PK Gaming

Oct 25, 2017
Doesn't count when you have an axe to grind with a community. If someone where to cross reference all of the posts in the last thread with this one they'd likely not find a majority crossover, however that doesn't fit the narrative of "Era is a terrible place that doesn't care about mental illness."

Like it or not, that thread was representative of this community.

I doubt you'll find a significant crossover for many threads on this website, due to how large it is. Doesn't change the fact that the response to Etika's suicide was absolutely representative of ResetEra, especially since people weren't punished for their cruelty.

Pretending to argue otherwise will just perpetuate the problem.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Fine, I'll be the jackass edgelord who points out the issue:

Era had no shortage of topics where we talked about Era's empathy problem (usually towards women and minority issues)

We had various members leave this site due to the frustration of it.

I constantly bitch about it every 5th post of mine.

So why are we NOW saying that Era needs to take a look at itself because trolls, with a vendetta, are using a man's death to go "Nyah Nyah, you're not all that"

Where was this call to sympathy for Era members who left?

Liam's not arguing in good faith. Boogie isn't arguing in good faith.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
And the moderation could simply make a single, dedicated thread and hammer down there hard if somebody dances out of line.
I suspect they've taken that stance with this thread, which is why it's still up despite this discussion being what it is.

They may not have started off with that stance, but it's hard to imagine that it's not the one they're taking now, at this second.
Oct 25, 2017
Black masculinity is in a tough spot... masculinity generally speaking is another thing that's in bad shape.

But it goes to show you. Anytime the issue that men are facing is brought up here it gets conflated in some nonsense about how so and so has it worse even when mental health and male suicide is at a staggering high.

Snowflakes are real, sexist are real, misogonist are real, male fragility is real. But this should not be conflated with a man's place or the need to feel like you belong or receive compassion from other people. It's a heterosexual male problem and it's bad because vulnerability isn't welcomed.

I don't think people realize that this isolation is torture. We literally lock up criminals and war prisoners in rooms alone to fucking mentally torture or destroy them. People really don't think about that shit. People who commit suicide look for anything to confirm that they have no one and watching that video made me SEE the guy as the lost misunderstood person he was.

Even if it was a fake, some of that has to come from a real place. It's clear as day he needed help regardless. Shame how it all turned out.
Very good post. That's what annoys me the most about "waah stop generalizing all men" posts trying to hijack discussions on why toxic masculinity is incredibly harmful to men themselves in particular. There is a genuine and educational debate to be had but we rarely if ever get to that point because threads (heck, debates in society at large as well) devolve into that garbage and create an extremely toxic space. The flip side is if those dismissive attitudes were instead taken at face value and welcomed they would instantly turn on avoiding self-reflection and deflecting the subject at hand as seen on pretty much every other large gaming forum. Honestly not sure what can be done aside from even stricter moderation which apparently lots of people already feel is too strict? I dunno.

Anyway, men need help. Unfortunately, most of us are doing pretty much what Etika did and shutting ourselves off from others in order to not appear as vulnerable. It's just incredibly sad, honestly.

I mean, that's the risk of any discussion really. That people are not quite on the knowledge level of others or that people just genuinely act in bad faith. Doesn't mean we should shut down any kind of discussion. Imagine not being able to criticize your government in public and only via private letters. Is that a good, open atmosphere? Not in my eyes.

And the moderation could simply make a single, dedicated thread and hammer down there hard if somebody dances out of line. As it is they not only have to deal with people of bad faith, but also with people of good faith that are frustrated that they can't discuss in good faith. A lot of people stating critique on the actions of the moderation regarding Etika are doing so on good faith, wouldn't you say?
...Have you seen the threads on feminism on here? There is no way to make the post you just made if you have. Letting concern trolls hijack every conversation does not equate to an open discussion. I wish it did, but it really doesn't and I've seen it happen so, so many times. For all it's faults, this is the only large gaming forum that comes even close to productive debates about those subjects precisely because it locks down trolling to a decent extent.

