Oct 28, 2017
Good luck even LOOKING at women in 2019 if you don't look like this


Oct 25, 2017
These people need serious help. They've been in their own corner stewing in self-loathing for so long that they've embraced an entire set of values and morals that are completely alien from those of normal people.

It's fucking dangerous because they keep saying and doing things that are completely insane but to them it makes sense because of their twisted values and reasoning.


Oct 25, 2017
Internet echo chamber creates some seriously fucked up groups.

I do sometimes wonder if I had been growing up later in life if I would have been radicalized into any of these things. I'm thankful I didn't and instead found healthier ways of coping with issues... and, you know, figured out that hating other groups of people like women is fucking dumb.


Nov 3, 2017
Portland, OR
A lot of these guys get gateway'd into the community by starting with the red-pill/PUA scene. "Treat women like shit using these 5 neat tricks to get laid". When that doesn't work, rather than consider the system flawed, they blame women and their own looks.

They dont want to fix their issues, they want a persecution fantasy that allows them to externalize all of their problems as the fault of women.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Surgery is fine if you wanna look more attractive but its not gonna do jack shit when it comes to finding love. It might land you a date or two but they are all gonna run like hell the moment they see your personality.


Oct 25, 2017
Can we stop saying people in a Hate Group are "Mentally ill"? This shit is a fucking huge disservice to actual mental illness. I'm really sick of how easily and often it gets tossed around here as an explanation or excuse. Incels are first and foremost a radical hate movement and need to always be treated directly through that lens.

These guys are just assholes and trash that need a good ass kicking. Racists and Nazis aren't "mentally ill" either, they're just fucking Racists and Nazis.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Internet echo chamber creates some seriously fucked up groups.

I do sometimes wonder if I had been growing up later in life if I would have been radicalized into any of these things. I'm thankful I didn't and instead found healthier ways of coping with issues... and, you know, figured out that hating other groups of people like women is fucking dumb.

I've thought about this too and yeah, I think I would have been. I was so ideological in college, and also emotional, variously depressed, had a massive persecution complex, etc.. basically everything that would lead me into some insane social/political/ideological group where I felt I belonged or that I was right.

I've always liked going into the political subforums of the forums I went to, but back then, there really weren't huge communities of likeminded people for whatever your weird political niche was. So, if I thought of myself as like ... an ... anarcho marxist when I was 17 or a neolibertarian socialist whatever when I was 19, there wasn't an /r/anarchomarxism or /r/neolibertariansocialistdouchebag where thousands of other anarcho socialist libertarians were patting themselves on the back with how right they are and how gross everybody else is.

On one hand, this is a good thing, you've got communities for people who have been literally in the shadows for centuries, millennia... People who have been ostracized and forced out from the rest of society can find allies, people like them, to commisserate with and connect with... and it's so powerful. BUt, then on the other hand, for the hate groups, wacky political ideas, and zaney thoughts on the universe and science, you can easily find someone who is going to confirm whatever bias you might be fostering... instead of the rest of the world telling you "What are you fucking stupid? The Earth is round you dumbass."

I grew up with the early internet. A generation prior to me there'd be even less support for that. If you were a 22-year-old in 1988 and went to the bar and stood up on the bar and said, "I believe a conspiracy of feminists are forcing me into involuntary celibacy," people would literally pour beer on you and boot you in the ass. Today, if you go on the internet and say that same thing, your instagram posts gets liked by 84 people... 60 of them might be bots, but it reinforces these socially harmful thoughts.
Oct 26, 2017
After the van attack in Toronto last year (among other incidents) there needs to be a shitload more visibility on incels and more efforts toward de-radicalization. It feels like there's a new homegrown generation of ticking time bombs with some of the rhetoric these fuckers genuinely buy into and we're not adequately prepared to handle however the more emboldened among them decide to lash out.


Oct 25, 2017
I've thought about this too and yeah, I think I would have been. I was so ideological in college, and also emotional, variously depressed, had a massive persecution complex, etc.. basically everything that would lead me into some insane social/political/ideological group where I felt I belonged or that I was right.

