
Oct 25, 2017
I agree wholeheartedly.
I have been ready for a shift from the original and I adore FF7.
The remake was magical to me and I'm very excited for the full release but I went into this expecting some big changes.
I figure I can always go back and play the original again for it's unique nostalgia.
I like most of the changes on display and it certainly retains the heart of the original :)

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
Uh, I'd argue that nostalgia is exactly what's pushing millions of copies of this game.
Jan 21, 2019

I played Final Fantasy 7 the month it launched in America, by accident after seeing a guy with a sword on a game box at a friends house and thinking "this must be a cool game where you run around and hit people with swords", at the tender age of 11. Had never played an RPG before! Was very confused at what the game wound up being, at first.

I probably played through it 5 times in the first year.

I've bought the game an embarrassing number of times, played through it near 25 times.

I can also be a critical dick at times!

And I have loved every single inch of the demo. I craned the camera around for minutes in awe. I can't ask for anything more than this.

We gotta see them as separate experiences. Two individual takes on the same idea. What the remake provides is and will never be the same as what you can experience with the original. And that is a good thing. The same way the original Resident Evil 2 is still awesome while the Remake allows for a different approach.

I cannot wait to see and hear the world of FFVII in 4K and with surround sound. While playing the demo I was reading all the signs and ads of the world. It gave me a very interesting look into the general population that lives there since I can be so much closer to the game world than in the original. This is what I enjoy, a new experience, not the same with shinier colors.


Oct 25, 2017
As long as Square doesn't pull some stupid bullshit, and introduce too many elements that are just huge downgrades from the original, they will be fine. I like both Resident Evil Remakes far better than the original games and I fucking love those original games.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
Also, when you make a remake of something as culturally important to the gaming industry as Final Fantasy VII, the game is going to have dozens and dozens of opportunities for failures & triumphs in capturing the spirit of the original game. And that's going to differ from player to player. Nostalgia is a very important factor because the impact of this game has little to do with it being a standalone project and more to do with capturing the spirit and imagination of the developers and players from 1997. Nostalgia is at the core of this remake.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
we will hear a lot of people crying about how badly Final Fantasy VII Remake have done this or how horribly they have done that... ect.

But FFVIIR isn't a 1:1 Reskin... it's a project build from the ground up in a different ways so just stop complaining about things it has done differently that the original and enjoy as the game it is.
Unfortunately it sounds like you're "crying" that people will have different take to you.


Sep 23, 2019
Oh, most definitely. SE hasn't been the most forthcoming about VIIR being the first entry in a series either. Not pointing the finger at people who wanted a more literal remake of the original. This is more of an observation and prediction of discourse.
Just wait when they discover the game ends at 25-30% of the original story.


Jan 27, 2018
There's a balance for me with the nostalgia stuff and new content. Not loving every single change but enjoying most of it.


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Nov 1, 2017
Also, when you make a remake of something as culturally important to the gaming industry as Final Fantasy VII, the game is going to have dozens and dozens of opportunities for failures & triumphs in capturing the spirit of the original game. And that's going to differ from player to player. Nostalgia is a very important factor because the impact of this game has little to do with it being a standalone project and more to do with capturing the spirit and imagination of the developers and players from 1997. Nostalgia is at the core of this remake.
That's very true. Even though it is a reimagining, the driving force of it all is nostalgia full stop.


Oct 26, 2017
Or maybe you can like the Remake but still think some thinks could be remaked differently?

I dunno why it's always have to be "because nostalgia". For example, the music thing, me wanting more synth in the music doesn't mean I want the ORIGINAL music, or I want it that way because nostalgia.

The game will have detractors, some stuff will be not liked by some, but it's not always gonna be just because nostalgia. It's ridiculous to pile any negative opinion in that.


Oct 26, 2017
For me, the main deal breaker would be
Watchmen of fate something to do with Aeris surviving
to me then it's not a remake of the old story, it's like a spin off set in a parallel universe and I want to see my favourite parts from the story recreated in modern technology.

My deal breaker would be if they mess up Clouds story and character arch. FF7 is one of my favourite games, especially for how he is framed and who he turns out to be. I'm not buying into these until I know that, and from what I know happens in this game, it doesn't bode well.