Like I've already said, I agree with you that there should be a platform for this issue being discussed in good faith, and I'm pretty sure the mods agree? The problem is how to implement it while avoiding the former. It seems like we can't have both and I understand why.


Oct 26, 2017
Doesn't count when you have an axe to grind with a community. If someone where to cross reference all of the posts in the last thread with this one they'd likely not find a majority crossover, however that doesn't fit the narrative of "Era is a terrible place that doesn't care about mental illness."
You know, I could offer some examples, but that would be calling out.

I am going to say that it's fairly easy to go into the [linked thread](, click on the post history of users and look who posted here. You might be surprised about the kind of tunes some fly in each of the threads.

PK Gaming

Oct 25, 2017
Fine, I'll be the jackass edgelord who points out the issue:

Era had no shortage of topics where we talked about Era's empathy problem (usually towards women and minority issues)

We had various members leave this site due to the frustration of it.

I constantly bitch about it every 5th post of mine.

So why are we NOW saying that Era needs to take a look at itself because trolls, with a vendetta, are using a man's death to go "Nyah Nyah, you're not all that"

Where was this call to sympathy for Era members who left?

Liam's not arguing in good faith. Boogie isn't arguing in good faith.

Because it's something most people can't afford to ignore anymore.

Deleted member 2340

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
My heart just sank. I hope his family gets through this ok. RIP, I hope he's at peace with whatever religion/God he believed in.

Deleted member 225

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (3 days) Off site drama, inappropriate comment in a sensitive thread.
Also, since they wanna watch us since they have nothing better to do:

Fuck you NeoGAF

Fuck you Evilore you dork boy sexual predator

I'm glad you permabanned me after calling your ass out. Just remember no matter how shitty Era gets, at least we aren't your garbage asses.

Deleted member 13077

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Re Etika: I only really became aware of him a year or so ago, but I loved his reaction videos. His passion for gaming reminded me of a time when I was truly excited about following this industry. In a very cynical world, this lad was a shining light, and I will certainly miss him, his enthusiasm and his energy. I hope wherever he is now, he's finally at peace.

Re Resetera: The simple fact of the matter is that nothing will change as long as it continues to be the case that those posting in good faith and those in bad faith are treated as equals. A good example is the recent MatPat thread. It's fine for people not to like MatPat, it's fine to disagree with what he says, it if you're going into a thread jsut to type things that basically come down to "lol fuck MatPat" then what's the fucking point? The fact that moderators have continued to allow so much drive by shit posting, despite it being very clearly against the TOS, is exactly why people think that if they frame their posts in just the right way, they can get away with posting anything. The majority of those posts in the old Etika thread could all be seen as on topic, but they were so obviously done in bad faith to either come off as some sort of edge lord or get a rise out of others that it should have been really obvious that they needed to be nipped in the bud.

I don't doubt moderating forum like this is tough, but not talking about this sort of stuff now whilst it's raw is a bit like the old "thoughts and prayers" after yet another perfectly preventable massacre.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
Fuck this fucking sucks. He was always so energetic, always so hype for Smash and other shit. RIP. Really sucks when someone chooses suicide. A lot of us probably know how it feels to be on a brink, It fucking sucks and I was really hoping he wouldn't be gone, and would have gotten the help he needed. Fuck.


Oct 26, 2017
I suspect they've taken that stance with this thread, which is why it's still up despite this discussion being what it is.

They may not have started off with that stance, but it's hard to imagine that it's not the one they're taking now, at this second.
I wish they would split the discussions if that were the case. As people say, this is after all the thread about the sad death of a person and the fact that we have to discuss here if we want to discuss at all is saddening.


Oct 26, 2017
I would like this added to the op

Unfortunately, it's a reupload by another user as I believe YouTube took down the original, which is disappointing.
He posted this video not just as an apology for his actions but also as a warning of the dangers of social media and trying to keep up an online persona.
"In an attempt to be edgy, I fucked up my entire life"
"I was saying and doing things that made no sense. All because I was too scared to drop my image"

He clearly gave a damn about how people reacted to his outbursts online. The man lived on the internet, it clearly got to him. Fuck the people making memes out of his struggle. Fuck the people "cancelling" him. Fuck all of this.