I've always liked going into the political subforums of the forums I went to, but back then, there really weren't huge communities of likeminded people for whatever your weird political niche was. So, if I thought of myself as like ... an ... anarcho marxist when I was 17 or a neolibertarian socialist whatever when I was 19, there wasn't an /r/anarchomarxism or /r/neolibertariansocialistdouchebag where thousands of other anarcho socialist libertarians were patting themselves on the back with how right they are and how gross everybody else is.

On one hand, this is a good thing, you've got communities for people who have been literally in the shadows for centuries, millennia... People who have been ostracized and forced out from the rest of society can find allies, people like them, to commisserate with and connect with... and it's so powerful. BUt, then on the other hand, for the hate groups, wacky political ideas, and zaney thoughts on the universe and science, you can easily find someone who is going to confirm whatever bias you might be fostering... instead of the rest of the world telling you "What are you fucking stupid? The Earth is round you dumbass."

I grew up with the early internet. A generation prior to me there'd be even less support for that. If you were a 22-year-old in 1988 and went to the bar and stood up on the bar and said, "I believe a conspiracy of feminists are forcing me into involuntary celibacy," people would literally pour beer on you and boot you in the ass. Today, if you go on the internet and say that same thing, your instagram posts gets liked by 84 people... 60 of them might be bots, but it reinforces these socially harmful thoughts.

I was extremely right wing in high school. Pretty homophobic, definitely anti-trans rights, and at least a dash of racism mixed in there, too. I was also bullied nearly every day of my life through middle school, so that brought a lot of self doubt and depression.

I'm sure communities like these did exist back then but I guess I didn't find them, so I just got berated on message boards like this (old Final Fantasy forums) for my homophobia and such until I realized what I was doing and how I made people feel. If I had been able to easily escape to a bunch of like-minded people that just reinforced that, no, they were the wrong ones I'm not sure where I would have ended up. I also had shitty dial up internet so for a lot of my most vulnerable time I was only allowed an hour or so a night since my parents needed the phone line. By the time I could be more fully on the internet all the fucking time I was beginning a transition.


Oct 27, 2017
this is the sad, disgusting, pitiful eventuality of patriarchy. this is has been centuries in the making. how miserable humans have become. thank god we still have some connected and loving people on this planet, or else these fuckers would have us all dead.

Cow Mengde

Oct 26, 2017
Let them. When their plastic surgery does nothing to help them, then we get to see how they'll make excuses for that.


Nov 28, 2017
What we need is a special agent to inflitrate the hot spots and conduct psy ops to undermine the whole operation. Sneak on the board. Poke holes. The whole cookie curmbles.


Stalwart technique is good cop bad cop.

I don't have a reddit account, or any chan accounts.
Nov 14, 2017
Gonna stop you here, despite its name Incels have nothing to do with being unable to get laid, its to do with being unable to find a girlfriend who is 10000% submissive and doubles as a mother.
I think it's sadder than that. A lot of 'black pilled' incels seemed to have convinced themselves that they are somehow unattractive and unlikeable and there's nothing they can do about it. In those cases, they're 100% blaming themselves; not getting laid is a way for them to fetishise their depression.


Oct 25, 2017
I had a pretty informed idea of what an incel was going into this video and I still learned stuff. Give it a watch if you haven't yet.