So yeah Nostalgia probably will kill my enjoy for this. That's why I don't like Remakes in general.


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Nov 1, 2017
Or maybe you can like the Remake but still think some thinks could be remaked differently?

I dunno why it's always have to be "because nostalgia". For example, the music thing, me wanting more synth in the music doesn't mean I want the ORIGINAL music, or I want it that way because nostalgia.

The game will have detractors, some stuff will be not liked by some, but it's not always gonna be just because nostalgia. It's ridiculous to pile any negative opinion in that.
My intent wasn't to veil VIIR from criticism, rather it's a prediction of the game's reception. There will be plenty to critique for sure on its own merits.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
You're complaining about people paying a game with their own money that is selling on nostalgia, and saying they shouldn't make any criticism comparing it to the originals. They have every right to that response.

"so just stop complaining about things it has done differently that the original and enjoy as the game it is. "

You see how that might sound defensive?

It's also unconstructive to conversation if everyone has to like everything.

Era Uma Vez

Feb 5, 2020
If this was a 1:1 remake, I wouldn't touch it.
It's a REMAKE, not a remaster.
If things arent being REMADE why would I buy it?

Deleted member 227

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Coming off the demo, I really like what they've done and is 200% on board with this. Why would I want the exact same experience as the first game with updated visuals? With this it will actually feel like a new experience but still be the universe I loved from the original, not to mention the execution so far is really good. Good gameplay and graphics
Oct 25, 2017
Just sounds like you don't want people to play it unless they like it. But I think the variation of opinions should be invited.

I know sometimes backlashes can get repetitive, but like on the other end, aggressive hype, you can play the game and have a break from forums and chill out when you need to.


If you don't like it, don't spend $60 of your money on it.

If I don't like a demo of a game, I'm not gonna buy it. Not sure what is so controversial about that.
Oct 27, 2017
Mount Airy, MD
Based solely on the demo, it feels like what younger me imagined/"saw" at the time when the OG game launched. It couldn't be more what I want, short of being the whole game at once.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017

If you don't like it, don't spend $60 of your money on it.

If I don't like a demo of a game, I'm not gonna buy it. Not sure what is so controversial about that.
I mean you know a demo doesn't tell you everything, I might love the demo and then they screw up other things in the game.


Oct 26, 2017
My intent wasn't to veil VIIR from criticism, rather it's a prediction of the game's reception. There will be plenty to critique for sure on its own merits.

Oh yeah, wasn't really aiming at you, but same as you're predicting the reception, I'm predicting the reaction of the criticism (well, based on some already current examples in other threads lol).


Dec 8, 2017
Oh yes era's negativity cycle.. first because the music is too good, next because the nostalgia is too strong. Tomorrow, because they cut the spider enemies from the game. 😂

My only real complaint right now would be that is not the full story. Demo was great

Based solely on the demo, it feels like what younger me imagined/"saw" at the time when the OG game launched. It couldn't be more what I want, short of being the whole game at once.

Same here.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
Coming off the demo, I really like what they've done and is 200% on board with this. Why would I want the exact same experience as the first game with updated visuals? With this it will actually feel like a new experience but still be the universe I loved from the original, not to mention the execution so far is really good. Good gameplay and graphics
That's all good for you, but just because it's not a upgraded port, doesn't mean we should discourage people from sharing their preferences about what specific aspects they might have expected to be preserved... or just simply what they don't like.

I want loads of people to love it, but it's ok when people get disappointed. We've all been there.


Oct 25, 2017
Not for me. My nostalgia for the original and anticipation for the Remake are separate. I enjoyed the demo, and though there will always be critiques, I enjoy it and am excited for it.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Everyone that I've talked to that has played the original is absolutely hyped for this, myself included. If you're going to do a remake, go all out I say. RE2 was great and did fantastic, this will too.
Oct 25, 2017
I mean you know a demo doesn't tell you everything, I might love the demo and then they screw up other things in the game.

Then I don't know what to say. If you hate the battle system, the vo, the story changes, the UI, the fact that its only Midgar, the music, etc. and you still buy the game knowing all this, then I don't know what to say.