Oct 25, 2017
ERA is the most empathetic board on the internet. But we can always do better. Inevitably there have been failures — the way those cruel mobs were allowed to continue unchecked being one failure that may have directly or indirectly contributed to Etika's death. But we can learn from that by having a discussion about how we do things here. We won't improve if we act like we're already the best.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Like it or not, that thread was representative of this community.

I doubt you'll find a significant crossover for many threads on this website, due to how large it is. Doesn't change the fact that the response to Etika's suicide was absolutely representative of ResetEra
It was representative of how this website and it's members treat homophobia, racism, etc., NOT how this website treats mental illness. It would not be a reach to guess that the reason many people flock to this website in the first place is due to having first hand experience with what was being said, and for many, they didn't take the context of mental illness seriously enough to see it as a call for help or an episode caused by a legitimate mental illness that wasn't being treated as much as it could've, (a failing on multiple avenues that Desmond could've gone for for help considering US laws in relation to mental illness).

Too many are treating this as a black and white situation when it's probably the most nuanced "controversy" in the site's history.

Sumio Mondo

Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
RIP. Really sad to hear this has happened. Depression is serious and no one should have to go through that pain.

I agree but it is something that a lot of people go through and will continue to do so. Mental health issues are not going to go away, if anything it's something coming up more now than any other time. Seeing it so much with people very close to me or through people I know of. It's terrible and everywhere.


One Winged Slayer
May 15, 2018
Toulouse, France
I was wearing one of his "Joycon boyz" shirt for the Nintendo E3's Direct this year. I'll keep wearing it for Nintendo Directs.
Damn, I'll miss him. Poor dude.
A few hours ago I just posted a "RIP man" because I didn't knew what to say, horrible news. It's just terrifiying, to think that some people are enduring this pain, that some people just look over a bridge and decide to put and end to his own life. No one deserve to feel this way. At any age it's a tragedy, but still, he was so young...

Can't imagine how his mom must be feeling right now. Hope that all his family and friends will be strong.


Oct 25, 2017
I won't link it but it's interesting how in the previous thread the first page is literally people clamouring over each other to shit on a suicidal man, as if it's a competition.
Respect to Etika, can't even begin to imagine the suffering he went through.


Oct 28, 2017
I just think Era could do with allowing a bit of nuance in terms of moderating discussions, where now a "correct" view is decided and anything going against that is bannable.

Sometimes there's a correct view, a correctish view, a total grey area, a wrongish view, and a wrong view.

I imagine that's pretty hard to moderate though.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta, GA
About to have tears.

Finally off work and home and it's hitting like bricks. RIP to the young black man Desmond. No matter the struggles he carried, he still attempted to maintain his positivity. Pure genuine hype with the shadow of pure dark depression. The internet cheered his demise. And now that he is at rest, now, is where the internet begans to stop and think...somewhat. Life is lost and the support that was originally dulled by thread locks and assumptions is now full force.....somewhat... But the bans that I haven't seen on here is telling. The rebuke that is met with a pat on the shoulder rebutal is telling. The promise to do better only once the brother is lost for 3 days, is telling. But my thoughts are not worthy of expression today.

RIP to the young black man Desmond. Rest now.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
I have a big case of depression. Not sure how bad it is cause I don't have insurance to help me pay for it and get help, but I do know that I have it cause it was confirmed a while ago.

And while I don't always post like many of you do here, this site helps me out so much with dealing with it. I've been with Era a month or two after it broke off from GAF and honestly it's helped me out a lot. We may disagree a lot on things and sometimes we argue, but just seeing people post, seeing some hilarious responses, and knowing more about daily life apart from games has really done a lot for me. I lurk half the time because I don't know what to say, but I really do love it here.

