
Oct 25, 2017
Hmmm. I wonder how much exercise is required to be in "better" shape than a fit smoker...

I'm pretty fit in the summer. In addition to my martial arts training 2-3 times a week, I also run every now and then, and bike to work as often as possible. But in the winter, only the martial arts remain. I hate gyms, but I don't know what I could do to keep that fitness that would also not be supremely boring or tedious (like spinning, which suuuucks).

An easy exercise during winter time is to go up and down stairs.

I make it a point to go up 30 storeys a day at the very least. I never take escalators or elevators if they can be avoided

Fall Damage

Oct 31, 2017
Hmmm. I wonder how much exercise is required to be in "better" shape than a fit smoker...

I'm pretty fit in the summer. In addition to my martial arts training 2-3 times a week, I also run every now and then, and bike to work as often as possible. But in the winter, only the martial arts remain. I hate gyms, but I don't know what I could do to keep that fitness that would also not be supremely boring or tedious (like spinning, which suuuucks).

I've owned two different exercise bikes and a treadmill over the years and while I'll go through stints of motivation for a few weeks they eventually end up turning into clothes racks every time. Sitting in front of the big screen with Netflix isn't even enough to keep me going.

What I've found is that fitness VR games like Thrill of the Fight and Box VR offer a great workout while still feeling like a video game. It's one of the few forms of exercise that I'll do for non health reasons. I often have to stop myself before I really want to for fear of being sore the next day.
Oct 25, 2017
I started a new regimen about a year ago that I've stuck to that's at least 1 hour 3 days a week and feel a lot better. I hope to get to 4 days eventually, but with kids it's hard to fit it in.


Oct 27, 2017
Okay, yeah sure, I'll die faster than people who go to the gym when I'm old. However, I'm not blowing 1 hour+ (travel, prep, stretch, workout, post workout routine) every other day. That's 8 total days a year of free time I get when I'm young and healthy. I'd rather have those 8 free days a year in my 20's, 30's, 40's, ect. than living to 80 instead of 70.

Rogue Blue

Oct 27, 2017
They're right. Because I would rather die than not exercise at all.

I know, sounds extreme, but if I were told I could never walk, run, or bike again, then I'd rather just be put down.


Oct 26, 2017
It pains me seeing people at my office huffing and puffing and sweating just climbing the stairs after we have a fire drill. How could people let themselves get so unfit? It's one of the worst things you can do to yourself.


Oct 27, 2017
I have had on and off nack problems. Times where my back would "go out" and tak a month to feel normal again. Recently my nack has been pretty sore all the time. Certain movements reall hurt. I tried stretching, rest, standing at my desk, but nothing helped. I guess it could be coincidence, but I started running again this week(it's been a year) and after only two runs my back is feeling better. So I'm going try to run 2-3 times a week.


Oct 27, 2017
Used to run 5-10k 6 days a week. Now unable to run more then once a week due to past injuries.

Cardio isn't what it used to be. But I get free access to a boxing gym and have discovered the stationary bike.

It is so rewarding when all the hard work starts to pay off in every day life.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't smoke and rarely drink (but when I do, it can be quite heavy) and I just started back to the gym this week.

I'll tell you what, I already feel better and I can only put it down to the exercise.


May 19, 2018
This world is fucking awful. Why bother exercising and prolonging our time on it?


Together, we are strangers
Oct 25, 2017
Was pretty out of shape recently but started working out and I was amazed at how quickly I started feeling better, not just physically but emotionally.

Not sure if living longer is a bonus but I guess its a necessary risk.


Oct 30, 2017
I love to work out, however the importance of exercise was instilled into me at an early age. I work out twice a day (cardio in the morning and strength training in the afternoon). I can clear my mind, nobody bothers me, I get to listen to my music, and just forget about the world. I actually get upset on the days I can't workout.

It's about balance; you need a strong mind and body.


Oct 30, 2017
Exercise is necessary for health. If you are unfit you aren't healthy.

Who cares about living longer! The main benefit of exercise is quality of life.


Oct 25, 2017
I walk round 5 to 5 and a half miles every morning (though rarely i chill and take the day off. and it takes me around 1 hour and 45 mins to complete) and not as often as i'd like around 11 to 11 and a half miles (take me around 3 hours and 45 mins) which i did Wednesday. (for the first time in a couple of months)

That counts right ?
Me: *doesn't exercise at all*

Cool. Cool cool cool. Guess I'll just die now.
Gotta go fast :P


Oct 25, 2017
Well fuck...

I was doing well over September but dropped the ball this month

Goddamnit i need to get into the gym


Oct 27, 2017
I go to a gym with a group class where a trainer tells you what to do for 60 minutes of HIIT. It takes the guesswork out of it and its always fun. I try to go 3-4 times a week. I consider it an investment on myself.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Because it's boring...

There's a lot of different types of exercising tho.

But for weight lifting you could always try downloading a podcast and listening to it as you workout, or by listening to good music. Sometimes if a new album drops I'll just play it while at the gym.

I do find working out a tad boring but the results are worth it. Clothes fit better, you slowly look better and better, and exercising makes studying & being happier... easier if that makes sense.


Oct 25, 2017
Make it fun! I started lifting cause I wanted to look halfway decent in cosplay. Sometimes I even do cardio while playing video games or do sets between matches of fighting games or fps games. If you dont start exercising you will regret it later.
Yeah I've started doing push ups and stuff like that during wait times between matches in Overwatch.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Make it fun! I started lifting cause I wanted to look halfway decent in cosplay. Sometimes I even do cardio while playing video games or do sets between matches of fighting games or fps games. If you dont start exercising you will regret it later.
Never said I didn't exercise, I do. But I do activities that I either enjoy fully, or can at least find some enjoyment out of it (e.g. running sucks but listening to music and going outside getting fresh air in a nice park makes it bearable).