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Oct 28, 2017
Flint Michigan was figured out to have dangerous levels of lead in their water system and the man of the people came through and showed them that everything was fine.

As of April 2019 there were still 2500 service lines that need to be replaced( To me this is Obama's presidency in a nutshell, appears to be the man of the people but really a man of the powerful.

Edit: I forgot he did it twice in the same day, added this per later comments
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One Winged Slayer
Nov 3, 2017
Just because you like someone and think they're a great person doesn't mean that you agree on every single thing they do.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
He literally says the pipes still need to be replaced in the extremely short video you posted, not that everything is fine.
Oct 27, 2017
It's a bad look for sure and I don't really understand the end game. Who's he protecting? Wasn't a republican governor/state government (among many others) at fault?
Dec 31, 2017
People had to scream for a year to even get the governor/press to acknowledge that an unelected dictator poisoned them.

He's an asshole. He provided cover for people that would never provide it for him to the detriment of poor people.


Oct 25, 2017
Flint Michigan was figured out to have dangerous levels of lead in their water system and the man of the people came through and showed them that everything was fine.
He specifically said in the video that pipes need to be replaced. I don't see anything wrong with what he said.

Deleted member 31923

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2017
"I have not been doing stunts here..." then proceeds to do a stunt, and take the SMALLEST sip of water possible. I also bet they just poured bottled water into that glass.
Oct 26, 2017
My take is that was not his best public moment

I also think he took a lot of shit for the situation despite the fact that he did everything he could within the constraints in place as far as federal help being limited and tied to Congress approval


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Not an Obama fan but i voted for him twice so i can participate it.

That piece of trash pulled a Fukushima on everyone and he has not yet been properly dragged for anything he did as President.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not that Obama didn't do things worthy of criticism, it's more that it's hard to muster up a sense of outrage for those things in this present political climate.

Deleted member 60729

User requested account closure
Oct 20, 2019
It's not that Obama didn't do things worthy of criticism, it's more that it's hard to muster up a sense of outrage for those things in this present political climate.
That will be one of the worst enduring legacies of the Trump presidency. Long after he's out of office, our standards have been lowered. That's bad, and that will have consequences.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
It's not that Obama didn't do things worthy of criticism, it's more that it's hard to muster up a sense of outrage for those things in this present political climate.

Even back then people cried about anyone who criticized Obama or his administrations actions, lets not be ignorant about the facts

Liberals go to sleep when corporate democrats in power and its a problem...hell many are still asleep now with this hollow resistance.

That's what the overton window being allowed to move has done

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
User Warned: Inappropriate commentary
Obama is a black face for white supremacy and maintenance of the status quo, this Flint debacle was typical of the man. He was never an ally to the people in Flint, or to black America as a whole.


Alt account
Oct 18, 2019
He barely even takes a sip. That was crazy bad. Should've not even bothered. I couldn't imagine living there with this shit and having someone trying to downplay what was going on by taking a fake sip.


Oct 25, 2017
He isn't drinking it to show that the problem is solved or nothing to worry about it -- he is drinking it to show that filtered water is safe

That said, I think all of the "adult drinks flint water" stunts are stupid because the issue is really how lead impacts children

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Boy what a thought provoking OP where Obama literally says

1) The water is filtered
2) The pipes obviously need to be replaced.

Obama is a black face for white supremacy and maintenance of the status quo, this Flint debacle was typical of the man. He was never an ally to the people in Flint, or to black America as a whole.

Very cool

We should all be so fucking brave as to call Obama "black face". All people pretending to be progressive, look at this user and take him as example for how serious he is about things. You don't get more fucking woke than calling Obama "the black face for white supremacy"


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Obama is a black face for white supremacy and maintenance of the status quo, this Flint debacle was typical of the man. He was never an ally to the people in Flint, or to black America as a whole.

I mean, he was the one who decided we would participate in the saudi war in yemen which is the largest humanitarian crisis in the world. And has been silent on pretty much every mass genocide his fellow peace prize friends have underrtaken(myanmar)Its something that should not even be a question


Oct 25, 2017
Obama FANS? F-off with that horseshit right off the bat. I thought Obama was a decent man, an intelligent official and a great orator. But I am not a fanatic. He's the best option from a flawed two party system.