And even though we may not always get along like I mentioned earlier, I love you all. And I really hope you all know that no matter what problem you have, know that someone really does care for you. Another member here said it better earlier (can't find the post), but you're all awesome people. And I hope that we continue to try to get along.
And once again, RIP Etika. Really man. Rest in peace. I can't imagine what your family must be feeling right now but I hope they also know that lots of people are with them mourning. And I hope you are finally able to rest from your depression. I hope for that day for me too!


Oct 28, 2017
I would like this added to the op

Unfortunately, it's a reupload by another user as I believe YouTube took down the original, which is disappointing.
He posted this video not just as an apology for his actions but also as a warning of the dangers of social media and trying to keep up an online persona.
"In an attempt to be edgy, I fucked up my entire life"
"I was saying and doing things that made no sense. All because I was too scared to drop my image"

I wasn't even a fan of his or whatever but I'm heartbroken. Fucking tragic. He needed help but it all feels so hopeless and bleak as a bystander. Like there really is no stopping someone that far gone. Somebody that committed. Like once they reach a certain point they know exactly what to say, when to say it and who to say it to. To push the exact people they need completely out. There might be "red flags" or maybe there won't.

I'm terrified thinking of my friends with depression. I hope I can be there for them but I've never felt so powerless and useless. Condolences to his family and friends who are feeling this now x1000. I'm so sorry.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Feb 2, 2018
It was representative of how this website and it's members treat homophobia, racism, etc., NOT how this website treats mental illness. It would not be a reach to guess that the reason many people flock to this website in the first place is due to having first hand experience with what was being said, and for many, they didn't take the context of mental illness seriously enough to see it as a call for help or an episode caused by a legitimate mental illness that wasn't being treated as much as it could've, (a failing on multiple avenues that Desmond could've gone for for help considering US laws in relation to mental illness).

Too many are treating this as a black and white situation when it's probably the most nuanced "controversy" in the site's history.
Very strange you see no contradiction here


Oct 25, 2017
Thank you for sharing this. I'm sorry for your loss.

I only had the faintest idea of who Etika was until about a week ago, but there is a pattern around here of an unhealthy and unempathetic relationship to celebrity, and it's high time for the people complicit in this culture to take some responsibility. I only wish it didn't have to take an event like this.

Unless you have that order of magnitude of followers on your channels or social media, you truly have no idea how much pressure and scrutiny you are under day to day, even as a minor public figure. And yet we enable people who blow up every perceived transgression into an industry headline, as though they were doing some kind of noble service to the world as the only ones who will ever hold social media personalities to account. Everything is unforgivable and everything is permanently attached to your name. Can't have a conversation about them without someone butting in edgewise and dropping the opposition dossier, hiding under the excuse of keeping everyone informed, when all it amounts to is gossip and salacious gawking.

It's not enough to "talk" about mental illness and suicidality when for a high-visibility figure, talk just invites more goading and hands out more ammunition to be used against you.

All my sympathies to those who held him dear.

Good posts. I'm glad to see some open blowback here against site policies that can only be described with one word—cowardice—and which can be said to be actively causing harm. (The comparison to "thoughts and prayers" is especially inspired.)

Apparently we can't talk about moderation without inviting the trolls, so we can't talk about moderation. Does the staff not realize that this policy only serves to feed the trolls? They have no shortage of oppositional communities and back-channel gossip boards to run off to and complain, while the people least able to have their voices heard are the ones who mostly want to be here, who contribute to this place, who want to see it be better, and would strongly prefer to steer clear of those other places. Everybody gets a word in about Era except for those of us who want to use it.

Those who want to trash this place in bad faith have no limit of places to go. Those who want to improve this place in good faith have nowhere to go. It's the same familiar absurdity as providing written ban reasons to put on a charade of transparency, but burying them instead of making them available in a readily accessible in-house log. The policies here have created a situation where it is more convenient for those with minor grievances to run off to self-declared enemies who wear their bans proudly on their sleeves. Does the staff not see how this undermines the community's integrity? How that has only deepened the climate of paranoia where enemy trolls are around every dark corner, ready to strike? Do they not see the utter lack of trust and confidence in hashing anything out over PMs when the public face of the moderation team, ex-mods included, is one of condescension, snide dismissiveness, and shameless apologism for their own?