We have an hour long demo out now for everyone. Tons and tons of previews.

This is not a 1:1 remake. This is 100% clear now.

If you don't like what SE has done to FF7, vote with your wallet. But I think we have more than enough information to judge if we want to buy this game or not at this point.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
It'll be interesting hearing points of views from people who have played the original and going to the remake, but more interested in hearing the much smaller group of people who play the remake and go to play the original for the first time.

This is probably a white hot take, but I booted up the original ff7 for the first time after greatly enjoying the demo and deciding that I needed to get through this to really appreciate the fan service the demo has, and I can't take any criticism from the demo Gameplay serious at this point. I'm like 5 hours in, so I'm sure it will change as I get more options (like I'm sure the remake will as well tbh) , but the complaint of button mashing in the demo has very much been true in the original so far as well (just mashing the "attack option" instead). Has not been the most enjoyable Gameplay experience these last few hours while I enjoyed a lot of what I got out of the demo personally. Pre-rendered backgrounds can also be a huge chore to navigate and I'm legit glad that they're not a thing anymore.

So I'm curious to listen afterwards for opinions of people who started with the remake and went backwards, and see where it lines up with people who started with the original.

Deleted member 8752

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
That's always the case with remakes. A portion is going to love it and another portion is going to say the original is better.

It comes with the territory. I prefer to simply treat them as two different games and judge them on their own merits.


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle WA
It's a remake, decades later. It's going to be a different game. I thought they catered to nostalgia more than ignored it in the demo. Character models remind me if the original. Music too. Conversations were close to what I remember, but richer. I loved all the Midgar detail in the opening moments. To me it's FF7 multiplied. I know later there are bigger changes and 60 hours of Midgar might be too much dark dieselpunk.
Oct 25, 2017
If you just wanted an updated ff7 OG, then check out PC.

Check out what you can get on there.


The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
Then I don't know what to say. If you hate the battle system, the vo, the story changes, the UI, the fact that its only Midgar, the music, etc. and you still buy the game knowing all this, then I don't know what to say.

We have an hour long demo out now for everyone. Tons and tons of previews.

This is not a 1:1 remake. This is 100% clear now.

If you don't like what SE has done to FF7, vote with your wallet. But I think we have more than enough information to judge if we want to buy this game or not at this point.
It's all subjective mate. I might not like how if they pad the rest of the game. I might not like the other reinventions of bosses or layouts of levels. The only way to know is to buy it or a present.


Oct 27, 2017
Been fan of the game since 1997, I was nearly jumping in my seat being so happy playing through the demo.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
This is always an issue with remakes (especially one such as big as this one - a decade long project).

I fall prey to this as well... but I keep telling myself to try to give it a fair shake. Based on the demo, prepare for lots of things to be added, changed and/or expanded upon.


Oct 27, 2017
Was always going to be the case.

It's also on us to decide how we engage with discussion about the game.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
Not for me. My nostalgia for the original and enjoyment of the Remake are separate.
Ok, so let's say a scene is really good, won't you think? e.g."they really nailed that scene", "Cloud's voice actor really captures him"

It feels like ok when it's postive to not seperate them.

So I don't think they can truly be separate unless you've not played the original. I think it just varies on what parts you value the most or simply opinions. Both good and bad.


Oct 27, 2017
it's almost like is not a new game made from the ground up and with new content... sure, only nostalgia.

It's being called Final Fantasy 7 remake, instead of you know, a new title for a new game that was made from the ground up...
Anyway, as someone who never thought FF7 was the pinnacle of RPGs, or even the best Final Fantasy, nostalgia isn't a factor for me at least in terms of what I am wanting from it. Although I won't be immune from remembering the past game while playing the new one.


Oct 28, 2017
Literally every adaptation of something with a fanbase goes through this. Alternate thread title: water is wet.


Oct 27, 2017
Only thing the demo ruined for me was how Barrett pronounces mako. That may have been how they meant it to be said in the original but with no voice acting, I always said it as "may koh".

At least they all said Tifa correctly


Jul 22, 2019
I think it can go either way depending on the person.

Same thing for newcomers. They might be blown away or they could be disappointed by coming in with the expectation that this is suppose to be one of the greatest games of all time.