He says the pipes all need to be replaced. He's drinking it to show solidarity.

I think that's a bad idea, because the water was potable, but it's not safe in the long term.

Obama made lots of errors of judgment. Some his own, some his advisors, some shifting circumstances and many deliberate sabotage by the GOP at the country's expense.

However I also think drone strikes are a bad idea, but a better idea than ground invasions.

I'm also not going to stand by and let the seeds of a campaign to Carter/Hillarify Obama take root unchallenged. The same people who spent decades and millions creating a fictional hagiography of Reagan. The same people who deliberately undermined the Carter presidency by making a backroom deal with Iran to hold the hostages LONGER. They're going to spend millions trying to tear down Obama's legacy as a competent and ethical statesman and likely rewrite the Trump presidency via social media and right wing news until it seeps into the public consciousness, just as they did with Hillary Clinton for the twenty years PRECEDING her run for office. They're going to try to reframe Obama one shitty take at a time.

Of course he isn't perfect. Of course he isn't a saint. But don't get gaslit by people who want you to stay home on election day. And people who want you to think up is down.


Oct 25, 2017
Small wonder that discourse is fucking poisoned on this forum when we have half a dozen blatant trolling OPs like this per day that come with pre-filled strawmen about anyone who still thinks favorably of Obama in 2019
I do my stations of the cross in front of my 36 inch Obama painting daily. Do you not?

* furiously adding to list *

Deleted member 6949

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
OP should have included the fact he pulled this stunt twice in the same day and all he does is bring the water to his lips. B-but it's not a stunt and he was really thirsty, both times!

He's abhorrent for doing this shit. I implore everyone here to watch the Frontline documentary on Flint.

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
When the crisis in Flint is still not resolved in 2019, what can you say? This stunt was indefensible.


Oct 27, 2017
Obama is a black face for white supremacy and maintenance of the status quo, this Flint debacle was typical of the man. He was never an ally to the people in Flint, or to black America as a whole.
This can't be serious. The man made some mistakes but he was still a good president.


Oct 25, 2017
Even back then people cried about anyone who criticized Obama or his administrations actions, lets not be ignorant about the facts

Liberals go to sleep when corporate democrats in power and its a problem...hell many are still asleep now with this hollow resistance.

That's what the overton window being allowed to move has done
Yeah no
Obama is a black face for white supremacy and maintenance of the status quo, this Flint debacle was typical of the man. He was never an ally to the people in Flint, or to black America as a whole.
WTF, I am not surprised to read this from you but thought you would be better than this but guess not.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
if only he was in a position to do something about it then. ah well, too bad i guess

That is a different conversation. Of course he could have done more and this was largely a stunt.

Asking "Obama fans" how they feel about him showing that "everything is fine" with Flint's water was never going to lead to a productive discussion.
Oct 27, 2017
I didn't think it was supposed to be symbolic that everything is fixed and fine at the time and I don't now.

Midnight Jon

Oct 25, 2017
if only he was in a position to do something about it then. ah well, too bad i guess
If only this thread was made as a good-faith effort to engender discussion about this instead of being yet another circlejerk for the Not Good Enough for Socialist-ERA Crew* to feel good about themselves

to be clear this is directly implying that the Socialist-ERA OT is Good, Actually
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Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I like how the OP just starts off outright hostile, trying to bait people into the thread with "Obama Fans", like it's some type of fucking shame to respect Obama and view his Presidency as "good"

It's almost as good as having someone call Obama black face!

Wait lets get some users here to complain about how we shouldn't talk about the discourse on ERA and how it's ok for people to call Obama blackface, I think it should be a few pages from now.

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I like how the OP just starts off outright hostile, trying to bait people into the thread with "Obama Fans", like it's some type of fucking shame to respect Obama and view his Presidency as "good"

It's almost as good as having someone call Obama black face!

Wait lets get some users here to complain about how we shouldn't talk about the discourse on ERA and how it's ok for people to call Obama blackface, I think it should be a few pages from now.

I am black. And my father's family is from Flint. Some of them still live there. Obama doesn't get a pass on this. It was unacceptable.
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