Quite right.

Those who have normalized this, by participation or by policy, are neither innocent bystanders nor paragons of accountability. They are enablers; they are gossips.
It doesn't have to be that way.

ResetEra was predicated on that mindset. We didn't have to take Neogaf's bullshit, and we were able to address a lot of the problems from that site. But that didn't mean ResetEra was completely in the clear either. There's still a lot of improvement that needs to be made, and writing it off as impossible is literally the worst thing we can do. Even if changes are made and things barely get better, that's a major net positive, as far as i'm concerned.

If we want ResetEra to change for the better, then it has to come from all of us. And if we can manage that, I firmly believe that we can pull it off.

(Thank you for sharing the full post btw. It's appreciated, and my post was directed to you as a person, and not as a moderator.)

These posts hit the nail on the head — well said. Dismissing change and constructive discourse as impossibilities, and shuffling all website concerns off-site (or derailed tertiary threads like this), is a self-fulfilling prophecy of impotence.

ResetEra was founded on communal good will, in belief in our capacity to do the right thing, and in transparency. Eschewing those leaves us where, exactly? If we can't talk about things openly for the betterment of our community — for fear of trolls, of all things — how do we change?

Relegating constructively critique to behind close doors, in private one-on-one PMs or official emails, goes against the core notion of this place being a community.

Deleted member 12867

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
People who commit suicide look for anything to confirm that they have no one and watching that video made me SEE the guy as the lost misunderstood person he was.
Absolutely. I cried my eyes out watching that video because I've been there, but luckily had incredible friends and family that have went above and beyond dealing with my bullshit that protected me and pressured me to get help. Also your takes on masculinity are incredibly spot on for what I went through. It's incredibly hard to make yourself vulnerable and to appear so weak. Excellent post.
Jan 2, 2018
Man that video was hard to watch.. I never really knew he guy,the only time I saw him was from the Direct reaction videos but still,so sad it had to end like this. He clearly was struggling and may have been saved with the right professional help.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
Everything I'm about to say is me speaking as my own person, not as my position as moderator, which I clarify as I realize that's actively part of the discussion here.

I have so many thoughts on this topic, I made a series of tweets on May 1st in response to the previous thread if anyone cares to read what I wrote at the time:

Etika's whole situation has been close hitting for me due to having lost my best friend of over 10 years to suicide as of last August. I've been recovering from that. On-top of this, I've spent a lot of time helping a lot of people in my daily life, and have on more than one occasion spent months to years with people who dealt with suicidal thoughts and various other things. One of my greatest interest in this world (outside of horror) is people, so on a personal level I always want to take part in these discussions and have an actual discussion with people who disregard these things so easily. It's not just this forum, the internet as a whole suffers a whole lot from an overwhelming lack of empathy, and active apathy for people. On Era it is notable that often this apathy is directed towards celebrity figures, though the lack of awareness of people who then redirect their apathy towards other people/this forum just shows what the real problem is.

Anyone can be stigmatized as a monster, and internet culture as a whole has taught people to react before research. But this lack of empathy and making boogiemen composed of the worst of everyone out of everyone else is I think one of the internet's biggest downfalls. I understand not wanting to stand for certain things, and there's no denying Etika said some pretty horrible things. But it was also alarmingly clear as it developed that Etika was suffering a mental breakdown.

There's a lot of gross aspects to this, which include some people's attitudes for it at the time, the almost cult-like chanting when he got arrested of supposed "fans" egging him on to get aggressive with a cop, to even some of the reactions now. On one hand, I'm very happy this has been getting some attention, and I hope it helps allow some people to look deeper into themselves to really grow as individuals to form at least a slightly better understanding of everything surrounding this. On the other hand, I fully suspect it's going to be business as usual and even a more widespread case like this is going to spread for all the wrong reasons.