Oct 26, 2017
The forums' posters blamed their plight on women's rising social power. Once upon a time, women without careers married for stability; today they inevitably spent their 20s riding a "cock carousel" of the hottest guys they could land, settling for an ugly or average-looking man only when they were old and used, i.e., above 30. Even then, women could hardly be depended on for loyalty. Showered with attention on dating apps, favored by divorce courts, beloved by HR diversity initiatives, women had become a privileged class. The forums rarely mentioned wage gaps, pregnancy discrimination, or sexual violence, except in jest.
Truth4lie's friends hated Chad, but they were also convinced their lives would improve significantly if they could somehow become Chad. They tried "gymceling" and "steroidmaxxing" (incel-speak for bodybuilding and taking steroids). They tried jelqing (penis-stretching exercises) and mewing (chewing hard foods to bulk up the masseter muscles, said by British orthodontist Mike Mew to augment the jawline). They tried pulling on their faces to reshape them. They got into skin care.
But even Eppley's learned to be more cautious. In 2009, he sued a former patient who was waging an online war on his practice, creating dozens of SEO-hogging sites (e.g., Dreppleysucks.com). Her face-lift revision had resulted in a permanent breathing problem, she claimed to filmmakers in the 2006 HBO documentary Plastic Disasters, although she never filed a medical-malpractice suit and doctors who subsequently examined her found no surgery-related abnormalities. Shortly before the court ruled in Eppley's favor, the patient committed suicide. Eppley now trains assistants on how to monitor patient communications for signs of mental instability. But he doesn't turn away those he suspects of having body dysmorphia. "Many of my patients have it to some degree," he tells me. "These procedures can be really transformative."
For other incels, the anger they held on to even after their surgery suggests their motivation may be something closer to what feminist writer Jessica Valenti has described: "Incels are not a community of sad men that reflect a societal problem with loneliness. They're a community of violent misogynists that reflect a societal problem with sexism and sexual entitlement."
Jessica put it this whole business succinctly.
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Oct 27, 2017
well hey maybe they'll discover it was their repulsive personalities and not their looks all along at least


Mar 17, 2019
I have yet to see a single incel who's actually too ugly to get laid, it's pretty much all due to their poor socialization/mental illness.
I do feel sorry for these people, even though they can be dangerous to themselves and others.


Oct 25, 2017
"he fumed online: "An 8/10 girl works for me since today. I'm going to dominate the hell out of her. Trust me, I'm going to kill her confidence." "

And these people wonder why they're not the ones getting the girls

What the f.

I thought these dudes were depressed and sad... that's gross.


Oct 26, 2017
Clemson, SC
I was a shy (although I played sports) video game playing nerd in High School. I had girls fighting over me...and half the time was too dumb to realize they were chasing me too. I definitely was not God's gift to women in any way.

Wised up around 17-18, and actually started spending time with them. Never cared about fashion either, lol...was a Walmart shoes/shirt/jeans guy my whole life.

I mean....if I never had trouble, I don't know how anyone can struggle to the point that they do things like this.***

***Note: I was never a jerk/a-hole/misogynist..so maybe that's why.


Oct 27, 2017
It's easier to just use the Snapchat "man" filter on yourself. It makes my jaw look huge.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I got called a Chad yesterday and had no idea what it meant. Literally never knew that was a thing until yesterday.
Nov 1, 2017
If these guys would leave the house more than once a week they would see people who look the same as them or even people less good looking than them in relationships, and maybe then they would realize that looks is only part of the equation.


Dec 4, 2018
I mean, what do you expect them to do? Remain ugly and sad forever?

This is good I think. Maybe they'll learn empathy when they get actual human contact.


Dec 4, 2018
If they go on a date, isn't their personality going to show? Something tells me how they look is the least of their problems.
Have you ever talked to a beautiful person? Like, really beautiful? Said person could be the most idiot out of them all and somehow the spell wouldn't get broken at all at first glance. It takes a bit to take beauty out of an interaction.

There's a truth to this world and it's that beauty overrides everything. It's not everything, but it's above all else.

The reasoning for this situation (I'd be more fuckable if I had better facial features) isn't wrong. The thing is that these people more often than not need to work on everything else. That said, it's easier to learn how to be a human when you can interact with human beings, and if you're beautiful, people will come to you. Not a bad plan all in all. If misguided.
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Self-Appointed Godmother of Bruce Wayne's Children
Oct 25, 2017
These guys need to understand that looks aren't everything. Just look around, every day I see attractive women with average and below average looking dudes. Just "shoot your shot" and don't be a dick. And eventually someone will date you. It's that simple 😅
I always love how the evidence for "looks aren't everything" is based on the level of attractiveness of the women these guys are with. Instead of stuff like "I know average/below average looking guys in loving, healthy relationships with women."