child.

Star Wars is all about barely earned redemptions though so I can't harp on that too much. But Moses Ingram deserved much better writing to work with, because that character just seemed like an inconsistent mess.
I'm still trying to figure out how to bring together our intro to Reva with the rest of the character. I guess part of Vader's show in the town was to demonstrate that perhaps she was emulating him this whole time, but then why are all the others far more constrained and concerned that Vader would disapprove? On top of that the whole performance he was giving was implied to specifically be due to that this was Obi-Wan and he was going extra for that.

But maybe the problem was less Reva and more the other Inquisitors in contrast, especially when you see how they behave in everything outside of this show.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
"Obi Wan!!!"


Kenobi got him with that high ground slash


Sep 18, 2018
I'd give the whole series a 9/10 after watching the whole thing in one sitting. The last two episodes were really great! Loved Ewan and Hayden throughout the whole thing. Some really special moments in here for the both of them. Child Leia was great too! Really cool to see Bail Organa and Uncle Owen reprise their roles and have some heartfelt moments. Seeing Vader was super powerful throughout the show was what I've wanted in live action since the last ten minutes of rogue one. Obi slowly reconnecting with the force was awesome. The Path sets up a really interesting part of Star Wars that we'll hopefully see more of. The tomb in the inquisitor's palace was rad -- would be really cool to see if that's ever brought up again.

Definitely have a few minor quibbles. I stand by a comment I made the other day: this series was not done any favors be being released weekly rather than all at once. Reva's character especially. It's not until episode 5 that she becomes interesting. It would've been much easier to ignore the 30 second chase scene and all the minor complaints. Some of the cinematography was just off at times, i.e. chase scene/first vader fight. And the lack of the original score being used, or at least something more grandiose was a bit disappointing (I did love Obi's theme by the end of the show).

Overall, I'd happily take more Ewan/Hayden going forward. And I really did like Reva's arch and would like to see her more in the future. :)

I think more Reva stuff could be interesting, it just really depends on where they take her. They'd need to do something really unique, as there's already been a few dark side redemption arcs.

I enjoyed this whole show quite a bit, even if it has some flaws.

As for this episode, I liked it. Plenty of great stuff.

The Lars vs Reva was great. They held out pretty well, even if she was severely injured.

The final scene between Ben and Leia was really sweet with him telling her how she resembles Padme and Anakin.

I thought the "Hello there" was fitting. Generally, I'm not a big fan of a ton of fan service, but this series was really light on it and it was a fun way to show us how he's gotten closer to being the man he once was.

Palpatine trolling Vader with "You seem agitated, my friend" made me laugh.

Vader saying he killed Anakin was an interesting connection to ANH. I never thought about it too much, but it's definitely something Vader would say. Always felt odd coming from Obi-Wan, but reframing it this way worked for me.

Reva's dilemma mirroring Anakin's was good, too. I liked her seeing herself in Luke wanting to kill that part of her like Vader says he did with Anakin.

I liked Qui-Gon teasing Obi-Wan. I thought he'd come in when Obi-Wan was at his lowest, but him needing to be more at peace also works.

I honestly wonder if Vader saying he killed Anakin was all Anakin talking. Like, that's actually the nicest thing he could say to Obi about the situation, it's essentially admitting that Anakin defeated himself and did it knowingly. It takes Obi off the hook.

Overall I liked it. Quite a lot! The series was worth it just for the Vader fights alone. Ewan did a fine job. Hayden and James Earl Jones combined for a fearsome Vader. Leia was decent. Never liked the Lars' until now. The music definitely needed to be better and more firm direction but it worked well enough.

There were a lot of stupid moments, mostly when the show was banging up against established canon. Because yeah Obi Wan should've absolutely merc'd Vader. But whatever it's fine fine and honestly adhere less to canon if it's slowing you down.

Wonder how they do a season two with as much nostalgia to boot. Gimme Obi Wan and force Qui Gon go and train with Yoda to fight Maul and Grievous why the fuck not

I do like the idea of a season two focused on Obi/Qui Gon training (especially if they go weird like Mortis or the original Clone Wars finale with Yoda), but you are aware Grievous is like super dead by now, right?

For anyone overly annoyed at the ships not getting hit by Star Destroyers, just use the mental gymnastics that its basically a huge battleship/aircraft carrier and isn't meant to directly engage small ships.
Thats the job of other ships or tie fighters

They were only firing a couple of cannons at them, I'm pretty sure they just wanted to disable them so Vader could board and kill Obi. I imagine part of Palps being mad at him later is that he had the opportunity to end the Path but didn't care at all and let them escape for his own personal vendetta.

It's also consistent with ANH where they didn't launch ties when they needed to board the Tantive IV.


Oct 27, 2017
Now that Star Wars is DBZ let's talk about power rankings. Obi-Wan whooped prime Vader and Anakin. Is he the next best fighter after Sidious? Where do Yoda, Mace Windu, Luke, Ben and Rey rank?