Every time I write a post like this, I second-guess myself because I realize what I write as an individual might be taken to represent a larger group. While I do occasionally help moderate the forum, I'm a very individualistic person who tries to take all people as individuals when they're in front of me. However, there's a hypocrisy there since I realize by writing such messages some will inevitably take it as me speaking for a whole. I will send this because I've chosen too, but I think knowing you have a responsibility also makes it harder to speak frankly in the place you're more responsible for, especially when you're just one contributor and only a cog in the whole of a structure.

Ultimately, my main feelings on all of this is just sadness though. I'm not surprised what happened to Etika. I knew Etika before all of this due to a good friend of mine who knew him a bit personally who I know is hit harder by this than I am. The talk around all of this reminds me and brings me back to the mindset of me losing my best friend 10 months ago. I'm frustrated that this was so expected and nothing was or maybe even could've been done with our current mental care system to help him. I give out my biggest condolences to the people he was close to, I don't know who they are outside of my friend, who is a sweetheart and I know is devastated by this news, and having lost someone precious to him fairly recently I can imagine the struggles they're going through, but then imagine the kinda' struggle of his death also being used to talk discussion and such things when he's literally just passed away. I understand why we're having these discussions, and I hope it contributes to good, but I can't imagine this spread attention and people spreading tension and conflict over his death is helping the grieving process at all. I'm sad some people are so worn down by the current era and internet that finding genuinity and empathy online is like finding diamonds in any public rather than private form. I am sad I lack hope things will get better anytime soon.

I feel I want to say so much more, but this is already a pretty long message and ultimately I think I'd just go in circles. This whole thing has set alight a number of things within me I think I need to sit down and process.

Thank you so much for sharing this.


Oct 25, 2017
I checked out of following him when he torched his youtube account but I was wrong to assume it was just a show to get his fans to donate. He really did need help and unfortunately the combination of lack of resources and the pressure to not take help got to him.


Nov 6, 2018
I think a lot of people here could do to take a little while and understand the context behind actions. Like I remember a large reason a lot of people here on ERA hated him was because he dropped the f-word and said a bunch of bigoted shit during one of his public mental breakdowns - that's obviously a horrible thing to do, but the man was also having a massive crisis of mental health while also having access to an incredibly popular Twitter account, a very unfortunate combination. He obviously wasn't in his right mind and he should have been forgiven, because in cases like that, it's more important to make sure that the person has the help and support they need first, and to talk with them about the actions they took later.

It was pretty disheartening to see posts writing off Etika's last video based on that. It's shortsighted and almost dehumanizing. I hope, at the very least, what happened today will help people better navigate the crossroads between mental health, the elevated position of internet icons (a place of power and visibility we can't even come close to being able to relate to), and the context behind actions taken during times of mental distress. I think we can do that.


Oct 25, 2017
There is a genuine and educational debate to be had but we rarely if ever get to that point because threads (heck, debates in society at large as well) devolve into that garbage and create an extremely toxic space.

Totally agree. I think what it comes down to is that debates are largely a bad format for discussing social problems, save for a few very formal, usually written styles like dialectical analysis, scientific articles, etc. that most people wouldn't recognize as a debate. Because the decisions we make concerning these topics should never come down to who speaks more confidently or gets in more zingers, but they often do.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I won't link it but it's interesting how in the previous thread the first page is literally people clamouring over each other to shit on a suicidal man, as if it's a competition.
Respect to Etika, can't even begin to imagine the suffering he went through.
And none of them even got a ban.

One person even posted "No one cares". Like fucking hell.

PK Gaming

Oct 25, 2017
It was representative of how this website and it's members treat homophobia, racism, etc., NOT how this website treats mental illness. It would not be a reach to guess that the reason many people flock to this website in the first place is due to having first hand experience with what was being said, and for many, they didn't take the context of mental illness seriously enough to see it as a call for help or an episode caused by a legitimate mental illness that wasn't being treated as much as it could've, (a failing on multiple avenues that Desmond could've gone for for help considering US laws in relation to mental illness).

Why are treating it like its mutually exclusive? ResetEra being a safe space for minorities doesn't give those same people carte blanche not to treat people who are suffering from mental illness with human decency. I also emphatically disagree with your assertion that Desmond "could've" gone for help, considering his mental illness has altered his judgment to the point where he could not properly get the help he needed on his own + there was nobody around to give him the proper treatment he needed either (his stays at the mental health clinics were pretty much a catch and release)

Too many are treating this as a black and white situation when it's probably the most nuanced "controversy" in the site's history.

The people saying ResetEra is garbage are. But the people who are arguing like myself, Chariot, Dusk Golem (a mod) and others absolutely are not.

You're not giving the people in this thread enough credit.
Jun 17, 2019
If Etika had received an extended psychiatric hold, there's no way that he would have been able to continue doing the streaming work that he engaged in. I also don't think allowing him to get continued access to his social media was good, because a lot of his fanbase was enabling very bad behavior and was clearly a bad influence on him. Even in his last communications it's clear the mental tolls he had taken were impossible to decouple from the means by which he made his income. I don't believe that in his state he could or should have been expected to hold any job, least of all one in which he is expected to engage with the public. My belief is that as our society stands there is no way that he could have gotten the help he needed, and the sorts of changes society would need to make in order to make sure people like him could are vast and, frankly, revolutionary.

I believe that Etika was at risk as long as he was in a public-facing position. I believe that in being so his actions could be -- and arguably still are -- triggering to people who have related mental health issues and thus he was a harm to himself and others by normalizing it.

I believe that in order for people to make a meaningful difference in the mental health of others that they must first accept that they cannot save everyone who needs help. The burden involved in keeping ahold of one's own mental and emotional baggage while helping to carry that of another person is massive, especially a person who was so close to ending it that we're now here reflecting on the fact that it's what he did. That so many people have received life-saving help by people able to provide it is, again, nothing short of miraculous. Few people are equipped to handle these issues in a way that doesn't expose themselves or others to greater risk, and I believe that the general public should not be counted on to intervene in severe circumstances like this any more than I would expect my next-door neighbor to be able to stop my house from burning down if it caught fire.

In any case, believing that we can simply fix someone with such severe problems is the height of arrogance.

And as someone who has had a non-zero number of psychotic breakdowns myself, I would like to quote these posts in order to reiterate them, as I believe they are important and correct.

I have mixed feelings about this post.

For one I believe cutting off a mentally ill person's income and the way they earn their living, at least in a vacuum, is likely to exacerbate their condition than it is to help them. Having said that, I do agree that being a public figure the way he was probably greatly contributed to worsening of his condition as well. So there's a conflict there at least, is all I meant. I understand the inclination to believe that supporting what looked to be a public meltdown was unhelpful.

In regards to the first quoted post - I definitely agree as someone who also suffers from very severe mental illnesses and disorders, we still are responsible for our actions and how we effect people. I wholly reject the idea, however, that offensive behavior like Etika engaged in can't be attributed to mental illness, because to be blunt, it absolutely can. If you are a person who has also had breakdowns like you said (and like I have), then you understand, sometimes you *cannot* be cognizant, sometimes you *do not* have control and there is nothing you can do about it. That's a simplification of the complexity of his actions and the context that they occurred in, but I feel like I need to point that out at the very least.


Oct 27, 2017
I agree but it is something that a lot of people go through and will continue to do so. Mental health issues are not going to go away, if anything it's something coming up more now than any other time. Seeing it so much with people very close to me or through people I know of. It's terrible and everywhere.

Yeah it hits for me hard too because I have someone really close to me who had to go through that and I had to pull em out and they are way better now and got their life back on track. If people take it seriously and try to help you can really change these people lives, but so many just brush it off as jokes or whatever. When someone is saying some serious sounding shit, even if it's a joke, people should take it seriously. Sort it out later if it turns out to be not true, but people are there are hurting everyday and having one person give a fuck can sometimes change a lot.
Oct 25, 2017
He clearly gave a damn about how people reacted to his outbursts online. The man lived on the internet, it clearly got to him. Fuck the people making memes out of his struggle. Fuck the people "cancelling" him. Fuck all of this.
I agree with everything you wrote 100% except the "cancelling" part to an extent. I guess some of it was malicious but my personal gut reaction (which I didn't express at the time because it wasn't my place to) was to not further enable his self-harm when it became apparent literally because it was the only way I could imagine being able to help him from where I sit. Like, I didn't want to cancel him, but I did want to cancel the culture surrounding him and turning his situation into the memes you describe. Seeing that stuff honestly just broke my heart. For all the shit I fucking hate in this world, I still hope there's a special place in hell for people knowingly acting as cheerleaders for someone spiraling out of control emotionally.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I've never really watched any of the guys material but damn, this is some way to go and an utter shame and tragedy. It's always hard when people feel like they need to escape through suicide, what they must be keeping inside must be harsh and a truly great struggle. I may not have known the guy, but he was still young and had his life ahead of him. I have no doubt that he will be missed my friends, family and fans. May he rest in peace.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
I would like this added to the op

Unfortunately, it's a reupload by another user as I believe YouTube took down the original, which is disappointing.
He posted this video not just as an apology for his actions but also as a warning of the dangers of social media and trying to keep up an online persona.
"In an attempt to be edgy, I fucked up my entire life"
"I was saying and doing things that made no sense. All because I was too scared to drop my image"

Wow, YouTube is at it again trying to bury this video just like they did to the original. Absolutely disgusting.

Fuck YouTube. It will never be deleted forever.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Because it's something most people can't afford to ignore anymore.

Then where were these people during this topic that cause the OP to leave this site for awhile?

Again, this "shame on Era" movement is not in good faith.

Also keep in mind, the negative reaction from Etika in that other topic was partly because he was spouting racist/homophobic slurs. Of course, people would not give him the benefit of the doubt. (And before you try to go through my posts, odds are, I was one of people too)


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
You're right, I moved along because I was barely invested in him. There was no use to get concerned about an internet celebrity I didn't even like that much.

Doesn't mean that his death didn't concern me.

If that is how I perceived his internet persona? His tragic and untimely death didn't change anything about the work he has done or how I view it.

At least you openly admit not giving a shit. Wish people had your honesty Mr. "I don't see what's wrong with how people reacted in that thread."

I don't think your stance is wrong but to act willfully ignorant and imply people over invested is kind of shitty. Lots of terrible things were said in that thread.


Oct 26, 2017
Just saw the "I'm Sorry" video for the first time today and damn it was hard to watch. I know I posted in the second thread when he had his Twitter outburst since it wasn't his first time, and thought he was just looking for attention to gain more subs. Hindsight it looks really bad since it was a cry for help. I don't know what else to say except for RIP. Condolences to his friends and family.


Nov 21, 2018
the saddest part of all this is that he probably used the youtube video to hold himself hostage to actually committing suicide. he has probably attempted/planned suicide before but always back out. due to the controversy his multiple periods of mental health outbursts - and subsequent denials and playing it off - i'm sure he posted the video in order to solidify his commitment to ending his own life. 'if i don't actually do this, everyone will be super angry at me again thinking i was joking and wanting attention, so i better do it'. i could not be right about it but i have read where people committing suicide start giving their stuff away or performing acts similar to 'making sure everything is settled'. for everyone saying the hospitals failed him, i agree and disagree. he had two trips to the psychiatric department of hospitals. both times, he left and - i assume - played off the whole thing. i am not saying this is his fault but one of the hardest aspects of mental health is getting help. the individual has to be willing to seek and receive help, which is not an easy thing to do.